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Presented by Sisipho, Selam &

All about Cnidarians
● Examples of include jellyfish, blue bottles, sea anemones and corals
● Aquatic and most are found in sea water
● The body is radially symmetrical and consists of two cell layers
(Ectoderm on the outside and encoders on the inside
●A non-cellular, Jelly like layer, called the mesoglea, occurs between the two layer
● It is diploblastic
● Acoelomate= no coelomate
●Coelentron= only one opening to the outside, the mouth
● Coelentron acts as a hydrostatic skeleton and plays a role in transport and digestion
●Two basic body forms are distinguished: a polyp and a Medusa
●No cephalisation
●Polyps are usually cylindrical shaped, with the basal disc attached to a substrate
●The Medusa has a flattened umbrella shaped with tentacles on the edges
●Cnidria have a tissue level of organization with specialized cells that occur in the ectoderm
and endoderm
●A transport system is absent
● Cnidarians are carnivores,touch alone will not cause the stinging cells to react. The
actual stimulus is a chemical the occurs in animal prey
● The ectoderm is mainly adapted to reach stumble to catch, paralyze and hold prey,
the encoders is adapted for digestion and absorption of nutrients
●Stinging cells, blue bottles and corals

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