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2. RULES <ul><li>There are no rules, apart from the fact that
our decision will be final & binding. </li></ul>
4. <ul><li>1.One day X sat close to the phonograph with his
head tilted up to one side. It appeared as if he was listening
attentively to the voice coming out of the horn.His dreamily
thoughtful attitude roused his master Francis Barraud,a
commercial artist. Barraud painted him in this appealing pose
. He even titled the painting as Y. Later, Barraud showed the
painting to Barry Owen, the bright young manager of the
Gramophone Company in London. Owen was struck with its
warm appeal and o!ered Barraud 100 pounds for the painting
. He accepted the o!er and the painting appeared as
Gramophone’s new trademark. Name X and Y. </li></ul>
5. X : Nipper , the dog Y : HMV (His Master’s Voice)
6. <ul><li>2.In English, it translates like this : </li></ul><ul>
<li>‘ Oh Lord of the Whole Universe </li></ul><ul><li>Mighty
Lord of the Whole Universe </li></ul><ul><li>The agonies of
devotees </li></ul><ul><li>The sorrows of devotees </li></ul>
<ul><li>In an instant, you make these go away </li></ul><ul>
<li>Oh Lord of the Whole Universe’ </li></ul><ul>
<li>Composed by Pandit Shardha Ram Phillauri in the 1870’s .
What? </li></ul>
8. 3.It will weigh 30 kgs , have a breadth of 20 inches, cost Rs.
300,000 and shall feature more than 3000 photographs. What ?
9. The ‘TENDULKAR OPUS’ which is due to release on June
10. 4.What ?
11. <ul><li>The first Driving License of the World issued to Karl
Benz in 1888. The noise & smell from his Motorwagen resulted
in complaints by the citizens of Mannheim. Benz requested &
received written permission by the Grand Ducal authorities to
operate his car on public roads. </li></ul>
13. Eleanor Velasco Thornton was the model for the Rolls
Royce ‘Spirit of Ecstacy’
14. <ul><li>6. X used the fur of a beaver, black velvet paper, a
hinge and a steel wire to create Y. On 13 th March, 1877, he
received the patent from the US Patent O!ice . X’s invention of
Y came as a boon to people su!ering from wool allergy. Till his
death in 1937, X had become a celebrity in the US. Name X or
Y. </li></ul>
15. X : Chester Greenwood Y : Earmu!s
16. 7. On the _____ __ ____ by Means of Natural Selection ,or
the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.
First seen in 1859 , fill in the blanks to reveal a revolution in
17. Charles Darwin’s book ‘Origin of Species’
18. <ul><ul><ul><ul><ul><li>8. X is derived from the Sanskrit Y
( a dish of rice & pulses). X is described in the writings of
Afanasiy Nikitin , a Russian adventurer who travelled to the
Indian subcontinent in the 15 th century. X was very popular
with the Mughals , especially Jahangir. Ain-i-Akbari , a 16 th
century document , written by Mughal Emperor, Akbar’s vizier,
Abul-Fazl ibn Mubarak , mentions the recipe for X, which gives
seven variations . X is very popular across Pakistan, Northern
India , Eastern India and Bangladesh. Name X. </li></ul></ul>
19. Khichdi
20. <ul><li>9. Literally, X means someone who has killed 30
men . In stories , specially in those of Sheikh Chilli , X is a man
who claims that he has killed 30 men , though it doesn’t seem
so . Hence, when you talk of the actual meaning of X , its used
for someone who says he has done something really big ,
something to be proud of , though it may not actually be so .
How do we popularly know X ? </li></ul>
22. 10. What’s the con ?
23. The connection is Mahua . The 1 st pic is that of the Mahua
tree & the 2 nd one is the logo of the Bhojpuri channel
24. <ul><li>LVC (LONG VISUAL CONNECT) </li></ul>
25. SCORING PATTERN : <ul><li>1 st SLIDE : +50 , -40 </li></ul>
<ul><li>2 nd SLIDE : +40 ,-30 </li></ul><ul><li>3 RD SLIDE : +30
,-20 </li></ul><ul><li>4 TH SLIDE : +20 ,-10 </li></ul><ul><li>5
TH SLIDE : +10 </li></ul>
32. Lines from Dr. Bhupen Hazarika’s song ‘Moi Eti Jajabor’
34. <ul><li>1. Once Friedrich Kekule witnessed a snake seizing
its own tail in the dream which was primarily an ancient
symbol of ourobores . He claimed that this helped him
discover the shape of a molecule of an organic compound .
Which one ? </li></ul>
36. <ul><li>2. What is so significant about the thesis “ The life
and works of Amir Hasan Ballari” in the history of Assam ?
37. For this thesis , Mayeedul Islam Borah got his doctorate
degree to become the first Assamese doctorate
38. 3 . Connect
39. <ul><li>Joe Frazier </li></ul><ul><li>Ken Norton </li></ul>
<ul><li>Leon Spinks </li></ul><ul><li>Larry Holmes </li></ul>
<ul><li>Trevor Berbick </li></ul><ul><li>These were the only
boxers to defeat Mohammad Ali in his professional boxing
career. </li></ul>
40. 4.According to Dr. S.K Bhuyan which event took place in
the triangle between Amraj uri ghat (which was the landing
station of Kamakhya hill), Sukhleshwar Temple on the South
bank & Aswaklanta Temple on the North bank ?
41. The Battle Of Saraighat (1671)
42. <ul><li>5. “I am the star up in the sky </li></ul><ul><li>I
am that mountain peak high </li></ul><ul><li>Hey I made it.
</li></ul><ul><li>_ __ __ _____ _______ </li></ul><ul><li>I am
that little bit of hope </li></ul><ul><li>When my backs are
against the rope </li></ul><ul><li>I can feel it </li></ul><ul>
<li>_ __ __ _____ _______” </li></ul><ul><li>This are the
words of a song by ‘X’. The song is dedicated to ‘Y’. Identify X &
Y & fill in the blanks. </li></ul>
43. X : R Kelly Y : Mohammad Ali “I am the world’s greatest”
44. 6. Dr. Bhupen Hazarika played the role of Anil in the film
‘Siraj’ which was released in 1948 . Now my question is who
played the role of Anil’s maternal uncle Subimal Phukan . One
clue is that he was the music director of the film .
46. 7. Connect
47. <ul><li>The connection is ‘Facebook’ . </li></ul><ul>
<li>Kareena Kapoor’s onscreen pet in Golmaal 3 was named
‘Facebook’ by director Rohit Shetty. </li></ul><ul><li>‘ The
Social Network’, an upcoming drama film directed by David
Fincher about the creation of ‘Facebook’ which was adapted
from Ben Mezrich’s 2009 book “The accidental Billionaires” .
</li></ul><ul><li>The creation of ‘Facebook’ , a tale of sex,
money, genius, and betrayal .The original concept of
‘Facebook’ was borrowed from a product produced by
Zuckerberg’s prep-school Philip Exeter’s academy which for
decades published and distributed printed manuals of all
students and faculty uno!icially called ‘Facebook’. </li></ul>
48. 8. A"er the death of his first wife, Gunabhiram Baruah
married Bishnupriya Devi in 1872. What was so significant
about this marriage?
49. It was regarded as the first Court marriage of Assam.
50. 9. Connect
51. Shankar ,Chief (Amrish Puri in Baadshah) , Doctor , Bhola
and Berger <ul><li>These were the code names of the
hijackers who hijacked the IC-814 plane on 24 th
December,1999. </li></ul>
52. 10. Connect
53. Borders. The border between India & Pakistan is known as
the Radcli!e line a"er Sir Cyril Radcli!e and the Mcmohan line
is the border between India & China named a"er Henry
Mcmohan .
54. 11. This country is built on three peaks at Mt Titano, south
west of Rimini in Italy . It is one of the smallest republics and
possibly the oldest state in Europe . Tradition says that it was
founded as a refuge for persecuted Christians in the 4 th
Century A.D . Name this landlocked country. (The picture
beside can help)
56. 12 . Identify the plant .
57. This is the Quihima plant a"er which Kohima is named.
58. 13. Put funda.
59. The pilot license of JRD Tata
60. 14. Joseph Mohr, an Austrian priest composed it in 1818.
He was informed a day before Christmas that the church
organ was broken and could not be prepared in time for the
Christmas Eve mass. His heart broke on hearing this , as he
could not imagine Christmas without music . So, he composed
it. Name this famous one.

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