Q&a Written Exam

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Preparing the Session Plan

1. What were the questions you asked yourself when you started to write the session plan?
Answer: The question I asked when I started to write the session plan are the following;
How to start the session plan, what are the components of the session plan, what are the
training needs and characteristics of the trainees, what will be the materials needed, what
method are more applicable to the trainees,what will the learning outcome, time, resources and
the target group.

2. Where did you got your answers to your questions?

Answer: I got the answers to these questions from the Training Regulations (TR) and
Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), RPL forms and by gathering instrument for trainees’

3. Describe the components of your session plan.

Answer: The components of my session plan are the following; Industry sector, qualification
title and level, unit of competency, module title, learning outcome, introduction, learning
activities, evaluation and teacher’s reflection. The learning activities compose of learning
contents, methods, presentation, practice, resources and time.

4. What factors did you consider when you selected your training methods?
Answer: The factors to be consider when I selected my training methods are the following; The
learning outcomes/objectives, content, participants, time, and resources.

5. How did you organize your learning events?

Answer: I organized the learning events by means of learning content are arrange from simple
to complex. Gagne’s hierarchy of learning shows how these skills are arranged.

6. What assessment did you chose when for that particular session plan? Do you think you made a good
Answer: The assessment method I choose for the particular session plan are the following;
written test to measure the underpinning knowledge, demonstration method to measure the
underpinning skills, and oral questioning.

7. When preparing the assessment tools how did you consider validity and cost effectiveness?
Answer: When preparing the assessment tools, I consider validity and cost effectiveness by
preparing the Evidence plan based on the curriculum standard and the dimensions of
competency. It also includes cost effectiveness to maximize the use of resources.

8. Why was it being necessary to prepare a table of specifications when you prepared your written test?
Answer: It is necessary to prepare a table of specifications to increase the validity of the written
test and equal distribution of items.

9. Describe at least two adult learning principles that is always in your mind when you are preparing a
session plan?

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Answer: The two adult learning principles that always in my mind are the; “demands respect”
and “uses of past experiences”

Note: Sample Written Report shown in the next page for Plan Training Session. DO NOT USE

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Preparing the Session Plan

The question I asked when I started to write the session plan are the following; How to start
the session plan, what are the components of the session plan, what are the training needs and
characteristics of the trainees, what will be the materials needed, what method are more applicable to
the trainees, what will the learning outcome, time, resources and the target group.

I got the answers to these questions from the Training Regulations (TR) and Competency
Based Curriculum (CBC), RPL forms and by gathering instrument for trainees’ characteristics.

The components of my session plan are the following; Industry sector, qualification title and
level, unit of competency, module title, learning outcome, introduction, learning activities,
evaluation and teacher’s reflection. The learning activities compose of learning contents, methods,
presentation, practice, resources and time.

The factors to be consider when I selected my training methods are the following; The
learning outcomes/objectives, content, participants, time, and resources.

I organized the learning events by means of learning content are arrange from simple to
complex. Gagne’s hierarchy of learning shows how these skills are arranged.

The assessment method I choose for the particular session plan are the following; written test
to measure the underpinning knowledge, demonstration method to measure the underpinning skills,
and oral questioning.

When preparing the assessment tools, I consider validity and cost effectiveness by preparing
the Evidence plan based on the curriculum standard and the dimensions of competency. It also
includes cost effectiveness to maximize the use of resources.

It is necessary to prepare a table of specifications to increase the validity of the written test
and equal distribution of items.

The two adult learning principles that always in my mind are the; “demands respect” and
“uses of past experiences”

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Facilitate Training Session

1. Enumerate the activities you did before the arrival of your students.
Answer: The activities I did before the arrival of the students are; prepare myself for the
activities, prepare the training facilities, prepare the learning station, tools and equipment for
learning activities.
2. Enumerates the events that happened in this particular session. Make your list as a series of teacher
and students activities. Do not elaborate on the content of the lesson. Based on these events, was
your lesson teacher centered or student centered? Provide a reason for your answer
Answer: The events happened in this particular session are to provide motivation at the start;
give the objectives of the session; recall prior learning; present the content of the session; do
demonstration of the activity; let them do return demo; give feedback and give assessment. My
self is student centered because I followed the CBT principle of teaching.

3. Evaluate your choice of learning material. State whether you like to change it or not change it the
next time you facilitate the same lesson. Provide a reason for your action.
Answer: My CBLM is very achievable and it follows the standard of competency so there is no
reason to change it. The CBLM also follows the TESDA Training Regulations and Competency
Based Curriculum so this CBLM is effective, efficient and comprehensive.

4. Described the type of questions you asked in this particular session. Why was it necessary to ask
these questions?
Answer: The questions I asked in this particular session are: “are they achievable and doable?
Is the use of CBLM effective for them? These are the questions that are suitable for which
learning will take place.

5. How did you ensure participation from your students?

Answer: To ensure students’ participations is by grouping them and giving them activities.

6. What document do you use to help you manage the class activities? Describe the use of this
document. Would you recommend other types of document that can be used to manage the class?
Answer: The document that help me manage the class activities is the monitoring tool to let me
monitor what activity/ies to be done and what facilities to be used.

7. Describe an adult learning principle you have always in mind when you are facilitating a session.
Answer: The adult learning principle is “uses of past experiences”

8. What assessment tools did you use in this particular session? Is there a need to make improvement
on the tools? Why or Why not?
Answer: I used the assessment tool of demonstration with performance criteria checklist. No
need to improve this tool because the current competencies of the trainees are identified.

9. How did you provide the feedback to your students? Is there a need to make improvement on your
method? Why or why not?
Answer: Feedback should be given immediately, positively and non-judgmental, areas and
suggest activities for improvement.

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10. Did you asked your students to evaluate the session? What did you learn from you’re their
Answer: Yes, I learned that there is a need to be flexible and learned that it is necessary for
adjustment in teaching.

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Facilitate Learning Session

The activities I did before the arrival of the students are; prepare myself for the activities,
prepare the training facilities, prepare the learning station, tools and equipment for learning activities.

The events happened in this particular session are to provide motivation at the start; give the
objectives of the session; recall prior learning; present the content of the session; do demonstration of
the activity; let them do return demo; give feedback and give assessment.The lesson is student
centered because I followed the CBT principle of teaching.

My CBLM is very achievable and it follows the standard of competency so there is no reason
to change it. The CBLM also follows the TESDA Training Regulations and Competency Based
Curriculum so this CBLM is effective, efficient and comprehensive.

The questions I asked in this particular session are: “are they achievable and doable? Is the
use of CBLM effective for them? These are the questions that are suitable for which learning will
take place.

To ensure students’ participations is by grouping them and giving them activities.

The document that help me manage the class activities is the monitoring tool to let me
monitor what activity/ies to be done and what facilities to be used.

The adult learning principle is “uses of past experiences”

I used the assessment tool of demonstration with performance criteria checklist. No need to
improve this tool because the current competencies of the trainees are identified.

Feedback should be given immediately, positively and non-judgmental, areas and suggest
activities for improvement.

Yes, I learned that there is a need to be flexible and learned that it is necessary for
adjustment in teaching.

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Maintain Training Facilities

1. Sketch the lay-out of your classroom/laboratory/workshop.

Answer: Draw the shop layout with 9 CBT Areas, medicine cabinet, fire extinguisher, comfort
room, entrance and exit of the training venue (Shop Layout Sketch is in separate paper with the
Written Report)
2. Enumerate the training equipment, and machines that are in your classroom/laboratory/workshop. If
there too many, write it as a set.
Answer: The training equipment and machines that are in my classroom are plastic chairs,
lecture tables, ceiling fan, white board, chalk board, DVD player, components, hand tools, tool
cabinet, projector, printer, computers/laptops, air conditioner

3. Enumerates the major maintenance and housekeeping activities performed by all personnel involved
in the maintenance of your classroom/laboratory/workshop. What improvement will you
recommend? Why?
Answer: Inventory of equipment, tools and materials, maintenance activities & resources
schedule is posted, established maintenance activities, schedule and inspection, follow
manufacturers specification & checklist and workshop properly secured.

4. What procedure do you follow to request for the purchase of additional tools, equipment and
machines for your classroom/laboratory/workshop? What improvement would you recommend for
this procedure?
Answer: For the purchase of additional tools, I personally make written request addressing to
the administrator. This request stated all the reasons why an additional purchase of the
particular tool has to be made.

5. What is the SOP of your institutions when equipment is found to be out of order? Would you
recommend an improvement to this procedure? Why or why not?
Answer: The trainer will prepare equipment inspection/ breakdown report. Normally if one of
the equipment is out of order, the administrator usually looks for a technician for a repair. To
improve its procedure, I can recommend the use of salvage report, inspection report, and then
work request report.

6. Describe your institution waste disposal system. If none, what can you recommend?
Answer: In our institution we implement waste segregation system and waste disposal system.

7. Describe your institutions recording and documentation of equipment/machine maintenance & and
repair. If none what can you recommend?
Answer: They recommend my institution to try using different checklist and table pertaining to
recording and documenting equipment maintenance implemented and taught by TESDA in
Maintain Training Facility.

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Maintain Training Facilities

The training equipment and machines that are in my classroom are plastic chairs, lecture tables,
ceiling fan, white board, chalk board, DVD player, components, hand tools, tool cabinet, projector, printer,
computers/laptops, air conditioner.

Inventory of equipment, tools and materials, maintenance activities & resources schedule is posted,
established maintenance activities, schedule and inspection, follow manufacturers specification & checklist
and workshop properly secured.

For the purchase of additional tools, I personally make written request addressing to the
administrator. This request stated all the reasons why an additional purchase of the particular tool has to be

The trainer will prepare equipment inspection/ breakdown report. Normally if one of the equipment
is out of order, the administrator usually looks for a technician for a repair. To improve its procedure, I can
recommend the use of salvage report, inspection report, and then work request report.

In our institution we implement waste segregation system and waste disposal system.

They recommend my institution to try using different checklist and table pertaining to recording and
documenting equipment maintenance implemented and taught by TESDA in Maintain Training Facility.

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Supervised work-based training

1. How will you Identify and establish relationship with potential participating companies?
Answer: I will make sure that; 60-70% of the course component could be carried out; meet the
standard of a work-based training; willing to provide training, and make a MOA with the
participating companies as to which relationship is being established.

2. Will you write a training plan for your students? Why?

Answer: Yes, so that the trainee will know what to train in the industry or so that they will have
a guide plan. Additionally, it must be made for them because it is how the training will be done,
the flow of the training from input to end results including the resources that will be used.

3. Before you send your students to the participating company, what preparatory activities should you
do? Why?
Answer: I have to make sure that the trainee will be oriented, prepared and well-equip with the
skills and knowledge to perform in the industry.

4. How will you monitor the performance of the students? Why is this needed? When do you provide
the feedback to the students?
Answer: By using the monitoring tools such as: Training Plan, Trainees’ Record Book (TRB),
Trainees Progress Sheet. These are needed to ensure that the trainee will attain the required
competency at the end of the program and be ready for assessment. Feedback should be
provided immediately, positively and non-judgmental. This is so to give motivation to students
and to let them know what part/aspect they exceed or failed. Further, it will help them to
improve more.

5. If the participating company will make an unfavorable remark about the performance of the students
what will you do?
Answer: I have to visit the industry and ask the performance of the trainee and send the
students back or remove them from the area, and back to be trained in the class so that they
will be equip with the required skills and knowledge.

6. How will you evaluate the effectiveness of the work-based learning? Why is there a need to perform
such evaluation?
Answer: The trainer should evaluate the effectiveness of work based learning using training
evaluation form. This will be the basis for improvement and to determine the success of the

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Supervised work-based training

I will make sure that; 60-70% of the course component could be carried out; meet the
standard of a work-based training; willing to provide training, and make a Memorandum of
Agreement with the participating companies as to which relationship is being established.

Yes, so that the trainee will know what to train in the industry or so that they will have a
guide plan. Additionally, it must be made for them because it is how the training will be done, the
flow of the training from input to end results including the resources that will be used.

I have to make sure that the trainee will be oriented, prepared and well-equip with the skills
and knowledge to perform in the industry.

By using the monitoring tools such as: Training Plan, Trainees’ Record Book (TRB),
Trainees Progress Sheet. These are needed to ensure that the trainee will attain the required
competency at the end of the program and be ready for assessment. Feedback should be provided
immediately, positively and non-judgmental. This is so to give motivation to students and to let them
know what part/aspect they exceed or failed. Further, it will help them to improve more.

I have to visit the industry and ask the performance of the trainee and send the students back
or remove them from the area, and back to be trained in the class so that they will be equip with the
required skills and knowledge.

The trainer should evaluate the effectiveness of work based learning using training
evaluation form. This will be the basis for improvement and to determine the success of the program.

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Conduct competency Assessment

1. What is it that you should do prior to the assessment activity?

Answer: Prior to the assessment activity the assessor must prepare the assessment guidelines,
assessment center, and candidates evidence gathering tools. Coordination of assessment center
manager, prepare oneself and roles of all people involve. Confirm assessment record keeping
and reporting arrangement. Check and arrange resources required for assessment such as
conduct site inspection, check the completeness of assessment resources and ensure safe and
accessible assessment environment and assessment package.

2. What will you explain during the orientation of the candidates?

Answer: Explain the context and purpose of assessment to candidates in line with the
requirements of the relevant assessment guidelines. Determine the needs of the candidates to
establish any allowable adjustments in the assessment procedure such as language, religion,
culture, health condition, and disability. Explain legal and ethical responsibilities associated
with the assessment to candidates in line with the relevant assessment guidelines. Explain
clearly the competency standards to be assessed and the evidence to be collected to the

3. What is the purpose of giving an orientation to the candidates?

Answer: The purpose of giving orientation is part of preparing the candidates for assessment. It
is a means to make the candidate relax and not apprehensive, to provide a supportive
environment by allowing candidate to be clarified.

4. How do you make sure that the candidate taking the assessment is the same person in the application
Answer: By checking the attendance of the candidates and collecting the admission slip and
compare the signature in the attendance sheet.

5. How do you make sure that the candidate understands the tasks to be performed?
Answer: To make sure that the candidate understands the task to be perform by explaining the
task to perform rally, provide the specific instruction to candidate and allow the candidate to
read the task to be performed by himself, and to provide time for the candidate to clarify the
task by translating the written and verbal instructions from English into local dialects as
needed. Also by allowing the candidates to raise questions before the start of the assessment.

6. What are the Do’s and Don’ts of an assessor while observing the candidate performing the tasks?

Answer: The do’s and don’ts of the assessor while observing the candidate performing the task
are do not interrupt, do not ask questions, do not leave the assessment area, record your
observations observe safety and stop the assessment if the accident is eminent. It is necessary
observe the do’s and don’ts for the safety reasons and for the success of the entire activity.

7. During the interview or oral questioning, when the candidate’s answer is wrong do you provide the
correct answer immediately? Why?

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Answer: During the interview if the answer of the candidate is wrong the assessor will not
provide the correct answer because the candidate may think that the assessment is already
finished and the assessor is already provided feedback.

8. What should be the bases of your assessment decision? If you are in doubt, what would you do?
Answer: The basis of my decision are the 4 dimensions of competency, rules of evidence,
evidence requirements, and corroboration of the evidences.

9. How should you provide the feedback? In case the candidate does not agree with your decision, what
would you do?
Answer: Give clear and constructive feedback on the assessment decision to the candidate,
reinforce good performance, explain specific areas for improvement, provide advice on further
training or practice to improve performance.

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Conduct competency Assessment

Prior to the assessment activity the assessor must prepare the assessment guidelines,
assessment center, and candidates evidence gathering tools. Coordination of assessment center
manager, prepare oneself and roles of all people involve. Confirm assessment record keeping and
reporting arrangement. Check and arrange resources required for assessment such as conduct site
inspection, check the completeness of assessment resources and ensure safe and accessible
assessment environment and assessment package.

Explain the context and purpose of assessment to candidates in line with the requirements of
the relevant assessment guidelines. Determine the needs of the candidates to establish any allowable
adjustments in the assessment procedure such as language, religion, culture, health condition, and
disability. Explain legal and ethical responsibilities associated with the assessment to candidates in
line with the relevant assessment guidelines. Explain clearly the competency standards to be assessed
and the evidence to be collected to the candidates.

The purpose of giving orientation is part of preparing the candidates for assessment. It is a
means to make the candidate relax and not apprehensive, to provide a supportive environment by
allowing candidate to be clarified.

By checking the attendance of the candidates and collecting the admission slip and compare
the signature in the attendance sheet.

To make sure that the candidate understands the task to be perform by explaining the task to
perform rally, provide the specific instruction to candidate and allow the candidate to read the task to
be performed by himself, and to provide time for the candidate to clarify the task by translating the
written and verbal instructions from English into local dialects as needed. Also by allowing the
candidates to raise questions before the start of the assessment.

The do’s and don’ts of the assessor while observing the candidate performing the task are do
not interrupt, do not ask questions, do not leave the assessment area, record your observations
observe safety and stop the assessment if the accident is eminent. It is necessary observe the do’s and
don’ts for the safety reasons and for the success of the entire activity.

During the interview if the answer of the candidate is wrong the assessor will not provide the
correct answer because the candidate may think that the assessment is already finished and the
assessor is already provided feedback.

The basis of my decision are the 4 dimensions of competency, rules of evidence, evidence
requirements, and corroboration of the evidences.

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Give clear and constructive feedback on the assessment decision to the candidate, reinforce
good performance, explain specific areas for improvement, provide advice on further training or
practice to improve performance.

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