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Semester 1, 2023 EDU10003 The World of Maths

Assessment #3: Folio

Word/time limit: 1200 words (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 30%
Due date: Week 12 Sunday 11.55pm

Assessment overview

The assessment requires you to produce a collection of three mathematics activities with each
focusing on a different theme within the context of the teaching and learning of mathematics
and numeracy.

The three mathematics activities you will create for this folio will allow you to apply your
understanding of contemporary perspectives/pedagogical approaches as well as produce a
collection of information, resources and reflections that will help you develop your skills in
navigating relevant curriculum documents, recognise the way in which mathematics is
addressed in the curriculum and identify relevant resources to support teaching and learning.

This task is assessing your ability to demonstrate that you meet the criteria for the following
unit learning outcomes:
ULO2. Describe the impact and role of contemporary theories on the development of
mathematical thinking and numeracy processes.
ULO3. Recognise authentic learning opportunities for numeracy and mathematics in
play and
everyday experiences.
ULO4. Demonstrate how ICT can be used to increase children’s engagement with
numeracy and
ULO5. Explore mathematics and numeracy in relevant National and/or State or
Territory curriculum

Assessment details

Your folio will contain three pieces of evidence. These have been detailed for you in the
following table:
Themes and items for Assignment 3: Folio
Theme Item
Hands-on An engaging maths activity that includes concrete materials to support the
learning learning. Needs to be able to differentiated and open ended
Using ICT in An engaging maths activity that includes an ICT resource to enhance the
Maths learning further.
Learning An engaging maths activity that can occur outside or in a different
environment learning space.

Requirements for each piece of evidence

To help you to produce and submit your folio, you must use the provided template (Template
file name: EDU10003 Assignment 3: Folio). This document contains three individual
templates (one for each theme), as well as a section for your reference list.

For each template you need to complete the following:

1. Choose an age group (Early Childhood) or Year Level (Primary). They can be all
same/different. Please state your choice clearly for each activity. Select an appropriate
curriculum link from the selected age group for each template. Please use EYLF, VEYLDF,
ACARA or Victorian Curriculum only. You must include the Curriculum code and content

2. Activity explanation (200 words)

Activity explanation questions for Assignment 3: Folio

 For activity 1 and 2: What is the resource and how will it be used (activity)?
A  For activity 3: What is the learning space and how will it be used (activity)?

 For activity 1, 2 and 3: What will the students be doing during the activity?

 For activity 1, 2 and 3: What is the teacher’s role during the activity?

3. Justification (200 words)

Justify how the activity reflects how children best learn maths, making sure you explore the
following in your discussion:

 Contemporary perspectives/pedagogical approaches

 Teaching strategies

Important note: Links to relevant research including core readings and additional research
and literature is expected within this section. If You need to use APA referencing for in-text
citations and include all in the reference list section of your EDU10003 Assignment 4: Folio
template. No appropriate scholarly references engagement will result in an automated NP.
Assessment criteria

1. Identification and explanation of suitable mathematics activities that align with the
chosen themes.
2. Justification linked to contemporary perspectives and pedagogy.
3. Selection of appropriate curriculum links
4. Written communication and APA referencing
Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide:

Assignment 1 marking guide

Criteria NP P C D HD
Activity selection Did not Three templates have been Some understanding of Quality maths activities Original and creative ideas
and meet the included. quality maths activities is have been chosen that are evident as high-quality
explanation (40% criterion. Further depth and/or demonstrated across the accurately meet the activities have been selected
) clarity is needed in the templates. requirements of each for each template that would
activity explanations. The activity explanations theme. engage children and support
There is evidence of some are mostly clear and Each activity explanation their mathematical
modern teaching ideas. demonstrate some is clear, well-considered development.
understanding of modern and thorough. The activity explanations
teaching ideas. The activities demonstrate demonstrate sophisticated
Further consideration for a sound understanding of awareness and inclusion of a
how the resources/learning modern teaching ideas. variety of modern pedagogy.
space within the activities
can be used as a vehicle for
engagement was needed.
Justification of Did not A written rationale has A written rationale has been A written rationale has An in-depth and clearly
choice of activity. meet the been attempted for each provided for each activity. been provided for each articulated rationale has been
(40%) criterion. activity. The justification activity that demonstrates provided for each activity.
The justification needs demonstrates an depth and clarity. The justification
stronger links understanding of The justifications demonstrates a sophisticated
to contemporary contemporary pedagogy, demonstrate a sound and understanding of
pedagogy. although further depth accurate understanding of contemporary pedagogy.
There is an attempt to and/or accuracy was contemporary pedagogy. Discussions are seamlessly
support some of the needed. Discussions are supported with a variety of
discussion with research Discussions are consistently consistently supported academic literature.
literature. supported with relevant with good quality research
research literature from the literature.
unit materials.
Selection of Did not Curriculum links have Appropriate curriculum Accurate curriculum links All curriculum links
appropriate meet the been provided for each links have been provided for have been provided for provided are accurate and
curriculum links. criterion. template. each template which mostly each template. relevant to the activities
(10%) A limited understanding of aligns with the expectations The selection demonstrates included.
the curriculum is evident of the age group and the an emerging awareness of The selection demonstrates a
as there are some described activity. how mathematics is sound awareness of how
inaccuracies demonstrated addressed in the mathematics is addressed in
with the mathematics curriculum. the curriculum.
expectations and/or
meaning of the selected
curriculum links.
Communication Did not The submission is The submission reads The communication style The submission is reflective
and APA meet the generally easy to read. clearly and coherently. is effective for the of the academic writing style
referencing criterion. There are significant There are some spellings intended audience. and communicates purpose.
(10%) spelling and grammatical and/or grammatical errors There are no persistent There are minimal spelling
errors throughout. throughout. spelling or grammatical or grammatical errors
An attempt has been made APA referencing style has errors throughout. throughout.
to support ideas with been followed with some APA referencing style has APA referencing style has
research literature and use errors throughout. been followed with some been followed accurately
APA referencing style. errors throughout. with few errors throughout.

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