How To Improving The Non-Computer Science

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The 6th International Conference on

Computer Science & Education (ICCSE 2011)

August 3-5, 2011. SuperStar Virgo, Singapore ThC 5.54

How to Improving The non-computer science

students’ Computer Ability
WANG Zilan XIE Pan
Department of Traffic and Transportation Department of Traffic and Transportation
Southwest Jiaotong University, SWJTU Southwest Jiaotong University, SWJTU
Emeishan Sichuan, China Emeishan Sichuan, China

LIN Jing
Department of Traffic and Transportation
Southwest Jiaotong University, SWJTU
Emeishan Sichuan, China
lingingcalmly@sina .com

Abstract—With the rapid development of the computer and quality of college students to meet the needs of social
applied technology, universities increasingly focus on cultivating development.
non-computer science students’ computer application skills. This
paper analyzes the teaching status and problems of non- II. THE ANALYSIS ON COMPUTER EDUCATES OF NON-
computer major in universities, then explore the way to improve COMPUTER MAJOR IN CURRENT SITUATION
the computer application skills of the non-computer science
Currently, the cultivation for computer science students in
students from the improvement of teaching resources, teaching
and learning methods, the mental attitude towards to the universities has formed a relatively complete system, but for
computer education respectively. Propose appropriate measures the non-computer science students, the positioning in the
to improve students’ capacity of using computer to analyze and cultivation of computer applied capacity is still a vague
solve practical problems and to cultivate the compound talents understanding, and there are some misconceptions. Except for
with both computer skills and expertise. insufficient quantity and quality of teachers, inadequate
facilities, less practice teaching and not to be taken seriously,
Index Terms—ability of computer application, non-computer but also there exists little curriculum, unreasonable, the falling
major, Cultivation, computer teaching behind teaching methods and ability evaluation methods which
lead the students to be lack of positive initiative, etc. Mainly in
I. INTRODUCTION the following areas:
With the rapid development of the computer and applied
A. Lack of teaching resources and insufficient emphasis on
technology, computer technology has been widely applied to
practical teaching
all kinds of professions by using the computer to complete the
task of works skillfully is an essential job skills. The applied With the expansion of college enrollment, the number of
skilled in computer has become the important part of a 21st – students’ increases, but teaching resources strains which is
century college students’ knowledge structure. To improve the mainly in the lack of teachers and insufficient equipment. As
college students’ computer skills has been recognized into a for the problems of the quality of teachers, on the one hand,
pressing issue by most of the universities. With the same time public-course teachers have more and more task and teaching.
in strengthening the cultivation of the computer professional The communication between teachers and the non-computer
talents, furthermore, the cultivation of the non-computer science students is very little. So the teachers can hardly know
science students’ computer applied skills should be focus on. In the students’ characteristics and meet the students’ individual
order to adapt to the new demands, many universities have requirements, more than to achieve the individualized educates.
been reformed in teaching content, teaching methods. But On the other hand, the increasing demanding in quantity f
many problems still exist, especially on the computer education teachers will lead to the decrease of quality,
of non-computer major. The computer educates for the college Now the practical abilities of students is generally reflected
non-computer science students not only should emphasize the poor. From the perspective of objective factors, it is because of
basic education of the computer, but further more its applied the lack of hardware devices which lead to the lack of practice
education. So that the students’ analysis skills of actual hours. But from the perspective of subjective factors, is due to
problems and the skills to solve practical problems by using inadequate attention to experimental teaching. When most
computer can be enhanced. Cultivate the compound talents universities build their own teaching team, they generally focus
with both computer skills and expertise and improve the overall most on the course teaching, but less on practical teaching, or
even ignored. The practice teaching can’t gain the enough

978-1-4244-9718-8/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 776

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emphasis. The teacher will be not so enthusiastic and poor professional characteristic and can guide the students to know
initiative. They just wait for the students to ask questions but the correct direction. The modes of practice operations or
not be initiative to know the students’ problems. curriculum design assigned for students are all the same with
outdated assessment methods. So the phenomenon of
B. Unreasonable curriculum plagiarism is very frequent cause most of them have the
As generally the college has low positioning on the attitude of coping with and just to complete the task.
cultivation of computer applied capacity for the non-computer
science students and focus on its own major’s basic and III. THE STRATEGY FOR IMPROVE THE COMPUTER CAPACITY
specialized courses. But they ignore the set of the computer OF NON-COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENTS
course. The hours of the computer courses are continual By this analysis, we will explore how to improve the non-
compressed so that the course can hardly satisfy the objective computer science students’ computer capacity through the
requirements of the teaching content. The computer courses improvement of teaching resources, learning methods, and
have mainly stay in the basis of college student culture, mental attitude towards computer skills. Teachers and students
programming languages and some basic computer courses but should work out together to improve the computer educates.
lack of a specific application software and programming. Many Teachers should take appropriate measures to improve student
foundation courses can only let students learn the basic interest in learning, promote student learning, while students
principles of computer and programming, but can’t help them should take the initiative to learn and practice their knowledge
develop the practical ability with computer directly. Thus it to their own area of expertise.
can’t let computer be a powerful tool for students to learn and
research. That is to say it can’t let the students use the computer A. Increase investment in Equipment and Teacher team
knowledge link to their own professional, so can’t give the Increase investment in hardware to meet the teaching and
direct help to its own major. practice needs, education software update constantly to meet
C. Lack of awareness of computer knowledge the requirement of application. At the same time, we need to
strengthen the construction of the basic computer education
The basic education of the computer in universities will no teachers, to strengthen teaching and research, improve
longer be “beginners”, with the information technology teachers’ quality and knowledge reserve. We also need to
carrying out in primary and secondary education nationally. support teachers in computer education to go out and learn new
Most of the students have had the initial use of the computer technologies as well as knowledge. To improve the level of
capacity when they enrolled. But their interest and basic computer education teachers to meet the professional
requirements are different from each other and their large need of computer knowledge, but also encourage other teachers
differences in basic level. However, most students are lack of to learn initiatively and improve their own computer level. In
interest. During teaching the teachers often use the “teacher that way, they can set a good example to the non-computer
oriented” approach teaching. Students are very passive and science students as well as assist teachers to develop students’
think the importance of computer is less and less. The teaching computer skills, with the dynamic change of the teaching
methods are out of date. Teaching materials and teaching content, under the modern condition, identifying appropriate
content are falling behind. The updating of teaching software teaching methods to improve the computer teaching
can’t keep up the pace of applied software’s updating. effectiveness, all the teachers not only the computer education
In addition, teachers and students all lack of the concept of teacher should share the responsibility.
sustainability, but consider the computer courses to be the B. Design curriculum scientifically, Strengthen practical
demand of course accomplishment. The students just learn the teaching
course but no more further study or to apply. Teachers think
that their duties are solely in the classroom-education. When With the computer technology’s penetration and
the class is over, there is little contaction between teachers and development in all object areas, various profession focus
students. As there is no students’ application and teachers’ differently. To training the non-computer science students’
concerning, the position of computer educates in non-computer computer skills, the computer curriculum design should have a
major is lower and lower. Most of the teachers and students typical aim, the content shoot fit their major knowledge,
lack of initiative and enthusiasm. The blind teachers teach the reasonable allocation in teaching and practice, strengthen
students without goals. practical teaching.

D. Lack of features in evaluating and testing the computer Cultivating the computer power in non-computer science
capacity of students students is aim at develop the ability of using computer-aided
tools for professional learning. Computer education course
In universities, the evaluating on students’ learning skills should be able to help the following courses, to be fundamental
and level is directly guiding their learning direction. However, guiding pioneering. This need to regard training computer
the evaluating on the computer capacity of non-computer skills of the non-computer science students as a systematic
science students is still passive and in low status. There is no project, focusing on improving their computer skill, we should
reasonable evaluating system to guide the students to improve carefully analyze the status and logic relationship among the
computer applied capacity by themselves. Most colleges even basic computer knowledge, knowledge of hardware, software
just finish the evaluating by simply written test for basic and other programs, combine with the own characters of a
knowledge, or fully rely on the National Computer Rank course to decide the course content, purpose and teaching
Examination. There is no such a evaluation system which has methods which can form a scientific and rational ability of

ThC 5.54

computer teaching curriculum system. Taking into account with their major as well as integrated into other related training
their major needs, professional computer course should be course, but also other teachers need to combine their subject’s
related to their major, like choose a characteristics of a contents with computer applied technology to promote students
professional system or knowledge into professional course to use computer to analyze and solve problem initially which also
develop and strengthen the links between teaching content and extending its ability to develop application cycle, making the
their own major application to increase their ability in major computer teaching of sustainable development.
To meet the students’ needs of learn computer knowledge
As a non-computer science student, the object of research is in various majors should strengthened communication between
not the computer itself but the application of computer teachers across the curriculum, such as the holding teaching
functions and no need to master the computer’s detailed seminar which both basic computer teaching teachers and other
mechanism. Therefore, the practice courses should be essential major teachers all participate in. In order to strengthen the
on the setup of the computer course. What’s more, the communication between teachers, teachers and students, we
assignment should be comprehensive, open and individualized should make full advantages of the campus network to build a
as much as possible. In the practice teaching, there should be self-learning platform so that teachers and students among
more experiments about design in order to improve the students an make tow-way, real-time interaction which make
students’ interests in practice and enhance their ability. them closer. We also can organize some discussions,
competitions and other activities to provide the students with
C. Developing students’ interests in computer more learning opportunities.
Developing the non-computer science students’ interests in
computer relies on not only the innovations of the teaching E. Innovation of test and evaluation methods
method topics of computer education teachers but also the Fully competency-based assessment test to cut over the past
guideness from teachers in other majors. Establishing a final exam pattern, tocus more on practice ability, design
“student centered” heuristic teaching methods is necessary individual tasks on machine, along with related hardware and
which can maintain the long-lasting interests and motivation of software constantly updated, teachers should come up with test
students in study, inspire them totally, make full use of their system which can objectively and reasonably reflect the actual
imagination and self-learning ability. student level of computer application and the system can test
their exercises and experimental. As well as prevent the
Considering the computer language learning, the non- phenomenon of copying, encourage independent innovation
computer science students generally considered it’s difficult to develop risk-taking and tenacity, protect curiosity, encourage
learn and master, even some of them close to give up. The divergent guess.
natural purpose of learning computer language is not for
program itself but to train the students to master the procedures IV. CONCLUSION
to solve practical design problem, set up good programming
habits, wide their idea, lay the basis for a kind of thought. In For the non-computer science students, learning computer
order to motivate the student to use the computer knowledge to is aim at using this tool to serve for their own major. In order to
solve practical problems, the other course teacher can turn the students into a compound talents who are good at their
encourage their students to achieve their assignment designed major as well as computer applications, the curriculum design
by computers. At the meantime, the teachers can prevent the should fit the major, major course teachers should
copying by individualize it with their own computer communicate with the computer teachers, mobilize active
knowledge, even set up the automatically and it systems. Such learning establish sustainable training model, improve their
kind of targeted training in computer awareness enables ability to solve professional problem with computer
students to experience the use of computers method to solve the knowledge. Only a good job of computer teaching to non-
problem of their major, as well as exercise the comprehensive computer major, can product more qualified graduates for the
ability in analyze and solve problem. Upon completion, national “second five” plan, to adapt the needs of social
students feel a sense of achievements and understand the development.
practical value of computer knowledge, recognize the REFERENCES
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