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2. One common method businesses can apply to raise capital for reinvestment is _____.

A. issuing bonds, stocks and shares

B. fixing controlling interest

C. raising interest rates and loans

3. A company’s sales expressed as a percentage of the total market is called its ____.

A. market sector B. market segment C. market share

4. ____ is an attempt to take over a company without the approval of the company's board of

A. Hospitable takeover bid B. Hostile takeover bid C. Friendly takeover bid

5. A job with a high level of job security is such that ...

A. a person with the job would have a small chance of becoming redundant.

B. is performed in safe working conditions.

C. guarantees good living standards.

6. ____ is defined as the periodic but irregular up-and-down movement in economic activity,
measured by fluctuations in real gross domestic product (GDP) and other macroeconomic variables.

A. Business cycle B. Business trend C. Economic circle

7. If a market follower produces a product which does not have any ____, there is surely no reason for
anyone to buy it.


8. The total value of a company on the stock exchange is known as ____.

A. market capitalization B. market maker C. market value

9. _____ are companies owned by a parent company.

A. Subsidies B. Subsidiaries C. Conglomerates

10. _____ are payments by companies to their shareholders.

A. Dividends B. Yields C. Shares

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