First Chapter MCQ

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Q-1 Which Technology is in optical disk

A. Mechanical B. Electrical C. Electro Magnetic D. Laser

Q-2 Which of the following storage device store maximum amount of data
A .Floppy Disk B. Hard Disk C. Compact Disk D. Magneto Optic Disk

Q-3 EPROM can be used where

A. Erasing the contents of ROM B. Reconstructing the contents of ROM
C. Erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROM D. Duplicating ROM
Q-4 Memory unit is a part of
A. Input device B. Control unit C. Output device D. Central Processing Unit
Q-5 Which unit controls the flow and functioning of data and information?
A-Arithmetic logic Unit B. Central Unit C. Middle Unit D. Control Unit
Q-6 In which unit is the performance of cache memory measured?
A. Bit Ratio B. NOR Ratio C. No Ratio D. Hit ratio
Q-7 Which of the following number systems uses only 0 and 1
A-Decimal B. Octal C. Hexadecimal D. Binary
Q-8The process of producing customer list in alphabetical order falls under which category?
A. Editing B. Sorting C. Updating D. Calculating
Q-9 Compiler is a _____________________.
A. a combination of computer hardware
B. a program which translates from high-level language to another
C. a program which translates from one high-level to a machine level
D. None of these
Q-10 Which of the following is not an output device?
A. Scanner B. Printer C. Flat Screen D. Projector
Q-11 Programs that are stored permanently in ROM
A. Hardware B. Software C. Firmware D. ROMware
Q-10 What is memory made of?
A. Set of wires B. Set of circuits C. Large number of cells D. All of these
Q-11 Machine language is a language
A. Which directly understood by a computer B. Which needs to be translated
C. Which uses mnemonics D. In which programs are written first
Q-12 The oldest calculating devices are
A. Abacus B. Clock C. calculator D. None of these.
Q-13 The language that computers understand and execute is called
A. Machine Language. B. Application Software. C. System Program. D. Assembly language.
Q-14 What are the sequential 3 functions of CPU?
A. Decode, fetch, execute. B. Execute, decode, fetch.
C. Fetch, execute, decode. D. Fetch, decode, execute.
Q-15 Moving a process from main memory to disk memory is called
A. Scheduling B. Caching C. Swapping D. Spooling
Q-16 Which command is used to duplicate a Disk Operating System (DOS) disk?
Q-17 If any data is processed as it comes, then this type of data processing is called
A .Real time processing B. Batch processing C. Off line processing D. Distributed processing
Q-18 Client/server architecture can be used
A. LAN B. WAN C. MAN D. All of these.
Q-19 Which of the following is not a programming language?
Q-20 The process of maintaining data for future use is called
A. Reading B. Writing C. Storing D. Coding
Q-21 The process of manipulating data to obtain some meaningful result is called
A. Information handling B. Data sharing C. Data distribution D. Data processing
Q-22The method used for magnetic tape is
A. Direct B. Random C. Sequential D. Indexed
Q-23The _______ unit coordinates the sequence of events of the computer's central processor.
A-Logic unit. B. Arithmetic unit. C. Storage unit. D. Control unit.
Q-24Instructions/programs that are loaded into main memory when the computer boots
A-Internal commands. B. External commands. C. Utility Programs. D. Boot loader
Q-25 Which of the following memory loses data when power is lost?
A-Magnetic tape B. Static Random Access Memory C. Magnetic disk D. CD-ROM
Q-26 Factor that does not affect the storage capacity of a hard disk
A. Track density B. Height of the hard disk drive C. Recording density D. Number of plates
Q-26 Operating system that reads and responds in real-time context
A. Batch system B. Quick response system C. Real time system D. Time sharing system
Q-27 Which of the following is a spreadsheet package?
A. Corel Draw B. Wordstar C. EXCEL D. MS-WORD
Q-28 Ink-jet printers are
A. Impact printers B. Laser printers C. Non-impact printers D. Optical printers
Q-29 What is required in refreshing circuit?
Q-30 In what order are files placed in the heap
A. Random order B. Sequential order C. Indexed order D. Printer-referenced order
Q-31 What is VGA?
A. Video Graphics Array B. Visual Graphics Array C. Volatile Graphics Array D. Video Graphics Adapter
Q-32 3.5 inch floppy disk capacity
A. 1.40 MB B. 1.44 GB C. 1.40 GB D. 1.44 MB
Q-33 EBCDIC means
A. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code B. Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
C. Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code D. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code
Q-34 The main component of the first generation computers was
A. Transistors B. Vacuum Tubes OR Valves C. Integrated Circuits D. None of above
Q-35In which generation of computers microprocessor was used as switching device?
A. First Generation B. Second Generation C. Third Generation D. Fourth Generation
Q-36Which task is not done by computer
A. Inputting B. Processing C. Controlling D. Understanding
Q-37 Select the same used for logical operations or comparisons, that is, less than, equal to, or greater than.
A. Arithmetic and Logic Unit B. Control Unit C. Both of above D. None of above
Q-38 The main function of shared memory is
A. to use primary memory efficiently B. to do intra process communication
C. to do inter process communication D. None of above
Q-39Which file system does DOS generally use?
Q-40 Which of the following is not an advantage of multiprogramming?
A. Increased throughput B. Shorter response time
C. Decreased operating system overhead D. Ability to assign priorities to jobs

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