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Total Marks: 25 TEST-9th Physics Marks Obt:_____________

NAME:________________________________________ ______________SEC______ Admission No_______________

Q1.What is meant by the rate of flow of heat (Thermal Conductivity)? Write the factors on which the rate of flow of heat
depends. 3-Marks
Q2.How much heat is lost in an hour through a glass window measuring 2.0 m by 2.5 m when inside temperature is 25 °C
and that of outside is 5 °C the thickness of glass is 0.8 cm and value of k for glass is 0.8 W m −1 K −1 7-Marks
Q3 Encircle the correct option? 10 marks
1- Atmospheric pressure is :
A. 760 mm Hg B. 740 mm Hg C. 670 mm Hg D. 700 mm Hg
2- The unit of thermal conductivity is
A. W m −1 K −1 B. W m −1 K C. W K −1 D. W m K −1
3- The value of atmospheric pressure At 30 km will be
A. 101.2 pa B. 1102 pa C. 1013.22 pa D. 1000 pa
4- Mercury is used in barometer, it is _________times heavier than water:
A. 11.6 B. 14.6 C. 13.6 D. 10.6
5-needle has _______ density that’s why it sinks
A. High B. Low C. Equal D. None
6-wood have ______ density, therefore it floats in liquid:
A. High B. Low C. Equal D. None
7-Atoms lose their electrons and become _______ions this ionic state is plasma
A. positive B. negative C. neutral D. both A and B
8- The density of substance can be found with the help of
A. Pascal law B. Hooke law C. Archimedes Principle D. Principle of floatation
9- what should be approximate length of glass tube in mercury barometer:
A-1 m B. 0.5 m C. 11 m D. 2.5 m
10- what is the unit of pressure :
A-Pascal B. Nm-1 C. Watt D. Both A and B
Q4. 3-marks

Q5. 2-Marks


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