Elysian Model United

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What is

Model United Nations, commonly referred to as "MUNs," are
educational simulations that mirror the operations of the
United Nations. These simulations aim to offer students an
immersive encounter with international diplomacy, global
concerns, and the formulation of policies. Typically organized
as conferences, MUNS involve students taking on the roles of
delegates representing different countries. They participate in
debates, negotiations, and the drafting of resolutions on a
diverse array of global topics. Conferences for Model United
Nations present a distinctive platform for students to hone
crucial skills such as public speaking, critical thinking,
research, and diplomacy. Participants are challenged to
address intricate real-world issues, necessitating thorough
research and an understanding of their assigned country's
perspective on the given subjects. Collaboration with fellow
delegates, navigation of political alliances, and the pursuit of
solutions to global challenges are integral aspects of the MUN.
MUNs provide an invaluable opportunity for students to
expand their horizons, acquire a profound comprehension of
global affairs, of global affairs and foster a sense of global
citizenship. These experiences not only equip them for future
careers in fields like international relations, law, or politics but
also instill a sense of responsibility towards contributing to a
better world through diplomacy and cooperation. Engaging in
MUNs can empower young individuals to become well-
informed, compassionate, and proactive global citizens ready
to tackle the intricate challenges of our interconnected world.

In the heart of July 2024, a revolutionary milestone

awaits the global horizon - the inception of the
Elysian MUN'24. This pioneering assembly
transcends conventional diplomacy, heralding an
epoch where youthful dynamism redefines
international discourse. A maiden venture, this
monumental gathering promises an unparalleled
platform uniting burgeoning intellects to grapple
with pressing global challenges. Amidst the vibrant
tapestry of Delhi's bustling landscape, the Elysian
MUN'24 shapes up to etch an indelible mark on the
memories of both delegates and mentors alike."
"At its core, the Elysian MUN'24 stands as a beacon
of inclusivity and enlightenment. Exemplifying this
commitment lies in its diverse spectrum of
committees, meticulously crafted to unravel the
complexities of our global fabric. Each committee
serves as an avenue, engineered to dissect and
deliberate upon multifaceted facets of our
interconnected world.

IThe selection of Delhi as the esteemed host city for

the Elysian MUN'24 isn't by chance but by design.
Steeped in a tapestry of rich history, a tapestry
interwoven with diverse cultures and burgeoning
modernity, Delhi sets the stage magnificently for this
global gathering. Delegates are poised to delve into
the heartbeat of India's capital, unravelling the
threads of its vibrant markets, savoring its globally-
celebrated cuisine, and immersing themselves in its
deeply-rooted cultural tapestry."
"Delhi's geographical significance within South Asia
encapsulates more than just a location; it symbolizes
a crossroads for international dialogue and mutual
understanding. As a historical epicenter of
diplomacy, Delhi embodies the ideal atmosphere for
this grand international affair, a city where the
echoes of past diplomacy resonate and where the
spirit of global connection finds its natural abode."

Empowering Our Youth

Message from the


What a remarkable journey it has been, one

that fills my heart with gratitude. I vividly remember
my first conference – a mix of nerves and
excitement, sleepless nights in anticipation, and the
joy of donning those formal attire. The rush of
adrenaline before delivering my inaugural speech,
the palpable relief afterward, and that small giggle of
accomplishment are etched in my memory.
Today, I, Gunnika Arora, am delighted to introduce
Elysian MUN, a conference crafted for all.
The inspiration behind Elysian springs from my own experience as a first-
timer, navigating the pre-conference jitters, relishing in the joy of meeting
new people, and forming connections that last a lifetime. The conference is
meticulously designed to ensure that everyone in the circuit feels a sense of
belonging, free from judgment, and empowered to express their beliefs.
In my rle as the founder, I envision Elysian not merely as a conference but as
a platform where diplomacy transcends boundaries and where the
perspectives are valued.
From my perspective, human relations are akin to international relations, and
as participants, we are learning to navigate and regulate conflicts at a steady
It brings me immense joy to share that Elysian MUN'24 is scheduled for this
July. Anticipate the finest Executive Boards in the circuit, compelling
agendas, engaging socials, and debates that will undoubtedly leave an
indelible mark on your mind.
Come, join us on this transformative journey, where every voice resonates,
and every delegate shapes the narrative of global diplomacy.

Warm Regard's

Message from the


Higher the vision, harder has to be the

effort with no place for self-doubt.
This is what I have learned and
believed throughout my journey of
edification so far. Being privileged to
be a part of this community, I hereby
pay my gratitude to the members for
bestowing their trust in me.
MUN's are no less than a pool of opportunities with a
plethora of experiences shaping up one's personality. To
learn how the world is so interconnected and how a trifle
can have a major influence is indeed an eye opener at times.
I am certainly positive regarding the long term benefits that
Model United Nations would serve to our. We would emerge
as multifaceted front runners in all the walls of life.
The conferences are having not only the skills the individual
skills of participants but also enhancing the teamwork, thus
transforming followers into leaders.

Studying forward with utmost belief and


Message from the


It is with great honour and enthusiasm

that I extend my warm greetings to
each one of you as the Vice President
of Elysian MUN. Your dedication to
fostering diplomacy & understanding
is truly commendable, & I am thrilled
to witness the impactful discussions
that will undoubtedly transpire during
this conference.
As we embark on this collective journey towards solutions
and resolutions, I am reminded of the timeless words of
Winston Churchill: "Courage is what it takes to stand up
and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and
In the spirit of these wise words, let us approach our
deliberations with the courage to express our perspectives
and the humility to actively listen to the diverse voices that
grace this assembly.
May this conference be a testament to the power of
collaboration and the unwavering commitment to a brighter,
more harmonious future. I look forward to witnessing the
efforts incredible discussions and innovative solutions that
will undoubtedly emerge from your collective efforts.

Message from the


For me Model UN isn't just about

debate or costumes. It's a training
ground for critical thinking,
diplomacy, and global awareness.
Imagine stepping into the shoes of
a world leader, tackling complex issues
like climate change or refugee crises. You. research,
negotiate, and collaborate, learning to see the world
from different perspectives and build bridges across
divides. It's not about winning, but about finding
common ground and creative solutions. So, whether
you're passionate about politics or just curious about
the world, MUN offers a unique chance to grow,
connect, and make a difference.
The Elysian mun gives a platform to young minds like
us to collaborate, deliberate and distinguish.
Together, lets embark on a transformative journey,
empower one another, and create a world where the
aspirations of the youth are realised

Message from the


"Sonder — noun. the realization that

each random passerby is living a
life as vivid and complex as your
own." Greetings! In my opinion, it
is an extremely human experience
to sometimes forget that the world
revolves around the orbit of the earth and
everyone in the grand scheme of things, is a miniscule
creature walking the same path, living the same life,
fighting ONE battle. MUNs gave me sonder, Diplomacy
gave me sonder, something I'll carry with me whichever
way I choose to walk. I believe MUNs are a huge learning
experience, one might even say life-changing. The
transition from a confused delegate to your first best
delegation will teach you alot, the way changes in
something as small as your molecular structure effects
your whole body, the decision of one region can effect
the entire world. The consequences of our own actions,
the rewards of our cooperation and watching the world
function in what feels like one big butterfly effect.
Welcome to diplomacy and be ready for the experience
of a lifetime.




DELHI NCR ₹2100 6&7 July




Gunnika Arora - FOUNDER +91 98181 46692

Ishaan Kukreja - PRESIDENT +91 70654 55854

Palak Gour - VICE PRESIDENT +91 82876 44520

Vaishant Kapoor - SECRETARY +91 98717 16446
Shaunak Anand - DIRECTOR +91 99102 02847

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