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Subject: Language Acquisition


Reading Comprehension
Title Advertisement – Healthy Pleasures
Student’s Name: Class:
Year 7 (Phase 2)
Audrey Lefline Senge 7C
Unit of work Unit 5

Criterion Assessed: B Date:

Duration 30 minutes
Statement of
Persuasive texts in advertising use language intended to influence our decisions.

An advertisement is a notice that tries to persuade us to buy a product or service.

Background Advertisements use a mixture of words and pictures to get our attention. The features of
Information an advertisement help convince the reader to buy the products advertised .
Adapted from Step Ahead 1, pg 230, 237

Read the advertisement and answer the questions.

 Read the questions carefully.
 Provide details and evidence from the text to support your answers.
 Read through and check your answers when you have finished.
ATL Link: Organization Skills: Learner Profile links:
 Planning and organising work effectively. Communicators
 Being punctual to class.
 Organising materials for class. Sources:
Step Ahead 1, pg 238

Teacher Comment:
Student’s predicted score: 6

Teacher’s score:

Approaches to Learning: Organizational Skills Grade:

 Timekeeping – punctual to class.

 Organize necessary materials and equipment for class.
 Organize time to check answers before submitting work.

Student Reflection:
I really like the advertisement, got my eyes attracted to it. The advertisements are well-made and
have a very good information.
Criterion B Reading
At the end of this level, students should have been exposed to a wide variety of simple authentic
written multimodal texts and be able to:
i. identify explicit and implicit information (facts, opinions, messages and supporting details)
ii. analyse conventions
iii. analyse connections.

Achievement level Level descriptor

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the

descriptors below.
The student:
i. identifies minimal stated information (facts, opinions, messages)
in a variety of simple authentic texts
ii. identifies basic conventions in simple authentic texts
iii. identifies basic connections in simple authentic texts.

The student:
i. identifies some stated information (facts, opinions, messages) in a
variety of simple authentic texts
ii. identifies basic conventions in simple authentic texts
iii. identifies basic connections in simple authentic texts.

The student:
i. identifies most stated information (facts, opinions, messages and
supporting details) in a variety of simple authentic texts
ii. interprets conventions in simple authentic texts.
iii. interprets connections in simple authentic texts.

The student:
i. identifies explicit and implicit information (facts, opinions,
messages and supporting details) in a wide variety of simple
authentic texts
ii. analyses conventions in simple authentic texts
iii. analyses connections in simple authentic texts.

Answer the questions.

1. What kind of product is being advertised? (1 mark)

Food product.

2. Why do people choose to drink fruit juice, besides being a thirst quencher? (1 mark)
It is refreshing and good for our body.

3. Explain the two roles of Thio Hui See. (2 marks)

1. Marketing manager of Malaysia Dairy Industries in Singapore.

2. Owner of Marigold Peel Fresh brand.

4. Name two places in the world that supply fruit to the company. (2 marks)

1. North America
2. Europe

5. How many fruit/veg servings does the Health Promotion Board recommend that people should eat each day?
(1 mark)

2 servings each fruit and vegetables.

6. Name two ways in which this product is healthy. (2 marks)

1. It contains vitamins
2. naturally delicious

7. What is the catch phrase for the product? (1 mark)

“3 times more trusted than other brands”

8. Look at the advertisement (on the right). Does it grab your attention? Explain your answer (2 marks)
Yes, it does. The colour is pretty bright and that’s actually why it grabbed my attention, the information is also
good so I’m really sure people would like the advertisement.

9. If you were to create an advertisement for a fruit drink, what visuals (pictures) might you include? Explain
why. (2 marks)

Cute font
Simple information
Nice brand
Perfect colour palette
It will attract more people to look at the advertisement, also it’s pretty simple.
The font is also nice to see, the colour and the font fits the background of the poster.
Some decors are also good to support the advertisement, not going to apply too many decors since it might
bother the people who read the advertisement.

10. Explain how the use of colour in a fruit juice advertisement might help to sell the product? (2 marks)

The colour I choose is going to be pastel, won’t hurt people’s eyes who’re reading it. It also helps cause some
represents the juice and the fruits. Also attract people too, not really sure but pastel colour attracts more people.

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