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BSB - Business Services Training Package

BSB30120—Certificate III in Business


Work in a team

Student/Trainee Manual
Passing Lane Pty Ltd
PO Box 975

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The information in this document has been developed using information and reference sources considered to be reliable.

Passing Lane Pty Ltd, its employees and contracted content developers accept no responsibility as to any errors or omissions or any loss or
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BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 3


Student/Trainee Name

Student/Trainee Email

Teacher / Trainer Name

School / InsƟtuƟon / Training OrganisaƟon / Employer

Introduction Page 5

Unit of Competency Overview Page 8

Section One
Identify individual work tasks within a team Page 9

Section Two
Contribute effectively to team goals Page 28

Section Three
Work effectively with team members Page 42
Section Four
Communicate effectively with team leaders Page 53

Self Assessment Page 66

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 5

This manual was developed to provide training content that addresses the specific ‘Unit of Competency’ as
outlined in the following pages.

We encourage you the student / trainee to take your time when reviewing this content and seek any assistance
from your teacher/trainer should you have difficulty in understanding the information.


Also included in this Student / Trainee manual are a series of Learning Activities.

The learning activities in the student and/or trainee manuals are ‘Form Enabled’ so that if the resources are
delivered online, the activities can be entered in using the computer keyboard.

Each learning activity is identified with the following icon.

Learning activities come in the following forms.


BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 6


Questions generally relate to the information presented on previous pages. Questions will also include multiple
choice questions, ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ questions and/or ‘True’ and ‘False’ questions.


This type of learning activity requires you to locate information by using research methods. The research
methods could include:

Internet searches
Reading textbooks and other reference sources
Location visits


This learning activity type requires you to actually do something and some examples of tasks may include:

Creating reports
Visiting locations such as workplaces
Performing an activity in a workplace


This learning activity type would require you to interview person(s) in an actual workplace environment or a
person(s) who are experienced in the industry sector which you currently are undergoing training.

You will be made aware of the type of learning activity by noting the learning activity type displayed under the
learning activity icon.

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 7


If you are using this manual online, you can fill in some of the answers using your computer keyboard.

Your teacher or trainer will provide you with the information and instructions on how to use the ’Form Enabled’
feature in this manual.


At the end of each manual is a series of questions that you should review and answer either Yes or No.

The term ‘Self Assessment’ means you will ask yourself these questions and therefore is no need to provide the
answers to the self assessment questions to your teacher or trainer, unless they require you to do so.

This self assessment is to ensure you have reviewed and understood the information that was presented in this

If you answered ‘No’ to any of these questions or are unsure of your understanding in any of the topics reviewed,
you are encouraged to go back and review the information again and/or seek the assistance of your teacher or

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 8


The following pages are extracts from website and outlines this specific ‘Unit of Competency’
including the ‘Elements’ and the ‘Performance Criteria’. The content within this manual has been developed to
address this unit.



1.1 Identify own responsibilities according to organisational policies and procedures

1. Identify individual work tasks within a 1.2 Identify own role and task requirements within team
team 1.3 Articulate team structure and roles of other team members
1.4 Plan and prioritise own tasks according to given time frames and team requirements

2.1 Identify team goals and own responsibilities relevant to achieving team goals
2. Contribute effectively to team goals 2.2 Contribute ideas and information in team planning discussions
2.3 Share knowledge and skills with team members to enable effective teamwork and seek or
offer support as required

3.1 Communicate clearly and respectfully with team members, considering the needs of those
from diverse backgrounds and roles
3. Work effectively with team members 3.2 Collaborate effectively with team members, including those who are working remotely on
workplace issues
3.3 Seek and provide assistance and feedback to team members where appropriate

4.1 Receive and confirm understanding of task instructions or directions

4.2 Communicate personal commitments in a timely manner
4. Communicate effectively with team 4.3 Identify and report any issues preventing the completion of workplace tasks, according to
leaders organisational requirements
4.4 Seek and act upon feedback to improve personal performance and/or behaviour

Passing Lane acknowledges that the copyright ownership of the above information is the Commonwealth of Australia and this extract has been provided for reference purposes only.

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Section One

Identify Individual
Work Tasks Within a Team

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It is a well known fact that businesses in all industries which have a strong team spirit operating in the organisation have a more
productive and efficient workplace environment. The workers are generally more co-operative and motivated than those working
for companies that have a ‘dictatorship’ mentality.

Teams create stronger working relationships amongst its members which then lead to trust and commitment. Teams work harder
at improving productivity, improving the working environment, as well as assisting in developing better practices and procedures.

In this training manual we look at how teams are established, what the benefits are in working in a team and what you as an
employee should do to become an effective member of a workplace team.

Sඍඋගඑ඗ඖ Lඍඉකඖඑඖඏ Oඊඒඍඋගඑඞඍඛ

At the completion of this section you will learn information relating to:
Identifying own responsibilities according to organisational policies and procedures
Identify own role and task requirements within team
Articulate team structure and roles of other team members
Plan and prioritise own tasks according to given time frames and team requirements

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Iඌඍඖගඑඎඡ ඗ඟඖ කඍඛ඘඗ඖඛඑඊඑඔඑගඑඍඛ ඉඋඋ඗කඌඑඖඏ ග඗ ඗කඏඉඖඑඛඉගඑ඗ඖඉඔ ඘඗ඔඑඋඑඍඛ ඉඖඌ

When you are hired, the employer would have seen your training, skills, experience and your attitude as
being beneficial to the organisation and you were seen as a person who could assist in the organisation
achieving its goals.

Your first responsibility as an employee would be to learn, fully understand and follow the organisation's
policies and procedures.

As an employee your other basic responsibilities to the organisation would include:

Being punctual and working for the agreed amount of time

Working to your best ability and skills
Maintaining confidentiality
Following health and safety rules
Providing assistance to fellow employees if they need it
Being courteous and helpful to other staff members
Respecting others with cultural and religious differences
Using honest and ethical work practices
Maintaining good personal hygiene
Assisting in achieving the organisation's goals

Your basic responsibilities to the organisation would also need to include your responsibilities as a
member of a workplace team and these would include:

Being flexible and adaptable

Feeling excited about belonging and achieving
Having good communication skills with others
Taking on tasks
Meeting deadlines
Working co-operatively
Asking for assistance when you need it
Supporting other members
Maintaining personal goodwill among members
Avoiding conflict
Attending meetings when requested
BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 12

1) In this Section we gave you eleven examples of an employee’s basic responsibilities to an organisation. What were those
eleven examples?

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 13

2) In this Section we gave you eleven examples of an employee’s basic responsibilities to a workplace team. What were those
eleven examples?

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Iඌඍඖගඑඎඡ ඗ඟඖ ක඗ඔඍ ඉඖඌ ගඉඛඓ කඍ඙ඝඑකඍඕඍඖගඛ ඟඑගඐඑඖ ගඍඉඕ

Aකගඑඋඝඔඉගඍ ගඍඉඕ ඛගකඝඋගඝකඍ ඉඖඌ ක඗ඔඍඛ ඗ඎ ඗ගඐඍක ගඍඉඕ ඕඍඕඊඍකඛ
(Over the next few pages we cover two ‘Performance Criteria’ points at the same time to avoid repetition)

A team is a set, or group of people working together with a common goal or purpose. In a workplace
environment, it is likely those goals are focussed on implementing policies, procedures or practices within the
workplace. Workplace teams can be formed to create a specific task, or to have an involvement in a
particular project. In various workplaces some activities that teams could be involved with are:

Specific product production, assembly, etc. (manufacturing)

Computer system design (office)
Designing and building stage elements (live production)
Stocktaking (warehousing)
Developing a new sales campaign (retail)
Creating and staging training sessions (all types of industries)
Workplace safety committees (construction)
Developing a new menu (hospitality)
Environmental or recycling projects (general)

An organisation (depending on its size) may have several different teams in operation - each focusing on a
specific task or project.

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Tඍඉඕ Lඍඉඌඍකඛ

As with any team, there needs to be a leader. The leader is usually chosen for their qualities in leadership
and expertise in what the team is involved in. It is not necessarily the supervisor or the manager that is a
team leader and it is likely to be a different person for each team.

The team needs a driving force – a person to oversee and manage the progress of the team. The team
leader would:

Ensure all members agree on the team goals, how to achieve them, and by what date
Ensure all members of the team have tasks
Ensure the members understand their tasks
Listen to all suggestions, opinions or viewpoints
Ensure the team’s results are measured and acknowledged
Acknowledge individual effort
Praise people for being ‘team players’
Ensure the team is properly trained to do its job
Manage conflict
Help members set and achieve their goals
Assist or source assistance for members when required
Set and chair the meetings
Represent the team at the management level

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Tඍඉඕ Mඍඕඊඍකඛ

Members in a team are generally chosen to perform a role in the team based on their talent, skills and

As an example, a sales department wants to start a monthly customer newsletter, so a ‘newsletter team’ is
established. Each team member chosen has a skill, a talent or has abilities that are different to the other
team members but are important to the team being able to create a newsletter.

One team member may have desktop publishing skills for designing each newsletter edition, another may
have database skills for setting up a customer database for the newsletter, another team member has great
writing skills that are used to write content. Another member may have great drawing skills useful for
illustrations or graphics for the newsletter and the examples go on...

An effective team is one that has each member fully understand what role they play in the team and as
important an effective team, is one that has members that fully understand what roles the other members
have in the team.

In the team formation stage, members are selected and the first step is to get to know each other. Some
members may have never met before, so the team needs time for everyone to get acquainted. Members may
come from different departments or other locations.

Many times the formation stage is the first opportunity for all the team members to become familiar with each
other’s talents, skills, experience and personality. The longer this familiarisation stage goes on, the stronger
the confidence and trust within the team will become.

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Tඍඉඕ Sගකඝඋගඝකඍඛ

There are five common types of team structures.

Conventional Team - A group of people working together toward a common goal. This type of
team is common in general office environments where the team leader could be the office
administrator and the goals are basically set by the management.

Self-Managed Team - A self-managed team is a group of employees that are responsible and
accountable for all or most aspects of producing a product or delivering a service. Goals or
targets are set by management and the self-managed team work towards achieving those
targets or goals in their own way.

Self-Directed Team - A self-directed work team is similar to a self-managed team, however

they set their own targets or goals. These types of teams are common in organisations that have
several departments or branches, where there is a single organisation goal. These self-directed
teams set their own goals that will benefit the organisation and ultimately contribute to the
achievement of the organisation's goals.

Project Team - A project team is a team whose members usually belong to different groups,
functions and are assigned to activities for the same project. These teams are established for a
project and then dismantled when the project is completed.

Virtual Team - A virtual team is a group of people who work interdependently and with a shared
purpose across space, time and organisation boundaries using technology to communicate and
collaborate. It is not uncommon to have self-managed, self-directed, or project teams which
have a number of members that are deemed’ virtual’ team members.

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In this Section we gave you thirteen examples of common attributes a team leader should posses. What were those thirteen

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BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 21

1) How and why are team members often chosen for participation in a team?

2) What two factors will ensure that a team will be an effective one?

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In this Section we looked at five common workplace team structures. In this activity we want you to summarise each in one or
two sentences in the space we have provided below.

Conventional Team

Self-Managed Team

Self-Directed Team

Project Team Virtual Team

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Pඔඉඖ ඉඖඌ ඘කඑ඗කඑගඑඛඍ ඗ඟඖ ගඉඛඓඛ ඉඋඋ඗කඌඑඖඏ ග඗ ඏඑඞඍඖ ගඑඕඍ ඎකඉඕඍඛ ඉඖඌ ගඍඉඕ
The success of any team is the achievement of a goal and this only happens when each and every team
member contributes to the achievement. These goals would be broken down into tasks and team members
assign specific tasks based on their skills, talents and ability to successfully complete those tasks.

Along with tasks assignment, each team member would be made aware of the team’s timeframes, milestones
and/or deadlines where certain tasks are expected to be completed.

This would require each team member to do their own task planning based on assigned tasks and team

To effectively assess and prioritise a task workload, team members would need to develop a task work
schedule. A task work schedule assists in identifying all tasks, assessing their level of importance and
urgency, estimating the time they will take to complete and in what order they should be undertaken during
the course of a day, or other period of time.

The key to effectively establishing a personal task schedule is knowing how to build one from the ground up.

The starting point is creating a list of all tasks. Then estimate the length of time required to complete each
one, rank them in order of importance/urgency, establish their order of priority and finally schedule when each
task will be done.

A task work schedule can be set out in many different ways. They are often stored and accessed
electronically, but they can also be in hard copy, or even displayed on a whiteboard or notice board for all
team members to see.

Important information on a task work schedule includes:

tasks to be done over a day or other period of time

the order in which they will be done
allocated time for each one
an indication of their urgency or deadline

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When developing a task work schedule, it is important to make it flexible enough to accommodate interruptions and
unexpected tasks, work-related interaction with team members, extra tasks due to a team member’s absence and
meetings and so on.

It is also necessary to continually assess and evaluate task work schedules, paying particular attention to the order
of priority of tasks and the time spent on them. It is useful to constantly check:

Are deadlines being met?

How much time is spent on low priority tasks compared with higher priority tasks?
Is time being wasted in any way?
In what way can low priority tasks be done more efficiently, allowing more time for higher priority
Are the time estimates realistic?

Some tasks assigned to team members may rely on other team members completing their tasks before you are
able to start yours. This means scheduling may need to be reviewed and priorities reset.

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C඗ඖගඑඖඏඍඖඋඡ Pඔඉඖඖඑඖඏ

From a more personal view, there is the need for contingency arrangements. The term contingency simply
means to plan for the ‘What Ifs!’.

Many unexpected changes to your task priorities and the problems they may cause can be reduced or
eliminated by contingency planning. The more tasks that are involved in your role as a team member, the
greater the likelihood for problems. These problems could have a dramatic effect on the successful
completion of the tasks and cause greater disruption to the team as a whole.

To avoid the effects of potential problems, additional plans may need to be in place to address those ‘What
Ifs’. If while performing a task you have been plagued with some problems, a contingency arrangement may
be to have others to help on standby.

Or, business equipment that you rely on fails, so you may have an arrangement with a local printer or office
supply business to provide assistance such as photocopying, printing or binding if the need arises.

You may have arranged to have someone help you and then they become unavailable, so you would need to
have someone else on standby as a contingency arrangement.

The more experienced you become in doing your tasks, the more you will be able to prepare for the
unforeseen issues which may arise with team assigned tasks.

Contingency planning could also include:

Other team members who are able to take on some, or all of your tasks in the case of illness or
unexpected tasks arising
Adequate resources and/or tools available or nearby in the event of unexpected needs or failure
or equipment during an important task
Being trained to perform a task outside your normal duties in case your time is required by
someone else

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 26

1) When a team member is planning and prioritising assigned team tasks, what four ways does a task work schedule assist

2) What four pieces of information needs to be included in a task work schedule?

3) 4) What is the meaning of ‘Contingency Planning?

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 27

4) We learned in this Section that a task work schedule should constantly be monitored and assessed. What are the five
questions that should be asked when assessing the task work schedule?

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Section Two

Contribute Effectively
to Team Goals

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Without goals teams have no ‘direction’ in which to focus their efforts and as a consequence of this, a team structure with no
goals is a waste of time.

As important is that team goals must be clearly communicated to each team member and each team member needs to fully
understand how they play a part in achieving those goals.

In this section we look at the topic of team goal setting and achievement.

Sඍඋගඑ඗ඖ Lඍඉකඖඑඖඏ Oඊඒඍඋගඑඞඍඛ

At the completion of this section you will learn information relating to:

Identifying team goals and own responsibilities relevant to achieving team goals
Contributing ideas and information in team planning discussions
Sharing knowledge and skills with team members to enable effective teamwork and seeking or offering support as

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 30

Iඌඍඖගඑඎඡ ගඍඉඕ ඏ඗ඉඔඛ ඉඖඌ ඗ඟඖ කඍඛ඘඗ඖඛඑඊඑඔඑගඑඍඛ කඍඔඍඞඉඖග ග඗ ඉඋඐඑඍඞඑඖඏ ගඍඉඕ ඏ඗ඉඔඛ
A goal is the ultimate objective, end result, target or achievement. Everybody at some point has set a goal in life.

Goal setting can be one of the most important activities to include when establishing a team.

Setting a goal to merely increase production does little to inspire a production team.

However, if the goal is to increase production by five percent during the month of March, the goal becomes
much more clear and attainable. Being specific means a much better chance of actually attaining the goal.

Team members enjoy being involved in the goal setting process. Team members tend to achieve set goals if
they have had an integral part in setting the goal.

A goal never happens by itself. It requires effort. Once a goal is set, there will be certain elements and tasks that
need to be identified. Once they have been identified, they need to be carried out by team members assigned
specific tasks.

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 31

For example, the team goal is to lower the instances of customer complaints to less than three a

Collectively, during their daily activities the team would closely watch how they provide high quality
customer service. It would be each team member's responsibility to ask customer’s regarding how
they feel about the business’s level of customer service.

There would need to be one team member who has the responsibility to monitor the customer
service levels on a daily basis and would have the task of compiling responses from customers
when asked on how they felt the business was doing in the area of customer service.

However, as part of the same goal, one team member may have the responsibility to review past
customer complaint records and at the next team meeting report on areas of identifiable
improvement. The individual tasks identified here would include:

Accessing the records

Reviewing the records
Identifying the areas of potential improvement
Reporting on those areas

And then another team member as part of the same goal, may have to research competitors and
learn where they are strong in customer service and where they are weak. The individual tasks
identified here would include:

Interviewing competitor's customers

Compiling the interview results
Reporting on those results
Recommendations based on the results

So at the next team meeting, a team member would have the task of reporting on the instances to
date of customer complaints, another reporting of the responses of customers when asked about
their feelings toward the business, another reporting on past complaints and areas of identifiable
improvement and another team member reporting on the competitor's strengths and weaknesses
in customer service.

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 32

Uඖඌඍකඛගඉඖඌඑඖඏ Y඗ඝක Rඍඛ඘඗ඖඛඑඊඑඔඑගඑඍඛ Rඍඔඍඞඉඖග ග඗ Aඋඐඑඍඞඑඖඏ Tඍඉඕ G඗ඉඔඛ

So now you know that a team that has specific goals and completion deadlines for tasks will work
together more effectively than a team without goals.

As the previous example has shown, for the team to succeed, you as a team member should know what
your role and responsibility is within the team, as well as what the roles/responsibilities of others are.

This would include you fully understanding what needs to be done and being responsible and
accountable for completing the tasks assigned to you.

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 33

To successfully complete this ‘Unit of Competency’ you will need to be assessed on your ability to understand and describe a
workplace team structure, as well as what role and responsibilities you would have as a team member.

In this activity we want you to describe what type team structures exist at your place of employment (this could include work

Tell us what the team does (including a basic summary of the goals) and what role you play in the team. Also tell us what you
believe your responsibilities as a team member are .

We have provided an area on the next page to outline your summary.

If you are not employed at this time or there are no workplace teams that you can identify with, then you may want to interview
an owner of a local business and ask him/her what team structures they have in place, what roles the team members have and
what the responsibilities are for each team member.

Use the same area on the next page for your interview summary.

If you are not employed or are unable to perform an interview, your teacher or trainer will assist you in completing this activity in
a training environment.

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 34

Team Structure Description

Team Goals Summary

Your Role and Responsibilities in the Team

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 35

C඗ඖගකඑඊඝගඍ එඌඍඉඛ ඉඖඌ එඖඎ඗කඕඉගඑ඗ඖ එඖ ගඍඉඕ ඘ඔඉඖඖඑඖඏ ඌඑඛඋඝඛඛඑ඗ඖඛ

Sඐඉකඍ ඓඖ඗ඟඔඍඌඏඍ ඉඖඌ ඛඓඑඔඔඛ ඟඑගඐ ගඍඉඕ ඕඍඕඊඍකඛ ග඗ ඍඖඉඊඔඍ ඍඎඎඍඋගඑඞඍ ගඍඉඕඟ඗කඓ ඉඖඌ
ඛඍඍඓ ඗ක ඗ඎඎඍක ඛඝ඘඘඗කග ඉඛ කඍ඙ඝඑකඍඌ
(Over the next few pages we cover two ‘Performance Criteria’ points at the same time to avoid repetition)

When a team works well together, team members feel more comfortable offering suggestions and ideas. A
respectful and trusting team environment will not only enable team members to think more creatively, but will lead
to more productive and collaborative planning sessions.

Most team members that come up with ideas are those seeking to do better at their team role, or make their tasks

You may have seen or heard about some new technology that would not only be beneficial to your role in the
team, but to the team as a whole.

Many new and innovative ideas just happen. You may be at work and all of a sudden you think of something and
come up with an idea. The idea could then be presented to the team.

However, one of the easiest (and most effective) ways for employees and teams to make a difference in the
workplace is to be always on the lookout for ways to improve the work processes, products, services and systems
that are a vital part of how the organisation does its business. No organisation is perfect. There always is room for

If you are part of a team and do not want to settle for just ‘good enough’ in your role or project, consider these

Look for ways to make improvements to the status quo and follow through with a plan of action
Focus your suggestions on areas that have the greatest impact on the organisation or the success of
the team
Follow up your suggestions with action. Volunteer to help implement your suggestions
Step outside of your box. Look for areas of improvement throughout the organisation, not just within
the team
Don't make frivolous suggestions. They degrade your credibility and distract you from more important
areas of improvement
BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 36

Sඐඉකඑඖඏ Y඗ඝක Kඖ඗ඟඔඍඌඏඍ ඉඖඌ Sඓඑඔඔඛ

Many team members including yourself may have worked in the industry for awhile or did
volunteering work or have had past training, experiences or interests that increased your skills and
knowledge over time.

This knowledge and skills if shared with the team could be of benefit for the team as a whole and
contribute to the achievement of the team goals.

Everyone is unique and will be able to offer their own experiences and knowledge that others in the
team may not possess.

When your knowledge and skills helps the entire team, you become a more valuable part of it.

A team is as strong as its weakest member. By sharing knowledge or skills, the team members can
easily acquire new sets of skills building a stronger team.

When your share your own knowledge and skills, it opens up others to do the same. This results in
your own knowledge and skills development levels increasing and would increase your own
performance levels.

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 37

Oඎඎඍකඑඖඏ ඉඖඌ Sඍඍඓඑඖඏ Sඝ඘඘඗කග

All workplaces provide challenges, but having a strong team in place can act as a support
mechanism for team members.

Offering assistance or seeking assistance and receiving assistance are important factors in keeping
the strong team spirit in a team.

Team members that help each other, contribute to a better working environment and this creates a
more effective and productive team environment.

They can help each other improve each other’s performance, as well as working together toward
improving their team performance.

Building bonds on trust and reliance on each other can be extremely important when facing a
particularly difficult challenge, or if the group is forced to deal with the loss of a team member while
continuing to maintain productivity.

So not only offer your assistance, seek assistance when you are having difficulties completing tasks.

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 38

In this activity we want you to fill in the missing words using the words in the ‘Word Bank’ below.

When a team ____________ well ______________, team members feel more

_______________offering _________________ and ____________. A _______________and

_______________team environment will not only ____________ team members to

___________more _______________, but will lead to more _________________ and

_____________________ planning sessions.

Word Bank

collaborative, trusting, ideas, productive, think, respectful, works, creatively, enable, together, comfortable, suggestions

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 39

When identifying and offering suggestions and/or ideas to the team, what were the five strategies we suggested in this Section?

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 40

In this activity we want you to fill in the missing words using the words in the ‘Word Bank’ below.

Everyone is _____________ and will be able to offer their own __________________and

____________________that others in the team may not _____________.

When your knowledge and skills ___________ the entire _______________, you become a

more _______________ part of it.

When your share your own knowledge and skills, it _____________ up __________ to do

the ______________. This _______________ in your own knowledge and skills

______________________levels ______________________ and would increase your own


Word Bank

development. opens, helps, knowledge, performance, same, results, unique, others, increasing, team, valuable, experiences,

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 41

1) Offering assistance, seeking assistance and receiving assistance are important factors in keeping something strong in a
team. What would this be?

2) What will having team members that help each other create?

3) Not only should you offer assistance to other teams members, what should you also do?

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 42

Section Three

Work Effectively
with Team Members

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 43


One of the most important factors in an efficient and productive team is communication between the team members.

In this section we look at team communication.

Sඍඋගඑ඗ඖ Lඍඉකඖඑඖඏ Oඊඒඍඋගඑඞඍඛ

At the completion of this section you will learn information relating to:

Communicating clearly and respectfully with team members, considering the needs of those from diverse
backgrounds and roles
Collaborating effectively with team members, including those who are working remotely on workplace issues
Seeking and providing assistance and feedback to team members where appropriate

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 44

C඗ඕඕඝඖඑඋඉගඍ උඔඍඉකඔඡ ඉඖඌ කඍඛ඘ඍඋගඎඝඔඔඡ ඟඑගඐ ගඍඉඕ ඕඍඕඊඍකඛ, උ඗ඖඛඑඌඍකඑඖඏ ගඐඍ

ඖඍඍඌඛ ඗ඎ ගඐ඗ඛඍ ඎක඗ඕ ඌඑඞඍකඛඍ ඊඉඋඓඏක඗ඝඖඌඛ ඉඖඌ ක඗ඔඍඛ

All the interaction and exchanges of information that happen in a team is team communication.
Regardless of the type of team and its tasks, all team members need to interact and exchange
information in order to achieve their goals.

Team communication can include verbal communication to digital forms of written communication.

Verbal team communication can include:

Team meetings
One-on-one interactions
Informal or impromptu conversations
Telephone calls
Video conferencing

Written communication can include:

Paper-based documentation
Electronic documentation
Team chat lines

There is a term called ‘Quality Communication’. This refers to communicating with team members
that focuses on the ‘quality’ of your communication and not the ‘quantity’.

When communicating with other team members, you should ensure that the information the content
of communication you share is:

Relevant - directly related to the topic

Complete - covers all the issues important for the topic
Clear – all the members of the team understand it
Concise - focus on the ‘quality’ and not overloading others with information that is not

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 45

C඗ඕඕඝඖඑඋඉගඑඖඏ ග඗ Tඍඉඕ Mඍඕඊඍකඛ ඎක඗ඕ Dඑඞඍකඛඍ Bඉඋඓඏක඗ඝඖඌඛ ඉඖඌ R඗ඔඍඛ

There may be times when you encounter communication challenges within a workplace team. This could refer to
a co-worker or customer who has difficulty in speaking and understanding English. Or, it could be a person who
has a physical or mental disability.

Whatever those communication challenges are, the interaction with a person with limited English speaking skills
or a disabled person will in many cases require a level of adjustment from your normal communication methods.

A team member with strong communication skills will effectively use:

Questioning skills and techniques

Active and attentive listening skills
Non-verbal communication techniques

In all cases it is important to keep messages simple and clear. Here are some tips:

Keep the message concise by speaking in plain English

If you are giving instructions, explain in simple and clear steps
Always use normal voice tone and speed
Use simple written information as support to your communication
Avoid using ‘foreigner talk’ or broken English for those with limited English speaking skills
Avoid using jargon or expressions that may cause confusion

Another method for team communication in a diverse team is to practice ‘reflective listening’.

Whenever something crucial is communicated to a team member, for example the specifications for a task, have
them reflect it back to you. Ideally, this would be done in writing, so you could then review the reflection together
before moving on to the task at hand.

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 46

1) What five examples did we give in this Section of verbal team communication?

2) What four examples did we give in this Section of written team communication?

3) When communicating with team members, what four things should your communication be?

4) A team member working within a diverse team would use three communications skills so that his or her communication with
other team members would be effective. What are they?

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 47

5) What were the six tips we gave in this Section that related to effective communication to those with limited English and/or
disabilities in the team?

6) How would you define reflective listening relating to communication in a diverse team structure?

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 48

C඗ඔඔඉඊ඗කඉගඍ ඍඎඎඍඋගඑඞඍඔඡ ඟඑගඐ ගඍඉඕ ඕඍඕඊඍකඛ, එඖඋඔඝඌඑඖඏ ගඐ඗ඛඍ ඟඐ඗ ඉකඍ ඟ඗කඓඑඖඏ
කඍඕ඗ගඍඔඡ ඗ඖ ඟ඗කඓ඘ඔඉඋඍ එඛඛඝඍඛ
Sඍඍඓ ඉඖඌ ඘ක඗ඞඑඌඍ ඉඛඛඑඛගඉඖඋඍ ඉඖඌ ඎඍඍඌඊඉඋඓ ග඗ ගඍඉඕ ඕඍඕඊඍකඛ ඟඐඍකඍ ඉ඘඘ක඗඘කඑඉගඍ
(Over the next few pages we cover two ‘Performance Criteria’ points at the same time to avoid repetition)

It should be noted that there is a difference between teamwork and collaboration. When a group
collaborates, they are working together toward a shared goal. Everyone in the group has the same vision in

The same applies to a group that works as a team, they too work together toward a shared goal. However,
when a group functions as a team, they are working as individuals. Everyone has their identified task which
contributes to the outcome.

Collaborating members of the team have a range of quite different skill sets, however each is essential to
achieve a goal. Generally, teams that collaborate effectively have the following benefits:

Brainstorming - collaboration allows team members to come together on a common platform

and work towards the achievement of a common goal by thinking, brainstorming and offering
various perspectives to provide solutions
Providing value - working towards the same goal inspires in the team members with varying
skills with a strong sense of purpose. The team sees value in working together as the common
goal gives them a meaningful reason to work together, along with receiving mutual benefits for
the organisation, as well as the team.
Equal participation - collaboration provides every team member with equal opportunities to
participate and communicate their ideas and get feedback
Support - collaboration allows team members to value each others efforts, as well as offering
assistance to those team members needing assistance

Team members working in collaboration with each other will always have an opportunity to learn from each
other’s successes and failures. They often seek feedback from each other to ensure that their contribution
is meeting the expectations of the collaborating group and learn and improve from such feedback.

Team members that collaborate generally have the confidence that when needed they can call on others
for assistance and team members are often offering assistance even when not asked.
BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 49

Rඍඕ඗ගඍ C඗ඔඔඉඊ඗කඉගඑ඗ඖ

Today many teams will have skilled members that are remotely located.

Technology today has allowed remote team members to effectively communicate and collaborate with other
team members.

There are simple tools such as ‘Google Hangouts’ which is a unified communications service that enables text,
voice, or video chats, either one-on-one or in a group. .

Video conferencing or tools such as ‘Skype’ are now common collaboration tools. You can link up with up to 10
persons at a time with its video conferencing option. ‘Skype’ also allows crystal clear voice calls and directly
calling the phones along with sending files and documents to your team. It can be used on all types of
computing devices including desktops, tablets and mobile phones.

There are numerous online collaboration software applications that can routinely update (and stay updated on)
the team’s progress, from anywhere.

An example is ‘Samepage’. This application has file sharing, task management and document collaboration
tools so that the team’s content and conversations are together. It also has video chat and instant message

File sharing services such as ‘Dropbox’ allows documents, images and other types of files to be uploaded to a
shared file for all remote team members to access and contribute to.

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 50

1) What is the main difference between a traditional team and a team that has collaborating members?

2) Collaboration has four main benefits? What are they?

3) The successes and failures of a team member offers something to other team members. What would that be?

4) Why is it important to seek feedback from other team members in a collaborating group?

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 51

5) What would a collaborating team have confidence in each other for?

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 52

To successfully complete this ‘Unit of Competency’ you will need to be assessed on your ability to communicate with a remotely
located collaborating team member using some type of common collaboration communication tools.

For the purpose of this activity, ‘remote’ is to refer to a team member who is not located in the same premises as you are.

You will need to be observed making contact with the remote team member and have a discussion about a subject that you may
be involved with in a team environment or even a brief discussion about this activity. As part of this activity you are also to pass
on to the remote team member some type of document using email, Dropbox or any other file sharing service at your disposal.

The person observing you performing this activity can be your teacher or trainer or someone at work that your teacher/trainer has

If you are not employed at this time, your teacher or trainer will assist you in completing this activity in a training environment.

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 53

Section Four

Communicate Effectively
with Team Leaders

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 54


In this final section we look at team communications in some more detail, specifically when communicating with team leaders.

Sඍඋගඑ඗ඖ Lඍඉකඖඑඖඏ Oඊඒඍඋගඑඞඍඛ

At the completion of this section you will learn information relating to:

Receiving and confirming understanding of task instructions or directions

Communicating personal commitments in a timely manner
Identifying and reporting any issues preventing the completion of workplace tasks, according to organisational
Seeking and acting upon feedback to improve personal performance and/or behaviour

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 55

Rඍඋඍඑඞඍ ඉඖඌ උ඗ඖඎඑකඕ ඝඖඌඍකඛගඉඖඌඑඖඏ ඗ඎ ගඉඛඓ එඖඛගකඝඋගඑ඗ඖඛ ඗ක ඌඑකඍඋගඑ඗ඖඛ

All members of a team will at some point be assigned tasks to complete for, and on behalf of the

In most team structures the assigning of tasks to the team member is the responsibility of the ‘team

The instructions for these assigned tasks can come in various forms and could include one or a
combination of the following:

Verbal - This could include being approached one-on-one by the team leader, this could
be a result of a team discussion where tasks are assigned, even through voice or video
linkups if you were a remote team member.

Written - This could be a formal document, tasks specification document, instruction

manuals, simple emails, even a copy of team meeting minutes where your tasks is

The success of any team is the ability of all team members to successfully complete their tasks and
within the timelines set.

This means that before starting any task, the team member would need to be fully clear on what the
task(s) involved.

Depending on the task or tasks, the team member would need to be clear on the following basics:

The timelines including progress milestones and deadlines

Interdependencies - in some team projects, a team member’s task cannot either be
started or completed without another team member completing their task(s) first. These
interdependencies would need to be identified including what contingencies are in
place should interdependencies issues arise
Resources required and their availability - this could include technology and business
equipment, tools and equipment, materials, premises/work areas, assisting personnel,
funding, just to name a few.
Training - even though a team member could have significant skills and training, some
tasks may require further training in areas such as software applications, new tools and
BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 56

Cඔඉකඑඎඑඋඉගඑ඗ඖ ඉඖඌ C඗ඖඎඑකඕඑඖඏ Uඖඌඍකඛගඉඖඌඑඖඏ

When a team member receives task instructions and/or directions from the team leader, the team member must be
very confident that he or she has a clear and full understanding of those instructions and/or directions.

It should be noted that task instructions and/or directions could come from the team leader even after the task(s) have
been started. There could be a change to the tasks as a result of an organisation management decision, change in
team structure, external influences have resulted in the task specification changes or funding issues.

The point is that whether the instructions and/or directions are given by the team leader before starting the tasks or
after the tasks have been started, the team member must be very confident that he or she has a clear and full
understanding of those instructions and/or directions.

Before a team member can confirm their understanding of any task instructions and/or directions, they would need to
clarify any part of those instructions and/or directions that were unclear.

This is especially important when task instructions (both verbal and written) are accompanied with other written
documentation. This documentation could include:

Manuals, drawings or diagrams

Schedules, project control charts (such as GANTT)
Complex details or task specifications

Again, any instructions and/or directions that are not clear or fully understood need to be confirmed and/or clarified.

This involves important workplace communication skills; questioning skills and attentive listening skills.

Questions should be ‘open ended’ type questions, requiring the team leader to provide a more detailed answer to the
question than just a simple one or two worded reply.

More importantly, you would need to ‘attentively’ listen to the responses to your questions. A good tip is to repeat back
what was said to ensure you have a full understanding of the responses to your clarifying questions.

In some instances, especially when tasks are complex, the clarification to your questions should be in writing and form
part of your task instruction’s portfolio.

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 57

1) Within a team, who is generally responsible for assigning tasks to the team members?

2) What three methods can task instructions and/or directions be received by the team member?

3) Depending on the task or tasks, the team member would need to be clear on what five types of basic information that would
form part of the task instructions and/or directions?

4) When could a team member receive task instructions and/or directions?

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 58

5) Before a team member can confirm their understanding of any task instructions and/or directions, they would need to do

6) Based on your answer to Question Five, what skills would a team member need to use?

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 59

C඗ඕඕඝඖඑඋඉගඍ ඘ඍකඛ඗ඖඉඔ උ඗ඕඕඑගඕඍඖගඛ එඖ ඉ ගඑඕඍඔඡ ඕඉඖඖඍක

As we now know, a successful team will have goals and these goals would need to be achieved
within the agreed timeframes.

Once a team member has received their assigned tasks and have a clear understanding on what is
required, a closer look at the time frames would need to occur.

The review of the timeframes would need to be done from a personal commitment point of view.

As we know, the team success is based on the successful and timely completion of all tasks and the
achievement of the team goals.

If there is anything that could possibly jeopardise the timely completion of all tasks, it should be
identified as early as possible and communicated to the team leader.

One issue that could jeopardise the timely completion of a team member’s tasks could involve
personal commitments. Some examples could include:

Family commitments that prevent the team member from working extra hours or on
Commitments to volunteer work
Cultural or religious commitments that prevent a team member from working certain
hours or days
Attending school, TAFE or university certain days
Working a second job

The team leader would need to cater for these personal commitments in the planning stages of the
team’s project. It could mean that parts of a task are completed by another team member, or the
tasks are redistributed so as to ensure successful and timely completion of all tasks and the
achievement of the team goals.

Another issue could be where remote team members are required to collaborate during hours out of
the norm. These would include those that are in different time zones, especially overseas team

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 60

We mentioned six examples of personal commitments that could cause an issue with task timelines and that should be
communicated to the team leader as soon as possible. What were those six examples we gave in this Section?

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 61

Iඌඍඖගඑඎඡ ඉඖඌ කඍ඘඗කග ඉඖඡ එඛඛඝඍඛ ඘කඍඞඍඖගඑඖඏ ගඐඍ උ඗ඕ඘ඔඍගඑ඗ඖ ඗ඎ ඟ඗කඓ඘ඔඉඋඍ ගඉඛඓඛ,
ඉඋඋ඗කඌඑඖඏ ග඗ ඗කඏඉඖඑඛඉගඑ඗ඖඉඔ කඍ඙ඝඑකඍඕඍඖගඛ
Earlier we mentioned that there could be a number of ‘resources’ that may be required to complete an assigned task.
If anyone of those resources became unavailable, this would often result in the task not being completed on time, or
at all.

As soon as these issues were to become evident it would be very important to report the problem to the team leader.
There could be contingency plans in place that the team leader may implement that could temporarily resolve the

There will be times when there is conflict within the team environment. The role and responsibility of the team leader
is to mediate and resolve any conflict within the team ranks that could see tasks not being completed on time, or at
all. Team members experiencing or observing any conflict would have the responsibility to report the conflict to the
team leader.

All organisations are required to comply with a variety of laws and regulations some of which include:

Workplace health and safety laws and regulations

Anti-discrimination laws
Privacy Protection Act
Consumer Protection laws
Fair trading
Copyright, trademark and patents protection laws

Performing tasks that are unsafe can cause injury to the team member and others and this would also lead to
possible legal action against the organisation. Breaching or infringing laws and regulations of any type will often lead
to legal action, fines and damage the organisation's reputation.

Certain industries have in place Codes of Conduct and/or Codes of Ethics that require organisations operating in that
industry to follow. This includes employees and organisational teams and the team members.

Most organisations will outline to their employees the requirements to follow all laws, regulations and industry codes
in the organisational policies and procedures manuals.

If a team member is assigned a task or tasks and the activities associated completing the task is seen to
potentiallybe breaching any of the abovementioned laws or regulations or any industry codes, then the team member
2021 would need to immediately report the issue to the team leader.
BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 62

1) What are three common issues that could prevent a team member from completing their assigned tasks?

2) What were the six examples of laws and regulations we gave you in this Section?

3) Organisations operating in certain industries would need to comply with that industry’s what?

4) What will employees and/or team members breaching or infringing laws and regulations of any type often lead to?

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 63

Sඍඍඓ ඉඖඌ ඉඋග ඝ඘඗ඖ ඎඍඍඌඊඉඋඓ ග඗ එඕ඘ක඗ඞඍ ඘ඍකඛ඗ඖඉඔ ඘ඍකඎ඗කඕඉඖඋඍ ඉඖඌ/

඗ක ඊඍඐඉඞඑ඗ඝක
When working in a team or collaborative group, all team members would want to do the
best job they could, both for themselves, for the other members and of course, the teams

It is good to monitor your performance and the best way is to ask and/or receive feedback
from other team members.

Receiving feedback sometimes can be difficult. You may receive some criticism or strong
suggestions that you may not want to hear.

Here are some tips to consider when you are given constructive feedback.

First, avoid your first reaction of being defensive, in fact try not to react at all and stay calm
while your brain processes what it has heard.

Next, you will need to remember that feedback can, in most cases be very beneficial to

With the feedback you will be able to personally identify areas of improvement or corrective
action in order to increase your performance and meet expectations of the other team

Use active listening skills and wait until the person offering the feedback has finished
without interrupting. Then ask questions to make sure you understood the feedback.

How the feedback is given and what the feedback consists of could cause friction, unless
you again ask questions of the other team member in order to clear up any
misunderstandings related to the feedback.

It is also important to remember that the person giving the feedback may be nervous, or
may not express his or her ideas clearly.

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 64

Acknowledge receiving their feedback and thank them.

Expressing appreciation does not have to mean you’re agreeing with the feedback, but it does show that
you’re acknowledging the effort the team member took to evaluate you and share their thoughts.

Do not get into a debate with the other person, instead start to deconstruct the person’s feedback.

To do this, start asking more questions and if possible, provide suggested actions or solutions.

For example, a team member may tell you that your quality of work could be better.

Instead of being defensive and argue with them, you could say:

“I was in a bit of a rush, but I can see what you mean.”

“Do you think all my work need improvement or specific sections?”

What you have done is acknowledged the feedback and asked more questions to determine what the
feedback is addressing and some possible solutions.

Soon the conversation should lead to an agreement on the issues that were raised and often help to
develop solutions should there be issues.

Next you would need to tell the other team member what you will likely do based on their feedback and
again, thank the person for their feedback.

If the feedback is regarding a larger issue, you may want to ask for a time to follow-up and ask more
questions and get agreement on the next steps.

This will give you time to process the feedback, seek advice from others and think about solutions.

Constructive criticism is often the only way team members learn about their weaknesses and without it no
one would improve.

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We know that sometimes receiving feedback can be hard.

In this Section we learn seven tips on how to deal with, as well as use feedback as a team member.

Summarise those tips below.

BSBXTW301 - Work in a team 66

Self assessment is where you ask yourself certain questions to ensure you have understood what you have learned while
reading this manual and completing the learning activities.
This unit requires you the student or trainee at the completion of your training to have a certain level of ‘Required Knowledge’ in
which you would need to have acquired and in which you will be assessed on. This self assessment section reviews this
required knowledge by way of questions and if you are able to say YES to all of them you can be confident your assessment
will be satisfactory.

This training unit had four sections with information relating to working in workplace teams. After reviewing the
information in Section One, are you confident that you understand and could:
1) Identify own responsibilities according to organisational policies and procedures?
2) Identify own role and task requirements within team?
3) Articulate team structure and roles of other team members?
4) Plan and prioritise own tasks according to given time frames and team requirements?
After reviewing the information in Section Two, are you confident that you understand and could:
1) Identify team goals and own responsibilities relevant to achieving team goals?
2) Contribute ideas and information in team planning discussions?
3) Share knowledge and skills with team members to enable effective teamwork and seek or offer
support as required?
After reviewing the information in Section Three, are you confident that you understand and could:
1) Communicate clearly and respectfully with team members, considering the needs of those from
diverse backgrounds and roles?
2) Collaborate effectively with team members, including those who are working remotely on workplace
3) Seek and provide assistance and feedback to team members where appropriate?
After reviewing the information in Section Four, are you confident that you understand and could:
1) Receive and confirm understanding of task instructions or directions?
2) Communicate personal commitments in a timely manner?
3) Identify and report any issues preventing the completion of workplace tasks, according to
organisational requirements?
4) Seek and act upon feedback to improve personal performance and/or behaviour?

If there were any questions that you were unable to confidently say YES to, we encourage you to review the information again
in this manual and if needed seek the assistance of your teacher or trainer.

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