Urban Security With Physical Planning

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Being paper presented at the 2024 Professional Development Workshop organized by
the Association of Town Planning Consultants of Nigeria – ATOPCON , 14th – 15th May
2024 at Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Lagos

Kola Lawal
Department of Tourism Management Technology,
The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Nigeria
Physical Planning Services
as a Tool for Urban Security
• Safe and secure cities are the foundation for thriving
economies, vibrant communities, and equitable
• Effective urban security planning integrates crime
prevention, emergency preparedness, and community
resilience to create environments that empower
residents and visitors to live, work, and play with
• Physical planning services play a crucial role in shaping
the built environment to enhance urban security.
• By integrating principles of crime prevention,
environmental design, and community engagement,
planners can create spaces that are safe, inclusive, and
• This comprehensive approach addresses the complex
challenges of crime, violence, and insecurity that cities
face, fostering a sense of safety and well-being for all
urban residents. Kola Lawal
Dimensions of Urban Security
Physical Social Economic Cyber Political Environmental
Security Security Security Security Security Security
Promoting Ensuring Protecting Ensuring Safeguarding
social stability, digital stability, natural
cohesion, prosperity, infrastructure governance, resources,
inclusion, and and and ecosystems,
and critical
and equity sustainability information democratic and public
reduces in urban systems from processes health from
from threats
vulnerabilitie economies cyber threats prevent degradation
such as
s and mitigates is vital. political and climate
mitigates risks such as instability and change impacts
tensions poverty and conflicts. is imperative.
and natural
disasters is within unemployme
paramount. communities nt.

Kola Lawal
Magnitude of Insecurity in Nigeria
Insurgency 1
The Boko Haram insurgency in northeastern Communal Clashes
Conflicts fuelled by competition over
Nigeria has resulted in over 20,000 fatalities land and resources in the Middle Belt
and 3.6 million persons displaced in NE Nigeria, region have led to extensive loss of life
with children being severely traumatized and property, with over 169,033 violent
deaths recorded between 2006 and
Kidnapping 3
Nigeria witnessed over 3,500 fatalities
Kidnapping for ransom has become a pervasive
from ethno-religious violence between
threat, in the past decade up till June 2023, has
2018 and 2020
witnessed a staggering 19,366 people
kidnapped in 2,694 highway incidents with
over 1,200 reported cases in 2020 and at least
Armed Robbery
Armed robbery also remains a persistent
3,620 people kidnapped in 582 incidents
concern, 28,507 crimes were committed in
between July 2022 and June 2023.
2002; 33,458 in 2006; 34,738 crimes in
3 2007
kidnappers requested at least N5 billion as
Armed robbery resulted to about 8,516
ransom but got N302 million
deaths in 3,840 fatal incidents between
2006 and 2015. Kola Lawal
Approaches to Urban Security

Law-and-Order Environmental
1 Approach 2 Social Approach 3 Approach
Emphasises security Focuses on crime Targets the physical
through enforcement prevention by environment to deter
addressing criminal activities
measures and police underlying social proactively, modifying
interventions, with factors, such as
poverty, environmental factors
laws governing unemployment, and that may facilitate or
behaviour and police social isolation, to encourage crime, such
forces ensuring reduce the likelihood as poor lighting and
of individuals neglected spaces.
compliance to deter engaging in criminal
criminal activity. or antisocial
Kola Lawal

Scope of Physical
Planning Practice
❖ Land use planning and Control
❖ Comprehensive Development Planning
❖ Master planning / Structure Planning
❖ Strategic urban planning
❖ Layout Subdivision
❖ Housing Planning and Development
❖ Urban renewal
❖ Regional planning
❖ Transportation Planning and Management
❖ Rural Planning & Development
❖ Urban design
❖ Infrastructure planning
❖ Environmental planning and Sustainability
❖ Heritage and conservation
❖ Economic development
❖ Community Consultation and Mediation
❖ Physical development policy
❖ Planning Law

Kola Lawal
Planning Theory and
Urban Security
• Urban security has become an increasingly
critical concern for planners worldwide,
given the complexities of modern urban
environments and the diverse threats they
• Planning theory plays a crucial role in
shaping urban policies and strategies aimed
at enhancing security within cities.
• By examining these frameworks, we can
gain insights into how planning practices
contribute to the creation of safer and more
resilient urban spaces.

by Kola Lawal
Traditional Planning Approaches
Traditional planning approaches have historically focused on physical and infrastructural
interventions aimed at promoting order and efficiency within cities. These approaches were
heavily influenced by modernist thinking, which prioritised rationality, control, and top-down
decision-making. Urban planning plays a central role in addressing urban security challenges by
shaping the physical, social, and economic dimensions of the built environment.

Comprehensive Spatial Justice Place-based Community

Zoning Regulations Ensuring equitable Interventions Engagement
Zoning regulations, a access to resources, Targeting specific
cornerstone of opportunities, and neighbourhoods or areas Engaging residents,
traditional planning, services for all with tailored community
sought to separate residents, particularly interventions to address organisations, and
land uses to prevent marginalised and local security concerns other stakeholders
incompatible activities vulnerable populations, and disparities is an
in the planning
from coexisting. is crucial for enhancing essential component of
urban security. modern planning
process to identify
Zoning measures priorities,
aimed to maintain Traditional planning approaches. By
approaches have often understanding the unique preferences, and
public safety, they
often resulted in fallen short in this challenges and needs of needs related to
spatial segregation and regard, leading to the different communities, urban security.
the marginalisation of disproportionate planners can develop
certain communities, impact of security more effective and
exacerbating social risks on certain inclusive strategies to
inequalities. communities. enhance urban security.
Kola Lawal
Contemporary Planning
Approaches to Urban
Contemporary planning approaches to urban
security take a more holistic view, recognizing
that factors such as social cohesion, economic
opportunity, and environmental quality play a
crucial role in creating safe and secure
These approaches emphasize community
engagement, social inclusion, and the integration
of security measures into broader urban planning

Kola Lawal
Surveillance Access Target Hardening
Maximizing Reduce vulnerability to
Controlling access crime with security
visibility and
to spaces by measures like lighting,
allowing for easy
guiding legitimate cameras, and locks,
monitoring of public Crime Prevention through
users and deterring increasing risk for
spaces to deter
criminal activity.
potential offenders. offenders. Environmental Design (CPTED)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Territorial Maintenance and Activity Support

Management Encourage vibrant spaces
with amenities, events, and
Clearly defining Prevent crime by mixed-use developments,
spaces and maintaining spaces, fostering community
ownership through signaling care and presence, safety, and
physical and monitoring, avoiding connection.
symbolic cues to neglect, and
deterioration, promoting
foster a sense of
safety and security.
responsibility. Kola Lawal
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED)

Kola Lawal
Defensible Space Territoriality:
Establish ownership Natural
boundaries with landscaping, Surveillance:
signage, fostering pride, Maximize visibility,
deterring crime with
reducing crime, and enhancing
well-lit, observable
social cohesion. areas, making it hard
for offenders to
conceal actions.
Physical Design: Design
spaces to deter crime,
minimize blind spots,
ensuring safety, and shaping
residents' perceptions.

Defensible Space is Community Engagement: Involve

residents in planning, aligning
Target Hardening: Install
an urban planning interventions with community
security measures to
deter crime, like cameras
approach that needs, fostering responsibility for
urban security.
and alarms, increasing
leverages physical perceived risk for
design to deter crime Maintenance: Regular upkeep
signals active care, deterring
and promote a sense crime, and enhancing safety, Mixed-Use Development:
Create vibrant environments,
of safety and including landscaping and graffiti
removal. combining spaces to increase
ownership among activity and community
presence, deterring crime.
Kola Lawal
Applications of Defensible Space principles in the built environment Kola Lawal
Environmental Criminology
Environmental criminology explores how
the physical environment influences
criminal behaviour (Jeffery, 1976). It
examines elements like architecture, land
use, urban design and infrastructure to
understand crime patterns and

Kola Lawal
Environmental Criminology
• Routine Activity Theory: Examining the
convergence of motivated offenders, suitable
targets, and absence of guardianship in
space and time to understand patterns of
criminal behaviour and opportunities for
crime prevention.

• Crime pattern theory: emphasises the

concentration of criminal activity in specific
locations and times, aiding in the
identification of crime hotspots for targeted
interventions. Node, Path, Edge, Landmarks

• Social Disorganization Theory: Exploring the

impact of social, economic, and
demographic factors on neighbourhood
stability, cohesion, and collective efficacy in
influencing crime rates and community
responses to crime.
Environmental Psychology
Environmental psychology examines the interactions between people
and their physical environments, exploring how built environments
influence behaviour, perceptions, and well-being. By understanding the
psychological processes underlying human responses to urban
environments, planners can design spaces that promote feelings of
safety, security, and belonging.

Key concepts and principles in environmental psychology include:

• Perceived Safety: Investigating how individuals perceive and assess
the safety of urban environments based on factors such as visibility,
familiarity, social cues, and environmental aesthetics.
• Place Attachment: Exploring the emotional bonds and connections
that individuals form with their physical surroundings, influencing
their sense of identity, attachment, and protective behaviours.
• Territoriality and Defensible Space: Examining how individuals
establish and defend personal boundaries within the built
environment, influencing social interactions, surveillance, and
informal social control mechanisms.
• Restorative Environments: Understanding the restorative properties
of natural and designed settings in reducing stress, enhancing
cognitive functioning, and promoting well-being, particularly in
urban contexts characterised by noise, crowding, and sensory
overload. Kola Lawal
Components of Physical
Planning Services for Urban
• Physical planning services for urban security
encompass a multifaceted approach to
creating safe and secure environments within
urban areas.
• These services integrate various components
to address the complex challenges related to
crime prevention, emergency response, and
overall safety of residents and infrastructure.

The Components of Physical Planning Services for Urvan Security are;

• Land Use Planning
• Infrastructure Planning
• Urban Design and Architecture
• Neighbourhood Layout, Housing, and Community Development
• Community Engagement and Participation
• Technology and Innovation
• Policy and Regulation
Kola Lawal
Land Use Planning:
Land use planning involves the allocation of land for different purposes
such as residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational areas.
Proper land use planning can contribute significantly to urban security
by ensuring that neighbourhoods are designed to minimise crime
opportunities and promote community safety.

• Mixed-Use Development: Encouraging mixed-use development can

reduce crime by increasing natural surveillance and pedestrian
activity. Integrating residential, commercial, and recreational spaces
within the same area fosters a sense of community and helps to deter
criminal activities.

• Zoning Regulations: Implementing zoning regulations that restrict

certain land uses in high-crime areas can help mitigate security risks.
For example, limiting the establishment of liquor stores or gambling
facilities near schools or residential neighbourhoods can reduce the
likelihood of associated criminal behaviour.

• Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED): CPTED

principles emphasize the design of the built environment to
discourage crime. This includes strategies such as enhancing lighting,
improving visibility, and controlling access to public spaces. By
applying CPTED principles in land use planning, cities can create
environments that are less conducive to criminal activity. Kola Lawal
Infrastructure Planning:
Infrastructure planning plays a crucial role in urban security by
ensuring that essential services and facilities are designed and
located strategically to support crime prevention and emergency
response efforts.
• Transportation Planning: Effective transportation planning can
enhance urban security by ensuring safe streets, improving access
for emergency vehicles, optimising traffic flow to reduce
congestion, and minimising opportunities for criminal activity such
as theft and vandalism.

• Utility Services: Planning the location and distribution of utility

services such as electricity, water, and telecommunications
networks is essential for maintaining public safety and security.
Ensuring the resilience of these systems against natural disasters
and malicious attacks is a key consideration in infrastructure

• Emergency Services Facilities: Strategic placement of fire stations,

police stations, and emergency medical services facilities is critical
for timely response to incidents. Infrastructure planning should
prioritise equitable access to emergency services across different
neighbourhoods and districts within the urban area.
Kola Lawal
Urban Design and Architecture:
By incorporating principles of safety and security into urban design,
planners can create spaces that are both functional and resilient
against crime.

• Natural Surveillance: Designing buildings and public spaces with

features that maximise visibility can help deter criminal activity by
increasing the perception of being observed. This includes
features such as functional arrangements of buildings, large
windows overlooking streets, clear sightlines in parks and plazas,
and minimal blind spots.

• Territorial Reinforcement: Establishing clear boundaries between

public and private spaces through the use of architectural
elements such as fences, gates, and landscaping can help define
ownership and discourage unauthorised access and criminal

• Access Control: Implementing access control measures such as

security gates, key card systems, and surveillance cameras can
help regulate entry and exit points in buildings and communities,
enhancing security for residents and businesses.
Kola Lawal
Urban Design and Architecture:
By incorporating principles of safety and security into urban design,
planners can create spaces that are both functional and resilient
against crime.

• Natural Surveillance: Designing buildings and public spaces with

features that maximise visibility can help deter criminal activity by
increasing the perception of being observed. This includes
features such as functional arrangements of buildings, large
windows overlooking streets, clear sightlines in parks and plazas,
and minimal blind spots.

• Territorial Reinforcement: Establishing clear boundaries between

public and private spaces through the use of architectural
elements such as fences, gates, and landscaping can help define
ownership and discourage unauthorised access and criminal

• Access Control: Implementing access control measures such as

security gates, key card systems, and surveillance cameras can
help regulate entry and exit points in buildings and communities,
enhancing security for residents and businesses.
Kola Lawal
Technology and Innovation:
Technology plays an increasingly important role in enhancing
urban security by providing tools and systems for surveillance,
communication, and emergency response.

• CCTV Surveillance: Deploying closed-circuit television (CCTV)

cameras in public spaces can deter criminal activity and
provide valuable evidence for law enforcement investigations.
Integrating CCTV systems with analytics software enables real-
time monitoring and proactive intervention in response to
suspicious behaviour.

• Smart Lighting Systems: Installing smart lighting systems that

adjust brightness based on time of day and motion detection
can improve visibility in public spaces while conserving energy.
Smart lighting can also serve as a deterrent to crime by
illuminating dark areas and increasing the perception of safety.

• Emergency Notification Systems: Implementing emergency

notification systems that deliver alerts to residents via mobile
apps, text messages, or sirens can facilitate timely
communication during crises such as natural disasters,
terrorist attacks, or public health emergencies. Kola Lawal
Components of Urban Security Plan in Physical Planning practice
Kola Lawal
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Physical
Planning Services for Urban Security

Crime Rates Perception Surveys Economic Indicators

Analyzing crime data to Capturing residents' Assessing changes in
identify spatial and subjective perceptions of property values, business
temporal patterns, assess safety, security, and quality of activity, and tourism to
the effectiveness of life to inform planning evaluate the broader
interventions, and decisions and measure the socio-economic impacts
prioritize resources for impact of interventions. of physical planning
targeted initiatives. interventions on urban
security and prosperity.
Policy Implications and Recommendations
Urban security is a multifaceted challenge that requires coordinated action
from policymakers, planners, practitioners, and stakeholders to create safe,
inclusive, and resilient cities.

• Integrating Urban Security into Planning Standards and Policies

• Integrate CPTED Audit into Planning Application processing
• Capacity Building and Training for Planners for Security-Centric Practices
• Collaboration Between Stakeholders
• Incorporating Technology in Planning Processes
• Data-Driven Decision Making
• Designing for Inclusivity and Accessibility
• Environmental Sustainability
• Evaluation and Monitoring
• Public Awareness and Education
• Policy Coordination and Integration
• Flexible and Adaptive Planning Approaches
• Engaging with Law Enforcement and Security Experts
Kola Lawal
Challenges and Barriers to Integrating
Urban Security

Limited Institutional Capacity Inadequate Data and Information

Weak Legal and Regulatory Frameworks Informal Settlements and Urban Informality

Rapid Urbanisation and Population Growth Limited Public Participation and

Community Engagement
Corruption and Governance Challenges Limited Funding and Resource Constraints

Kola Lawal
Conclusion: The Way
Forward for Safer Cities
Integrating security into planning
practice is crucial for creating vibrant,
resilient, and inclusive communities.
By harnessing the principles of CPTED
and embracing a holistic approach,
cities can foster a sense of safety and
belonging that empowers residents
and attracts investment.

Kola Lawal
Kola Lawal
Kola Lawal
Kola Lawal
Kola Lawal
Kola Lawal
Kola Lawal
Kola Lawal
Kola Lawal
Kola Lawal
Kola Lawal
Kola Lawal
Kola Lawal
Kola Lawal
Kola Lawal
Kola Lawal

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