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1. Identify 2 techniques used in the poem Native Tongue. Define both of the techniques.

The two techniques used in Native Tongue are comparison and repetition. Comparison
means comparing two things with each other, while repetition means repeating multiple lines
or stanzas.

2. How are both of these techniques helps the reader's understanding of the poem
Native Tongue.
The poem Native Tongue shows the poet’s loss and confusion of his identity. This is
highlighted in “I don’t speak my Father’s native tongue. I was born under a southern sun”
These lines show the comparison of how he knows about his father and great grandaddy’s
identity yet he does not know about his own identity. The poet’s loss of identity also is
shown in “I don’t know where I belong” Emphasising his loss of his Aboriginal roots and is
stripped of his identity. Therefore these techniques show the poet's loss and confusion of his
own identity.

3. Identify 2 techniques used in the poem Uluru. Define both of the techniques.
The two techniques used in Uluru are imagery and juxtaposition.Imagery means using
description to paint a picture in the reader's mind while juxtaposition means comparing two
opposite things.

4. How are both of these techniques helps the reader's understanding of the poem
The poem Uluru by Eva Johnson shows and implies the importance of Uluru to the
Aboriginals. This is shown “where women sing, wash, dance, in ritual, protect” This uses
imagery to create a picture in the reader’s mind and tells the importance of Uluru by
protecting it. The importance of Uluru is also shown “Isolated rock, that stands in silence
caress the earth,” This shows the juxtaposition used by implying that the rock is isolated and
silent, while also describing the importance and power Uluru has over the Aboriginals. These
techniques show the great significance of Uluru by the Aboriginal peoples.

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