Employment Agreement

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THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (the ‘Agreement’) is made and executed on this

___________ day of ____________, 2024 of the Christian Era.


FlyGer Holidays Ltd, a company having its incorporation no. _____________, and
registered address at ______________________________________________,
represented by its Managing Director Mr. ______________________________, son of
________________________________, National ID No.
___________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “EMPLOYER’’.



-------EMPLOYEE--------, son of ________________________, date of birth-

________________, National ID No. ______________________________, Permanent
Address: ____________________________, Present Address:
____________________________________, by faith: _______________, Nationality:
Bangladeshi by birth, hereinafter referred to as the “EMPLOYEE’’.

----------SECOND PARTY

(Both FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY collectively referred to as the Parties and
singly as the Parties.)

WHEREAS the EMPLOYER/FIRST PARTY is a company who are involved in

_____________ business. The EMPLOYER is recruiting Digital Marketing Experts and
GDS (Global Distribution System). For this purpose, the EMPLOYER took interview of
several candidates on ________________________. The EMPLOYEE/SECOND
PARTY attended the interview on ____________ at the office of the EMPLOYER.
EMPLOYER was pleased to select the EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY for the post of
_________________ in its company.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements set forth herein and
other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
acknowledged, and in reliance upon the representations and mutual agreements contained
as follows:

Description of Employment

1. The EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY is hereby appointed as __________ of the

EMPLOYER. The EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY will provide services such as
________________ and any other legal work as directed by the EMPLOYER/FIRST
2. The EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY shall be responsible to keep all the digital
information of the EMPLOYER/FIRST PARTY including customer database secured
and safe.
3. The EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY shall not be compensated for any loss caused by
his own mistakes or his failure to perform his duties properly.
4. The EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY shall not engage in any business or employment
that competes with the EMPLOYER/FIRST PARTY’s business during the term of

Commencement of the Contract

5. The contract is to be commenced on the __________ day of __________, 2024 and

to be continued unless terminated as per provision of this agreement.

Working Hours

6. The working hours of business on weekdays shall be fixed by the

EMPLOYER/FIRST PARTY keeping in view with the statutory laws of the land and
the exigencies of the business. The EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY may, if needed,
be required to work in shifts.

Remuneration/ Salary

7. During the term of the employment, the gross salary of the EMPLOYEE/SECOND
PARTY will be BDT _______________ (Taka _______________) only per month.
Bonus and Benefits

8. In addition to the remuneration, the EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY shall be entitled

to the following privileges / benefits:

a. Two Eid bonus will be allowed, each amounting to ______%____ of monthly


b. The EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY will be reimbursed conveyance bill

exclusively for the works of the EMPLOYER/FIRST PARTY undertaken by the

Termination of the Contract

9. The employment under this Contract, may at any time be terminated by either Party
by giving 30 (Thirty) days prior notice in writing to the other.
10. The EMPLOYER/FIRST PARTY shall be entitled to terminate the contract at any
time either on giving 30 (Thirty) days prior notice or without any notice on payment
of 30 (Thirty) days salary in lieu of notice. But if the EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY
shall, at any time, found to be guilty of any gross misconduct or of persistent
unpunctuality or negligence of his duties, then the EMPLOYER/FIRST PARTY may
terminate his employment under this Contract without notice or payment in lieu
11. Similarly, the EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY shall be entitled to terminate the
contract at any time on giving 30 (Thirty) days prior notice.
12. Upon resignation/termination of the contract, it shall be on absolute responsibility of
the EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY that he hands over his duties with all
briefs/files/documents/ equipment’s to the appropriate officer of the
EMPLOYER/FIRST PARTY and receives a formal release order from the
13. The EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY shall not engage in any business or employment
that competes with the EMPLOYER/FIRST PARTY’s business during the term of
employment and for a period of ________ years after termination/dismissal.

Disciplinary Action

14. The EMPLOYER/FIRST PARTY shall be entitled to take any disciplinary action,
including termination of employment and dismissal, against the
EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY in accordance with the HR Policies and Guidelines
of the EMPLOYER/FIRST PARTY for violation of any of the followings:

a. Negligence while carrying out duties under this Employment Contract.

b. Insubordination or refusal to comply with Employer's instructions, unless such

instructions are injurious to the Employee's safety and health.

c. Conduct described below:

i. Immoral or indecent conduct.

ii. Conviction of a felony.

iii. Conviction of a misdemeanor.

d. Any other ethical or legal violations.


15. The EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY is entitled to leave with the permission of the
EMPLOYER / FIRST PARTY as and when required.

a. Annual Leave: Employees are entitled to 28 days of annual leave per year. Annual
leave accrues progressively throughout the year and must be taken with prior approval
from the immediate supervisor or HR department.

b. Sick Leave: Employees are entitled to 07 days of sick leave per year. Sick leave shall
be used for personal illness, medical appointments or to care for sick family members. A
medical certificate must be required for sick leave exceeding ____ consecutive days.

c. Public Holidays: Employees are entitled to observe all public holidays recognized in
Bangladesh. If work is required on a public holiday, employees will be compensated
accordingly as per company policy.

d. Emergency Leave for 05 days: Emergency leave may be granted for unforeseen
circumstances like medical emergencies or family crisis. Approval is upon management
discretion, requiring supporting documentation. Duration is case-specific for necessary

e. Leave Approval Process: All leave requests must be submitted through the company's
leave management system [if applicable] or by completing a leave request form.
Employees should request leave well in advance (excluding emergency leave) to allow
time for company to conduct proper scheduling and coverage.

f. Leave Balances: Employees can check their leave balances through the company's
HR portal or by contacting the HR department. Accrued leave balances shall not be
carried forward into the next calendar/fiscal year, subject to company policy.
g. Amendments to Policy: This leave policy is subject to change at the discretion of the
company. Any updates or amendments will be communicated to employees in a timely


16. The EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY is to maintain confidentiality at all times of the

EMPLOYER/FIRST PARTY and individual clients, extending to _____ years after
the termination of the contract. The EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY will not divulge
any information to others at any circumstances.
17. The EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY must strictly follow the following provisions:
a. Source code: The EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY should employ efficient
measures in order to protect the source code designed for the EMPLOYER/FIRST
PARTY’s software products as the programming source code is the basis of any
software system and be considered as confidential information.
b. Algorithms and logic: The EMPLOYEE/SECOND PARTY is to use secured
hardware in the execution of algorithms as executing them in untrusted
environments may cause risks of exposing them. Moreover they have to maintain
unique algorithms, data structures and logical processes used in their software for
c. Software designs: All designs, diagrams and plans for software development
should maintain secrecy.
d. Technical documentation: User manuals, technical specification, documentation
related to software functionality should be kept in safe hands and well organised.
e. Product Roadmaps: Plans for future software releases, updates, and features
should remain confidential among the relevant people involved.
f. Database structures: Schemas, tables, and relationships within the company's
databases should remain confidential among the people involved.
g. Client information: Details about clients have to be encrypted in the system,
including contracts, contact information, documents of all sorts containing
personal information and specific requirements.
h. Trade secrets: Any proprietary information to which the company's competitive
advantage depends on should be classified.
i. Testing procedures: Methods, tools, and results of software testing processes
should remain confidential.
j. Research and developments: Information related to ongoing research,
experiments, and innovations within the company should only be shared among
people undertaking them.
k. Customer data: All the personal information of travelers, including names, contact
details and travel preferences should remain confidential between the company
and the travelers and should not be shared with outsiders or even potential
customers at their requests.
l. Booking systems: Backend systems and databases used for managing bookings
and reservations should be highly protected in their systems.
m. Partnership and contracts: Documents related to agreements with airlines, hotels,
car rental companies, and other travel service providers should be stored safely.
n. Pricing Strategies: Strategies for pricing travel packages, discounts, and
promotions should maintain secrecy.
o. Website designs: The design of a website is crucial for a brand's identity and
safeguarding it as confidential information is essential protecting intellectual
property. Hence the layouts, templates, and designs of the online booking
platform etc has to be safeguarded.
p. Marketing plans: Marketing plans contain sensitive information and thus
revealing this information could allow competitors to take advantage. Strategies
for marketing campaigns, advertising, and customer acquisition should remain
q. Business strategies: Strategies encompass various aspects of the business,
including market positioning, product development, pricing, marketing,
operations, and resource allocation all which are confidential information and
need to be protected.
r. Financial information: Financial information such as Revenue streams, profit
margins, and financial reports of the travel agency must be protected in order to
comply with regulations, and mitigate financial risks. Unauthorized access or
disclosure of such information could lead to financial losses, legal liabilities, and
damage to reputation. To protect financial data, it is crucial to implement robust
security measures and confidentiality protocols.
s. Itineraries and Travel plans: Information such as details of planned or upcoming
trips, including routes, accommodations, and activities needs to be kept
t. Customer reviews and feedbacks: Feedback from customers regarding their travel
experiences is prohibited to be shared with third parties without the customer's
u. Competitive intelligence: Information about competitors, market trends, and
industry insights gathered for strategic planning must be safeguarded with
v. Financial information: Any sorts of financial information relevant to company and
its operation must not be exposed to a third party.
18. Duration of Confidentiality: The Employees’ duty of confidentiality shall start from
the date of joining the employer company and this duty of confidentiality shall
continue till completion of 03 years after retirement /termination/dismissal from the

Other Obligations of the Employee

19. Employees should familiarize themselves with the company's confidentiality policies,
including any non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), privacy policies and recognize
what constitutes confidential information within the organization and terms of
service. Similarly employees are obliged to treat as confidential or proprietary,
directly or indirectly to any third-party. Besides, employees should only access
confidential information that is necessary for performing their job duties.
20. Return of Materials: Require the employee to return and destroy all confidential
materials upon termination of employment.
21. Remedies for Breach: Legal action, damages, or injunctive relief and others will be
taken as consequences of breaching the agreement
22. Non-Solicitation and Non-Competition:
 Clauses preventing the employee from soliciting clients or employees or
competing with the company during and after employment.
 It is forbidden for the Employee to engage in or be involved in any business
directly or indirectly that competes with the Company's travel agency and
information technology services, including but not limited to all types of travel
agents, relevant services, manpower, software development, IT consulting, or
technology solutions.
 The Employee shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit or attempt to solicit, entice,
or encourage any clients, customers, or business partners of the Company with
whom the Employee had contact during their employment, for the purpose of
providing Travel-related and IT services similar to those offered by the Company.
23. Jurisdiction and Governing Law:
 Disputes arising from the agreement will have be resolved in due time and the
governing law that will apply.
 Injunctive Relief and Extraordinary relief
 Agreement shall be governed for all purposes by the laws of Bangladesh
24. Settlement of Dispute:
That all or any disputes relating to the terms and conditions of this Lease shall be
settled amicably between the parties within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receiving
information by the other party in this regard. If the amicable settlement fails or 30
(thirty) days period expires without any settlement, the dispute shall be referred to
arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act, 2001. Each party
shall appoint its own arbitrator and the arbitrators of the parties so appointed shall
appoint a third/independent arbitrator who shall be the chairman of the arbitral
Tribunal. The award of such Tribunal shall be final and binding upon the parties.
Each party shall bear its own costs and charges of arbitration. The arbitration shall
take place at Dhaka.

Governing Laws and Jurisdiction

25. That the Lease deed shall be governed by and be construed in accordance with the
laws of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and shall be subjected to the
jurisdiction of the Courts of Bangladesh.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date,
month and year first hereinabove written.

For and on behalf of For and on behalf of

__________________________________ ___________________________
The Managing Director Mr. ___________________
FlyGer Holidays Ltd




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