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PARAKH | Vividh Bharat   

| 11 July 2021
Quiz Club, Indian Institute of Technology, Patna

Jul. 21, 2021 • 5 likes • 348 views

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Vividh Bharat: the Open India Quiz held under

Parakh: the Quizzing Festival of Quiz Club, IIT
Patna in July 2021.



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 PARAKH | Vividh Bharat | 11 July 2021

1. व वध भारत OPEN QUIZ | TEAMS OF 2 | 11TH JULY 2021 OPEN
OF 2 | 11TH JULY 2021
3. RULES PRELIMS व वध भारत You have to submit the GForm
within 90 seconds a!er the last question is closed. There will
be no rerun of questions. 01. The quiz is open for all. 02. 20
questions in the quiz. 03. Each question carries 1 point. No
negatives. In case of multiple parts to the question, points will
be divided equally. 05. 06. You have to type in your answers in
the GForm only. On the right for desktop users and bottom for
mobile users. 07. 04. Questions 16 to 20 are star-marked. They
will be used to resolve ties. 08. Any unfair means would lead to
immediate disqualification. A camera icon on the top le!
indicates that an image follows the question slide.
4. PRELIMS व वध भारत श्री गणेश करते हैं।
5. व वध भारत QUES01 Sabhyata Dwar (Civilization Gate) is a
sandstone arch situated on the banks of river Ganges. The
monument was opened in 2018 to celebrate the ancient city of
Patna or Patliputra, which was an important centre of Indian
civilization. The Northern and Southern faces of the Gateway,
each bear two ancient inscriptions. Out of these four, three
belong to Ashoka, Gautam Buddha and Mahavira. The fourth
inscription belongs to a foreign envoy who was all in praise for
the city of Patliputra. Here is what it reads "पाट लपुत्र का वैभव एवं
एश्वयिसर् प सिसर् अन साम्रज्य क ◌े महान शहरो सुसा एवं एकबताना से कहीं
बढकर है" (Translation: The splendor and opulence of
Pataliputra exceeds that of the great cities of the Persian
Empire, Susa and Ekbatana.) Who is this foreign envoy?
6. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
7. व वध भारत Megasthenes ANS01
8. व वध भारत X-Y ( X and Y are two rhyming words) is an
indigenous sport which can be said similar to 1 vs 1 Kabbadi.
In this sport there are usually 9 trenches and these trenches
have to be passed by players without being touched by
defending team players. So basically there is 1 vs 1 kabaddi
going on at each trench. This sport X-Y, came into
international light when first south asian championship of this
sport happened in Bhutan in 2013. That championship was
also won by India. The word X in X-Y is also used for paternal
aunt in the language which is native to the state from where it
is believed that X-Y came. Give X-Y or the two-word perfectly
rhyming name of this sport QUES02
9. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
10. व वध भारत Atya-Patya ANS02
11. व वध भारत According to the Puranas, he was born in the
most fearless Andhaka clan of the mighty Yadavas, and son of
Hŗidika. Unlike the more hotheaded, independent-thinking
Satyaki, X is more subdued and traditional. When Satyaki
breaks bonds with the Narayani army, holding his ties to his
teacher Arjuna and his relative Krishna, X fights for the
Kauravas, since Krishna had promised Duryodhan that his
Narayani army will fight for Kauravas. Throughout the war, X
takes part in many acts. He engages in the killing of
Abhimanyu (his own student), he checks Bhima's advance on
the 14th day and defends Jayadratha against Arjuna. He also
does not protest when Ashwatthama proposes they kill the
Pandavas in their sleep. Far from being morally accepting of
such acts, X is portrayed as a very dutiful soldier. What his
senior officer commands, he will execute without failure.
Identify X. QUES03
12. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
13. व वध भारत Kritavarma ANS03
14. व वध भारत Structures like this are a very important part of
the traditional society of this region. These were the most
important and the biggest building in the village. Young boys
who had attained puberty would not be allowed to sleep in
their parent’s house but slept in these buildings until they got
married. Here, they were taught military tactics, handicra!s
and other life skills apart from values like respect, bravery and
hospitality. They were also told folktales and learnt the
customs of the clan. It also served as a place where human
and animal skulls were kept as relics, and a meeting point for
discussing important matters related to the village. In which
state would one find these buildings? (Image Follows) QUES04
15. व वध भारत QUES04
16. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
17. व वध भारत Nagaland Morungs ANS04
18. व वध भारत Which comic character’s profile is this? QUES05
19. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
20. व वध भारत ANS05
21. व वध भारत Regarded as one of the most important South
Indian kings, he helped expand the influence of his kingdom
for the first time to North India and as well as to Sri Lanka,
Indonesia, Thailand and all the way south till Java. This
helped establish his kingdom as a strongest maritime empire
which built on the works of his famous father, who reinstated
their kingdom’s power a!er a long hiatus. He is better known
for his victory of kingdoms surrounding the river in North
India which earned him a title X, named a!er that river. He
further built a capital city under the name X and relocated his
kingdom’s capital from Thanjavur to this city which are both
home to one of the greatest architectural marvels of South
India. Identify X, the title he earned. QUES06
22. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
23. व वध भारत Gangaikonda Cholan ANS06
24. व वध भारत The rulers of this dynasty initially followed a
religion from the native land but as their reign expanded, they
later assimilated Hindu customs and traditions. Though, their
original religion and customs le! an impression. Like the
pyramids at Egypt, they also celebrated the dead by burying
them in hemispherical mounds. Although, they used to be
filled with riches but since the medieval ages people have
robbed them before these were protected as heritage sites.
Another influence can be seen by their association with the
number 8 or the octagonal shape. Almost all their coins and
the temples built during their time are octagonal in shape.
Which dynasty are we talking about? (Image on the next slide)
25. व वध भारत QUES07
26. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
27. व वध भारत Ahoms ANS07
28. व वध भारत This romantic masterpiece was originally titled
a!er this train, which put the story right on track. However, in
the film the route followed by the train is different than what
it actually follows. The train actually runs between Mumbai
and Ferozepur, but in the movie, it takes western route (via
Kota) and the final destination is almost 400 km away from
Ferozepur. Identify the movie . QUES08
29. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
30. व वध भारत Jab We Met ANS08
31. व वध भारत In the months of April and May, when the
Maharashtra was under frequent lockdowns and curfews with
high number of cases. A certain demography shi!ed
themselves out of the state to continue with their livelihood
which was affected by lockdowns. In this situation, locations
like Goa, Gujarat, Silvassa and Hyderabad were the first choice
of most of those shi!ing out of Maharashtra. While the first
three might have gained priority for their proximity to the
original location; Hyderabad was a choice for many for it hosts
an entity, the largest of its kind in the world, which would
have been very ideal place to continue their professions.
Which demography of the population are we talking about?
32. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
33. व वध भारत TV Show Cast and Crew ANS09
34. व वध भारत Recently, a life-sized sculpture of a caricature of
X was installed in a Wildlife sanctuary and X is also made the
mascot of that Wildlife sanctuary. The aim was to raise
awareness about the alarming decrease in their numbers and
to endorse the sanctuary. These creatures are mostly found in
wetlands, especially mangroves. Equipped with webbed feets
and a thick layer of waterproof layer, they are great swimmers
too! X is also homophonic to a type of tea. Identify X(proper
noun). QUES10
35. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
36. व वध भारत Macha the fishing cat ANS10
37. व वध भारत X, a famous personality from 15th century, being
born in the family of JULAHA, used to sell sarees . Due to the
JULAHA’s association with weaving an award is named in
honour of X by the Indian government Identify X. QUES11
38. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
39. व वध भारत Sant Kabir Award for weaving ANS11
40. व वध भारत The image (present in next slide) is from a school
in Ladakh which has become a tourist spot, not only for its
eco-friendly education system but also because of something
that happened here in September 2008 which made this place
of the school shown in the photograph, famous all over India
(or even the world) an year later. The school painted this place
a!er this phenomenon and has now created a replica of this
location at a corner of the school so as to not disturb the
students by the constant influx of tourists. Why did it come
into limelight? QUES12
41. व वध भारत QUES12
42. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
43. व वध भारत 3 Idiots Druk Padma Karpo School in Leh ANS12
44. व वध भारत Bhasa, the sanskrit playwright wrote around the
same time as Bharata was writing Natyashastra. Thus in many
of his playwrights, the rules of Natya Shastra aren't followed.
He was perhaps the only Sanskrit writer who added tragic
elements to his works One such work of his is - Urubhanga (lit.
Breaking of thighs), which is based on a part of a more longer
and famous work. Urubhanga focuses on the time of and a!er
the central character’s last duel, which he lost ultimately
leading to his death and defeat in the war. While the central
character of Urubhanga is portrayed as a villain and being on
the wrong side in the original work, in Bhasa’s work he is
portrayed as one with heroic courage who accepts his
inevitable end. Who is the central character in Urubhanga?
45. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
46. व वध भारत Duryodhana ANS13
47. व वध भारत In the early months of Covid pandemic in India
in 2020, a group of artisans from a specific area in Jharkhand
modified their traditional artform to prepare masks to fight
the virus. They had started working on this artform quite early
for their use in April for the traditional New Year celebrations,
but since the pandemic was declared, there work would have
been a waste if not for redesigning them to be used for
Coronavirus masks. Since the artform traditionally depicts the
triumph of good over evil, it is quite apt that these masks
came up as the weapon in the war against the virus. Which
artform are we talking about? (Images follows in the next
slide) QUES14
48. व वध भारत QUES14
49. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
50. व वध भारत Chhau masks ANS14
51. व वध भारत Not to be confused by the royal palace from
which the design of this is inspired, where would you find this
railway station? QUES15
52. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
53. व वध भारत Agartala Railway Station Modelled a!er
Ujjayanta Palace ANS15
54. व वध भारत This legislative assembly initially had 25 vacant
seats. With subsequent amendments, which although
increased the number of seats in the legislative assembly, the
number of vacant seats dropped to 24 and has remained so
since. These seats remain vacant, no elections are held to fill
up these seats and neither are these seats taken into account
for reckoning the total membership of the assembly. Even
a!er a very important change that occurred around two years
back, the number of these seats didn’t change. Interestingly,
the Lok Sabha has no seats from this region (from which these
24 assembly seats belong to). Which legislative assembly?
Why are the 24 seats always vacant? STAR MARKED QUES16
55. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
56. व वध भारत Jammu & Kashmir 24 seats belong to PoK ANS16
57. व वध भारत The life of this lady was, as highlighted by the
newspaper headline of 1981, “THE FAIRY TALE THAT TURNED
NIGHTMARE?”. It was a review of her recently published
autobiography, only last year she had a divorce out of a
marriage that lasted less than two decades. She grew as an
orphan in New York but met a real life prince of an Asian state,
while majoring in Asian studies. They fell in love and married a
few years later. She was soon crowned as the Queen. The
kingdom was a small one, surrounded and threatened by
countries on all sides. Yet, her husband, as an able ruler,
retained a measure of independence. Generally, the Indian
government used to address the kings of states such as these
as ‘Maharaja’, but on the king’s special request, he was
addressed as X instead, (which means righteous ruler), the
traditional title by which the kings of this dynasty were
addressed. When all was going well, the fairy tale converted
into a nightmare. Both of them had an affair outside marriage
while the state itself was under annexation threats from India.
At last, the state was annexed into India and the king put
under house arrest. She along with her children returned to
the USA to avoid house arrest. She now lives as a lecturer and
author. Which kingdom was she the queen of? What was the
title given to the king? (Image follows) QUES17 STAR MARKED
58. व वध भारत QUES17 STAR MARKED
59. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
60. व वध भारत Sikkim Chogyal (Hope Cooke was the last
Gyalmo or queen of Sikkim) ANS17 STAR MARKED
61. व वध भारत Commissioned in 1628, it took 7 years to
complete and it is believed to have cost twice as much as the
Taj Mahal. It served as a grandiose display of the extravagance
of the Mughal treasury to the world. One of the more detailed
assessments of it was made by, Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, who
was a personal guest of Aurangzeb when he saw it in 1665. A
verse praising the achievements of Shah Jahan was engraved
on it. There were silver steps leading up to a 6 ! by 4 !
platform.….. was elevated about 25 inches high over four gold
encased feet. An arched silk canopy covered the platform and
was supported by 12 gold columns, which were decorated by
bands of pearls that weighed 6 to 10 carats each! It is now
used to refer to the monarchy of another country. Identify this
Mughal construction and which country’s monarchy is
referred to by this name. QUES18 STAR MARKED
62. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
63. व वध भारत Peacock Throne Iran ANS18 STAR MARKED
64. व वध भारत X is a famous, albeit controversial Indian
Godman. He criticised orthodox Indian religions as dead, filled
with empty ritual, oppressing their followers with fears of
damnation and promises of blessings. Such statements made
him controversial, but gained him a loyal following that
included a number of wealthy merchants and businessmen X,
largely active between 1960 to late 1980s was the subject of a
famous Netflix documentary, named Y. The documentary
focuses on the exploits of X in a particular region of
Oregon,USA. This region was incorporated as a city between
1981 and 1988. ID X, the godman, and Y, the documentary.
65. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
66. व वध भारत X: Rajneesh/Osho Y: Wild Wild Country ANS19
67. व वध भारत A household name a!er the serial aired on
Doordarshan in the late 1980s, the character made a
comeback twice in the new millennium. Once as a detective in
the last decade and again as new generation show with new
stories recently in Dec 2020. In all the three serials, the
character has been played by the same actor. The original
character is based on the character of common man created
by R. K. Lakshman who deals with the everyday problems
issues of middle-class Indians. The detective series had just
taken the character and name of the lead, but had nothing to
do with the original serial. It talks about what he does a!er
retirement. He doesn’t solve hard-core crimes but simple
issues like electricity cuts and water problem. In the currently
running follow up series, the focus of the show has shi!ed
from him to his son and daughter-in-law and their kids. The
show still focuses on the everyday struggles of the common
man from the perspective of three generations. Name the
character of the original show and the actor who played this
role all three times. QUES20 STAR MARKED
68. PRELIMS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
69. व वध भारत Srinivas Wagle Played by Anjan Srivastav Wagle
ki Duniya Detective Wagle Wagle ki Duniya: Nayi Peedhi ke
2 | 11TH JULY 2021
72. FINALS व वध भारत WRITTEN ROUND - 1
73. RULES FINALS व वध भारत 01. This Round contains 5
questions on Geographical Indication (GI) Tag Products 02. 03.
04. Identify GI Tag from its logo. 5 points For each question
Extra +5 points for full house
74. व वध भारत QUES1 WRITTEN ROUND-I
75. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have been
separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19 guidelines.
76. व वध भारत ANS 1 WRITTEN ROUND-I
77. व वध भारत QUES2 WRITTEN ROUND-I
78. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have been
separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19 guidelines.
79. व वध भारत ANS 2 WRITTEN ROUND-I
80. व वध भारत QUES3 WRITTEN ROUND-I
81. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have been
separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19 guidelines.
82. व वध भारत ANS 3 WRITTEN ROUND-I
83. व वध भारत QUES4 WRITTEN ROUND-I
84. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have been
separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19 guidelines.
85. व वध भारत ANS 4 WRITTEN ROUND-I
86. व वध भारत QUES5 WRITTEN ROUND-I
87. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have been
separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19 guidelines.
88. व वध भारत ANS 5 WRITTEN ROUND-I
90. RULES FINALS व वध भारत 01. 02. Goes Clockwise in order of
team 1 to 8 Marking Scheme DIRECT: +10/0 BOUNCE: +10/0
POUNCE: +10/-10 03. Points are NOT conserved
91. व वध भारत In April 2021, when the CoVid cases started
rising, lockdowns and night curfews were imposed at many
places. Among others, it disrupted the business of a certain
group of people who generally have their best business during
specific times of the year, one such period fell in the mid of
April, this year. Traditionally, their ‘job’ is done at night but
since the night curfews were imposed, either they received
cancellations from their clients or were asked to ‘perform’
their jobs during the daytime. Some clients have also asked
them if the job could be done virtually over online meetings.
Who are these people? OR, What are their jobs? 1 QUES CLOCK
92. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have been
separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19 guidelines.
93. व वध भारत Jagran / Mata ki Chowki 1 ANS CLOCK WISE
94. व वध भारत The director got the idea for the film while
visiting a music shop with a certain rock artist who famously
organizes birthday concert for a now-Nobel Laureate since
1972. The director thought that the North-East India only
comes in news for all the wrong reasons, while neglecting all
the positives of this music-loving region. In this film he traces
the journey of 8 rock bands, one each from the seven sisters
and Sikkim, which ends at the day-long birthday concert
organized on 24 May 2011. Name the Nobel Laureate. Name
the rock artist from NE India. 2 QUES CLOCK WISE
95. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have been
separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19 guidelines.
96. व वध भारत Bob Dylan Lou Majaw Film is Guns and Guitars 2
97. व वध भारत In the following slide, you’ll find this letter
addressed to President Jimmy Carter from a member of the
US Congress about a CIA mission. The article mentioned starts
by claiming that the Himalayan region hosts a deadly secret as
the CIA had lost a nuclear device on a mountainside in India’s
Uttar Pradesh state which could possibly infiltrate the
Himalayan snow and the Ganges river. The joint mission of the
CIA and the Indian government, was headed by an Indian who
was just awarded the Padma Bhushan for a 1965 expedition
that he led. Which mountain is being talked about? Also name
the Indian personality. 3 QUES CLOCK WISE
98. व वध भारत 3 QUES CLOCK WISE
99. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have been
separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19 guidelines.
100. व वध भारत Nanda Devi or Nanda Kot Manmohan Singh
101. व वध भारत The given photograph is of a part of a temple
situated at a historic site, now in ruins. The temple has 56 such
pillars, all of which are monoliths i.e. carved out of a single
rock. When struck, these pillars emit sounds that sounds like
music. Although it isn’t sure if it was done on purpose but
scholars believe it is highly unlikely that this property of the
pillars is by accident. A variety of Indian classical texts talk
about the architecture and the sound emitting properties of
stones. Some of the interesting things you can see here are: ●
Set of towers which emit sound similar to the seven notes of
Indian classical music ● Pillars having sculptures of
instrument player emit sounds very similar to the instrument
seen in the sculptures. Eg, pillar with cymbal player and
mridangam. Which site are we talking about? 4 QUES CLOCK
102. व वध भारत 4 QUES CLOCK WISE
103. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
104. व वध भारत Vittal Temple, Hampi #south india 4 ANS CLOCK
105. व वध भारत This piece of land, named a!er the river that
flows here is a prime example of how international borders
can divide countries but not nature. The land on the Indian
side is a UNESCO World Heritage Site while the land on the
other side which has the same name, albeit with the Royal
prefix is on the tentative list of World Heritage Sites. This land
boasts of being the home to multiple cat species in a single
area. Also among others, it is home to pygmy hog, Indian
elephant, clouded leopards, sloth bear and Golden Langur.
Name the UNESCO World Heritage Site. 5 QUES CLOCK WISE
106. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
107. व वध भारत Manas Wildlife Sanctuary Royal Manas National
Park is in Bhutan 5 ANS CLOCK WISE
108. व वध भारत Mr. Raman belongs to one of India's oldest silk
weaving families in India. There clients have included Indira
Gandhi, Maharani Gayatri Devi, Maharani of Mysore, actress
Nargis among other legendary names. One of his most famous
creations was a blue color he made in the 1950s for one of his
clients. The color was unique for it was made with artificial
dyes which was relatively new in the dyeing industry of India
in the 1950s. The client famously wore this blue color
Kanjivaram sarees in her appearances, which is why Mr.
Raman named the blue color in her honour. Name the Bharat
Ratna winner client. The high end saree store store owned by
this family again came into prominence around two and a half
years back when the bride of a high profile Mangalorean
wedding chose to wear the Kanjivaram sarees made by them
at her wedding in Italy and reception in Bengaluru. The saree
featured a two-headed creature, whose two heads represent
wisdom (spiritual wealth) and prosperity (material wealth).
Which creature ? 6 QUES CLOCK WISE
109. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
110. व वध भारत M.S. Subbulakshmi (MS BLUE) Gandaberunda 6
111. व वध भारत One of the most interesting anecdotes about
this film is how the director had made it clear to the writer
that audiences should know from the very start that the lead
character was going to die. He wanted the audience to
concentrate on the life of this character and not on the fact
whether he would survive or not. The film starts with an award
ceremony. A doctor has won the Saraswati Puraskar for his
debut literary work, which has the same name as the movie.
The recipient goes on to describe how this work was not
fictional but a real-life account. Name this movie. 7 QUES
112. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
113. व वध भारत Anand 7 ANS CLOCK WISE
114. व वध भारत The plant you see in the image grows in marshy
water bodies and has a very so! and white core which makes
it very suitable for artisans to work upon. The material is white
in color with very much the texture of thermocol or styrofoam.
Objects made of it can be intricately designed, and are very
light and feel like made of paper. It is a very eco-friendly
artform and is used widely across the states where the plant is
grown - from ornamentation of statues and idols to puppets to
decorations. It is also used to make headgears of various
types. One of the classical dance forms of India has the
headgear designed from this very material as seen in the
photograph. Name the dance form. In the neighbouring state
of the state of this dance form, owing to its divine origin and
white colour, the substance is considered auspicious, pure,
and hence used during religious and social functions. A
conical headgear made of this substance is seen at a certain
traditional events as it is believed to be pure and one which
brings good luck. Where would one notice this headgear?
(Images on the next slide) 8 QUES CLOCK WISE
115. व वध भारत 8 QUES CLOCK WISE (the plant) (the headgear
of classical dance)
116. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
117. व वध भारत Odissi dance Bengali wedding Shola topor and
shola mukut worn by the bridegroom and bride respectively 8
118. FINALS व वध भारत WRITTEN ROUND - II
119. RULES FINALS व वध भारत 01. This Round contains 5
questions on Indian Postage Stamps 02. 03. 04. Identify the
context of the stamp Each Question Carries 5 points Extra +5
points for full house
120. व वध भारत QUES1 What event is being referenced here?
121. व वध भारत ANS 1 WRITTEN ROUND-II
122. व वध भारत QUES2 What is being represented? WRITTEN
123. व वध भारत ANS 2 WRITTEN ROUND-II
124. व वध भारत QUES3 Which 14th century Literary genius?
125. व वध भारत ANS 3 WRITTEN ROUND-II
126. व वध भारत QUES4 The 100th year anniversary of which
publication is being celebrated? WRITTEN ROUND-II
127. व वध भारत QUES4 WRITTEN ROUND-II
128. व वध भारत QUES5 Which eponymous business group was
founded by him? WRITTEN ROUND-II
129. व वध भारत ANS 5 WRITTEN ROUND-II
131. RULES FINALS व वध भारत 01. 02. Goes Anti-clockwise in
order of team 1 to 8 Marking Scheme DIRECT: +10/0 BOUNCE:
+10/0 POUNCE: +10/-10 03. Points are NOT conserved
132. व वध भारत This Indian’s speech at the world’s stage in the
last decade was one to remember. Firstly, his speech started
by addressing the ______ of the world (the very reason for
which he was present) even before he acknowledged the
distinguished royals, guests and everyone else. The speech
started in Hindi and then recited a shloka from the Vedas
before he switched to English. Friends, the ______ ______ has
generously invited me.... (to give a speech).... Respectfully, I
am unable to do that. Because, I am representing here – the
sound of silence. The cry of innocence. And, the face of
invisibility. Quite interestingly, though he still gave a speech,
in between the speech he realized that one page of his speech
was missing which was then delivered to him on the stage.
Who’s this individual? 1 QUES ANTI CLOCK WISE
133. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
134. व वध भारत 1 ANS Kailash Satyarthi ANTI CLOCK WISE
135. व वध भारत The origin of this Brahmin community is
debatable but one popular mythological tales states that
when one person, defiled by the killings he had committed,
was looking for Brahmins to perform the rituals, no Brahmin
came forward, so he chose 14 corpses he found in the Konkan
region, he purified them on pyre and restored them to life so
that they could perform the rituals. Thus the community
gained its name which means, pure of the pyre. Which
mythological character? In under an year a!er the Partition
riots, this community was at the receiving end of yet another
massacre which started a!er an infamous action by a member
of this community? What instigated these riots? 2 QUES ANTI
136. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
137. व वध भारत 2 ANS Parshuram Mahatma Gandhi’s
assassination Nathuram Godse was a member of this
community - Chitpawan Brahmins ANTI CLOCK WISE
138. व वध भारत Extract from The Hindu about an individual:
One can see his fleeting Impressionist landscapes from his
travels across India mature into post-Impressionist work that
focused on personal expression soon a!er his move to France.
A chance encounter in Srinagar with photographer Henri
Cartier Bresson in 1948 had already made ____ aware of the
importance of structure and form. The inspiration he needed
to build on these elements came from studying the
sculpturally inclined and highly subject-oriented work of
Cézanne and in time, the <REDACTED> became his very own
Mont-Saint Victoire. Colour, always a forte with ____, played a
vital role over the years in its orchestration alongside the use
of lines, spaces and proportions to complete his carefully
constructed landscapes. What repeated occurrence,
synonymous with him, one can find in his works? Also, name
the person in question. 3 QUES ANTI CLOCK WISE
139. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
140. व वध भारत 3 ANS Syed Haider Raza and the bindu and its
radiating concentric circles ANTI CLOCK WISE
141. व वध भारत This Russian microbiologist did extensive work
in developing a vaccine against Cholera and bubonic plague.
He arrived in India in 1896, as he believed that India was a
suitable place for large scale testing of his vaccines. In 1899,
he established a research institute for himself in Mumbai,
which now bears his name. He was a pioneer of the
vaccination drive of cholera and plague that spread in India at
that time. During one of his vaccination programs in Mulkowal
in Punjab, 19 people died of tetanus a!er being inoculated the
vaccine. Fingers were raised on him, something had gone
wrong with one of the vaccine bottles. A committee was setup
which declared him guilty, the whole incident was called the
‘Little Dreyfus affair’ due to his Jewish heritage. But he had
the support of fellow scientists who believed that he was
innocent, later it was proved that it was the fault of one of his
assistants who had put a dirty lid on the vaccine bottles. He
was acquitted and started working again in Calcutta. Who’s
this gentleman we are talking about? 4 QUES ANTI CLOCK
142. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
143. व वध भारत 4 ANS Waldemar Haffkine ANTI CLOCK WISE
144. व वध भारत At the onset of winter, the Department of
Tourism of Manipur hosts a 10-day festival to showcase and
celebrate the state’s culture. It is named a!er a state symbol of
Manipur. What is it named a!er? One of the latest additions to
this festival is an event organized to celebrate a yearly natural
occurrence in the town of Mao which attracts a lot of people.
The state government plans to invite delegations from
countries like Japan where similar events are world famous.
145. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
146. व वध भारत Sangai Festival Cherry Blossom Festival 5 ANS
147. व वध भारत This site achieved the distinction of being the
first UNESCO World Heritage Site to be ‘virtually’ deposited
into the Arctic World Archives only last year. Before being
discovered by accident by an Englishman around 200 years
ago, the site was forgotten for centuries, probably due to the
dense forests surrounding it. In 2012, the state government
also planned to make complete replicas of four ‘portions’ of
this site so as to reduce crowding in the originals, and enable
visitors to receive a better visual idea, which was difficult due
to dim light in original site. Though, these were not a success
as visitors still opted for the original. Identify this site we are
talking about. 6 QUES ANTI CLOCK WISE
148. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
149. व वध भारत 6 ANS Ajanta Caves ANTI CLOCK WISE
150. व वध भारत The first British Royal Navy ship to be built
outside its home country was built in Bombay in early 1800s.
The order of construction was received by a member of X (last
name) family. The last name literally means shipbuilder. It’s
also claimed that national anthem of a country was also
conceived on board. The person shown in the next slide is a
lawyer, amateur poet and author. He was sent on board to
negotiate the release of prisoners. They were however not
allowed to return and he had to witness the bombings on his
countrymen. The glimpse of the flag of his country inspired
him to write a song which later was adopted as the national
anthem of the country. ID the anthem and X, the family. 7
151. व वध भारत 7 QUES ANTI CLOCK WISE
152. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
153. व वध भारत 7 ANS The Star-Spangled Banner X- Wadia ANTI
154. व वध भारत X is an Indian art form, which is a branch of
Mughal painting. With influences from Persian and British
styles, the artform shows a infrequent fusion of native and
foreign elements. But, unlike Mughal paintings, X draws
inspiration from daily life of common people. Caste
occupations and local festivals dominate the subject of these
paintings. These paintings don’t have any landscape and are
painted directly with a brush. Known for the development in
shading of solid shapes, this art form is characterized by
scrawny faces, thick eyebrows and sunken eyes. A!er
attaining fame and glory, by late 19th / early 20th century, X
saw a decline in demand and patronage. A possible reason
might be the competition it faced from other folk art form,
which is marketed both at home and abroad. Identify X. 8
155. FINALS व वध भारत The question and answer slide have
been separated in accordance with the latest CoVid-19
156. व वध भारत 8 ANS Patna Kalam ANTI CLOCK WISE
157. व वध भारत HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE QUIZ The quiz was
conducted by Quiz Club, IIT Patna under its Quizzing Festival -
A TIME... MONEYBALL /QCIITP /qc_iitp /QuizClubIITPatna

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