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Date: 26th May, 2024.

Department- Directorate of Agriculture
Monthly Report FY 2023/2024
Monthly Report for Lokichoggio, May 2024


SP Agricultural Follow up on operation To improve yield -High costs of maintaining the -Supporting ,mentoring and
2.1 mechanization and maintenance and and crop quality . Walking tractors empowering land preparation service
services preparation using the -low technical skill of provider groups and regulating their
walking tractors in Available Access operations and maintenance of service fees to reduce dependency on
Lomidat and Lokiririet operations the machineries free county government mechanization
site which benefited with equipment and - Lack of a specialized services
motorized walking maintenance of farm mechanic at the local level -Intensive capacity building on
tractors for land equipment i.e at either in Lokiririet or Lomidat operations and maintenance for all the
preparation lomidat and walking tractors distributed to
. lokireriet , Lokiririet and Lomidat

SP. Agriculture -Linking of farmers to To increase small -Under developed market and -Modernizing major markets in
2.2 market access markets in all holders farmers in marketing information systems Lokichoggio sub county and equipping
Market Linkages horticultural sites e.g. come through in Lokichoggio sub county post-harvest facilities to reduce loss
and value chains. Lokichoggio market, decreased during marketing
Aposta markets and transaction -Poor state of major markets
Natiira mini market cost ,improve diet -Setting and promotion of market days
quality and reduce -Lack of post-harvest for various markets within Lokichoggio
poverty and management facilities in local sub county

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households food markets , especially for the
insecurity . horticultural crop in -Market information dissemination
Improve and expand Lokichoggio sub county major through assorted communication
the variety of food markets channels
available .
Better handling and -Organizing and holding Local trade
marketing of good -High losses of produce in the fairs to enhance and promote marketing
quality farm produce market stall
- Market targeting -Inactivity of the constructed -Training and capacity strengthening
- Business skills market stalls e.g. the Lomidat on marketing and price determination
market for local produce

-Farmers are setting too high - Developing regional markets along

prices for the locally grown the production areas for trade and
produce making the less aggregation points in order to attract
competitive with reference to large scale buyers.
local market prices at the -Further training on proper food
Lokichoggio market. handling to avoid post- harvest losses
-Lack of market information and ensure food safety.
SP.2 Farm input Motivate small holders To make -poor timelines in procurement -Proper planning in terms of
.3 subsidy farmers in active Procurement of and distribution of seed procurement and distribution of input
farming sites by assorted seeds and subsidies, Mostly late after the subsidy in order to utilize the long and
prioritizing farm inputs planting material sort or long rains short rains
in any Collaborative done by partners for
planning , budgeting and site specific -inadequate amount of -Proper targeting in terms of acreage in
advisory partners beneficiaries subsidized seeds for order to procure enough seeds subsidy,
meeting to promoting distribution
crop production in -Encouraging farmers to embrace and
Lokichoggio sub county -Farmer washing and feeding procure individual cereal hybrids in
especially, ADRA, on input subsidy especially order to increase production per unit
Lokado and sorghum seeds area of land
Welt Hunger Hilfe who due to starvation
are promoting -The county should consider food

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horticultural ,cereal and -low adoption rate of hybrid distribution and hunger safety nets to
pulses value chains in seeds as a crop improvement areas with starvation to prevent
Lokichoggio technology especially for utilization of seeds
sorghum and maize

-Farmers dependency on -Encouraged farmer’s cooperatives and

donated farm inputs. CIG’s.

-High cost of living affected

the purchasing power of the
SP Agriculture - Training of farmers in To impact adoption -Low beneficiary farmers -Proper linkage and coordination
2.4 Extension, various sites through of various farming coverage between research and development
research and partners/stakeholders technologies like -Hand out mentality from institutions and extension service
development. collaborations done by TIMPS ,CSA and farmers when visited by a delivery systems in the county
LOKADO at Nawuontos SA through technical officer government including KARLO and
farming site extension methods . - Inadequate resources like fuel universities dealing with agricultural
-Carrying out individual To increase resource to reach all sites. research and innovations
farm and group farmer accessibility and -Overreliance on partners for
extension visits at consumer awareness mobility in order to do -Refresher courses and capacity
Lometuran, Lokiririet, in all sub-county . extension strengthening of county extension
Atae kale Lomidat and - Mobility challenges for the officers on upcoming technologies and
Nakururum Targeting 500 areas which are very far innovations for effective and efficient
-capacity building farmer by use of including Nanam, Oropoi and delivery to the farmer clientele
farmers on home farm visit approach Nawuontos
gardening Technologies to dissemination - Lack of laptop computer for -Proper budgetary allocation and
innovations and agriculture writing/typing timely soft copy facilitation of extension systems and
management practices information on report. agents in order to reach the farmers
(TIMPS), general crop conservation
agronomy and GAPs agriculture soil -capacity strengthening promotion and
through county and fertility, efficient empowering the community based
partners interventions water management facilitators for local extension service
and crop agronomy delivery

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-Rapid assessment of gaps in extension
service delivery and addressing the
-planning and establishment of
demonstration farms in each sub county
in order to do trial of new emerging
crops and technologies for proper
extension delivery through physical
and real demos.

-Monitoring and evaluation of the

home gardens.

-Technical backstopping and

continuous refresher training for target

-Establishment of farmers field schools

(FFS) and pastoral field schools(PFS)
to enhance individual and group
technology transfer to farmers

SP. Pests and disease Carrying out pest -Low technical

- Promotion of climate smart
2.5 control infestation assessment knowhow/capacity ontechnologies with screening system for
exercise a cross the sub To improve crop diagnosis ,identification and pests management including; shade
county .nakinae akiyar quality and quantity critical points of pests and nets and micro shade nets
and nasinyono ,lomidat produce. diseases management -Intensive capacity building and
nakururum in songot -Increased yields per empowerment of spray gangs as an
ward. unit area. -Dependence on county agricultural service business.
-Strengthen the government to offer free crop
-Distribution of assorted resilience and protection service -Linkages of the farming community

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agrochemicals for pests recovery of crops. with agro input dealers for cheap
and diseases management -Reduced crop -Migratory habits, nature and access of pesticides and rapid
in Lokichoggio sub losses associated biology of pests. government intervention interms of
county with pest infestation -Low adoption of IPM migratory pests
Frequent scouting , -High costs associated with - Opening and Financially supporting
monitoring and agrochemicals ward plant clinics for advisory on pest
surveillance of common, management issues to farmers.
migratory and emerging -Lack of agrovet within the
pest proximity of the farming sites -Promotion of pest and disease
resistant and escaping ASAL crop
Capacity building and varieties
strengthening farmers on
integrated pests and -intensive capacity building on pest and
diseases management disease diagnosis, identification and
(IPM) in Lokichoggio integrated management.
and Songot horticultural
farms -Routine migratory pests’ surveillance
and reporting by agriculture extension
officers and community surveillance

SP Smart agriculture Targeting and selection Establish of 5 acres -High temperature and rapid -Rehabilitation of Teremkus,
2.6 practices of beneficiaries for CSA under shade nets in evapotranspiration reducing
Napopongoit and Napopongoit
(Innovations/Tec TIMPS training in Lokichoggio ward efficiency of CSA technologies
horticultural farm infrastructure
hnologies to Oropoi and Nawuontos and songot ward in crop production and water including rehabilitation of water
mitigate effects in collaboration with retention pumping system and procurement of a
of climate World vision and Trained 600 farmers -Resource constraint limitingnew generator set
change) LOKADO and practicing home the number of farmers trained-Operationalization of Aposta rock
gardening TIMPS catchment drip irrigation system in the
- capacity building and for home gardening - High initial cost of shade net
promotion of climate installation of shed net and
smart home gardening Targeted 150 HH to drip kits -Upscalling the climate smart TIMPs

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TIMPs; wick garden, benefit for 150 farm across the sub county
moist gardens, zai pits ponds for as a water - High level of technology
conical and vertical harvesting structure involved in Hydroponics -Proper and adequate sensitization of
gardens (conical & in crop production. technology. farmers on new technologies.
multistory gardens) at
Natiira and Lomidat and - Production of -Shortage of water due to -Continuous promotion of climate
horticultural crops drought smart home gardening TIMPS in
using shed-nets and Lokichoggio by collaborating partners.
drip irrigation -Lack of assorted farm inputs
systems, in and agrochemicals - Establishment of climate smart
Lokiririet, agricultural technologies in new
Teremkus, potential sites including, Teremkus and
Napopongoit, Nanyangakipi upon sinking of
Nawuontos ,Namon, boreholes
Kangura and Aposta
in collaboration
with; WFP Lodwar,
World vision

1.3) Vegetables Crops Statistics
Vegetables/Fruits Acreage Producti Achieved Price per Valu Remarks
Sub achieved on per Yield in Ton e
County in acres acre in Tons. Kshs
Lokichoggi Watermelons 0.01 25 0 60,000 0 Established under
o subsistence production in
Etae kale, Lokiririet an
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10 0.5 80,0000 4000 Production at Nakaluwae,
0 Etae kale and Lometuran
through large scale bucket
Orange fleshed sweet -In all farmer the crop is at
potatoes – OFSP 5 planting, flowering and
maturity stage.
10- 8 12,000 96,00 Production ongoing in shed
15 0 nets, open field in
Nawuontos and in home
Kales 5 gardens at different stages.

15 5,000 75,00 Most production is in

Spinach o.5 13 0 individual home gardens
due to water scarcity
4.8 3,000 14,40 Mostly in Kitchen/home
Cowpea (leaf) 2 2.4 0 and open field at
Tomatoes 0.0 0.1 80,000 8,000 Mostly not grown due to
13 water scarcity
Amaranthus 5 10 15 1,000 15,00 Mostly in Kitchen/home
0 gardens
5 4 10,000 40,00 At subsistence level in the
Black night shade 1 0 home gardens in
Lokichoggio sub county
4.5 0 - - Very low production in
Cassava leaves 0.1 Lokichoggio- Etae kale
farm and Nakaluwae farms
16 0 0 0 Production at subsistence
Onions 0.5 level in home gardens for
household food security.
Green capsicum 0.7 6 0 0 0 Most of the crop is at the

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Nursery stage

Jute mallow 5 1.2 3 10000 3600 Mostly done for subsistence

0 scale
Pumpkin leaves 0.2 1 0 0 0 Mostly done on home
Sweet potatoes leaves 2 2.5 0 0 0 Localized at Etae kale
though small scale
100 - - - Established at Lokiririet and
Mangoes seedlings Nanam site

Bananas 0.5 - - - At subsistence level at

- Growing well although
100 some facing water stress
Citrus seedlings at ,Lokiririet and Nanam

2.0 Seed distribution in the sub-county

S/no Seed type variety Units quantity remarks
1 Maize Kg 00 In January the farmers did not receive
2 Sorghum KARI Mtama 1 Kg 24 In January the farmers did not receive
Local sorghum 400 seeds
3 cowpeas M66 Kg 72 In January the farmers did not receive
2 kales - No 2.9 In January the farmers did not receive
3 Spinach - No 0.45 In January the farmers did not receive
4 Butter nuts - Kg 0.8 In January the farmers did not receive

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5 Onions - Kg 2.7 In January the farmers did not receive
6 Coriander Kg 0.55
7 Capsicum 0.55


S/No Name Total No. Crop acreage (average for year 2023)
Irrigation Acreage famers/m
scheme embers
Maize Sorghum Cowpeas Kales/ water Tomatoes Bananas Traditional
spinac melon vegetables
Lokichoggio purely depends on rainfed agriculture for its entire production.


Crop Area planted Long term average (5 2024 short rains Long term average Remarks
during 2024 year) area planted season production (5 year) production
short rains during the short during the short
(90 kg bags)
season rains season rains season
(Ha) (Ha) (90 kg bags)

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1. Sorghum 120 200 - 3750 Planted in different areas in
Lokichoggio Sub County

2.Maize 100 150 - 1785 Planted in Nakinakiyar

farm , Nanam ward,
Nawuontos and
Lokichoggio ward farm at

In most sites the crop is

above knee high.

4.0 Mechanization
S/No Name of farm site (Rainfed) Total No. of Remarks
Acreage(Ploughed) famers/members

During the month mechanized land preparation activities were not evident.

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Photograph of activities during the month
Crop protection activities at different sites in Lokichoggio sub county

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Crop status /condition in Lokichoggio Sub County before and after pest control.

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Horticulturalcrop productio activities using climate smart technologies and innovations at songot ward nasinyono-
Lokichoggio subcounty

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On farm Training Aiming to Capacity building and strengthening farmers understand importance of weeding .

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