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Major: Bachelor of Business Administration

The process of consumer behavior and the impact

of culture on the decision-making stage of
Kinh Do

Hanoi, month 12 year 2023

I. INTRODUCTION.......................................................2
1. Short profile of Kinh Do.............................................2
2. Target customer and target market..............................2
2.1 Target customer.......................................................2
2.2 Target market..........................................................3
II. BODY PART...............................................................4
1. The process of consumer behavior..............................4
1.1 Problem recognition................................................4
1.2 Information search..................................................4
1.3 Evalutation of alternatives......................................5
1.4 Purchase decision....................................................5
1.5 Post-purchase evaluation.........................................5
2. The impact of culture on the decision–making stage..6
2.1 Culture.....................................................................6
2.2 Social class..............................................................7
3. Suggestion...................................................................7
III. CONCLUSION.........................................................9


1. Short profile of Kinh Do

In Vietnam, Kinh Do Joint Stock Company is a sizable business that specializes in

producing and selling snacks. The company's primary offerings are ice cream, cakes, and


Listed on the Vietnamese stock exchange, Kinh Do is among the wealthiest private

enterprises. In addition to serving 64 Vietnamese provinces and cities, Kinh Do's

distribution network exports to 20 other countries, including the US, Europe, Australia,

the Middle East, Singapore, and Taiwan.

Since its establishment in 1993, the Kinh Do mooncake brand has become ingrained

in the childhood recollections of numerous generations. With almost 30 years of moon

cake production experience and a commitment to customer service, Kinh Do moon cakes

have grown to be a well-loved and reliable brand among Vietnamese consumers who

enjoy them with their families as well as sentimental presents for partners and family.

2. Target customer and target market

2.1 Target customer

The target market for Kinh Do consists primarily of middle-class to lower-class

consumers, businessmen in the age range of 23 to 55, and family housewives. The target

market for luxury goods like Golden Moon mooncakes and Korento biscuits is wealthy

people who are purchasing them as gifts. The mooncake model offered by the company is

appropriate for every customer's income bracket.

Kinh Do Company established a network of distributors and agents covering 61

provinces and cities, primarily in major cities like Hanoi, Hai Phong, Da Nang, and Ho

Chi Minh City, to dominate the domestic market. They always make sure business

distribution is timely and transparent. The system of distributors and agents within the

company has played a significant role in its growth and development due to its ability,

experience, and long-standing relationship.

2.2 Target market

In the most strategic and prime locations, Kinh Do Distribution System has brought

great trust by creating a clear transformation with more than 200 strong distributors, a

chain of 30 Kinh Do Bakery stores, and nearly 120,000 locations. selling, 30,000 points

selling ice cream and dairy products... throughout Vietnam. For distribution channels to

supermarkets, the brand also supplies products directly to more than 150 supermarkets.

Therefore, this distribution network is considered a nationwide network. Mooncakes are a

seasonal product, so distribution channels take advantage of the company's strengths.

Kinh Do has organized more than 13,000 Kinh Do mooncake sales locations across the

country every fall. Sales points are concentrated in supermarket chains such as Citimax,

Maximart, Co.op Mart, Vinmart... You can see stalls widely displayed on the main streets,

where people gather.


1. The process of consumer behavior

1.1 Problem recognition

The buyer wishes to fulfill a new need or desire. Stimuli identify needs based on

both internal (such as hunger and thirst) and external (such as exposure to advertising)

stimuli. One of the most well-known Mid-Autumn ball brands in Vietnam is Kinh Do.

Due to Kinh Do's classification in 64 provinces and more than 40,000 odd sale points,

customers will naturally consider purchasing this brand when they wish to enjoy a moon

cake with tea for the traditional New Year's celebration or as a gift. Vietnamese people

can now easily engage in other upscale cakes from the capital, such as moon cakes.

Customers Compared to other cakes, they will have a higher social status when selecting

a product from Kinh Do.

1.2 Information search

Customers' decision to look for more or less information will depend on the degree

of engagement and the complexity of the transaction. Insider knowledge comes before

the customer encounter. Customers will recall prior encounters they had with. The filling

is soft and flavorful, the cakes taste great, and the crust has a delicate yet striking pattern.

Outside information is that which is gathered from friends and family. Recommendations

from friends and family appear to have greater credibility with customers than

informational marketing.

1.3 Evalutation of alternatives

Customers will be able to evaluate each of the available alternatives once they have

collected all the information about the various brands or products. In this assessment

stage, the customers would rate the products according to their satisfaction with quality,

cost, or other features. Consumers are becoming more picky when it comes to what best

suits them. Customers consider a store's atmosphere in addition to the quality of the

mooncakes; additionally, when making a purchase, the location of the store may be one

of the evaluating criteria; typically, customers select the store that best suits their needs

and is convenient for them, taking into account aspects like design, services, music

played, and atmosphere.

1.4 Purchase decision

Unexpected occurrences as well as internal factors like product value, quality, and

taste could have an impact on this choice. Additionally, external factors like brand

awareness, sales, and customer reviews could influence the decision. Vietnamese people,

for instance, adore organic farm products. As a result, Banh Kinh Do consistently creates

goods with the well-known flavor of the Vietnamese countryside—filled with beans,

green beans, and sweet matcha.

1.5 Post-purchase evaluation

Following their purchase and usage of the product, customers will rate their level of

satisfaction. Then, a high degree of client satisfaction will result in recurring business.

Once the customer is happy with the purchase, they will become a devoted customer and

forego the alternative review and information search phases on future purchases.

According to one study, after a customer's complaint is addressed, they tend to tell four or

six other people about their experiences.

2. The impact of culture on the decision–making stage

2.1 Culture

The Asian Mid-Autumn Festival has grown to be a unique cultural event for friends

from other countries. To showcase its unique national identity, every nation will observe

the Mid-Autumn Festival following its traditions. Not only are there various ways to

observe the Mid-Autumn Festival, but moon cakes from various Asian countries also

vary. For instance, because the Chinese mooncake, known as Yue bing (moon cake), is a

celebration of family reunions, it is also known as a reunion cake. Chinese cakes are

round and filled to the brim with a variety of ingredients like taro, green tea, red beans,

green beans, roasted meat, and char siu. These days, chocolate, cream, and cheese are

also used as filling for moon cakes in China. Additionally, the cake form is more

complex, featuring animal shapes, squares, and frequently printed words with a positive

meaning. We have Korea as an example in addition to China. In Korea, Chuseok, or the

Mid-Autumn Festival, is one of the biggest holidays of the year. People prepare

Songyeon, a traditional half-moon-shaped rice cake, on this occasion. We also need to

mention nations like Japan in addition to the examples provided by the first two

countries. - Hopia cake; Philippines; Singapore; Tsukimi Dango; Durian sticky rice cake.

However, the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is rich in cultural significance and a

sense of national identity, is a very important event for Vietnamese people. Mooncakes

are an essential component of the Mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnam. Baked cakes and

flexible cakes are the two most popular varieties of mooncakes in Vietnam. Cakes are

typically rounded, representing the desire for happiness and a reunion. Additionally, Kinh

Do launch a variety of moon cakes that are appropriate for a wide range of audiences

because they have a profound understanding of the cultural beauty of the Vietnamese

people. In addition, Kinh Do pays respect to the beauty of Vietnamese culture by bringing

a harmonious fusion of media and modernity.

2.2 Social class

Social class manifests itself in some form in almost every society. It is influenced by

a wide range of factors, such as occupation, power, wealth, status, education, and family

history. Similar to culture, social class shapes people's perceptions of their own needs and

wants, which in turn affects how they purchase. Individuals from the same

socioeconomic class typically go to the same schools, live in similar neighborhoods, shop

at similar kinds of establishments, and have similar attitudes.

3. Suggestion

One thing that gives Kinh Do an advantage over many other businesses is that its

bakery brands are widely distributed throughout Vietnam, with many of their stores

situated in prime areas like shopping malls and busy streets. Nonetheless, there are a few

recommendations for Kinh Do to enhance customer satisfaction and service.

Firstly, Kinh Do ought to concentrate on expanding its e-commerce business. In the

current era of technology, customers find that shopping online meets more of their needs

than visiting sales representatives in person. Kinh Do can develop an independent

application that would offer customers an online ordering platform and improve their

online shopping experience.

Next in terms of selling price is consumption, which includes providing discount

codes, membership cards, and loyalty cards to a large number of customers to promote

consumption, find devoted customers specifically, and find other products besides Kinh

Do in general.

Regarding promotions, Kinh Do ought to create a year-round marketing plan for

Mooncakes rather than concentrating just on advertising during the days leading up to

and following the holiday.

Change your marketing strategy to attract younger customers. Kinh Do can be

promoted by celebrities, KOLs, or social media sites like Facebook, Youtube, TikTok,...

Products from Kinh Do are becoming more and more high-quality, varied, and

environmentally friendly. They also serve a variety of trends, target markets, consumer

psychology, and new flavors. Compared to its rivals, Kinh Do has the best distribution

system, which contributes to its useful location and simple customer access. Public

relations and advertising played a significant role in the company's expansion. The

identity of the people of Vietnam and the Orient is infused into Kinh Do's product PR

strategy, which more deeply appeals to the user's emotions. But it's out of date,

inaccessible to certain customer segments, and keeps customers from learning about new

product offerings. Furthermore, the e-commerce platforms of today represent possible

and efficient markets for product distribution.

Vietnamese people's incomes and standards of living are rising at the moment, and

the nation is making inroads into the global economy by removing tariffs and opening up

great opportunities for Kinh Do. Threats, though, also accompany opportunities. When

Kinh Do joins international economic organizations, it will have to contend with

numerous rivals worldwide. As low-quality imitation brands enter the market and ruin

consumers' perceptions of products, the issue of food safety and hygiene is receiving

increased attention and concern.

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