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CHAPTER 17 COLUMNS increased, it fails by buckling at load is considerably legs” than those required to cause failure by crushing. In general, a column when its or mpre times its least lateral dimension. Compression members may be classified into three groups (1) Long column; (2) Intermediate column; and (3) short compression block. ing; intermediate co1umn: 's by a combination of crushing and’ buckling; short compress ion blocks by crushing. " ie 17-02 STABILITY oF ‘COLUMNS To get some insight on the stability of elastic columns, consider two rigid rods AC and BC connected at c by a pin Ly and a torsional spring of constant K, AC Fig.17-01. B Fig.17-01 (a) (b) Pr If P and p' are perfectly aligned, the rods will remain 4 in equilibrium as shown in Fig.17-01(a). : Suppose that Cis moved slightly to the right as in Fig.(b). If ¢ returns to 398 COLUMNS 399 its original position, the system is said to be stable. Other- “ yise, the system is unstable. i To determine the conditions for stability, consider the forces acting on rod AC, Fig.17-02. ‘gince the angle of deflection of the spring is 2h 0, the moment M = K(240). For stability, moment M. ‘The value of P for which this is ue is called the critical load Pg, Thus, Por (4/2) sinQ@ = K(240) 4k Fig.17- Por = ig.17-02 ‘The system is stable if P < Poy, and unstable if P > Pop. had a Fig.17-03 (17-12) The taximum stress occurs in the section of the column . Ynere the bending moment is maximum, which is at the midpoint Its value is M, @ P ‘max Fax = * a2) Mmax = PY¥max * Ma = P(Ymax + e) T = ar2 P P(ymax. + e)c Gnax = Ar B ( + e) =F + Limaet oe ey Replacing ymax by its value from Eq.(9), we obtain P ec P Trax = 1 + SF Ape S| A aL Spaec (E Er! (17-13) Using Eq.(17-12), we obtain an alternate form: e e max = 5 + Ssec =e’) (17-14) Por Setting I = ar2 and solving for P/A in Eq.(17-12), we obtain the Secant Formula: 406 COLUMNS P Smax a, TT (17-15) 1+ Lsee( Le ay 2r EA are found in the specifications o: Steel Construction (aIsc). c L/r Fig.17-05 (Oy = normal stress 1. First a curve, Fig.17-0' or with L/r is drawn. an arc of a parabola with at yield point) 5, representing the variation of The portion AB of this curve is an equation of the form Ly2 1 For = T - kK) a) while portion BE is part of Euler's curve whose equation is 2p aC eee (2) (L/r)2 Tm Eq-(1), when L/r = 0, ve fing from the graph that cr = Gy, and therefore T= Sy. It is assumed in c+ From Bq.(1), Oy = Ty ~ KcQ2 COLUMNS 407 m Eq- (3), oy eT ke (4) : 2Ce' | gubstituting values of 0% and k in Eq.(1), we get L Ty Lb y2 for 7S Cor Tor = Fy - (2) Be 20,2 . {L/r)2 f Ter = Tir - GEN, (17-16) 2c,2 LD te Re For ¢ = Coe Oo = SE 17-1 a ce * py? ; ( 7) putting To, = 3 Ty and E = Cy in Eq.(17-17), we obtain 2 : co? = oak E (17-18) . ¥ A factor of safety (F.S.) must be introduced to obtain the final AISC design formulas defining 9 ,,, as a function (of L/r. For L/r 2 Cg, that is, for long columns, a cons- tant factor of safety of 1.92 is used. Using this factor of safety in Eq.(17-17), and noting that the AISC specifi- "cations do not allow L/r to exceed 200, we have L c, 2 ic & 2 E 200, oy, = See =e — PB 17-19) r all. P.s 2 , ee 1.92(L/r) For short and intermediate columns, the factor of safety is 7 given by : -34 3@4)_ 1823 : FS. =3+ @ c ) ae) (17-20) Dividing Eq.(17-16) for %,, by this factor of safety, iy we have ee OL Cor oy 1, L/r ,? a PC = eat -i ES Cc < 200 allvip ores Fares 36 Co Fe : (17-21) | Aluminua: For each aluminum alloy, the Aluminum Institute of America provides three formulas for the allowable stress in columns under centric loading, which are tabulated below and shown in Pig.17-06. 408 COLUMNS Tan. Alloy 6061-16 L/e XS 9.5: aane 9.5 I The normal stresses due to the eccentric load P is expressed ‘py’ , T= Foentric + Thenaing =2 uc (17-26) A i 410 COLUMNS Fig-17-07 shows a column subjected to an eccentric loa, P acting at a distance e from the column center. As indi- cated in the succeeding figures the eccentric load is replaced by a centric load of equal magnitude and by a bena. ing moment M = Pe. . The stresses due to the centric load and the bending moment are shown in Fig.17-08. The maximum and minimum nor, Trax =e + ME (17-26a) max = 5 7 P Me ain = x a (17-26p) The maximum stress defined by Eq.(17-26a) above should not be exceeded in designing columns. Two methods are used in analyzing columns subjected to eccentric loading. ‘These are: (1) the allowable stress method, and (2) the interactio method. 1. Allowable Stress Method: The assumption for this method is that the allowable stress for an eccentrically loaded column is the same as if the column were centrically loaded. Therefore, Tmax & Tar. where S311, is the allowable stress under a centric. load Using Eq-(17-26a) the basic formula is Pi Me aerate, (17-27) The allowable stress is obtained by the formulas enumera- ted in previous sections of this chapter, where Cary is a function of the sienderness ratio. Tt must be noted that the major engineering codes require the use of the largest value of the slenderness ratio, whether or not this value corresponds to the actual plane of bending. COLUMNS 41 2. Interaction Method: The interaction formula is obtained by rewriting Eq.(17-27) as P/N _Mc/I <1 (17-28) Ta. a1. and replacing Ga11_ by (%a11.)centric in the first term and b¥ ( %%11.)bending in the second term, thus obtaining P/A s Mc/T ] i a | id Fig.17-13 (b) a 3 3 a (a) zh (0-16004 = 5.4613 x 10-5 m4 12 cpa = 12 x 109 Pa = 3.2m; E (17-09), _ me2et. _ e412 x 109) (5.4613 x 1075) Por =~ 12 (3.2)2 63.165 x 104 N = Ans. T= Fy [0-200)4 =(0.120)4] = 1.1605 x 10-4 m4 = %2(12 x 109)(1.1605 x, 1074) (3.2)2 13.4223 x 105 N = 1,342.23 KN ans. Example 17-05 A compression member with 3.2 m effective Jength is made by welding together two 89 x 64x 12.7 mm steel angles as shown in Fig.17-14. Using E = 200 GPa, “determine the allowable centric load for the member if a “factor of safety. of three is required. Assume both ends pinned. a 89 mm 89 mm £,[ 30-5 mm ee 477.91 nm 64 mm a i Y c Y { Ty = 1.349x10© Ty = 0-566x106mm4 Fig-17-14 416 COLUMNS Solution: Least I = 2(0.566 x 106) = 1.132 x 106 mm4 = 1.132 x 10-6 m4 Le = 3.2m 402 8 te? (200 x 109)(1.132 x 10-6) Por = ap = RE IO 132 x 1078) 12 (3.2)2 = 218.21 x 103 w = 218.21 kN 218. Allowable p = —St = 218-21 _ 72.7: F.S. 3 ans. Example 17-06 If the angles in Example 17-05 are welded together as shown in Fig.17-15, determine the allowable centric load. All other data remain the same. Solution: z he 3 Ty = 7589)(76.7) Fle ~ 1 (89 - 25.4)(64-12.7)3 + 12 = 2,631,000 mm4 = 2.631 x 10-6 m4 Te = 3-2 my - FE = 200 GPa = 200x109 pa = 2 2er _ _ 2(200x109)(2 631x10-6), \ Por = ea cea 12 (3.2)2 64 mm = 507.17 x 103 N = 507.17 KN 12.7 mm Allowable p = sorte = 169.06 kN Pig.17-15 Example 17-07 A load P is applied to the 35-mm diameter steel rod AB as shown. When P = 100 kN, it is observed that the horizontal deflection of the midpoint ¢ of the rod is 0.6 mm. If E = 200 GPa, determine (a) the eccentricity © of the load, (b) the maximum stress in the rod. Assume both ends are pinned. Solution: d= 35 mm = 0.035 m Ave © (0.035)2 = 9.6211 x 10-4 m2 tc T= gy (0.035)4 = 7.3662 x 10-8 m4 64 aly COLUMNS P= 100 kN Y¥m70-6 e= 1.467 mm 35 mm B c Fig.17-16 (b) _u? (200x109) (7.3662x1078) (0.6)2 403,897 N = 403.90 KN For P = 100 KN, Ym = 0-6 mm = 0.0006 m From Eg-(17-12), cd = ne -1 Yn = @ (sec [x ] wc ./ _100 0.0006 = -1 eee 2 403.90 e [sec(0.781598) - 1] = e(1.40887 - 1) 0.40887 e 1.467 x 10-3 m = 0 Ans. ° 0 consider portion AC as free-body, Fig-17-16 (b)- z " P (ym + €) = 100(0.6 + 1.467) = 206.7 = 206.7 Nem opt 2h, Me 100x103, _206-7(0-0175) - T 9.6211x10~4 7.3662x10-8 = 10.394x107 + 4.911x107 = 15.305 x 107 Pa Ans. 418 Example 17-0R column of 6 m effective Len wide flange shapes: (a) W200 x 59, COLUMNS Determine the allowable centric load for a gth made from the following (b) W200 x 35.9, Use Wy = 250 MPa and gE = 200 GPa. Solution: oy = 250 MPa = 250 x 108 pa E = 200 GPa = 200 x 109 pa 212 2 9 co? = 2p | 2A (2002109) as s01.4 oy 250x106 Ce = 125.66 (a) W200 x 59: aA = (b) 7,550 mm2 = 7.55 x 10-3 m2 ry = 51-8 mm = 0.0518 m L, e 6.0 => =: =. Ba Co = + = - eh 115.83 c = 125.66 For Le/t < Cg, 45-83 = 9 99197 125.66 23,23 =i j P.s 3 tg (0.92177) g(0.92177)3° i Sarr 3 (0-92177)2] Y Pay. = - A = (75.28x106)(7.55x10-3) = Ans. W200 x.35-9: A = 4,570 mm2 = 4.57x10-3 m2 ry = 40.9 mm = 0.0409 m Lea paso eer ee 146.70 > cy = 125.66 r 0.0409 np #2 (200x109 For Le/r > Cgr Team? 7 pepe ali Cer Vat. 1.92(Le/r)3 2(146.70) = 47.77 MPa Pala. = 47-77x106(4.57x10-3) = 218.31 kN ans. COLUMNS alg gxample 17-09 An aluminum tube, alloy 6061-T6, of 75-mm diameter carries a load of 45 kN with an eccentricity of e = 15 mm. Determine the thickness of the lightest tube which may be used. Use the "Allowable Stress Method" of design. Solution: 1.8m Pe = 45(0.015) = 0.675 kN.m P= 45 kN 15 mm = 6 mm inner radius = 37.5-6 = 31.5 mm A = %[(0.0375)2 - (0.0315)2] = 1.3006 x 10-3 m2 © ((0.0375)4 ~ (0.0315)4) = 7.7988 x 10-7 m4 r2 - 2 _ 7.7988 x 10-7 A "1.3006 x 10-3 = 5.9963 x 10-4 r = 0.02449 m L 1.8 r 7 0.02449 ~ 73:50 > 66 ‘rom Eq. (17-22), 351 x 103 _ 351 x 103 °, = SE Cs 64.97 wpa aide (t/r)2(73.50)2 Plu _ 45x103__ | _(0.675x103) (0.0375) zs Bs 1.3006x10-3 7.7988x10-7 34.60 + 32.46 = 67.06 MPa > 64.97 MPa (N.G.) ©) Increase wall thickness to t = 7 mm. 30.5 mm ry = 37.5 -7 0.0305 m T [(0.0375)? ~ (0.0305)2] = 1.4954 x 10-3 m2 © [(0.0375)4 - (0.0305)4} = 8.735 x 10-7 m4 12 - _8-735x1077 1.4954x1073 > " 4 = 5.8412 x 107 0.02417 m 420 COLUMNS L fe ep dorozaraiecs 4248166 351 x 103 351 x 103 Ta. = = = SS = 63.27 wea (L/r)2 (74.48)2 PMc. 45x103 (0.675x103) (0.0375) A I 1.4954x10-3 8.735x10-7 = 30.09 + 28.98 = 59.07 MPa < 63.27 MPa Use t = Ans. Example 17-10 The aluminum compression member AB is free its top A and fixed at the base B. The allowable bending stress is 150 MPa and the eccentricities ex = ey = 15 mm. Using the Interaction Method, determine the largest ver- tical load P which may be applied. Solution: “Y 15mm, Pig.17-18 0.050(0.080) = 0.004 m2 (0.050)(0.080)2 A Sy 5.333 x 10-5 m3 s. (0.080)(0.050)2 = 3.333 x 10-5 m3 Olas Least I = Ty = 7 (0.080)(0.050)3 = 6.333 x 10-7 m4 8.333 x 10-7 0.004 roe DIM = = 2.0833 x 10-4; = r = 0.01443 m COLUMNS 421 | prom Table 17-01, an Le = 2 = 2(0-6) = 1.2 m . fe Le ted 351 x 103 iM “£2. —_= 83.14; 9, Bolexelo, 70144 ; all. = 50.78 MPa oe (83.14)2 My = My = 0.015P N.m jy the Interaction Formula, Eq. (17-30), M/S. My/S, us wae pepe a ee | ieee ; a (Oa ecentric ' Tarr’venaing ‘ a11 bending , : P/0.004 0.015P/5.833x1075 0.015P/3,333x1075 ‘ a + e 50.78x106 150x106 150x106 = 4.4232 x 10-6p +#1.7144 x 10-6P+ 3.0003 x 10-8 ="1 9.6379 x 10-6 p = P = 103,757 N = 103.76 KN 422 COLUMNS 17-09 EXERCISES PI7-OL_ Determine the critical 1oad of an aluminum tube which is 2.0 m long and has an outside diameter of 20 mm and a 1.5 mm wall thickness. §& = 70 GPa. Assume both ends .pinned P17-02, A compression member of 2.4 m effective length con- sists of a solid 40-mm diameter brass rod. To reduce the weight of the member, the solid rod is replaced by a hollow rod with inside diameter of 20 mm. Determine (a) the Percent reduction in the critical load, (b) the value of the critical load for each rod. § = 105 GPa. P17-03 A column of 4.5-m effective length is made by we1d- ing together two C180 x 14.6 steel channels, Determine the allowable centric load for the column for each of the arrange- ments shown in Fig.P17-03 if a factor of safety of 3.5 is used. E = 200 cpa. Properties of C180 x 14.6: Flange width = 53 mm; flange thickness = 9.3 mm Neb thickness = 5.3 mm; Iy_y = 8.86 x 108 mm4 X = 13.74 mm Ty-y = 0.403 x 106 mmn4 Area = 1,852 mm2 ¥ y 1 * 178 mm melee (a) fy (by) L2064m P17-04 Determine the largest load P which may be applied to the structure shown if the factor of safety is 3.2. con- 25 mmo sider buckling in the plane of the structure only. E = 105 cpa. x—- Fig-P17-03 Fig.P17-04 COLUMNS 423 “pi7-05 A load P = 10 kN is applied at point D in Fig. P17-05, ich is 8 mm from the geometric axis of the square brass bar qhe base is fixed and the top is free. Determine (a) the jzontal deflection of end C, (b) the maximum stress in the E = 105 GPa. hor 100 kN Fig-P17-06 p17-06 A 100-KN load is applied to the W100x18.0 steel col- umn BC in Fig.P17-06, which is fixed at the base Band free at the top C. If the load is eccentric 10 mm, determine the jargest permissible length L if the allowable stress in the column is 250 MPa. E = 200 GPa. Use the Secant Formula. properties of W150x18.0: 2,290 mm2; Flange width = 102 mm 1-245 x 106 mm4; ry = 23.3 mm p17-07 A steel pipe with an outside diameter of 90 mm and | wall thickness 6 mm is used as a column. If Gy = 250 MPa and B = 200 GPa, determine the allowable centric load when the effective length of the column is (a) 4.5 m, (b) 2.5 m. P17-08 Four timber planks, each of 40 mm x 140 mm in cross- section, are securely fastened together as shown to form a column of 5.5 m effective length. If B = 12.5 GPa and 7q1, = 9.5 MPa parallel to the grain, determine the maximum allow- able centric load for each of the arrangements shown in Fig. 17-08. Po 24onm— aS 40mm f-t4om—| — J Basser 40 mm 40 mm val POSEET] [40 el | 40 mm 140 mm +. 40 mm Fig-P17-08 a P17-09 Two timber planks, each of 40 mm x 100 mm cross-section: are securely fastened together to form a column with a 3-m effective length. Using the Allowable Stress Method, deter- mine the largest load P which may, be safely applied at the Centroid of one of the planks. E = 12.5 GPa and the allow- able stress for compression Parallel to the grain is 8.6 MPa. Fig, P17-09 P17-10 Solve Example 17-09 using the Interaction Method of design if the allowable stress in bending is 170 MPa. aii other data remain the same. 150 |p PI7-I1 Determine the largest allowable [vam | load P which may be safely carried by a W250x80 steel column whose height is 8.0 m and fixed at both ends: (K = 0.65). E = 200 GPa and Gy = 240 MPa. Use the Allowable stress Method. W250x89, Properties of W250 x 80: Area = 10,200 mm2; ty =111.1 mm i - ; _ Sx = 985 x 103 m3; ry =65.0 mm Fig-PI7~11 Ad COLUMNS 425 ‘ P17-12 A steel column having a 6.2-m effective 1ength sup- % sports a load P = 300 KN with an eccentricity of 40 mm as shown in Pig.P17-12. Using the Interaction Method, select the wide flange shape of 250 mm nominal depth which shoula * be used. E = 200 GPa, Oy = 250 MPa, and Tarr, = 150 |. wpa, in bending. Fs a aa oe P c z | 250 mm Fig-P17-12 eo i

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