管状电加热元件的不稳定态导热数值模拟 甄永杰

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节 能 2004年第7期

- 14 - ENERGY CONSERVAT ION (总第264期)


摘要:本文以 CRANK -NICLOSON 隐式方法数值求解了一截面为圆形的电加热元件在不同压紧状态

中图分类号:T M924.
2 文献标识码:A 1004-7948(2004)07-0014-03

1问题的提出 对于对流传热的情况‚将假设服从沸腾特性曲
管状电热元件(又称电热管)具有结构简单、使 线。在边界上的传热系数取如下数值:
用寿命长、热效率高、使用安全等优点‚是人们日常 对于温差( T B - T A )≤10℃时‚
生活中广泛使用的电加热元件。其中的 JGS 型是 h=5000W/(m2·K)
专用于加热水的‚是由铁铬铝或镍铬电热合金材料 对于温差( T B - T A )>10℃时‚
绕成的螺旋型元件作为发热体‚外面套以金属护套 h=1/3[500( T B - T A )+104]W/(m2·K)
中间空隙部分填满有良好导热性和绝缘性的结 式中 T B 为边界温度‚T A 为环境温度。
晶氧化镁粉末‚两端由封口材料密封而组成‚其外形 2网格的型式和尺寸
如图1所示。加热元件内绝缘材料的热物理性质如 很显然‚需要一个包含圆形元件的网格。由于
下: 问题是轴对称的‚因此网格只需由一组同心圆组成。
比热 Cp 1300J/(kg·K) 最简单的网格是其相邻两圆直径的差为一常数。建
密度ρ 3050~3150kg/m 议根据螺旋电热体的尺寸和位置取对初始计算最合
导热系数 k 1∙8~7∙0W/(m·K) 适的网格尺寸‚以使两相邻节点恰恰环绕螺旋电热
由于绝缘材料是压实的粉末‚因此这里就出现 体。见图3。

图3 网格系统
由于两方面的原因外壳材料没有包括在图 3
图1 管状电热元件 图2 圆形加热元件的横截面 的。因此外壳的总热惰性对元件的瞬时性状来说是
2004年第7期 节 能
(总第264期) ENERGY CONSERVAT ION - 15 -

不重要的。 (1) 边界节点的有限差分方程(节点11)。如图4

3有限差分方程的建立 所示对节点11利用假想节点法 [1] 。假设在节点11
需要导出三个不同形式的差分方程:一个是对 的外部另有一节点12。
边界点的‚一个是对中心线节点的‚其余是对剩下的 由边界条件有
内部节点的。此外必须算出内部热源项。柱坐标下 T12- T10 h
=- ( T11- T A )
导热系数为常数的微分方程为 2Δr k
∂2 T 1 ∂T 1 ∂2 T ∂2 T 另外根据导热微分方程有
k( 2 + + 2 2 + 2) + H
∂r r ∂r r ∂θ ∂z T10-2T11+ T12 1 T10- T12
k +
∂T Δr2 r11 2Δr
= ρC p
∂t T′
11- T11
对于此系统由于具有轴对称热流、均匀加热以 + H11 = ρC p
及长度比其直径大得多的特点‚上式可化为 由以上两式消去 T12‚然后再用隐式方法得到
∂2 T 1 ∂T ∂T 边界节点11的差分方程
k( 2 + ) + H = ρC p
∂r r ∂r ∂t

hΔr h (Δr)2 1 hΔr

-2λT′ + 2λ1+ -λ · + 11 =2(1-λ) T10+ -2(1-λ) 1+
k k r11 Fo T′ k
h (Δr)2 1 hΔr h (Δr)2 (Δr)2
+ (1-λ) · + T11+ 2 - · T A + H11
k r11 Fo k k r11 k

kΔt 1∂T
式中 傅立叶数 Fo = 的0∙25%。可以证明在中心线上 能代之
ρC p (Δr)2 r ∂r r→0

∂2 T [2]
为 2 ‚因此‚在中心节点1上相应的有限差
∂r r→0
2T2-2T1 T′
1- T1
2k + H1 = ρC p
(Δr)2 Δt
1 1
4λ+ 2 = -4(1-λ) +
Fo T′
Fo T1
+4(1-λ) T2+ H1
(3) 其余内部节点的有限差分方程(如图3所示
图4 边界节点 从节点2至节点10)。我们直接从导热系数为常数的
(2) 中心线节点的有限差分方程(图3中的节点 微分方程来推导有限差分方程‚用相应的有限差分
1)。节点1所代表的面积只是加热元件整个截面积 方程代替微分方程‚以节点5为例得出

5+ T′
6 T4-2T5+ T6 1 T′
4- T′6 T4- T6 T′
5- T5
k λ 2 + (1- λ) 2 + λ + (1- λ) + H5 = ρC p
Δr Δr r5 2Δr 2Δr Δt
进一步化简为 kΔt
式中 傅立叶数 Fo =
Δr 1 Δr ρC p (Δr)2
4- 2λ+
λ 1+2r T′ 5+λ 1-
F T′ 2r T′
6 应用于节点5的方程与那些其余的内部点的方
5 o 5

Δr 1 程相比有一个很重要的差别‚这就是由螺旋电热体
= - (1-λ) 1+2r T4+ 2(1-λ) - F T5
5 o 所造成的内部热源只出现在由节点5所表示的面积
Δr (Δr) 2
因此方程式中的 H(Δr)2/k 项对于其他节点都
- (1-λ) 1-2r T6- H5
5 k
节 能 2004年第7期
- 16 - ENERGY CONSERVAT ION (总第264期)

位边面积上的功率来表示的(即 W/m2)。对此问题
表面 功 率 为 3∙27×105W/m2 (表 面 积)。直 径 为
10mm‚长度为1m 的加热元件
实 际 放 出 的 热 能 =3∙27×106 × (1× π
π(2∙52-2∙02)×10-6×1‚即 V =7∙069×10-6m3
功率 10∙28×103
故 H= =
单位体积 7∙069×10-6 图5 不同状态下加电后的外表面温度
此 H 值就是节点5的有限差分方程中的 H5。
况下推导出来的‚即采用 CRANK -NICOLSON 方
检验 [3] 。这里选取 λ=0∙5‚此时要求
hΔr 1 h (Δr)2 1
- 1+ + + ≥0
k 2 k r11 Fo
Fo ≤ ‚于是时间步长为
图6 外表面温度达到90℃时加热元件的温度分布
(Δr)2 (Δr)2
Δt = Fo ρC p =0∙159× ρC p
k k 于压紧情况下的温度。绝缘材料在压紧时导热系数
应用绝缘粉末分别在压紧和未压紧情况下的 ρ 高‚反之导热系数就低。高导热材料的导热速率快‚
和 k 值‚分别得出 Δt 为0∙0233s 和0∙0876s。 因此在压紧时加热元件外表面达到一定温度所需的
4求解方法 时间理所当然就要比未压紧时达到相同的温度所需
上述方程是由 CRANK - NICLOSON 隐式方 的时间少;低导热材料不利于散热‚故在外表面温度
法导出的‚即在式中每一个未知的温度不但与几个 相同的情况下未压紧的加热元件的内部温度就相对
前一时层的已知温度有关而且还与本时层的未知温 较高。本文中数值模拟的结果与我们的预想是一致
度有关。这些方程的系数矩阵是三对角的‚因此我 的。由此我们就可以得出相当有用的结论‚为了节
们可以采用三对角矩阵算法(T DMA)来直接求解这 省加热时间应该选用内部压紧压实的加热元件‚此
些方程‚这里是利用高斯消去法来具体实施的。 外‚从节省能源的观点来看也是如此‚由于未压紧时
5计算结果和分析 元件内部温度很高‚因此有较多的能量蓄积在元件
图5和图6分别示出了绝缘材料在不同压紧状 内部‚当关闭加热元件时这些能量将完全损失掉。
态下的升温曲线和加热元件横断面的温度分布曲 参考文献
由图我们可以清楚地看到当绝缘材料压紧时的 [1] 陶文铨.数值传热学(第2版) [ M ] .西安:西安交通大学
出版社‚ 2001.
优点‚也即高导热材料与低导热材料相比在减小内 [2]D.R.克 罗 夫 特‚D.R.利 利.传 热 的 有 限 差 分 方 程 计 算
热源向表面扩散的速率方面的差别。其中的差别: [ M ] .北京:冶金工业出版社‚ 1982.
[3]S.V .帕坦卡.传热与流体流动的数值计算 [ M ] .北京:科
一是在压紧的状态下加热元件外表面达到90℃所 学出版社‚ 1984.
用的时间明显少于未压紧状态下所用的时间;另外 作者简介:甄永杰(1976-)‚男‚河南许昌人‚在读硕士‚从事
一个差别是在未压紧时加热元件内部的温度明显高 (收稿日期: 2004-03-26)
节 能 2004年第7期

T he variation and profile of the temperature of a tube shaped elec-

tric heat element w ere analyzed numerically under different compaction
Energy Conservation(Monthly)
condition using CRANK-NICLOSON method.
Sponsor:Liaoning Provincial Institute of Science and
T echnology Information Key words:numerical simulation;heat conduction;electric heat
Publisher:《 Energy Conservation》Magazine Publishing 14
House Rainwater utilization & preventing cold loss
Chief Editor:Z HANG We- i hua and saving energy in using roof stored water
Address:No. 274 Qingnian Boulevard Shenyang City YANG Wan-sheng‚ ZHANG Yan-mei‚ ZHANG J-i guang
Liaoning Province China As one of useful measures of saving w ater‚rainw ater utilization is be
Post Code:110016 paid much attention to by w ater engineers.Among these measures syn-
thesizing w ays of using rainw ater is the key of saving w ater.In this pa-
per the measure of utilization of rainw ater and the preventing heat and
saving energy of using roof stored w ater is introduced and this method
ABSTRACTS merits of saving w ater and energy are analyzed‚ at the same time the de-
July 2004 No.
7T otal Issue No.
264 sign of storing w ater roof is pointed out.All these w ays is valuable for
saving w ater source and energy.

Review and new developments of the theoretical models of CHF Key words: rainw ater;reutilization;saving w ater;stored w ater
LE Wei‚ LI Mao-de roof;
saving energy 17
T his article has a review of the models and the new developments of
The optimize control system for the coal
the saturated critical heat flux (CHF) of the pool boiling.After literature
analyzing‚notes that the analysis to the available experimental facts is not gas be callbacked from steel-making
enough yet .Almost all the theoretical models is deduced by time-aver- XIE Zh-i ying‚HOU Bao-wen
aged or space -averaged methods ‚w hich could cover up the dynamic In this article‚
the technics of the coal gas be callbacked from con-
characteristic of boiling. So w e need the new experimental methods‚ such verter is introduced‚the arameters and specialities of them about system
as micro - optical probe‚micro - thermocouple etc‚to investigate the are analysed.T he mistiness control system w as put forw ard for the quali-
roles of those influential parameters in CHF. ty and the number of the coal gas be callbacked from converter w ere ad-
Key words: critical heat flux;macrolayer;vapor patch;vapor vanced and the electricity expended is smaller and to clean by removing
dust is better.
contact angle 3
Key words: making steel with converter;CO;callback;mistiness
Application research of evaporative
cooling technique in non-dry district control;
frequencey conversion for speed regulation 19
WANG Qian‚ SUN Xiao-qiu Energy efficient glass selection in buildings at North of China
T he paper presents the principles and varieties of evaporative cool- YU Wen-hong‚ YANG Zhao
ing‚ through analyzes and calculations‚ it is feasible to use desiccant evap-
Aiming at North of China’s climate trait‚this paper analyzes the
orative cooling in non-dry districts in our country.T he applications of
comfortability of indoor thermal environment and reasonable type choice
this technique is not only benefit for environment protecting‚ but also for
of glass system in buildings.T he utilization of Solar Energy in Building
indoor air quality‚ especially in the case with surplus heat or w asted heat‚
in Winter can not be ignored‚glass system’s energy saving in summer
it can save the electric energy largely‚ and the energy saving effect is very
obvious.Advises spreading the technique in our country and make corre- for shading solar heat and in winter for penetrating solar heat are both
sponding standards. important.
Key words: direct evaporative cooling;indirect evaporative cool- Key words: energy efficient glass;shading coefficient;comforta-
ing;desiccant cooling; indoor air quality; desiccant w heel dehumidification bility of indoor thermal environment 27
8 The strategy and simulation of natural ventilation
Analysis on heat transfer and GONG Bo‚ YU Nan-yang‚ WANG Lei
optimization of a new type radiator Present the strategy of natural ventilation and the application of
YI Qiu-jie‚TIAN Mao-cheng‚ YANG Qian-ming‚et al Netw ork Method and CFD in the simulation of natural ventilation. Some
According to the experimental research w ork‚the temperature dis- possible problems about natural ventilation are described.
tribution around the different geometric structural finned tubes is ob-
tained.T he heat transfer characteristics of different geometric structural Key words:natural ventilation;strategy;netw ork method;CFD
finned tubes are analyzed and compared.T hrough the disposal and analy- 30
sis of the experimental data‚the empirical formulas of the mean heat
Energy-saving modification in kerosone absorption system
transfer coefficients have been obtained.T he factors that affect the mean
heat transfer coefficients are analyzed.By means of the mathematical YANG Hu- i lin‚
ZHAN De-sheng
programming the optimal geometric structural parameters of the finned Kerosone is used as obsorbent in butadiene reclaimation process.A
tube are obtained w hen the metal calorific intensity is the most. heat exchange has been added to make hot kerosone (about 55℃) ex-
Key words: radiator;finned tube ;natural convection;structural changing with cold kerosoen(about 15℃‚containing with some butadi-
ence).T he consumption of steam and liquid ammonia has reduced a lot
optimization 11 and it can save 591.3thousand yuan per year.
Numerical simulation on unstable state heat Key words: Kerosone;heat exchange;energy - saving modifica-
conduct of a tube shaped electric heat element
ZHEN Yong-jie‚ SHI Jin-sheng‚ LIU Zhen-yi‚et al tion 45

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