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Time Interval Last done on: Sr. No.

Daily 1
Norwegian Logbook ✓ 2
Fleet Logbook ✓ 3
Green Logs ✓ 4
UMS alarm book ✓ 5
Green Logs 6
Daily Sludge/Bilge Soundings ✓ 7
Daily running Hours record ✓ 8
Weekly 10
Sewage Log Saturday 11
Chemical handling checklist Saturday 12
EMS log (Purifier running hours) Saturday 13
Spar Weekly Saturday 15
Sounding book Saturday 16
Monthly 17
Extinguishers signature 1/18/2024 18
EEBD signatures 1/20/2024 20
Month end reports ✓ 21
Lifting appliances log ✓ 22
EMS training log ✓ 23
Flexible hoses ✓ 24
SOLAS 56B manual ✓ 25
Jobs Pending ☓
Purifier Inventory ✓
MAC Inventory ☓
Service air compressor Inventory ✓
Green Logs ✓
Sounding Book ✓
Ballast plant layout and lines ✓
Fire GS and Bilge GS lines and layout ✓
HFO and DO transfer lines ✓
Purifier Manual ☓
MAC manual ☓
Bunkering Prepartion ✓
Mentoring 4/E to 3/E ☓
De rusting Fkeys and hook spanners ✓
Tarpulin on bunker sounding caps ✓
Engine chemicals inventory ✓
Cleaning and tiding up hose boxes, eebd, fire extinguishers ✓
Fire hydrants greasing and hose wires replacement ✓
Stencilling bottom platform ✓
Compressor valve routines ☓
mac #1 issue solve ☓

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