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Answer the following questions based on the lecture on streams, rivers and mass movement. This
worksheet should take approximately 40 minutes to an hour to complete.
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You're allowed to seek help from online, book, or other sources. However, the content should be
written by you and you only. Plagiarism WILL NOT be tolerated.
You may write the answers in a notebook, scan it, and upload it to Google Classroom.
Alternatively, you can type your answers in a document and upload the link or PDF of the document.
Length of the answer document should not exceed 2 pages. Tailor your answers to fit this
Worksheet due by: 11:59 pm, 26 May, Sunday
Good luck!

1. Explain the difference between a stream's competence and capacity.

2. A stream has a cross-sectional area of 30 square meters and an average velocity of 3.5 meters per
second. Calculate the discharge of the stream. Show your work.

3. Imagine a new urban area is being developed in a region with a major river running through it. How
might urbanization affect the river's discharge and sediment load? Discuss both immediate and
long-term impacts, considering factors such as increased runoff and construction activities. Answer
should not include environmental concerns and should be limited to concepts that relate to

4. Predict how climate change might alter the hydrology of a river system in a temperate region.
Discuss potential changes streamflow variability. How could these changes impact the river's
ecosystem and human activities? Hint: You may relate Climate Change with the increase of sea-level.
Recall the concept of [ultimate] baseline.

5. How does water content influence slope stability and mass movement?

6. What is meant by slope stability? Explain the balance between driving forces and resisting forces.
Under what conditions does slope failure occur? Give an example of a natural event that can
trigger slope failure.
What's the difference between the slope angle and dip angle to ensure min/max stability of a

7. Imagine a hillside that has recently experienced a wildfire, resulting in significant vegetation loss.
Explain how this change affects the likelihood of mass movements such as landslides or mudflows.

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