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Dear friends We are disturbed by the usage of extremely high toxic and lethal chemical weapons against the

oppressed Kurdish people by Turkish government. On 22 October 2011, Turkish warplanes killed the 36 freedom fighters by chemical weapons in Guze Reshe and Gunde Pire areas of Chele district. More news at: Use of chemical weapons by Turkish army confirmed Berlin: Press conference, criminal complaint against Turkish premier Chemical Weapons Convention Please sign the below petition by Tuesday 8th evening and email me with details (organisation name and address) to United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) for urgent intervention. In Solidarity Willy

9th November 2011 The High Commissioner for Human Rights Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais Wilson 52 rue des Pquis CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland. We are shocked that Turkey has been shamelessly violating its own laws and conventions by deploying extremely high toxic and lethal chemical weapons against the oppressed Kurdish people. Since 2009, there is enough evidence to hold Turkey guilty of gross human rights violations. On 22 October 2011, Turkish warplanes killed 36 Kurdish freedom fighters by chemical weapons in Guze Reshe and Gunde Pire areas of Chele district. Their bodies at Malatya Forensic Medicine Institution bear testimony of their brutal murder in these attacks using napalm bombs and chemical weapons. The burnt faces and the mutilated bodies seen in the photographs of the victims could not be caused by ordinary weapons. The ongoing war against the liberation struggle of the Kurdish people has led to many thousands of casualties, but the use of chemical weapons is outrageous. German experts have confirmed the authenticity of photographs that purport to show Kurdish activists killed by chemical weapons in September 2009. The evidence and campaigns have not moved the Turkish government even an inch despite demands of German politicians and human rights groups for an investigation. The full extent of the lasting damage suffered by the Kurdish people as a result of the chemical weapons attack is yet unknown and needs international investigation. Turkish government has been consistently using the terrorism card against the Kurdish activists, despite the revolutionary Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) signing the Geneva Convention in 1995. There is a clear violation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction (otherwise known as the Chemical Weapons Convention) signed and ratified by Turkey in 1997. The Chemical Weapons Convention is a multilateral treaty to ban an entire category of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and to provide for the international verification of the destruction of these weapons. Furthermore, it is a disarmament treaty negotiated within an entirely multilateral framework, leading to increased transparency and its application equally to all States Parties. The Convention was also negotiated with the active participation of the global chemical industry, thus ensuring industrys ongoing cooperation with the CWCs industrial verification regime. The Convention mandates the inspection of industrial facilities to ensure that toxic chemicals are used exclusively for purposes not prohibited by the Convention. It is ironic that the convention (OPCW) is headed by Director-General Ambassador Ahmet zmc, who has represented Turkey earlier in the UN and NATO. Turkey has been committing war crimes, crimes against humanity, and massacres

against the Kurdish people, while the conscience of the international community has remained shamefully silent and unable to take any decision to halt this aggression and dangerous crimes. Turkey remains undeterred in its dual-pronged war to impose a complete siege of Kurdish areas by chemical weapon attacks as well as illegal arrests of Members of Parliament and civil society leaders. As human rights and democratic organisations, we urge you to urgently initiate action to halt the crushing of human rights and democracy by Turkish government. We urge your office to: - depute a team of experts to investigate the chemical weapon attack on Kurdish people. - initiate proceedings and dismiss OPCW Director-General Ambassador Ahmet zmc. Signed by: Organisations: All India Secular Forum, Mumbai, India BURMA CENTRE DELHI, New Delhi, India CEN - Kurdish Women's Office for Peace, Dsseldorf, Germany DEBTWATCH Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia EKTA (Committee for Communal Amity), Mumbai, India ETHNIA ASSOCIATION, Turku, Finland Equity and Justice Woking Group Bangladesh in Solidairy and Support, Dhaka, Bangladesh INSAF Indian Social Action Forum, New Delhi 110016, India Labour Party Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan MRAP- The Movement Against Racism and for Friendship between Peoples 43 Boulevard Magenta - 75010 Paris, France NAPM National Alliance of People's Movements, New Delhi, India. National Hawkers Federation General Secretary Shaktiman Ghosh, 16/17 College Street, Kolkata-700012, India NFFPFW National Federation of Forest People & Forest Workers Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand, India

Peoples Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) National Secretary Chitranjan Singh, Ballia, Uttar Pradesh, India Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum, Karachi, Pakistan Radical Socialist (Prof. Kunal Chattopadhyay), Kolkata, India Sundarban Banadhikar Sangram Committee (Mr. Pratip Nag), West Bengal, India ToxicsWatch Alliance (TWA) Convenor Gopal Krishna, 143/9, Kisangarh, Vasantkunj, New Delhi, India Women in Socio-Economic Developmment (WOSED) Loktantra Adhyayan Kendra, 187, Ghattekulo 32, P.O Box 11292, Kathmandu, Nepal Others: Achin Vanaik, Professor of International Relations and Global Politics, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, India Josefa S. Francisco, International Studies Department, Miriam College, Manila, Philippines Kamal Chenoy, Professor of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India Maqbool Max Babri, trade union leader, Lahore, Pakistan Muhammad Abrar, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, Karachi, Pakistan. Seema Mustafa, journalist & activist, New Delhi, India

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