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Brown Basmati Special Fried Rice:

• 1 cup brown basmati rice (cooked and cooled)
• 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
• 1 cup mixed vegetables (carrots, peas, corn, and diced bell peppers)
• 1/2 cup diced tofu or cooked chicken (optional)
• 2 eggs, beaten
• 3 green onions, finely chopped
• 3 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 tablespoon soy sauce
• 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
• 1 teaspoon sesame oil
• Salt and pepper to taste

1. Cook Brown Basmati Rice:

• Rinse 1 cup of brown basmati rice under cold water.

• Cook the rice according to package instructions. Let it cool completely before using
for fried rice.
2. Prepare Ingredients:

• Dice all vegetables and protein of your choice (tofu or chicken).

• Beat the eggs and chop green onions.
3. Stir-Fry Vegetables:

• Heat 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in a large wok or skillet over medium-high heat.
• Add mixed vegetables and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes until they are slightly tender.
• If using tofu or chicken, add it to the wok and cook until heated through.
4. Push Vegetables to the Side:

• Push the vegetables and protein to one side of the wok, creating a space for the eggs.
5. Cook Eggs:

• Add the remaining 1 tablespoon of oil to the empty side of the wok.
• Pour the beaten eggs into the space and scramble them until cooked.
6. Combine Ingredients:

• Mix the cooked eggs with the vegetables and protein in the wok.
7. Add Rice and Flavorings:

• Add the cooled brown basmati rice to the wok, breaking up any clumps.
• Drizzle soy sauce, oyster sauce, and sesame oil over the rice. Stir well to combine.
8. Season and Finish:

• Season with salt and pepper to taste.

• Stir in minced garlic and chopped green onions.
• Continue to cook for an additional 2-3 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld.
9. Serve:

• Once everything is well combined and heated through, remove from heat.
• Serve the Brown Basmati Special Fried Rice hot and enjoy!

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