Skill #2

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Character and Symbolism

Imagine that a friend of yours has asked you to describe how characters in myths can
besymbols. Since your friend already knows the major stories in the Ramyana you
decide to use its characters as examples. Fill in the chart below to use in your
Character What the Character What the Character
Looks Like Symbolizes
He has ten heads and
Ravana twenty arms. Battle scares evil, greed, deception,
were on his huge imposing brute strength, arrogance
person. Continue.
Rama is typically depicted virtue, righteousness, and
Rama as a handsome prince with divine duty in Hindu
a serene countenance and mythology.
a regal bearing.
Sita is often depicted as a
beautiful and graceful purity, devotion, and the
Sita princess with long, flowing ideal qualities of a faithful
hair, adorned in traditional wife and mother in Hindu
attire, and emanating an mythology.
aura of purity and virtue.
Lakshmana is usually
depicted as a noble prince loyalty, selflessness, and
Lakshmana with a youthful the steadfastness of a
appearance, often shown devoted brother in Hindu
wielding a bow and arrow, mythology.
and with a steadfast and
loyal demeanor.
Ravana's sister,
Surpanakha, is typically desire, jealousy, and the
Ravana’s Sister depicted as a menacing destructive consequences
figure with a disheveled of unchecked ambition in
appearance, sharp claws, Hindu mythology.
and a fierce expression.
Hanuman is often
portrayed as a powerful strength, devotion, and
Hanuman monkey deity with a unwavering loyalty to Lord
muscular physique, a long Rama in Hindu mythology.
tail, and a devout
Place a (+) in front of the characters with negative How does the symbolism the
theme versus good characters who are symbols of positive traits and a (-) in
front of those traits.

Ravana (-) Rama (+) Sita (+) Lakshmana (+) Ravana’s Sister (-) Hanuman (+)

How does the symbolism of characters in this myth help you understand the
theme of deception or and evil? Explain your answer.
The Ramayana's character symbolism is essential to understanding the story's theme of deceit
and evil. Characters like as Ravana and Surpanakha, with their self-serving ambitions and
cunning deeds, depict the darkest sides of human nature and deceit and wickedness. The
kidnapping of Sita by Ravana and Surpanakha's plans to obstruct Rama's trip serve as prime
examples of what happens when one gives in to cunning desires, underscoring the disastrous
effects of unbridled ambition and moral decay. Their personas function as warning tales,
highlighting the far-reaching effects of engaging in dishonesty and putting one's own interests
ahead of those of others.
SKILL #2 NAME: Ivan Louise Jon B. Caldito Section: BSED- Math 3

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