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Nattassha et al.

Agric & Food Secur (2020) 9:10 Agriculture & Food Security

RESEARCH Open Access

Understanding circular economy

implementation in the agri‑food supply chain:
the case of an Indonesian organic fertiliser
Ruth Nattassha* , Yuanita Handayati, Togar M. Simatupang and Manahan Siallagan

Background: One of the most important issues in the agri-food industry and its supply chain is the existence of
by-products, treated as wastes and discarded immediately to waste disposal. This treatment might lead to loss of
possibility in gaining economic value from them. Implementation of a circular economy could prevent the economic
value loss, since the circular economy utilises said wastes as resources for other processes. However, the enforcement
has obstacles and a lack of explanation in the literature, particularly in the case of an organic fertiliser producer.
Results and conclusions: This research develops a conceptual model of an organic fertiliser producer through the
soft systems methodology approach. The results shed light on the ongoing literature by identifying the overall system
and relevant components. Further, this study highlights several issues, the most important of which is the lack of
interaction between the company and the farmers, which decrease the farmers’ desire to purchase the organic ferti-
liser. For better implementation of circular economy in this particular supply chain, it is suggested that the company
establish better communication with their customers, the farmers, especially to gain better understanding of their
wants and needs.
Keywords: Circular economy, Agri-food supply chain, Soft systems methodology, Organic fertiliser

Background in the supply chain of the agri-food industry, in which,

The matter of food waste has become increasingly crucial generally, by-products are considered as mere wastes
for the East Asia and Pacific region, as reported by The instead of viewed as a new resource to be utilised [2]. As
World Bank. This region generated 468 million tonnes of the wastes are immediately disposed, the failure to gain
waste in 2016, with 53% of this being organic, especially economic value from the by-products is inevitable and
from the food industry, making it the region with the might cause economic loss. While some of these wastes
highest amount of generated waste globally [1]. However, can impact the environment positively, such as organic
despite this high amount of generated waste, the majority food waste being the natural fertilisers for plants as time
of these wastes are immediately disposed to the landfill goes on, they might harm the environment in the process.
(46%) or incinerated (24%). This issue concerning wastes Food wastes generate methane when they are decaying,
has also been acknowledged as one of the characteristics which might contribute to climate change in the form of
greenhouse gas emission. Other than the generation of
methane from decaying food wastes, the greenhouse gas
*Correspondence: ruth_nattassha@sbm‑ emission might also come from the food production and
School of Business and Management ITB, Jl. Ganesa No. 10, Bandung, distribution activities in the supply chain.
Jawa Barat 40132, Indonesia

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Nattassha et al. Agric & Food Secur (2020) 9:10 Page 2 of 16

To improve the efficiency in the supply chain process high amount of research in Europe might be caused by
and increase the performance of waste management, the government initiative to adopt a circular economy
the implementation of circular economy is perceived in Europe. As for Asia, there are only two studies, which
as being of significant importance. Circular economy took place in India and China [14, 15]. This shows that
is an economic system in which the wastes of one pro- there is a research gap on actors’ interactions in the cir-
cess are not discarded directly, but, instead, become the cular supply chain in the context of Asia, especially in
resources for other means [3, 4]. The circular economy developing countries such as Indonesia. Meanwhile,
delineates a closed-loop system in which the resources in the industrial context, only 15 of the 35 studies were
retain in the loop, enabling them to be sustainable by concerned about the agri-food industry, showing that
prolonged waste into new value [5]. Circular economy there is an opportunity to specifically tackle problems
application is commonly found in agri-food sectors, as in the agri-food industry. There are several approaches
the problems that have tried to be solved by the circu- to implement circular economy concepts in the supply
lar economy are embedded and have systemic relevancy. chain. The majority of them, 23 articles out of 35, utilise
Agricultural waste can be turned into bio-products such the reuse, remanufacturing and recycling process. There
as fertilisers, energy, materials and compounds [6]. Curb- is also an approach by composting organic wastes to
ing and converting the agri-food waste into new materi- become fertiliser [16–19]. The fertiliser can then be used
als or products that instil the principles of reuse, repair in the farming processes, which can be done to either
and recycling could help local economies by generat- produce feeding for livestock farming or food sources for
ing a stream of profit and, in the long term, by reducing the plant-based food product supply chain. Feeding pro-
environmental damage [7]. These processes will possibly duction from wastes is also a highly used waste handling
provide resources for the original process, mirroring the process in the agri-food industry, such as the utilisation
feedback-rich living system. However, despite this posi- of wheat co-products for animal feed [20]. Another pos-
tive impact of the circular economy concept, there is also sible approach for implementing circular economy is by
the fact that applying them in a supply chain increases giving the waste to other industries to be utilised, such
the operating cost [8], though this cost might be justifi- as the utilisation of pig blood and butter [16]. There is
able if there is pressure for improved environmental per- also a method to resell the products without the whole
formance from the government regulations. Thus, the remanufacturing processes [21], and, finally, there is the
worth of applying circular economy concepts might be sustainable use of resources through energy and resource
different from case to case. recovery [19, 22]. The number of these approaches is far
Through the implementation of this circular economy lower than the mostly used reuse–recycle–remanufac-
concept, there is the possibility of gaining economic value ture approach.
from many by-products in the agri-food industry. There With that being said, there is an opportunity to address
is also an opportunity for this implementation to be con- circular economy concepts implementation in the agri-
ducted in Indonesia. In 2016, Indonesia contributed food food industry, especially in the approach, other than the
waste of up to 300 kg per person in 1 year [9]. Indone- reuse-recycle-remanufacture one. This leads to the case
sian Environmental Statistics stated that Jakarta, the state of OrganicFe Co., an organic fertiliser producer based
capital of Indonesia, produces up to 3233 cubic metres in Bekasi, Indonesia. While there are many organic fer-
of organic waste, most of which results from activities tiliser companies in Indonesia, this company is the one
in the agri-food industry [10]. This amount is the second specifically stating than they are supporting the circu-
highest in the world, topped only by Saudi Arabia with lar economy concepts in their processes. With the input
427 kg of food waste per person in 1 year. Also, according resources of organic wastes, mainly composed of veg-
to the report, methane from food waste in the landfill is etable and fruit wastes, they can produce organic ferti-
21 times more damaging than carbon dioxide as a green- liser and livestock feed by utilising the black soldier fly
house gas emission. Thus, other than gaining economy larvae. The larvae consume vegetable and fruit wastes,
value from the high amount of food waste, there is also and then their biological wastes are processed to become
an opportunity to decrease the greenhouse gas emissions organic fertiliser. The larvae later can also be processed to
from food waste. become fish and livestock feed. As they utilise the wastes
A literature review has been conducted to 35 articles from other agri-food supply chains and provide resources
of existing research related to the implementation of for said supply chain, it can be said that OrganicFe Co. is
circular economy concepts. The majority of the relevant a key actor for implementation of circular economy con-
literature regarding circular economy takes place in the cepts in the Indonesian agri-food supply chain.
countries of Europe and America (Northern and South- However, OrganicFe Co. has encountered problems in
ern America combined), some of them are [11–13]. The their interaction with farmers as their customers. The
Nattassha et al. Agric & Food Secur (2020) 9:10 Page 3 of 16

company admitted that, while they gave farmers their or die, their wastes or corpses are processed by bacte-
fertiliser samples and also give information regarding its ria to become nutrients in soils. The nutrients are used
benefits, especially how it supports the circular economy by the plants to grow and, later, the plants become feed-
implementation, there are farmers who will not purchase ings for the animals. Such a concept is the goal of circular
it. For example, they stated that farmers in area A had economy, in which the wastes from one process should
bad experience with other organic fertiliser, thus, per- be utilised as much as possible to become resources for
ceiving OrganicFe Co.’s fertiliser as equally bad. On the other processes. With this, the number of wastes that are
other side, the farmers in area B are so prideful that they really not useful and have to be disposed to the landfill
would not purchase the fertiliser if they saw their neigh- would be minimised. Other than decreasing the amount
bours already using it first, because they do not want to of waste, this system would also lead to a sustainable sys-
be seen as following them. With this, they suspected that tem, the final goal of the circular economy concept. A
the characteristics of farmers in specific areas might have system is called sustainable when, by having diversity of
something to do with their reluctance to purchase their flowing materials and processes within the system, it can
products. However, is that really the case? Or is there an provide for itself indefinitely.
underlying issue in the interaction between OrganicFe The supply chain in the agri-food industry has several
Co. and the farmers? unique characteristics that make it different from other
This case demonstrates several problems regarding industries [2]. First, there are the constraints of time
the behaviour of supply chain actors and the interac- for almost all stages of the supply chain: there are some
tion between them. This research aims to gain better crops that can only be grown in a specific season; also,
understanding of the issues found in the case, as well as the procurement process for both crops and livestock
to conceptualise the possible solutions to the issues. The resources generally takes time. There is also the fact that
conceptualisation of the OrganicFe Co. case in imple- the crops and livestock, both as materials for further food
menting circular economy in the agri-food supply chain producing processes, along with the products, are highly
is conducted in soft systems methodology steps. perishable and require special treatment for shelving and
The results contribute by adding new value to the cir- inventory, other than the obvious time limitation. There
cular economy concept through the lens of an Indonesian is also uncertainty for both the quality and quantity of
organic fertiliser producer by developing a comprehen- produces, as there are various factors involved, such as
sive conceptual model and pinpointing the problems that biological variations and possible hazards due to the bad
have occurred, which is rarely found in the literature. weather and pests. Other than this, agricultural processes
Further, this study offers several insights, such as (1) the often produce undesired by-products, such as manures
case of the organic fertiliser producer, OrganicFe Co., from livestock and the unused leaves and stems from
which demonstrates problems regarding the behaviour crops, which are mostly considered as wastes and are dis-
of supply chain actors and the interaction between them. posed of right away to the garbage disposal.
These aspects are considered as the behavioural and With the sure existence of such wastes, the agri-food
societal dimension in circular economy research [23]. industry would benefit considerably from the imple-
(2) The methodology used in this research is soft sys- mentation of circular economy, both economically and
tems methodology, considered suitable to comprehend environmentally. Economically, there is the possibility
the implementation of circular economy in the agri-food to produce biomass and biofuel from animal digestion
supply chain; and (3) the results suggest possible change [24], as well as organic fertiliser from the manure [16,
that should be organised to improve the system of the 25]. Environmentally, the implementation of circular
agri-food supply chain, such as the utilisation of farm- economy has the potential to decrease greenhouse gas
ing insurance and improvement of interaction between emissions, along with enriching the fertility of soil [26,
OrganicFe Co. and the farmers. 27]. The implementation of circular economy in this sup-
ply chain has the final goal of sustainability, in which the
Literature review whole food supply chain system would be able to pro-
The circular economy concept is adapted from the liv- vide for itself due to the diversity of processes contained
ing systems, which are called feedback-rich systems [4]. within the system. Thus, it is important to consider the
The term feedback-rich is used to describe living systems, aspects of sustainable food supply chain and to find out
as, naturally, there are no wastes which would remain as whether the implementation of circular economy could
wastes. In nature systems, when wastes return to nature, fulfil such aspects.
they are further processed by the organism to become The agri-food supply chain is pivotal in terms of the
resources for other living organisms. An example of this production process of staple products and the finan-
would be the lifecycle of animals. When animals defecate cial valuation of the industry itself [27]. The agri-food
Nattassha et al. Agric & Food Secur (2020) 9:10 Page 4 of 16

supply chain describes the implications of supply chain Methods

management in the agri-food sector. Five key elements This research utilises a method that is able to model a
for agri-food supply chain are further identified: the complex system, along with analysing the issues: soft sys-
food production, distribution, commerce, consump- tems methodology developed by Checkland [41]. The soft
tion and finally disposal [28]. Previous scholarly dis- systems methodology is utilised when there is a complex
cussion emphasised on merging the concept of circular system that has several issues from various perspectives
economy with supply chain management [29–31]. Cir- from the stakeholders involved within the system. Soft
cular economy in the agri-food supply chain could be system methodology is in an approach that could help
seen as a business strategy [32], a residue valorisation model a system that has an elaborate issue and involves
[33], an economic growth driver [34], or a multifaceted various actors from different perspectives within the sys-
sustainability effort [35]. By utilising circular economy, tem [42]. The objective of the method is to understand
the agri-food supply chain could guarantee efficiency the problem deeper, solve the issue and create a change
of agri-food processing. Further, it could guarantee in the form of policy or managerial transformation.
food security and striving for sustainability in cross Research that uses soft system methodology in the field
fields [36]. of circular economy is limited to a specific case, such as
The food production actors are those involved in systems engineering and logistics engineering [43], furni-
the procurement of food resources, such as livestock ture [44] and automotive [45]. We argue that this research
and crops [37]. The agri-food supply chain generally is the only research that addresses circular economy in
comprises suppliers, processors, traders, retailers and agri-food using soft system methodology. This method is
consumers [38, 39]. The suppliers, such as farmers and suitable to help in identifying the issues in the implemen-
agri-industry, are considered as part of the upstream tation of circular economy concepts in the agri-food sup-
supply chain. The distribution actors, such as trad- ply chain, possibly from the perspective of various actors
ers, processors and retailers, are involved in all parts involved within the supply chain. It is worth noting that,
of the supply chain. They are the ones who handle the by using this method, it might be possible to identify the
transportation of livestock and crops to the processing mismatched perspectives from the actors, as there might
facilities, and the final food products to the commerce be several issues that come from the lack of understand-
or directly to the consumers. Then, there is the com- ing between the actors [46].
merce that handles the food market, considered as the The workflow of soft systems methodology is illustrated
one with the most bargaining power, hence their role in Fig. 1. First, the problematic situation is considered
as the focal company. They are connected in the down- and expressed. The problematic situation is the condi-
stream supply chain to the consumers, who consume tion of the existing complex system which is considered
the product. Lastly, there is a stakeholder that handles to have issues and has to change. The existing condition
the disposal of the products, having a role in every of the system should be described, along with parts of the
phase of the supply chain, since all stages of the supply system, the problem situations, which are considered to
chain generate wastes. be making the system worse than it should be. The prob-
The scheme of farming insurance has been stated lem situations can be presented in the form of a list of the
as one of possible solutions to the problem between situations. To further illustrate this situation, a tool called
OrganicFe Co. and the farmers. In Indonesia, the exist- rich picture is also used [46]. While the list of problem
ence of such scheme is actually mandated by law, as the situations enumerates the situations, rich picture illus-
government has to protect the weak economic com- trates these situations along with the entities related to
munities, the farmers in this case [40]. The farmers the situations. These entities can be represented with
are required to pay IDR 36,000 for each hectare of land symbols, detailed with their roles in the problem, and the
and will receive up to IDR 6,000,000 of compensation relationships among entities are represented with arrows.
should a harvest failure happen. This scheme has been With this rich picture, it is possible to consider the prob-
gaining more interest in recent years, as the amount of lem situations differently from the perspective of each
insured land keeps increasing. The existence of insur- concerned entities, as different entities might have differ-
ance gives a sense of security for the farmers in case ent interpretation regarding the problem situations.
there is crop failure caused by pests, plant diseases, Subsequently, the root definition of those relevant
or drought and flooding. Thus, it is understandable if systems should be defined. As the situations considered
OrganicFe Co. sees this scheme as a possible solution problematic are already listed, the next step is to deter-
for insecure farmers who are afraid of crop failure if mine which part of the system is involved in the situa-
they use OrganicFe Co.’s fertiliser. tion. These parts, also called the subsystems, are given
a unique name to identify with. The root definitions of
Nattassha et al. Agric & Food Secur (2020) 9:10 Page 5 of 16

Fig. 1 Workflow of soft systems methodology [41]

these subsystems are described by utilising the CAT- The next stage is creating the conceptual model of sys-
WOE framework [41]. The CATWOE framework is the tems. This is basically the workflow of transformation
abbreviation of Customer, Actor(s), Transformation, processes previously defined in the CATWOE system.
Weltanschhaung/Worldview, Owner, and Environment. However, this is done in a more detailed way, containing
The definition of these elements is explained by [46] as what kind of activity is conducted by a certain entity in
such: a certain process, instead of merely describing the whole
process. The input and output of the system should also
• Transformation is the transformation processes of be considered, along with how the system ends and the
the subsystem. This describes the general processes result from the system, possibly something other than
which considered something as input and resulting end products.
in an output. These processes will be broken down Afterwards, the resulting model should be compared
into activities in the later stage of SSM. with the physical complex system being used as refer-
• Weltanschhaung is the German word of Worldview, ence. This is conducted to ensure that the model actu-
which describes the general consensus that gen- ally resembles the actual real life system that would be
erally makes sense to the majority of people, jus- researched. The comparison could be conducted by con-
tifying the root definition. According to [46], it is firming the system with experts and stakeholders related
not solely the belief of any one individual, but the to the system. Once the model is considered to illustrate
majority of people. the actual system clearly, it can be utilised to make pro-
• Customers are the entities that receive the output posals for changes considered to improve the system for
of transformation processes. The output can either the better, and later applying those proposals to actual
benefit them or do harm to them, thus it should change in real life practice. This research, however, only
also be described how they are affected by the out- stops at giving suggestions for improving the situations
put. and not yet introducing those suggestions to the real
• Actors are the entities conducting the processes systems.
described in the transformation element. How they To gain the necessary knowledge for conducting the
conduct it, as well as the effect of their characteris- soft systems methodology, we have conducted interviews
tics on the system, can be described in this part. with several of OrganicFe Co.’s stakeholders: some field
• Owners are the entities which are not involved in employees of the company and also the officials hav-
the transformation processes, but they have author- ing data regarding the company’s promotion to several
ity over the system and, thus, are concerned with areas in Indonesia. Other than them, the interview was
the performance of the system. also conducted to researchers, who are also working as
• Finally, environment defines the environmental farmers who have already tried OrganicFe Co.’s fertilis-
constraints which are considered to significantly ers. There was difficulty in contacting the farmers who
affect the system, especially regarding the output. are not researchers and had already tried OrganicFe Co.’s
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fertiliser, thus the conceptual model could be improved utilisation of this organic fertiliser in farming activities,
in the future by adding their perspective. some of them being: it is absorbed quickly and effectively
by plants; being an organic fertiliser it could increase the
Results and discussion activity of positive microorganisms in the soil, increase
This section contains the result of soft systems methodol- the growth of root and stem, and also suppress the pos-
ogy stages. sibility of pests and plant disease [47, 48].
The utilisation of black soldier fly larvae also has the
Definition of problem situations possibility of revenue coming from the larvae itself, as
OrganicFe Co. is a company that produces organic ferti- the larvae could be processed to become animal feed.
liser. The name of the company was deliberately disguised The larvae could be processed into maggot flour, in which
for confidentiality. The company is located in Bekasi, a the maggot flour could be utilised as an alternative pro-
city located on the eastern border of Jakarta, Indonesia. tein source. This maggot flour could be included in feed
The organic fertiliser produced by this company utilises for fishes and poultry, which usually utilise the fish flour
the input of organic wastes, mainly vegetable and fruit imported from other country. OrganicFe Co. says that the
wastes. The company aims to solve this problem by utilis- larvae contain 45% protein and 35% fat, with complete
ing black soldier fly larvae. The process is quite simple in amino acid.
theory: the larvae of black soldier fly eat the organic (fruit The OrganicFe Co. production process implements cir-
and vegetable) wastes, and then the biological wastes cular economy concepts in the way that organic wastes,
produced by the larvae are processed to become organic coming from the vegetable and fruit supply chain, could
fertiliser. According to the stakeholders in OrganicFe Co., be further utilised by other processes, as illustrated in
the process of producing organic fertiliser utilising the Fig. 2. In this case, the process utilising these wastes is
black soldier fly larvae is faster than the regular process of the production using black soldier fly larvae. The output
producing organic fertiliser utilising bacteria. While, with of this production process could later provide resources
black soldier fly larvae, the fertiliser can be produced in for other systems, back to the vegetable and fruit supply
4–5 days, with the organic wastes already degradable in chain in the form of organic fertiliser or to the poultry
just 24 h, producing the organic fertiliser utilising bacte- and fish supply chain instead in the form of maggot flour
ria takes up to 7 days. There are various benefits from the to become resources for feed. Thus, the case of OrganicFe

Fig. 2 OrganicFe Co.’s position within the agri-food supply chain, supporting the implementation of circular economy concepts
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Co. is suitable to become a reference for research in the by demonstration of fertiliser utilisation, another way to
agri-food supply chain system, as it implements the con- convince them is needed, such as the words of a charis-
cepts of circular economy. matic leader in the area.
From the interview with an officer of OrganicFe Co., Another problematic situation arising from this case is
a farmer and a supplier, there are several problems that the existence of farmers that blame poor harvest results
ought to be addressed in their supply chain, especially on OrganicFe Co.’s organic fertiliser. They claim that the
in relation to their interaction with their customers, utilisation of this organic fertiliser caused them to have
the crop farmers. It should be noted that these prob- poor quality and quantity of harvest. However, when fur-
lems are viewed from the perspective of OrganicFe Co., ther investigation was conducted, it was found that the
which later might oppose the perspective from other cause of the poor harvest was the careless selection of
stakeholders. seedlings to be used in the farming. To avoid this case
The first problem is that there are farmers who would being repeated again, the company provides a scheme for
not even try their product because of the label of ‘organic the farmers, assisted by the Regional Development Bank,
fertiliser’. It has been the general perspective of local in which the seedlings and other resource providers are
farmers that synthetic fertiliser is more effective than selected carefully, along with the existence of insurance
organic fertiliser, demonstrating a faster effect of improv- in the event of a harvest failure due to the occurrence of
ing the plants’ conditions compared to organic fertiliser. natural disasters.
The short delay of the fertiliser’s effect to show up on There is also the problem regarding the low support
plants drives them more towards synthetic fertiliser, even they have obtained from the government. As they are a
more so the imported synthetic fertiliser, as the general waste processing company, the officer of OrganicFe Co.
perspective of Indonesians is that the imported products claimed that they should have been given incentives and
are usually better than the locally produced ones. This should have received the waste resources for their pro-
happens even though the price of OrganicFe Co.’s organic cesses for free. However, due to the complicated bureau-
fertiliser is far cheaper than the imported synthetic ferti- cracy in Indonesia, they opt out of this and buy the wastes
liser; OrganicFe Co.’s fertiliser is Rp 70,000 for each litre from their supplier instead. The waste supplier would not
and the imported synthetic fertiliser is Rp 300,000 for give the wastes for free, requiring incentive in the form of
each litre. While this kind of behaviour is mostly influ- money. This also demonstrates that the concern towards
enced by the general perspective regarding organic and reducing the organic waste in Indonesia, from many par-
synthetic fertilisers, there are some farmers that actually ties involved in the agri-food business, is still low.
have poor experiences with other organic-labelled ferti- Finally, the officer from OrganicFe Co. admitted that
lisers, promising great results while in fact resulting in they are not aware of quality standards for crop produces
poor harvest. being sold in the market. Thus, it could be stated that,
The second problem is the existence of opportunistic in measuring the performance of their fertiliser up until
farmers. These farmers accept the free fertiliser samples now, they do not use the measurements utilised by the
offered by OrganicFe Co. However, they do not buy the farmers to measure the performance of the fertiliser they
fertiliser continually, even though they admit that the are using. This could create a problem; if the measure-
utilisation of organic fertiliser produced by OrganicFe ments used by OrganicFe Co. do not match the measure-
Co. gives their crops positive results. Instead, they only ments used by farmers, then there might be a chance that
want to receive free samples from any fertiliser company, the farmers will not consider OrganicFe Co.’s fertiliser as
completely ignoring what kind of result they would gain being very useful for their farming practices.
from the utilisation of these samples. This implies that The problem situations raised by OrganicFe Co. were
these farmers want to obtain the highest profit possible later confirmed by a researcher who also works as a
by eliminating the cost of fertiliser altogether. farmer in Bandung, Indonesia. Apparently, it seems that
While there are farmers that could be convinced by there is a possibility that OrganicFe Co. misunderstood
some actual demonstration of fertiliser utilisation end- the characteristics of the farmers. While there is also the
ing with good harvest result, some farmers in a specific possibility that there exist opportunistic farmers, there
area are hindered from using the fertiliser by their pride. is a chance that the farmers rejecting to buy the fertiliser
In this area, should there be successful demonstration is not opportunistic. Rather, they find the fertiliser from
of OrganicFe Co.’s fertiliser utilisation conducted by one OrganicFe Co. not very useful for them, as it does not
farmer, the other farmers would not want to use the fer- improve the crops based on the measurement they are
tiliser. This is caused by their pride, which makes them using—a weakness described in the previous paragraph.
not want to be seen as bandwagoning by using the fer- In their promotions and socialisation, OrganicFe Co.
tiliser. As these kinds of farmers could not be convinced usually claims that the success of their fertiliser is from
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the increased quantity of production. However, it is 7. Incomplete standard of procedure from OrganicFe
never stated how much of this increased quantity is actu- Co.
ally to be sold to the market, often also referred to as the
amount of on-grade products. It would be no use if the The problematic situations are then illustrated in a rich
acclaimed increased quantity is all of the off-grade prod- picture, presented in Fig. 3. In the figure, the problems
ucts, meaning that they could not even be sold. The mis- from the perspective of each stakeholder are stated. From
understanding of the quantity being used by farmers to the side of OrganicFe Co., they are concerned about
measure the performance also proved to be critical when farmers not trusting their product, farmers not buy-
OrganicFe Co. claimed that the usage of this fertiliser in ing their product continuously, crop failure from other
bok choy increased the quality of the leaves being bigger. causes being blamed on their product, lack of knowledge
Even though their bok choy leaves are bigger, it does not concerning crop quality and lack of government sup-
make their product more marketable. Instead, it might port. From the side of the farmers, they consider that
not be sellable, as the taste would probably be bitter. The the OrganicFe Co.’s fertiliser is not the cheapest one with
on-grade quality of bok choy is measured, not through the best effect, they do not want to bandwagon the usage
the length of leaves, but through the sweetness and the of the fertiliser, they blame the fertiliser for crop failure,
crunchiness of the vegetable instead. they do not trust the fertiliser as being more effective
There is also the fact that OrganicFe Co. might not than synthetic fertiliser, the incompleteness of OrganicFe
understand all of the conditions that should be fulfilled Co.’s standard of procedure and OrganicFe Co.’s fertiliser
for their product to function effectively. For example, the not delivering the quality they desire from their crops.
researcher stated that there should be evaluation of the
pH scale of the soil. The fertiliser cannot function well
when the necessary pH condition is not fulfilled. Other Root definition of relevant systems
than the pH condition of the soil, the nutrient status The root definition of the relevant systems is produced
within the soil should also be first evaluated. This is to by conducting CATWOE analysis on the problem situa-
ensure that the fertiliser is not used in a nutrient-filled tions. In this research, the relevant system is defined first
soil, as it would become redundant. and connected to a specific problem situation. After-
Another problem regarding the condition of Organ- wards, the CATWOE analysis is conducted on the said
icFe Co.’s case from the perspective of the farmer is about system. In CATWOE analysis, all six of CATWOE ele-
the price of the fertiliser. OrganicFe Co.’s fertiliser is sold ments should not be defined; only the necessary items for
for Rp 70,000 for each litre and they aim to sell for Rp the systems are defined in this subchapter. Although the
150,000 for each litre when certified. While it is cheaper overall system of OrganicFe Co.’s activities is not limited
than the imported synthetic fertiliser, the price is far to these activities, there are two main systems related to
more expensive compared to another locally produced the problem situations expressed in this section. Each of
organic fertiliser, which is sold for around Rp 35,000 to them is given their own CATWOE analysis.
Rp 60,000 for each litre. The performance of this fertiliser The first system relevant to the problem situation is
is not that far behind OrganicFe Co.’s. However, Organ- the interaction between OrganicFe Co. and farmers. The
icFe Co. still has the advantages of shorter production problem situation being faced in this system is the lack of
time and the quality of recycling, as this organic fertiliser knowledge concerning qualities of crops desired by farm-
is produced using bacteria instead. ers, the lack of trust from farmers preventing them from
Thus, the problem situations of OrganicFe Co.’s case trying the fertiliser at all, the fact that OrganicFe Co.’s fer-
in selling their fertiliser could be summarised in several tiliser is not the cheapest fertiliser on the market and the
points: pride of farmers preventing them from bandwagoning
in utilising the fertiliser. Then, there is also the problem
1. The behaviour of several farmers (opportunistic, high that OrganicFe Co.’s fertiliser is not the cheapest in the
pride) preventing them from buying the fertiliser market. Other than that, there is also the incomplete-
continuously; ness of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) provided by
2. Lack of trust from several farmers; OrganicFe Co. which might cause the farmers to not get
3. Lack of government support; the result they desire. There are also farmers that only try
4. Possibility of crop failure from other causes; the product, but do not buy it continuously. Lastly, there
5. OrganicFe Co.’s fertiliser is actually not the cheapest is also the possibility of crop failure from other causes,
one on the market; such as the careless selection of seedlings. These prob-
6. OrganicFe Co. lacks knowledge of the crop quality lems are all connected because they deal with the interac-
desired by farmers; tion between OrganicFe Co. and the farmers.
Nattassha et al. Agric & Food Secur (2020) 9:10 Page 9 of 16

Fig. 3 Rich picture of OrganicFe Co.’s case

This system consists of three transformation pro- fertilisers and show the real effect on the crops, thus it
cesses: researching for the fertiliser, promoting and could solve the trust issue of farmers.
socialising the fertiliser to farmers, selling the fertiliser Finally, there are the processes of selling the fertiliser
to farmers, and finally using the fertiliser for the farm- and how it is utilised by the farmers in farming prac-
ing practices. For the fertiliser research process, the tices. The utilisation by farmers in actual farming prac-
main problem being faced by OrganicFe Co. is that they tices is especially important, because it is the stage that
lack the knowledge of what qualities farmers desire affects the necessary aftersales service to be conducted by
when they utilise the fertiliser. Thus, when measuring OrganicFe Co. The problems related to these processes
performance of fertiliser in the research, they do not are the lack of trust from farmers, incompleteness of
use the quality measurement used by the farmers. As a standard operation procedure from OrganicFe Co., farm-
result, the fertiliser produced from the research might ers not wanting to purchase the fertiliser continuously
not improve the crops’ quality in the way desired by the and the possibility of harvest failure from other causes.
farmers. If not handled correctly, this problem would For all these processes, OrganicFe Co. acts as the actor
be fatal to the integrity of OrganicFe Co.’s claim regard- who conducted the transformation processes. The farm-
ing the success of their product. ers also become actors in the process of utilising the fer-
The second transformation process is the selection of tiliser, because they are the ones that conduct the activity.
the right promotion and socialisation method for the It should be noted that, while in the final process, Organ-
farmers, depending on the characteristics of the targeted icFe Co. can actually become the customer of farmers by
farmers. As mentioned before in the problem situations, gaining information input from them (regarding their
there are areas that have unique characteristics of farm- experience in utilising the fertiliser or their expectation
ers: some being too prideful to bandwagon the usage of of the fertiliser), this does not happen, thus, leading to
fertiliser, and some have lost trust in organic fertiliser the problem of OrganicFe Co. lacking knowledge about
due to poor past experience with other brands. There the farmers’ wants.
is also the problem of the fertiliser’s price not being the For the joint scheme of OrganicFe Co., farmers,
cheapest on the market, so the promotion and sociali- Regional Development Bank and other farming resources
sation method should highlight the benefits from utilis- providers, the owners of this system are the providers
ing the fertiliser, which justifies the price. Moreover, the of other resources for farming activities. This is espe-
company could also demonstrate the properties of the cially to handle the issues of the possibility of crop failure
Nattassha et al. Agric & Food Secur (2020) 9:10 Page 10 of 16

from other causes, such as the seedling quality. In this sold the previous day. From hotels and restaurants, other
scheme, the resource providers for the farming activities than the vegetable and fruit wastes, they also gather milk
are regulated within the scheme, along with the neces- and yogurt wastes to produce oilcake, media to hatch
sary standard of procedure to be conducted by the farm- the black soldier fly larvae. Usually, they buy the wastes
ers. The execution of the scheme is then observed by at cheaper price, IDR 500 (around 3 cent USD) for each
the stakeholders. Should there be harvest failure due to kilogramme. As previously mentioned, the black soldier
other causes, such as natural disaster, the Regional Devel- fly larvae only consume fresh wastes, thus requiring the
opment Bank would pay insurance to the farmers and company to obtain these wastes daily. After they buy the
stakeholders. In this kind of system, the Regional Devel- wastes, they sort and process the wastes in their facilities,
opment Bank would also be involved in the system as the such as cutting them to smaller pieces, before they give
owner. Subsequently, the environment element for this the wastes as feed for black soldier fly larvae.
system would be the farmers’ place. The problem situation related to the system concerns
These transformation processes take place in the the lack of government support for OrganicFe Co. It
research facilities of OrganicFe Co., fertiliser testing was stated that a waste processing company should have
ground and the farmers’ dwellings. The summary of incentives from the government, as they are taking the
CATWOE analysis for the system of interaction between government’s responsibility of maintaining the environ-
OrganicFe Co. and farmers can be found in Table 1. ment by processing wastes. However, because of the
The next relevant system for the problem situation bureaucratic complexity, OrganicFe Co. decided not to
is the system in which OrganicFe Co. obtains the veg- pursue the matter and, instead, buy the wastes. For this
etable and fruit wastes to be utilised in their produc- system, while OrganicFe Co. might seem the customer,
tion processes, using the CATWOE analysis in Table 2. as they do the purchase process, they should actually be
From an interview with a company officer, it was stated considered as the actor because they are the ones doing
that OrganicFe Co. obtains such wastes from vegeta- the transformation processes. The customers of this sys-
ble and fruit sellers, hotels and restaurants. They usu- tem are, instead the vegetable and fruit sellers, along with
ally buy the unsold vegetables and fruit that could not be the hotels and restaurants from whom OrganicFe Co.

Table 1 CATWOE analysis of interaction between OrganicFe Co. and farmers

Relevant systems Problem situation CATWOE analysis

Interaction between OrganicFe Co. and Lack of knowledge about qualities desired Transformation Research for composition of organic wastes
Farmers by farmers to get the best quality of fertiliser for
Lack of trust from farmers specific crops
Pride of farmers, not wanting to band- Selection of the right promotion and sociali-
wagon sation method for specific type of farmer
OrganicFe Co.’s fertiliser is not the cheap- Selling the fertiliser and utilising the fertiliser
est in the market in farming to improve produce conditions
Incompleteness of SOP provided by Actor OrganicFe Co., Farmers
OrganicFe Co.
Farmers would not buy the fertiliser Customer Farmers
continuously Owner Provider of other resources for farming
Possibility of crop failure from other causes activities, Regional Development Bank
Environment Research facilities of OrganicFe Co., testing
grounds, Farmers’ place

Table 2 CATWOE analysis of obtaining waste resources

Relevant systems Problem situation CATWOE analysis

Obtaining vegetable and fruit wastes for production Lack of government support Customer Vegetable and fruit sellers, hotels, restaurant
resources Actor OrganicFe Co.
Transformation Buying the vegetable and fruit wastes from
seller, hotels and restaurant
Owner Government
Environment Seller, hotel and restaurant’s place, later
processed in OrganicFe Co.’s facilities
Nattassha et al. Agric & Food Secur (2020) 9:10 Page 11 of 16

buys the wastes. The transformation process itself is the composition of vegetable and fruit wastes. The selection
process of purchasing the vegetable and fruit wastes, and of wastes is then given to the black soldier fly larvae as
then later processing them to become feed for black sol- feed, producing test fertiliser. Afterwards, the fertiliser
dier fly larvae. The government is also concerned about is tested for a certain type of crop. As of now, it is not
the system as the owner, because the matter of waste known whether the test is conducted at a test ground in
recycling should actually also be one of their concerns. OrganicFe Co.’s facilities (though their main factory in
The problem of wastes is a capital concern, and the fact Bantargebang does not have this kind of test ground) or
that there is little effort and support for food recycling in the field of a farmer. The result of this test determines
demonstrates that, currently, the government is not too the marketability of the produced fertiliser. If the ferti-
concerned with it. As for the environment element of the liser is suitable for the certain type of crop, as in the fer-
system, the purchase is conducted in the sellers’, restau- tiliser would successfully improve the conditions of the
rant and hotel places, while the processing of wastes is crop, then the fertiliser can be marketed for the crop. In
conducted at OrganicFe Co.’s facilities. this stage, OrganicFe Co. has no inputs from other actors
regarding whether the fertiliser can be stated as success-
Conceptual model of relevant systems fully improving the conditions of the crop or not, thus
Previously analysed in this section, there are two relevant leading them to mistake what attributes of crops should
systems that are related to the problem situations in the be observed.
case of OrganicFe Co. The first system is the interaction The second transformation process is the fertiliser pro-
between OrganicFe Co. and farmers, which consists of motion and socialisation process. Initially, OrganicFe Co.
several transformation processes. The second system only used the basic strategy of promotion and provid-
is concerned with the resource gathering for OrganicFe ing samples for the farmers. However, after the result of
Co.’s production process, the vegetable and fruit wastes. promotion and socialisation to several locations, it was
A conceptual model for each of these two systems has found that farmers in different areas might have differ-
been developed, as presented in Fig. 4. ent characteristics, and as such would respond differently
For the first system, interaction between farmers and to various promotion and socialisation strategies. Farm-
OrganicFe Co., there are three transformation processes ers in one area could be convinced by a demonstration
which have been broken down into several activities: (1) of fertiliser usage in their location, whereas farmers in
fertiliser research, (2) fertiliser promotion and sociali- another area might have to be convinced by a local char-
sation, and (3) fertiliser purchase, usage and after sales. ismatic leader to try the fertiliser, instead of seeing their
For the fertiliser research, OrganicFe Co. selects a certain neighbour utilising the same fertiliser. These differences

Fig. 4 Conceptual model of systems: interaction between farmers and OrganicFe Co. (brown line) and obtaining waste resources (purple line)
Nattassha et al. Agric & Food Secur (2020) 9:10 Page 12 of 16

make the careful selection of a promotion and socialisa- dispose of to the landfill. If OrganicFe Co. desires support
tion strategy a must. Afterwards, OrganicFe Co. could from the government for this particular issue, the sup-
offer samples to the farmers and let the farmers use the port should also include the economic y value that could
samples. After the samples are utilised by the farmers, be gained by the waste providers from the activity.
OrganicFe Co. would then later gather the feedback from
the usage of its fertiliser. Changes to the system
Then, there is the process of fertiliser purchase, usage As previously defined in “Definition of problem situa-
and after sales. Basically, if the farmers have a good expe- tions” section, especially in Fig. 2, OrganicFe Co. is a key
rience with the fertiliser from the trial usage, the next actor in implementing the circular economy concepts
event that would happen is determined by the charac- within the agri-food supply chain. OrganicFe Co. utilises
teristic of the farmers. If the farmers are opportunistic the wastes of the agri-food supply chain, specifically veg-
farmers, then they would not want to buy the fertiliser. etable and fruit wastes, to become resources for the agri-
They would, instead, wait for another fertiliser company food supply chain: fertiliser for the crops supply chain
to give them free samples. If they are not opportunistic and feed resource for the poultry and fish supply chain.
farmers, the good experience of the fertiliser trial usage However, there are several issues faced by OrganicFe Co.
will, in turn, make them want to buy the fertiliser. In an in their activities, especially in building the market for
ideal system for OrganicFe Co., the farmers would buy their fertiliser product. Suggestions of change to the sys-
the fertiliser from them continuously, as long as the farm- tem will be made based on whether these suggestions can
ers need fertiliser in their farming activities. In the farm- possibly handle these issues or not.
ing activities, it should also be noted that farmers would The actual main issue is the lack of interaction between
utilise other farming resources from other providers. As OrganicFe Co. and the farmers before the promotion,
there has been the case of other resources causing har- socialisation and sales processes of the fertiliser are con-
vest failure and the blame has been shifted to OrganicFe ducted, causing the company to misunderstand several
Co. Indonesia’s fertiliser instead, the utilisation of other farmers’ characteristics and the quality of crops desired
farming resources should also be monitored carefully. by the farmers. The misunderstanding of several farm-
Afterwards, the farmers should give feedback to Organ- ers’ characteristics happens when OrganicFe Co. believes
icFe Co. from the utilisation of the fertiliser. OrganicFe that all farmers in some specific area are opportunistic,
Co. should then respond to the feedback, whether by as they only want to get free fertiliser samples from com-
improving their fertiliser or assisting the farmers. panies without buying any. While there might be some
The second system is the obtaining waste resource sys- farmers with these characteristics, the farmer-researcher
tem. The system is notably simpler than the other sys- interviewed in this research argued that some farm-
tems. At first, OrganicFe Co. purchases the wastes from ers are actually rational. These farmers only buy a prod-
the providers, who consist of vegetable and fruit sellers, uct that has a positive effect on their crops, specifically
restaurants and hotels. The wastes are bought at Rp 500 on the qualities required by the market. It could be that
for each kilogramme. Afterwards, the wastes are deliv- OrganicFe Co.’s fertiliser works nicely, but it does not give
ered to the working facilities of OrganicFe Co., where the farmers the qualities they desire of the crops. This is
they are sorted and further processed to become the feed caused by OrganicFe Co.’s lack of understanding of the
for black soldier fly larvae. qualities of marketable on-grade crops. In the example
The issue with this short system lies at the begin- described in subchapter 4.2, OrganicFe Co. believes that
ning. As OrganicFe Co. is a waste processing company, the fertiliser successfully improves the condition of bok
it should have been given the wastes for free and gotten choy vegetable by the result of wider leaves and stems.
incentives from the government instead. However, the However, the marketable on-grade bok choy is actually
company decided to buy the wastes when they encoun- measured from the crunchiness of the leaves and the
tered the complicated bureaucracy. As the matter of sweetness of the vegetable.
waste is the government’s concern, this issue should not Other than the lack of understanding of the qualities
be overlooked. It should also be noted that, while Organ- of marketable on-grade products, the lack of interaction
icFe Co. views the purchasing of organic wastes at Rp 500 also seemingly affects OrganicFe Co.’s knowledge about
for each kilogramme as an issue, this particular system the standard of procedure to utilise their product. Appar-
is what allows their activity to support the implementa- ently, according to research, the fertiliser functions effec-
tion of circular economy concepts in the agri-food sup- tively only at pH 7–9 of the soil. However, the monitoring
ply chain. This is demonstrated in the way in which the of pH status of the soil is not included in the standard
vegetable and fruit sellers, restaurants and hotels gain of procedure provided by OrganicFe Co. Another issue
economic value from the wastes that they usually directly regards the nutrient contents of the soil. If the soil already
Nattassha et al. Agric & Food Secur (2020) 9:10 Page 13 of 16

has enough nutrients, the fertiliser should not be used, as environment has been growing, the utilisation of wastes
it would be redundant. However, OrganicFe Co. does not has become the concern of governments in other coun-
state this matter in their standard of procedure either. tries. With the amount of wastes produced in Indonesia,
While there are several possible solutions to the prob- especially organic wastes, it should be stated that the
lems of interaction between OrganicFe Co. and the fam- matter of wastes is critical for Indonesia at the moment.
ers, it is possible to solve them by implementing a service While attention from the government might have been
science concept: the value co-creation process [49]. Value poor, it is not too late to bring the case to them and high-
co-creation has been used as a tool for collaboration light how the activities and utilisation of the products
between customers and company in defining, delivering from OrganicFe Co. could help them in handling this
and communicating values as demonstrated in several critical issue. Hopefully, when they are finally concerned
researches [50, 51]. For this particular case, the important with the case, they will provide OrganicFe Co. with the
processes of value co-creation would be the co-definition necessary incentives and programmes. The incentives
and co-experience process. The co-definition process is and programmes could possibly decrease the cost of
applied when the farmers and OrganicFe Co. together activities (especially the cost of purchasing wastes), and,
define what is actually needed by the farmers, thus mak- in turn, could possibly reduce the price of fertiliser.
ing an interaction between them prior to the develop- In other countries, companies that specialise in
ment of fertiliser a requirement. Other than that, farmers managing wastes are usually given special incentive
should also give feedback to OrganicFe Co. regarding the programmes. It would not hurt to conduct a similar pro-
usage of the fertiliser, so the company knows whether gramme in Indonesia. The incentive could come in the
the fertiliser matches the needs of farmers or not. Also, form of a tax reduction for the company or a programme
OrganicFe Co. should observe farmers during their trial in which the organic wastes for OrganicFe Co. are to be
and farming period while using the fertiliser, collecting given for free, while the government gives incentives to
information about the seedlings, soil quality and standard OrganicFe Co.’s waste providers. If this programme is
of procedure gone through by the farmers in the farming implemented for the OrganicFe Co., the company could
practices when they use the fertiliser. assuredly minimise their production cost. This would
Through the utilisation of service science concepts in possibly result in the reduction of price and their organic
the system, OrganicFe Co.’s lack of understanding of the fertiliser would be able to compete by highlighting both
farmers’ needs and characteristics could be minimised. the waste reducing value and the affordable price.
As OrganicFe Co. would be the ones reaching out to the Based on our analysis, government bodies are signifi-
farmers, it would also be possible that the farmers’ trust cant to push and support to implement circular economy
in the company would be improved. However, regard- concept in supply chain practices—in line with various
ing the incomplete standard of procedure, OrganicFe research [14, 52, 53]. The lack of regulation on circular
Co. might have to expand the interaction, not only with economy implementation from the government might
the farmers, but also with the researchers working with hinder the success of implementation, as it can also
the farmers. This is especially important because, while affect the aspect of incentives for supply chain actors
farmers might not have the means to recognise the possi- [54]. In relation to the dimensions of circular economy,
ble lacking parts of standard of procedures, the research- the impact of these aspects could be addressed from
ers might be able to recognise it. technological and environmental aspects, and then the
Another issue highlighted by the farmers is that the governmental and economic aspects, in the manner of
organic fertiliser is actually not the cheapest fertiliser on a bottom-up approach [19]. Through this approach, the
the market. While priced at Rp 70,000 for each litre, it is required technology, environmental impact, required
cheaper than imported synthetic fertiliser, priced at Rp government policies and possible economic benefits
300,000 for each litre; this is significantly more expensive and barriers could be derived as further measures to
than another brand of locally produced organic fertiliser ensure the required societal and behavioural aspects. The
which is priced at Rp 35,000 for each litre. Thus, Organ- remaining question would be how far the government
icFe Co. should not compete by relying on price compe- would be willing to participate.
tition. Instead, it should highlight its ability to support There is also a case in which the fertiliser is blamed for
circular economy and decrease the amount of organic harvest failure, when, in fact, it is caused by other fac-
wastes. The last one should especially be highlighted to tors, such as the careless selection of seedling provider.
catch the attention of the government. This has prompted OrganicFe Co. to develop a scheme
It was previously mentioned that one of the issues with the Regional Development Bank to prevent such
in this case is the lack of government support for the an accident from happening again. The scheme regulates
activities of OrganicFe Co. As concern towards the the providers of all other farming resources, especially
Nattassha et al. Agric & Food Secur (2020) 9:10 Page 14 of 16

the seedling providers, the standard of procedure to be have had bad experience with other organic fertiliser
conducted by the farmers and insurance in the case of and, therefore, suspect OrganicFe Co.’s fertiliser to do the
harvest failure. As the insurance will only be paid if the same, some farmers have high pride and do not want to
cause of harvest failure is an unexpected cause, such as be seen as followers if they use the fertiliser after other
natural disaster, the farming activities are closely moni- farmers already use it, and there are also farmers who
tored to prevent the possibility of harvest failure from would not buy the fertilisers because they are opportun-
controllable causes. This scheme is still being trialled, but istic and only want to get fertiliser samples. While these
it is hoped to be able to handle the opportunistic type of aspects might have some effects to OrganicFe Co.’s case,
farmers. On another note, existing research regarding analysing the situation through the soft systems meth-
farming insurance shows that the existence of insurance odology actually gives more insights to the problem:
does give a sense of security for the farmers, thus leading there is a chance that the problem lies in OrganicFe Co.’s
to the growing number of insured land up to date [40]. inability to recognise the farmers’ expectations from the
However, it should be noted that OrganicFe Co. was not fertiliser, thus showing that there are some problems in
aware of the extra standard of procedure that should be the interaction between OrganicFe Co. and the farmers.
gone through if they want to use the fertiliser effectively. Thus, it has been suggested to utilise other methods for
It would be fatal if the time scheme is running and the improving their interaction, such as the value co-creation
harvest failure happens because of the lack of specific process [49]. For the farmers afraid of harvest failure, the
steps in the standard of procedure from OrganicFe Co., insurance scheme provided by OrganicFe Co. aided by
such as the monitoring of the soil’s pH status. the Regional Development Bank, might help in improv-
ing their trust, as the scheme will be able to provide a
Conclusions and future research safety net for farmers in case of harvest failure [40].
The circular economy concept on the supply chain on This research not only identifies the actors, but also
agri-food is a crucial and novel issue. The role could vary, looks at the linkage between stakeholders in the system.
starting from decreasing food waste, improving the effi- Therefore, the conceptual model of fertiliser producer
ciency of the production system and even to fulfilling supply chain connected with the circular economy con-
the sustainability purpose. However, there are only a few cept is established. The aforementioned rich picture
studies focusing on the societal and behavioural aspects could further broaden our comprehension. The seven
of the implementation. Meanwhile, prior research has issues presented in the study depict the real situation and
demonstrated that the actors’ interaction and behaviour call for policy improvement and agri-food managerial
could affect the outcome of the supply chain. Thus, it enhancement.
has come to attention that research regarding the soci- There are several future directions research could take
etal and behavioural aspects of circular economy imple- based on this result. First, there is the implementation of
mentation in the agri-food supply chain is important to various solutions to the problem of OrganicFe Co.’s case
ensure the success of the supply chain. which could become future research. The first possible
In this research, OrganicFe Co. was chosen as the future research concerns the utilisation of service science
case study for the circular economy implementation in concepts to handle the lack of communication between
the agri-food supply chain. OrganicFe Co. is a company OrganicFe Co. and the farmers. With the utilisation of
which produces organic fertiliser and maggot flour from such concepts, especially the value co-creation frame-
processing vegetable and fruit wastes by utilising black work, OrganicFe Co. would be able to overcome its weak-
soldier fly larvae. While they obtain resources from the ness of not knowing the qualities of on-grade marketable
vegetable and fruit supply chain, OrganicFe Co., in turn, crops desired by the farmers, and also obtain the trust
provides resources for the crops supply chain in the form from farmers and gain feedback regarding their products.
of organic fertiliser, and also for the poultry and fish sup- Other possible future research should concern sev-
ply chain in the form of maggot flour, which could be eral scenarios of incentives from the government for
processed to become poultry and fish feed. With its role OrganicFe Co. and the stakeholders within the supply
as a waste processing actor that provides back resources chain, especially the providers of organic wastes. The
to the original resources, OrganicFe Co. is one of the key implementation of incentives could likely minimise the
actors in the implementation of circular economy con- production cost that OrganicFe Co. has to spend, and,
cepts in the agri-food supply chain. However, the com- in turn, would provide a chance to decrease the price at
pany also has issues in its activities. which OrganicFe Co.’s fertiliser is being sold. A cheaper
The company stated that they had difficulties in sell- price would attract more farmers to use the fertiliser,
ing their fertiliser to the farmers because there are differ- which would promote the utilisation of the product that
ent characteristics of their target market: some farmers is produced by utilisation of wastes.
Nattassha et al. Agric & Food Secur (2020) 9:10 Page 15 of 16

Alternative future research should regard the execu- Received: 10 March 2020 Accepted: 10 August 2020
tion of a scheme between OrganicFe Co., farmers, the
Regional Development Bank and various stakehold-
ers for a farming period, backed up by insurance. The
effectiveness of this scheme, especially concerning the References
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