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Amal A High School * Petah-Tickva

1st – General Rubrics (total - 55 points)

Points Points
Handed in on time 5 Handed in later 2-4
There is a clear research 5 The research question is not 2-4
question very clear
All parts relate to the 5-7 Most parts relate to the 2-4
research question research question
There is clear evidence of 8-10 There are spelling / grammar 6-8
independent, individual mistakes . There is group
editing and summarizing, and editing and summarizing
use of new vocabulary alongside w/ "copy and paste
" procedures
**Each member of the 6-8 **Most of the group worked 4-6
group took active part on well, but not everyone
the project. They worked contributed to the final
well together product
The project contains- 8-10 The project is fairly 6-8
*cover page organized. Contains most of
*table of contents the requirements
*required assignments
*all forms that were
handed out.
*personal reflection page
The whole project is typed, 8-10 Project looks 6-8
neat, well organized. Neat and aesthetic, is filed
Includes pictures, is in a folder from left to right.
properly filed in a folder
from left to right

** When the project is done individually, the point here are equally
devided between the criteria above and below it.

The English staff team© 2002-2007

Amal A High School * Petah-Tickva

2nd - Process Rubrics (total - 25 points)

Points Points
All drafts and corrections 5- 8 Most drafts are included in 1-4
are filed in the folder the folder
There is evidence of 3- 5 There is some evidence of 1-2
discussions and decision discussions and decision
making making.
All resource materials are 4- 6 Some of the resource 1-3
mentioned and included materials are mentioned and
Working schedule pages are 3- 6 A few working schedule pages 1-3
all included showing evidence are included, and there is no
that all group members evidence that all group
worked well together members worked together

The English staff team© 2002-2007

Amal A High School * Petah-Tickva

3rd – Oral Presentation Rubric (total- 20 points)

Points Points
*All group members took *Only some of the group
part in the presentation members presented the topic.
4 1-3
and efforts were fairly Tasks not well divided
*The presentation was 5 *Interesting and informative 1-3
informative and clear. presentation but not all
All members showed members are experts on it
knowledge of the
research and its
*Members of the group 3-5 *Group speaks fairly, but not 1-2
used new vocabulary very fluently. Basic grammar
spoke fluently and mistakes are made vocabulary
correctly very limited
The presentation lasted 3 Short presentation (5 -6 1-2
about 10 minutes minutes).
There was creative, 1-3 Few visual devices. 1-2
interesting use of visual Suits the subject to some
devices, the presentation extent, but not very well
was well prepared and prepared .

* These rubrics refer to both individual and group work equally.

The English staff team© 2002-2007

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