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Checklist #1

I / We brainstormed alone / with my group members the general

subject I/we have chosen, raising different options among which to
choose one and focus on.

I / We chose a specific topic / area to focus on.

I / We brainstormed the various aspects of that specific area.

I / We "translated" the brainstorming into "Wh" questions.

I / We composed a research question, the answer to which will

provide the reader with a better understanding of my/our topic.

I / We suggested possible sources of information.

The teacher has approved of my / our research question.

Checklist #2

I / We conducted a search on the net for each part of my / our

research question.

I / We summarized the relevant information.

I / We kept copies of the original sources of information inside

the project file.

I / We added pictures / song lyrics / graphs / diagrams / etc.

that are relevant to the topic.

If relevant:
I / We composed questions for a survey and passed it around
among peers as well as grown-ups.

I / We summed up the results of the survey and drew our

Checklist #3

I / We reflected upon and discussed the data found.

I / We came to a conclusion which is the core answer to my /

our research question.

I / We wrote a complete and detailed answer to my / our

research question, taking into account all the information I / we
have included and used throughout the process of preparing this

The teacher has checked my / our final answer and gave me / us

her remarks.

I / We rewrote it while correcting my / our mistakes.

Checklist #4

I / We have completed all stages of our project and filled in

the 3 previous checklists.

I / We have numbered the pages of our project.

I / We have added a Cover Page with all necessary details.

I / We have added a Table of Contents page.

I / We have left a blank page at the end for Teacher's


I / We have presented the project to my / our class.

I/All group members have a copy of this project.

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