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Science 10 Final Exam Review

Chemistry Review
1. What are the three types of particles that make up an atom? What are the relative masses of these
particles, where are they found and what are their charges?
2. Name the:
a) Element with 8 protons
b) Element with 10 electrons
c) Element with 3 electron shells (energy levels) and 5 electrons in the valence energy
d) Ion with a 2+ charge containing 10 electrons.
e) Ion with a 2- charge containing 18 electrons.
f) Ion with 38 protons and 36 electrons.
3. Some atoms can have one or more charge as an ion what are these ions called?
4. Provide the symbol or name for the following:
a) Cu f) hydroxide ion
b) Cu2+ g) zinc atom
c) O h) sulfur atom
d) O2- i) calcium ion
e) SO42- j) iodide ion
5. Distinguish between ionic and molecular (covalent bonds). Which bond is stronger?
6. Name the following:
a) NaF(s) g) Cu(OH)2(s) m) H3PO4(aq)
b) BaCl2(s) h) Al(NO2)3(s) n) HBr(aq)
c) CCl4(l) i) Pb(OH)4(s) o) HClO2(aq)
d) CaSO4(s) j) H2(g) p) NH3(g)
e) O2(g) k) K2S(s) q) C6H12O6(s)
f) SO2(g) l) S8(s) r) H2S(g)
7. Write the formulae for the following don’t forget states of matter :
a) copper (I) oxide h) trinitrogen pentasulfide
b) sodium iodide i) sulfuric acid
c) zinc nitrate j) hydrochloric acid
d) dicarbon tetraoxide k) methanol
e) phosphorous molecule l) sucrose
f) iron (II) hydroxide m) hydrogen peroxide
g) iodine molecule
8. Explain the difference between ionic neutral, molecular neutral, acids and bases, being sure to
include for each the pH, conductivity in solution and how they react with litmus paper.
9. What is an isotope?
10. What are 5 pieces of evidence that indicate that a chemical reaction has taken place?
11. Differentiate between an endothermic and exothermic reaction.
12. Classify the reaction type AND balance the following equations:
a) ___N2(g) + ____H2(g)  ____NH3(g)
b) ___ C20H42(s) + ____O2(g)  ____CO2(g) + _____H2O(g)
c) ___ ZnCl2 (aq) +___AgNO3(aq)  _____Zn(NO3)2(aq) + ___ AgCl(aq)
d) _____Na2S(aq) + _____Cu(s)  _____ Na(s) + _____CuS(aq)
e) _____HCl(aq)  _____H2(g) + _____Cl2(g)
13. Write the complete balanced reactions.
a) Sulfuric acid reacts with solid calcium phosphate
b) Kerosene, C14H30(l), is burned as a fuel.
c) Phosphoric acid is neutralized eith a calcium hydroxide solution.
d) Aquesous ammonia and nitric acid react to form the ferilizer ammonium nitrate.
e) Carbon disulfide liquid burns in air to produce carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide
f) Sodium metal reacts with water. (Think of water as HOH).
g) A sodium carbonate solution reacts with aqueous lead (II) nitrate to recover and dispose
of an environmentally hazardous substance.
h) Aluminum and oxygen react to form a protective oxide coating.
i) Aqueous chlorine reacts with aqueous potassium iodide.
14. State the Law of Conservation of Mass.
15. Use your solubility table to predict the solubility of the following compounds:
a) NaNO3
b) Ag2SO4
c) KOH
d) CaCO3
16. What is a mole? How many particles are in one mole?
17. What is molar mass?
18. Calculate the molar mass of the following compound.
a) Zn(NO3)2(aq)
b) CaCO3
c) sulfur
d) Ag2SO4
19. How many grams are in 2.50 mol of copper (II) sulfate, and calcium carbonate?
20. How many moles are in 5.64 g of magnesium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide?

Biology Review
1. What is known as the control center of the cell?
2. Where are proteins synthesized in our cells?
3. Which organelle in the cell does energy conversions through cellular respiration (powerhouse)?
4. What is the function of the golgi bodies (complex/apparatus)?
5. Which organelle is used as storage site in the cell?
6. Why does a plant cell have a cell wall?
7. Where does a plant cell do photosynthesis?
8. Which organelle digests food and old cell parts (the suicide sac)?
9. Which organelle holds the entire cell together and controls the flow of materials in and out of
the cell?
10. Why don’t animal cells have chloroplasts?
11. What organelle do bacteria NOT have? What is another name for this type of cell?
12. Why is a cell limited in how large it can get?
13. Does a cell want a high S.A. to volume ratio or a low S.A. to volume ratio?
14. Distinguish between active and passive transport.
15. There are 3 types of passive transport, what are they and give a brief description of each?
16. What would happen to a human blood cell if it was placed in a hypotonic solution?
17. Plants can be killed by pouring salt water in the soil around the plant. What type of solution is
the salt water and why does it kill the plant?
18. What would happen if a plant cell was placed in an isotonic solution?
19. For the beakers below, the membrane is permeable to sugar and water, but impermeable to
starch. What is the term used to describe such a membrane?
20. These containers are separated by a membrane permeable to sugar but not to starch. Draw
arrows on the beakers to show the direction of flow of the materials.
5% starch 10 % sugar

5% starch 15 % starch

5% sugar 100 % water

95 % water
21. Distinguish between the terms hydrophilic and hydrophobic in relation to the fluid-mosaic
model of the cell membrane.
22. Distinguish between cells, tissues, organs and organ systems.
23. What are the two systems found in the plant and where are they located?
24. What is the function of the dermal tissue in plants?
25. What is cuticle and what does it do?
26. What two structures do plants have that act as their circulatory system (transport)?
27. What is the function of the two tissues from the previous question?
28. What are sieve tube cells and companion cells?
29. What structure do plants have that acts as a respiratory system (gas exchange)?
30. Write the BALANCED chemical equations for photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
31. What is transpiration?
32. How does transpiration work?
33. What is the function of the palisade tissue in the mesophyll?
34. What is the function the spongy tissue?
35. Distinguish between cohesion and adhesion.
36. What is root pressure? How does it work?
37. What are tropisms?
38. What is phototropism? Positive phototropism? Negative phototropism? How is it thought to
39. What is gravitropism? Positive gravitropism? Negative gravitropism? How is it thought to

Physics Review
1. Sketch a distance-time and a speed-time graph that depict uniform motion.
2. If you take the slope of the distance-time graph you drew above, what type of speed have you
3. Sketch a distance-time and a speed-time graph that depict non-uniform motion.
4. The following graph shows how the position of a boat changes with time.
Position vs Time for a Boat

Position (m) [N]

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Time (s)
a) Is this boat travelling with uniform motion? Explain how you know.
b) Find the velocity of the boat, using the information on the graph.
5. If a cat travels 2.3 m in 10 s, what is its speed?
6. A car travels at a speed of 50 km/h for 20 min how far has it traveled in metres?
7. How long will it take a plane to fly 5000 km if its speed is 600 km/h?
8. If a race car traveling at 10 km/h speeds up to 65 km/h in 10 seconds what was the acceleration
of the car?
9. James left home and walked 2.3 km [E] to the store this took him 0.75 hours, he stopped for ½
an hour and then walked 5.4 km [W] to a friends, this took 1.2 hours.
For James’ trip find:
a) distance travelled
b) displacement (show your work using a diagram)
c) average speed
d) average velocity
10. A mouse can accelerate at a rate of 2.3 m/s 2 [E]. If the mouse starts from rest and accelerates for
2.5 s. What will be the final velocity of the mouse?
11. A cyclist travelling at 3.5 m/s [N] accelerates at a rate of 1.8 m/s 2 [N] until he reaches a speed
of 10.5 m/s [N]. How much time will this take?
12. A ball is given an initial velocity of 12 m/s up the hill if the acceleration of the ball will be 3.2
m/s2 down the hill. What will be the ball’s velocity after 6.5 s?
13. The following graph shows how the velocity of a bicycle changes with time.
Velocity vs Time for a Bicycle

Velocity (m/s)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time (s)

a) Is the bicycle traveling with uniform motion? Explain how you know.
b) Find the acceleration rate of the bicycle, using the information on the graph.
14. Define force.
15. What two things must happen in order for one object to transfer energy to another object (in
order for work to be done)?
16. If you hold a watermelon in your arms while you wait in line at the grocery store, have you
done work on the watermelon? On your muscles?
17. A man attempts (but doesn’t succeed) to push his 1500 kg car out of the mud. If he pushes with
a force of 650 N, how much work does he do?
18. The man and his friend push the car in the above question a distance of 25 m. If the two men
pushed together with a force 1300 N, how much work did they do?
19. Differentiate between kinetic and potential energy.
20. List five types of kinetic energy and five types of potential energy that exist.
21. What type of energy is stored in the following:
a) A battery
b) An elastic
c) A waterfall
d) A candle
e) hamburger
22. If an object has a mass of 200 kg, and is traveling at a speed of 25 m/s, what is its kinetic
23. If a 10 kg mass is lifted to a height of 17 m before being allowed to fall, how much gravitational
potential energy does the object have before it is dropped?
24. What must happen to all potential energy before it can become useful?
25. State the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics.
26. Distinguish between an open, closed and isolated system.
27. Give an example of an input, converter and an output in a system you are familiar with.

Climate Review

1. What is the biosphere?

2. Describe the 3 components of the biosphere.
3. Describe the parts of the atmosphere.
4. Describe the net radiation budget, albedo, insolation and greenhouse effect.
5. Describe the water cycle.
6. Water has extremely unique properties. Describe its specific heat capacity, surface tension,
melting and boiling points and density (as a solid).
7. Calculate the quantity of energy needed to raise the temperature of 10 mL of water from 15C to
8. What does it mean when we say that water is a polar molecule?
9. What type of bond forms between the individual water molecules to help hold the molecules
tightly together?
10. Explain the difference between condensation, evaporation, precipitation and transpiration.
11. Calculate the amount of thermal energy required to melt 200 g of 1ce at 0.0 ºC. The molar mass
of ice is 18.02 g/mol, and the heat of fusion of ice is 6.01 kJ/mol.
12. Calculate the number of moles of liquid water at 100 ºC that can be evaporated by the addition
of 203 kJ if thermal energy. The heat of vaporization of water is 40.65 kJ/mol.
13. What type of system is the earth (open, closed or isolated)?
14. What are the three components that make up the earth?
15. List the 6 biomes and their characteristics.
16. Review the components of climatographs.

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