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Table of content
i. Relationship of Sociology with Business Management
ii. Enhance Analytical Capability
iii. Handling Employees
iv. Market Opportunities
v. Public Relations
vi. Career Opportunities in Business and Management Sectors
vii. Explanation of Sociology according to American Sociological Association (ASA),
viii. 4 Ways Sociology Helps You in Business
ix. Conclusion
x. References
Relationship of Sociology with Business Management
Business management is the process of management of different business activities to
run the business smoothly, sociology is the comprehensive study of social structure,
institutions, processes, and social change. When we talk about the relationship of i.e.
application of sociological knowledge, sociology with business management, we must
never forget that a businessman or management professional is a part of society.

The study of sociology will provide him the opportunity to investigate, analyze, and
understands social problems and social institutions, and existing social norms and
values. Thus he/she works and plans his future courses of action keeping the needs of
society into considerations. Sociological knowledge can help provides commercial or
business organizations the first-hand knowledge about the need of society. The
commercial activity such as production, distribution, etc. will be oriented taking into
consideration, the needs of society. Sociology provides adequate knowledge needed for
managers to understand their employees and customers. Business leaders with
knowledge of sociology are able to cater to customer needs and respond to employees’
problems in ways others cannot.

However, the relevance and importance of sociology in business management can be

described as follows:
Enhance Analytical Capability
Sociology as an academic discipline helps to develop your analytical thinking and
capabilities. Sociologists analyze quantitative and qualitative data to determine the
effects of phenomena (events) on a population. This analytical method of thinking helps
those in business with the ability to research market scenarios and eventually draw
conclusions from that data.
Handling Employees
Business leaders and human resource managers with a background in sociology give an
advantage when dealing with employees in the workplace. Sociologists study and are
often aware of the cultural and social aspects that shape an individual. With this
background, those in a business organization can avoid alienating employees from work
or hurting company loyalty.

For example, the company may have a large number of employees that practice a
particular religion. If this religion states that they need to pray at least once in the
noon, then they should not ask those employees to stop praying.

Market Opportunities
Sociologists are aware of and understand that an event (phenomena) can influence the
larger population. For example, if an epidemic disease causes huge loss of life in the
country or region, then those engaged in business and have a background in sociology
take it as an opportunity and then start to produce and market medical supplies.

Public Relations
In order to enhance public relations, the business company can hire a PR Officer with a
background in sociology because he/she is aware of the fact that certain actions of the
company can affect its customers as the cultural sentiments of the customers in an area
in unharmed.
Career Opportunities in Business and Management Sectors
It is also worthy to mention that there are many possibilities in the business world for
those with a sociology degree. Depending on one’s experience and skills, jobs could
range from sales associate to business analyst to human resources to marketing.
Hence, it is advisable that students interested in business careers with private or non-
profit firms can take majors in sociology.

Thus, having proper knowledge of sociology plays a vital role in business management.
Sociological knowledge helps business managers and administrators to have knowledge
about people’s culture including their buying habits, income levels, or their quality of life
as a whole.
Sociology Explained

According to an article by the American Sociological Association (ASA), sociology “…is

the scientific study of society, including patterns of social relationships, social
interaction, and culture.”
From the above statements, it goes without saying that sociology is an integral part of
any business. We say this because, let’s face it, the actual business transaction happens
between people.

A good understanding of human behavior based on your sociology background helps

you grow your business in ways your competitors can not. In other words, sociology
can help business owners, marketers, and managers to develop skills that come in
handy whether you’re researching the market conditions, trying to improve your
products/services, or looking to boost the morale of your team.

With that preamble, let us look at a couple of ways sociology helps businesses move
forward in a world of diversity, equality, and inclusion. Yes, we’re talking about different
cultures, genders, religions, and sexualities, among other things.

4 Ways Sociology Helps You in Business

The following section covers ways to leverage sociology to grow your business, big or
small. We hope you find a gem.

1. Handling Staff

Richard Branson once said, “Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take
care of your employees, they will care for the clients.” These words carry much weight
from a businessman who owns more than 60 companies (under the Virgin Group).
From firsthand experience, we’ve known that a happy employee is a valuable asset to
have on your side. If you have disgruntled employees, you cannot expect an A1
performance. Obviously, unhappiness in the workplace breeds many problems,
problems you can easily avoid with a sociology background.

Sociology helps you understand the cultural and social aspects that shape each team
member. With this knowledge, you can avoid alienating staff members or hurting
company loyalty. Sociology offers you an advantage when dealing with employees in
the workplace.

2. Develop Analytical Thinking

Studying sociology helps you to develop or hone your analytical thinking skills. The
study usually involves analyzing qualitative and quantitate data to determine how
various factors affect a population.

Therefore, you can use the analytical skills you learn in sociology to better understand
your target audience. It is the main reason today’s employers seek critical thinkers who
are versatile in addressing complex challenges and why sociology degree holders can
work in various settings, according to the University of Maryville.
As a matter of fact, sociologists have found a growing place in marketing teams. They
use analytical thinking methods to help businesses research market data and draw
beneficial conclusions.

3. Identifying Market Opportunities

Businesses face a lot of competition daily. It is no secret that cutthroat competition can
put you out of business.

It is also no secret that companies that adjust strategy according to viable market data
overcome challenges and move forward. But what has that had to do with sociology?

Well, sociology allows you to understand that certain conditions influence groups of
people differently. For instance, those in business with a background in sociology will
easily recognize opportunities created within a population, even in phenomena such as
war, natural calamities, or diseases.

Business owners without sociology backgrounds are likely to miss opportunities within a
given population since they aren’t “in touch” with the reality of things on the ground.
More often than not, this business owner has a limited understanding of their
customers, which is terrible for any business. Want to identify opportunities that your
target audience present? Add a sociologist to your marketing team and thank me later.

4. Better Public Relations Management

According to, public relations involves “activities and policies used to

create public interest in a person, idea, product, institution, or business establishment.
Public relations is devoted to serving particular interests by presenting them to the
public in the most favorable light.”
Going with the above definition, how do you expect to shine in public relations if you
have no idea how to get through to your target audience? Remember, people’s
behaviors are motivated by several factors, including surroundings, cultural beliefs,
religion, etc.

A sociology background will help you identify the sociological factors driving your
customer base. With this information, you can tune your public relations activities for
the best results. It goes without saying that your business’s actions will affect your
customers based on their cultural and economic backgrounds.

For instance, you cannot afford to make fun of people who don’t eat pork due to
religious or cultural beliefs, even if they don’t make up a considerable part of your
customer base. But you will probably miss the mark entirely with your public relations
activities if you don’t understand your customer base, especially the things that drive
their behaviors.

A degree in sociology is not required to succeed in business, and you will find it unlikely
to pursue a sociology degree just to get an edge in the industry. Still, having someone
with a sociology background on your team will help you in ways you never imagined.

We hope this article pointed you in the right direction as you appreciate the value of
sociology and business, including how to grow it sustainably. Have questions or
suggestions? Please share in the comment section at the end.


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