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Health informatics Lab session for 2 nd year medical laboratory students


Day 1,2,3 Session Practical hours 11

 Identify the types of computers
 Observe and identify the components of computer
 Distinguish inputs with output devices
 Observe the processing devices
 Identify the different memories available from computer system
 Practice on Microsoft word

Day 4,5,6 Session Practical hours 8

 Computer network overview

 Types of computer network

 Network components

 Overview on the internet

 Web

 Tools and service on the internet

 Purposes of the internet

 Browsers
 Browsers components
 Email
Day 6,7,8 Session Practical hours 9

 Practice on Microsoft excel

o Formula

o Table

o Graph

 Practice on Microsoft power point

Day 9,10,11,12,13 Session Practical hours 16

 Search tools
o Search engine
 Google
 Google scholar
o Database
 PubMed
o Gate way
o PubMed
 Evidence based practice

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