CV Renal Kamandaka

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Phone : +62 8998685146

Email :
Adress : Taman Krakatau Waringin Kurung Blok G19/06 RT 005/RW 005


PT. Dwimitra Ekatama Mandiri - North Jakarta

Safety Officer
K2 Data Center JKT 01 Project Dec 2023 - Present

Create a work place report and daily report

Inspecting hand tools and work equipment every 3 months or just entering the project area,
Oversee the work in the project area
Inspection of personal protective equipment and emergency response equipment
Perform ToolBox Meeting and safety induction
Attending Safety Meeting
Safety Patrol and Join Safety Inspection

PT. Duta Utama Teknik Abadi

Safety Man
Project LOTTE Chemical Titan Nusantara Jul 2023 - Oct 2023

Oversee the work in the project area

Inspection of personal protective equipment and emergency response equipment
Perform ToolBox Meeting
Do Safety Patrol and Join Safety Inspection

PT. Galuh Gapura Gading

Safety Man
Maintenance in PT. South Pacific Viscose Lenzing Jan 2023 - Apr 2023

Oversee the work in the project area

Inspection of personal protective equipment and emergency response equipment
Perform ToolBox Meeting
Do Safety Patrol and Join Safety Inspection


Full Name : Renal Kamandaka

Date Of Birth : Serang, 11 November 1998
Status : Single
Gender : Male
Religion : Moslem
Age : 25 years old
Akademi Minyak dan Gas Balongan (AKAGMIAS Balongan) INDRAMAYU Fire and Safety

Associate Degree
GPA 2.60/4.0 Graduated
31 January 2022

Languages : Fluent in English, Indonesian

Certification & Training

1. Certified AK3U (Ahli Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja) - KEMNAKER 2022

2. High-Rise Building Workforce 2 (Tenaga Kerja Banguan Tinggi 2) - KEMNAKER 2023

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