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CHAPTER 14 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION FOR BEAMS 14-01 INTRODUCTION The analysis of statically indeterminate beams and frames by distributing fixed-end moments was originated by Professor Hardy Cross in 1932 while teaching at the University of Tllinois. It is a method of successive corrections which can be carried to any degree of accuracy depending upon the number of corrections. Analysis by moment distribution makes use of four con- cepts of structural mechanics. These are: the fixed end mom- ent at each end of a member, its rotational stiffness, its lateral stiffness, and the carry-over factor, These concepts are discussed in subsequent articles. 14-02 FIXED END MOMENT Any load supportec by a beam fixed at both ends will induce a fixed-end moment at each end of the beam. Table 14-01 gives the values of fixed-end moments for different types of load- ing. 14-03 SIGNS OF FIXED-END MOMENTS Fig.14-01 In Fig.14-01,based on the sign convention for bending moment, both My, and Mg are negative bending moments, because they tend to make the beam concave downward at the ends. However, for moment distribution clockwise end moment and rotation of a member are considered positive. Thus, Mp is a positive fixed-end moment and My, is negative For vertical members the signs of fixed-end moments are shown in Fig.14-02. 322 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION 323 Table 14-01 “gype of Loading Pixed-End Moments Fixed-End Moments AAAS SAN 2 My Pab: 12 Pa2p Mp = L2 {Miwa > SVVAAY 324 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION Type of Loading Fixed-End Moments wi? eo 2 ean 12 *7(6 - 8k +3k2)) length wL2 et (4 - 3k) _ wh 12 (1-6k244K3) MOMENT DISTRIBUTION wL2 3g k2 (10-15 +6K 2) WL? BK? (5 - 4K) 20 wal? + - MK2(1- 3k; ) = Mky(1 - 3k2) 326 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION I Or CEM 1 I J i —! — | Pin } aS we Signs of Fixed-End Moments for Vertical Members 14-04 ROTATIONAL STIFFNESS A second concept needed for the is "rotational stiffness", Fig.14-02 moment distribution method which is also called beam stirf- ness- Rotational stiffness is the moment required at the simply supported end of a beam to produce unit rotation mat that end, while the other end is rigidly fixed., " t : I = HI M M M | 0 o= 0 lo +o Fig.14-03 Rotational M/2 RL Stiffness 4 beam with one end fixed while the other end is free to rotate under the action of a couple M is shown in Fig.14-03. To determine the angle of rota tion @, we consider the effects of the moment M and the reaction separ. ‘ately and apply the area-moment method. Thus, ML RL2 17a oy = Re ML2 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION 327 op = ML om? om aw 42 = 01 - 92 “ar 2ET ~ Er 24 2Er (4) LM, u = 4EL Soaer, a (14-01) This @ment is the rotational stiffness and is denoted by the sym- (14-02) any structures, however, the modulus of elasticity B ig ‘game for all members, so only a relative resistance to tion is needed.This may be called relative beam stifr- 3gs and is expressed by Relative. K = of (14-03) Fig.14-04 328 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION Both ends of beam AB in Fig-14-04 are hinged. To det- ermine the moment M acting at the near end B to cause unit rotation 9 = 1 radian at this end apply the second area- moment proposition. = vertical deviation of end A from the tap tangent at B aT gee ML 2 peel apm eee Br! 2) 3 3ET 9 - TAB. ME L 3EI ‘= (14-04) Thus, the stiffness factor at the near end when the far end is hinged is three-fourths of that when the far end is fixed, 14-06 DISTRIBUTION FACTORS Fig.14-05 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION 329 pig. 14-05(a) shows four members rigidly connected at their | ends and acted upon by a counterclockwise moment M at their “common joint. ‘These members will deflect as indicated in © fig.(b), each member rotating at an angle @ at the common | joint. The moment will induce resisting couples My, Mg, and Mg in each of the members, respectively (Fig.c). My + My + Mg + Mg = M a) From rotational stiffness, Eq.(14-01), Mob2 = M3L3 Mala pis peMS Seen ( 4EKy 4EK3 - 4EKq Mz = 4EK20; M3 = 4EK30; Mg = AEK 40 Adding these equations, My + My + Mg + Mq = 4E0(Ky + Kp + Kz + Kg) M = 450 SK M Oe (14-05) 4E SK where lk is the sum of the stiffnesses of all the members ‘framing into the joint. Combining this with Eq.(2), we Mg M , mena ak No = Shem: 2 = Bi MP tee _ Which indicates that a moment resisted by a joint will be distributed among the members framing into the joint in (proportion to their stiffness ratios. The factors Kj/ 33K, 1, 2, 3, «s+, are called distribution factors. 330 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION ‘ of whose ends deflects by an amount f relative to the other end, without any rotation. Thus, the tangents at both ends remain horizontal. This can be accomplishéd by subjecting | & one of the ends to a force P and a moment M. : “ nee ~~ fc, ancl Fig.14-06 |p a We treat the effects of P and M separately. From the © 4 area-moment propositions, we obtain t PL2 ML a °1 = 2er °2 = ET af é, = 28 6, - mu ‘ Lee SET 25-28 a PL2 ML M. : 1-92! apy = Er! PeQr7 Ms 4 PL3 mp2 M 13 wn2 ‘ = - BE eee a res i ow ee — x 6-5, - & 3EI | 2ET L 3B 2ET ~ GET 4 Thus, ™ (14-07) From this equation the lateral stiffness can be defined as % the moments developed at the ends of a member caused by a ° unit displacement ( 6 = 1) of one end. Hence, 4 ' | I. SEK a Later ff = — er hal: ateral Stiffness = 6E 75 = <7 14-08 CARRY-OVER FACTOR If both ends of a member rest on unyielding supports, with one end fixed and the other end rotated by’ an applied mom- « ent, then the carry-over factor (COF) is the ratio of the ag moment at the fixed end to the moment producing rotation at the other end. For the beam shown in Fig.14-07, Mp a Carry-over Factor, .cor = =F (14-09) | MOMENT DISTRIBUTION 331 es ~ 2b Mp = moment at the fixed end Tebow gM Ws gM COF= FTF (14-10) the same direction as the moment Mat the rotating end. ANALYSIS OF STATICALLY INDETERMINATE BEAMS WITHOUT YIELDING OF SUPPORTS "For beams in’ which no translation of the joints occurs, and ‘all the members are prismatic, determination of the unknown » pending moments at the joints is relatively simple. Cons- | truct a line diagram of the structure indicating the fixed ‘end moments, stiffness, carry-over, and distribution factors ‘for each end of every member. Determine the unbalanced mom- “ent at each joint. A balancing moment of the same magni- ) tude is introduced and assigned to each member meeting at a joint in proportion to the distribution factor for each member. When each jgint has been considered, half of the distributed moment is carried to the opposite end of the member. This completes a cycle of operation. The magni- tude of the unbalance is now determined by summing algeb- raically the carry-over moments at thé joint. The process is repeated until the carry-ovér moments become negligibly small. In general, no more than a few cycles are necessary, since the unbalance due to the carry-over moments usually decreases rapidly to zero. For members in which all are prismatic and in which no joint translations occur, the moment distribution method may be summarized as follows: 332 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION (1) Determine the fixed-end moments for each loaded member considered separate from every other member. Table 14-01 will be useful in computing these moments. Re- cord them with the proper signs at their locations on a line diagram of the structure (2) Determine the distripution factors at the end of each member from the K-values of the members. Record these factors inside a box at each joint. (3) Begin at a joint with a large unbalanced moment and using the distribution factors determine the balancing moments. These balancing moments are of opposite sign to the unbalanced joint moment. write each balancing moment underneath the corresponding fixed end moment, and draw a horizontal line under each balancing moment to indicate that the moments above this line are already balanced. (4) atter distributing the unbalanced moment to: each adja- cent member, carry-over one-half this amount, with the same sign, to the other end of each member. Carry-over moments are considered additional fixed-end moments: and will therefore create an unbalance at the joints, which will require another cycle of distribution. (5) Repeat steps (3) and (4) until the carry-over moments become negligibly small. (6) Add the columns of moments at each joint to give the final moments. 14-10 ANALYSIS OF STATICALLY INDETERMINATE BEAMS DUE TO YIELDING OF ace Ret L eed .- Meas = Mppa = - 73 Fig.14-08 When a support yields as shown in Fig.14-08 the joints are first locked against rotation and then displaced with the amount of yielding. The locking moments at the ends of the member are the fixed end moments derived in Section 14-06. MOMENT DISTRIBUTION 333 Bq-(14-07, and shown in Fig.14-08. ‘These fixed-end moments are treated in the same manner as those due to the applied loadings. The steps enumerated in Section 14-09 are then ‘applied to determine the joint moments. Example 14-01 Analyze the continuous beam shown by the oment. distribution method. 50 kN L 2m 35 KN 70KN 3m —fe~2m stem B 4 3m +H om m | First Solution: Fig.14-09 ‘ * Relative stiffness Factors: Span AB caer err a Tie 5 rs eieee aer Span BC: Le ie oe Deere 35-1 ae Fixed-End Moments: 50(2)(3)2 Mpap = - 35 —— = - 36 KNem 50(2)2(3) = + 24 kNem Mega = + 35 2 a 35(2)2(5) | 70(4)2(3) 49 Mpop = + + = + 82.857 kN.m Calculations for the joint moments are done in two ways as shown in Tables 14-02 and 14-03. it 334 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION Table 14-02 - Moment Distribution goint T a BI c D K 7 5 DF 1.000} Tz} a7 Tico FEM | -36.00 +24.00[ -87.14 +82.86 | -80.00 Bal. | +36.00 +3683] 426.31 - 2.86 co +18.42 +18.00[ - 1.43 413.16 Bal. | -18.42 ~ 9-67] - 6.90 -13.16 co = 4.84 - 9.21[ "6.58 - 3.45] Bal. | + 4.84 + 9-21] +.6.58 + 3.45 z co + 4.61 + 2.42[ + 1.73 + 3.29 Bal. | - 4.61 > 2.42| - 1.73 - 3.29 co ~ 1.21 = 2.30. = 1.64 - 0.87 Bal. | + 1.21 + 2.301 + 1.64 + 0.87 totar | 0.00 +69.16| -69.16 _ +80.00 | -80.00 Note that beginning from the third cycle that the carry-over and balancing moments are equal. The values of the joint moments are: My = 0; Mp = - 69.16 kN.m; No = -80.00 kNem Second Solution: Using the Modified stiffness Factors Modified Stiffness Factors: 5.25 Span AB: K' = zy) Span BC: Kt 3 (5) = 3.75 Table 14-03 - Moment Distribution By Modified stiffness Method Joint [a By c Kt 5.25 3.75 DF 15.2579 | 3.7579] FEM =36.00 +24.00 | -87.14 +82.86 | -60.00 Bal. | +36.00 +36.83| +26.31 - 2.86 co +18.00] - 1.43 Bal. = 9.67] - 6.90 A Total | 0.00 +69.16] -69.16 +80.00 | -80.00 i walt 335 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION ye 14-02 Analyze the continuous beam shown by the Hyent distribution method. e 8 KN 5 kN 6m 6 KN/m Hirst Solution: Bagel aa10 ative stiffness Factors: Span BC: Terese oor cr" 4 12 ' S span CD: er aor) Es Tiere ede Raege xed End Moments: g(4) _ 4¢4)? _ Mppe = - 26) - SDE | - 9.93 kvm Meca = + 9.33 kKNem 6(6)2 Mgop =~ = = 7.20 KN. cD a kNem (6)? _ Mppe = + S182. = + 10.80 kN.m Table 14-04 - Moment Distribution Toint [A B ¢ D K 3 2 DF _{ 1.00] “fo-6[-0-4T [i.00 Fem | +5.00] -9.33 9.33] -7-20 $10.80 Bal. 44.33 =1.28| -0.85 10.80 co =0.64 ¥2.17) -5.40 = 0.42 | Bal. 40.64 +1.94] +1.29 + 0.42 co +0.97 0-32] 40.21 + 0.64 Bal. -0.97 =0.32| -0.21 = 0.64 co =0.16 =0.48| -0.32 = 0-10 Bai. +0.16 40.48| +0.32 + 0.10 [fotar [+5.00| -5.00 412.16 |-12.16 0.00 | The values of the joint moments are: Mp = - 5-00 KN-m ; 9 Mg = - 12-16 KN.m 236 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION Second Solution: using the Modified sg. tiffness Factors; Modified stiffness Factors; Span Be: Kt = 3(3) = 2,25 Spah cp: K 3 fe q (2) = 1.50 Table 14-05 ~ Moment Distribution py Modified stiffness Methoa Example 14-03 Analyze the continuous by moment distribution method. 20 kN eam shown by the First Solution: Relative stiffness Factors: Span Be: relat eo TOS. Span cp; iz - 3 ia K = 25 Span DE: I 4 20r Fe tS (SG: K = 20 | Fixed-End Moments: Mppo = 0;° Mpop = 0 2 Mpop = - s0tg)? ces crat maz raetene Pelatsahens 60(2)(4)2 _ i 60(2)2(4) Mepg Sis= TU 36 7753639 Kem Mp + , MOMENT DISTRIBUTION 337 Table 14-06 - Moment Distribution A fe c z] 25 20 al 25/37] [25745] 20745] [1-00 +40.00 | 0-00 0.00[ -30.00 +30.00] -53.33 426-67 =40-00 + 9.73] 420.27 412.96] +10.37 ~26.67 + 4-87 -20.00/ + 6.48 +10.14] -13.33 +, 5.18 = 4:87_+ 4.30] + 9.14'4 1.77] + 1.42 ~ 5.19 + 0.88 + 4.57| - 2.50 + 0-7] = 2-19 +,0.51] + 1.05 - 1.10 = 0-88 ~ 0.71] + 0.25 - 1.101 - 0.55 + 0.52| - 0.36 - 0744 = 0-25 + 0.54 + 1.11 ~ 0.09] - 0.07 + 0.44 * 0.27 ~ 0.121 0.04 + 0.56] + 0.22 - 0203 40-27 + 0.05] + 0.11 - 0.43] - 0.35 + 0.03 + 0-02 - 0.14 "0.22 + 0.06] + 0.02 — 0717 + 0-12] + 0.24 - 0.04] - 0.04 + 0.17 otal] +40.00. ~ 8.47] + 8.47 +58.92] -58.92 0.00 The joint moments are: Mg = -40.00 kN.m Mo = + 8.47 kN.m Mp = -58.92 kN.m Mg = 0. the modified stirfness factors are: for BC, K' = 9; for DE, i The stiffness factor for span CD is not modified cause both ends of this span are not hinged, being conti- jeous at the supports c and p. The calculations are shown in Table 14-07, 7 yb 338 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION wn? Table 14-07 ~ Moment Distribution By Modified stiffness Method Joint} A. B Gi K 12 Kt “9 DF =----[ 19734 FEM | +40.00] 0.00 0.00 Bal. -40.00 +7.94 co -20.00 Bal. co Bal. co Bal. co Bal. co Bal, co. Bal. Total] +40.00| -40.00 -8.47 Example 14-04 Analyze the continuous beam shown by moment distribution method. 40 kN Solution: Fig.14-12 Relative Stiffness Factors: Span AB: I_Li_ 4 perish eee OL a Span BC: eee SI i san E 'a- 3 Ke5 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION 339 pixed-End Moments: 40(3)(2)2 _ of 22 5 — = + 19.2 KN.m 40(3)2(2) = ar 28.8 KN. * 25 + 28 m 8(4)2 Mppe = ~ —]97 = - 10.667 kNem + 10.667 kN.m = 3 a 3 4 Table 14-08 - Moment Distribution ‘or this beam, since both ends are fixed, the only joint or ‘Support where the moments have to be balanced is the center Support at B. After which the balancing moments are carried over to the fixed supports at A and C, respectively. Example 14-05 Analyze the continuous beam shown by the moment distribution method. 60 kN 48 kN 340 Solution: Relative Span Span Span Fixed-gnd Mpap = Mee Meep Mpc MOMENT DISTRIBUTTOT Stiffness Factors: IN AB: Toh er K=8 Dee cease? ial Be: ee atone! 2c L 8 24 cD: I 31 121 L = 6 = 24 Raesl2 Moments: 7 - Sore) - 45 KN.m; Mpa = + 45 kNem 2 = Her = - 64 KN.m; Mpop = + 64 kNem 2 2 = - M6)? _ 48(2)(4)2 2 6g oo sae 12 36 = + 206)2 | 48(2)2(4) = + To + a6 ha = + 48.33 kKN.m Table 14-09 - Moment Distribution fT To. +64.00 + 2.84 + 5.70 ~ 2.85 0.42 0.21 +f 0.36 0.18 ' 0.03 + 0.02 741-15 452.75] -52.74 469.65 Ma = ~ 41.15 kNem; Mg = - 69.65 kN.m; + KN.m KN.m MOMENT DISTRIBUTION 341 _ gxample 14-06 Analyze the continuous beam in Example 14-05 jf the right end D is simply supported. 60kN + Use the same values of the stiffness factors and moments calculated in Example 14-05, 1 t Table 14-10 ~ Moment Distribution 12 0.6] [o-s ~64.00 +64.00 #11.40_ + 2.88 | + 2.84 =48.33 + 1.42 + 5.70 [-24.17 + 1.42 = 0.85 + 9.24] 4 9.24 = 1.42 +4462 - 0.42 | - 0.71 + 4.62 = 2:77 + 0.57 | + 0.57 = 4.62 + 0.28 = 1.38 | 2.31 ¥ 0.28 0.17 + 1.85 [+ 1.85 = 0-28 0.92 - 0.08] = 0.14 + 0.92 0-55 + 0-11 | + 0.11 = 0.92 0.06 - 0.28|- 0.46 + 0.06 = 0.04 + 0.37 | + 0.37 = 0.06 + 0.18 = 0.02 |- 0.03 + 0.18 = 0.11 + 0.02 | + 0.03 = 0.18 -- | ¥ 0.01 - 0.06] - 0.09 + 0.02 0.00} - 0.01 + 0.07] + 0.08 - 0.02 742.70 +49.61| -49.61 482.53 | -82.50 0.00 The moments at the supports are: My = - 42.70 kN.m; Mp = " ' * Ss a a B 5 Mo = - 82.53 kN.m; Mp = 0. ett ww 342 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION Second Solution: Using the Modified stiffness Factors. Table 14-11 - Moment Distribution py Modified stiffness Factors Joint | A a c D K 8 12, 12 Kt 8 12 9 pF | ----| [o-4}o.ef “Lert a7 [i000 FEM | 745-00 +45.00] 64.00 _+64.00] -69.67 348733 Bal. + 7-60] 411.40 + 3.24] + 2.43 48-33 co + 1.62 + 5.70] -24.17 Bal. 0.97 +10.55] + 7.92 co 5.28 — 0.49] — Bal, 3.17 + 0.28] + co 0.14 1.58 Bal. = 0:06] - 0.08 + 0.90] + 0.68 co + 0.45 - 0.04 Bal. = 0.27 + 0.02] + 0.02 co = 0.09 #10 02/11)/=10.13)|jje=-cn5 Bal 0.00|- 0.01 + 0.07] + 0.06 rotat | 0200 _-139.67}+139.67 +213.94|-213.94 0.00 Example 14-07 Solve Example 13-12 by the moment distribution method. E = 200,000.MPa, I = 104 x 166 mm4, a B Q D f fore $25 mm First Solution: Fig.14-15 Relative stiffness Pactors: Span ap: Ta - re ’ K=1 Span BC: a Rea L Span CD: iL 3st it Ree L Chr tk, MOMENT DISTRIBUTION Table 14-12 - Moment Distribution 34: Fixed-Bnd Moments: From Section 14-07, the fixed-end form) as Mpap = Mpp, = SEIS _ Gere FAB EEN erm lea R= 6/1, Mpap = Mppa = 0. £(200, 000) (5x104%106) 25 Mego = Mrcp = + ei FBC FCB 5,000 ( 5,000) = 6,240 x 105 yumm = 624 KN.m Mrop = Meno = - SEIR _ 6(200,000)(3x104x106) (228 . = AER = - 21200/000)(3x104x106) Sara oS L 6,000 6,000 = ~ 2,600 x 105 = - 260 xNem +624.00 416.00 +130.00 80.89 + + 26.00 + + 52.00/+ 26.00 + +3033 pe +22 - 26.00]-:52.00 - = 23.59 co ~ 13.00 -"10.11/- 23.59 — - 6.50 — Bal. | + 13.00 + 11.23]4 22.47 4 +1083) + a1, co + 5.62 + 6.50/+ 10.84 4 + 5.90 + 5.49] Bal.| - 5.62 - 5.78/- 11.56 _ = 5.71 ~. 5.42 co - 2.89 - 2.e1f- 5.71 - S270) Fel Bal.| + 2.89 + 2.84/+ 5.68 + + 2.83) + 2.86 co + 1.42 + 1.45/[¢ 2.63 6 + 1.43 4 mal Bat.{ - 1.42 - 1.43/- 9.95 _ 1.42) - 1.42] co > 0.72 - 0.71/— 1.43. 0.71 > O.71f Bal: | + 0.72 + 0.71/4+ 1.43 + 0.71 + 0.71 + 0.35 4 mei 0.72 + 0.35 + 0.35) = 0-35 - 0.36/- 0.72 - 0.35 - 0.35) 0-00 -139.67]4139.67 +213.94) 213.94 0.00) —t_ are: = o " 139.67 KN.m = My = 0, -213.94 kNem a I 344 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION Second Solution: Using the Modified stiffness Factors. Modified stiffness Factors: Span AB: Kis 7 = 0.75 ‘ Span BC: K! 2 Span cp: K' = 0.75 The stiffness factor for Span BC is not modified because bot! its ends are continuous over the supports. Table 14-13 - Moment Distribution By Modified stiffness Method [aoint] a a] I] ‘ K 1 2 SeReeee Kt 0.75 2 0.75 c oF | ta a7il s/7ii 137i] FEM | 0.00 9.00] 4624.00 +624.00] -260.00 =260.001 Bal. | 0.00, =170.18| =453.82 ~264.73| = 99.27 4260.00 co 0.00]"-132.36 -226.91] 4130.00 Bal. + 36.10] + 96.26 + 70.48] + 26.43 co + 35.24 + 48.13] Bal. | = 25.63 ~ 35.00] co, - 17.50 — 12.81 Bal. + 12.73 + 9.32 co + 4.66 + 6.36 Bal. = 3.39 - 4.63] co = 2.32 - 1.70] - Bal. + 1.69 + 1.24]+ co + 0.62 + 0.84 Bal. = 0.45 - 0.61 co = 0.30 - 0.22 4 Bal + co 3 Bal. co - 0.04 - 0.03 Bal. + 0.01] + 0.03 + 0.02]+ 0.01 Tota1| 0.00 -139.66] 4139.66 +213.94]-213.94 0-00 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION 345 ty 14-08 Solve Example 13-13 by the moment. distributi ” gxample on i qethod. E = 200,000 MPa, T = 190 x 106 mm4, 6 kN/m 10 kN 15mm f 2c H 6 m Am 2m Fig.14-16 Span AB: veel Gull 2. ree A L677! k=2 Span BC: Teer ss) Teen eran eee Fixed-End Moments: M, = ss = 7.2-KN BAB = 3g 7 om 6(6)2 =+ = + 10.8 KN. Mppa 20 m = - 404)? | 6(200,000) (190x108) 15 Mppe = - “y2 4,000 4,000’ 196 = - 5.333 + 213.75 = + 208.417 kW.m Mpcp = + 5-333 + 213.75 = + 219.083 kNem (The calculations by moment distribution are shown in Table 14-14 on the next page. 5 ui 346 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION uw Table 14-14 ~ Moment Distribution [Joint [a cf D) K 2 2 De | 1.00] _[o-4f 0-6] 1.00 FEM = 7.20 +10.80) +208.42 4219.08] _—20.00 {par. | + 7.20 -87.69| -131.53 ~199.08 co 43.85 + 3.60/ - 99.54 — 65.77 Bal. +43.85 #38-38| + 57.56 + 65.77 co +19.19 421.92] + 32.88 + 28.78 Bal. | -19.19 =21.92| - 32.88 - 28.78 [co =10.96 - 9-60] - 14.39 16.44 Bal. 4+10.96 + 9-60] + 14.39 + 16.44 Total 0.00 734-91] + 34.91 + 20.00 [_-20.00 Note that beginning with the third cycle that the carry~ ever and balancing moments are equal to each other. No further cycles are necessary Second Solution: Using the Modified Stiffness Factors. Span aB, K' = 0.75(2) = 1.50; Span BC, K' = 0.75(3) = 2.25 Table 14-15 - Moment Distribution By Modified stiffness Method Joint TA B c DI K aD 3 Kt 1.50 2.25 | DF. [0.4] 0.67 L- Ty FEM , +10.80 [ +208.42 _+219.08| ~20-00 Bal. +7.20 ~87.69| -131.53 -199.08 co + 3.60] - 99.54 —----__ Bal. +38.38| + 57.56. ---____ [rotar 0.00 34.91] + 34.901 4 20.00] -20.00 MOMENT DISTRIBUTION 347 | 14-12 EXERCTSES pl4-01 Exercise P13-01 PI4-11_ Exercise P1331 14-02 Exercise P1302 PI4-12 Exercise p13_12 Exercise P13-03 PI4-13° Exercise P13~13 Exercise P13-04 Exercise P13-05 Exercise P13-06 Exercise P13-07 Exercise P13-08 Exercise P13-09 Exercise P13-10

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