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Class : Primary 3 CTC BIMBEL Date :

Unit 9 Money SCORE

Name : _________________ Subject : Mathematics

THI (Taman Harapan Indah ) Blok P No. 32, Jakarta Barat ,Telp. 021 46582457 , Hp.0813 1489 5685

Addition Money

1. Write in cents.

a. $5.75 = ____________ ¢

b. $9.05 = ____________ ¢

2. Write in dollars.

a. 615 ¢ = $ _____________

b. 490 ¢ = $ _____________

3. Make $1.

Fill in the blanks.

a. 40 ¢ + _____________ ¢ = $1

b. 95¢ + _____________ ¢ = $1

c. $0.75 + $ __________ = $1

d. $0.50 + $ __________ = $1

4. Add.

a. $1.45 + $5.00 = $ ______________

$ $

b. $8.00 + $12.95 =$ ______________

$ $

c. $46.35 + $0.50 = $ ____________

d. $0.35 + $9.35 = $ ____________

e. $0.05 + $64.45 = $ ___________

f. $26.40 + $72.50 = $ ___________

g. $51.25 + $4.20 = $ ____________

h. $6.05 + $18.20 = $ ___________

i. $60.05 + $17.70 = $ ___________

j. $3.40 + $0.95 = $ ____________

k. $16.40 + 80¢ = $ ____________

l. $35.45 + $0.70 = $ ____________

m. $63.20 + $0.90 = $ ____________

n. $79.50 + 85¢ = $ ____________

5. Fill in the blanks.

a. $6.15 + $4.85 =$ ____________

b. $60.35 + $11.65 = $ ___________

c. $10.45 + $71.55 = $ ___________

d. $7.80 + $3.90 = $ ___________

e. $12.35 + $13.75 = $ __________

f. $25.15 + $15.95 = $ __________

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