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Increasing SMEs Productivity Through Digital Transformation Adoption of Software as a

Service and Development of Entrepreneurial Attitudes

By :

Endar Pradesa, SE., M.Ak (NIDN. 0218049101)

Ratih Eka Sakti, SE.MM (NIDN. 0201108603)
Metha Aditya Putri, SE.MM (NIDN. 0222068901)

Small and Medium Enterprises have been chosen by the majority of Indonesian
people to get out of social problems. The huge contribution of SMEs in economic
development needs to be supported with more attention to developing and maintaining the
existence of SMEs. This Software as a Service can be usedin utilizing accounting information
systems to record activities and transactions in increasing productivity that have occurred
during a period, in particular there are transformation in data processing. The digital
transformation of data processing is very important. This is important because manual
recording is no longer possible, considering the many problems that will occur, such as
human error or errors errors in recording activities and transactions. Apart from using
technology as a supporting system in recording, technology can indeed help increase
productivity, but technology is currently still controlled by humans. Entrepreneurial attitudes
need to receive serious attention to avoid unethical business practices. However, some
business actors take less commendable actions to achieve business goals.

This study use quantitative approach. Populations in this research were SMEs in
Lubuklinggau. Method taking sample Which used in this study is sample non-probability with
purposive sampling method. Primary data obtained by means of observation and interviews
with leaders business. Collection data on this study done by using survey technique, it was
done by observation And give questionnaire Which direct disseminated to respondents SMEs
in Lubuklinggau. Data analysis method in this study used the approach Partial Least Square
(PLS) by using Smart PLS 3 software. With data analysis techniques, Model measurement or
Outer model with validity test and reliability test, Model Structural or Inner Model,
Evaluation Goodness of Fit as well Testing Hypothesis.


1. Digital Transformation Adoption of SaaS Cloud Accounting Services and SMEs
Productivity in Lubuklinggau City
The results of this research show that the digital transformation of SaaS cloud
Accounting adoption has a positive effect on the productivity of SMEs in Lubuklinggau
City. Based on the respondents' answers, it can be said that SMEs that are digitally
transforming are adopting SaaS cloud accounting to record transactions well, so that
this triggers the potential for SMEs productivity to increase well. This makes SMEs
owners in Lubuklinggau City believe that with the digital transformation of SaaS cloud
accounting services, all the benefits in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the
quality of business financial data in increasing business productivity, SMEs must always
take advantage of this form of digital transformation. SaaS cloud accounting services, so
their trust will be even higher. will support in utilizing the digital transformation of SaaS
adoption in cloud accounting services to increase business productivity. The results of
this study also confirm that the influence of the Task Technology Fit (TTF) theory on
utilization is shown through the relationship between TTF and beliefs about the
consequences of system use.
2. Development of Entrepreneurial Attitude and Productivity of SMEs in Lubuklinggau
The results of this research show that developing an entrepreneurial attitude has
a positive effect on the productivity of SMEs in Lubuklinggau City. Based on the
respondents' answers, SMEs in Lubuklinggau City develop their entrepreneurial
attitudes very well, so that this can trigger entrepreneurs to improve their performance
so that productivity can continue to increase. The entrepreneurial attitude that has been
applied to SMEs respondents in Lubuklinggau City is confidence that the business they
run will continue to develop better so that SMEs productivity can continue to increase,
task and results oriented, brave to take risks and like challenges, a good business is a
business that is led by with good leadership, future oriented and honest in carrying out
business activities. The results of this research also confirm that the influence of
attribution theory explains the process of how we determine the causes and motives for
behavior that can be influenced by external and internal forces.

1. Utilization application accountancy proven influential positive to SMEs productivity in
Lubuklinggau. It can be explained that SMEs in Lubuklinggau utilize application
accountancy For recording transaction with Good, so that matter the trigger
productivity SMEs potential for improvement.
2. Development of attitude entrepreneurial proven influential positive to SMEs productivity
in Lubuklinggau. It can be explained that SMEs in Lubuklinggau develop attitude his
entrepreneurship with very well, so that this can trigger entrepreneurship to improve
performance the good one so that productivity can continue increase.

1. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of
Indonesia through the BIMA program has passed the proposal for Beginner Lecturer
Research for the 2023 fiscal year so as to obtain grant funds to carry out research
2. The Rector and the entire academic community of PGRI Silampari University who have
supported the ongoing research activities.
3. The SMEs of Lubuklinggu City as the target partners who have participated in all of this
research activities.

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