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Project No.: C7426 Project Title: Kandhkot Wellhead Gas Compression Project Report No. C7426-REP-00-P-0003 CONTROLLED DOCUMENT PAKISTAN PETROLEUM LIMITED Process Operations and Control Philosophy 0 | 30/6/08 | Issued for Feed Study hig Rev | oaTe DESCRIPTION PREPARED | CHECKED | APPROVED (C7426-REP-00-P-0003 Rev 0.doc. ‘Sheet 1 of 13 = eons Kandhkot Gas Wellhead Compression - FEED Report No. €7426-REP-00-P-0003 Contents Process Operations and Control Philosophy 1 1 INTRODUCTION 3 44 Background 3 1.2 Objective 3 2 Compressor Control Philosophy 4 24 Compressor Operating Scenarios 4 22 Control Elements Available 6 Control System Description 6 Primary Control 6 Secondary Control 9 3 Utilities Control Philosophy 10 341 The Fuel Gas System 10 3.2 Condensate Recover System 10 3.3, Flare System "1 3.4 Compressed Air System 4 35 Inert Gas System 12 3.6 Power Generation System 12 37 Raw Water System 12 38 Potable Water System 12 3.9 Firewater System 12 3.10 ‘Chemical Injection System 13 67426-REP-00-P.0003 Rev Oxdoc Shoot 2 of 13 Kandhkot Gas Wellhead Compression - FEED Report No. 14 1.2 (67426-REP-00-P-0003 Rev O.doe Sheet 3 of 13 (€7426-REP-00-P-0003 INTRODUCTION Background Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) owns and operates the Kandhkot Gas Field situated in the Sindh province of Pakistan, located about 400 km north-east of Karachi at an elevation of 70 meters AMSL. Kandhkot Gas Field has three gas- bearing domes namely SouthEast Dome, NorthEast Dome and West Dome. Each dome consists of three gas reservoirs in Habib Rahi Limestone (HRL), Sui Upper Limestone (SUL) and Sui Main Limestone (SML) formations, The West Dome is producing from SML reservoir, North East Dome from SML and SUL reservoirs and the South East Dome is producing from all the three reservoirs. The existing gas treatment facilities at ‘Kandhkot Gas Plant’ comprises of Slug Catcher, Flash Separator, Raw Gas Scrubbers and Dehydration Units. The gas is thus treated and dehydrated prior to injection into the transmission pipeline. Due to continuing production since 1987, the field is now entering the depletion phase and it will not be possible to export the gas from Kandhkot Gas Plant at the delivery pressure (700 psia) by year 2007-2008. Hence, PPL envisaged providing Gas Compression facility at Kandhkot Gas Plant to cater for the continuing deciine in field pressure. Objective The objective of this document is to outline the requirements for the Compressor and Utilities control system. The compressor's anti-surge, performance and load-sharing functions will be designed to protect the compressor from surge and provide the control performance by load-sharing between trains to oblain the required plant throughputs. The control system shall include one anti-surge controller per compressor stage and one load-sharing controller per compressor train Ata minimum the control system for the Compressors and the Utilities shall meet the control objectives detailed in this document. This document outlines the Compression equipment and Utilities control philosophy and will serve as the basis for the EPCC contractor during detailed design. Kandhkot Gas Wellhead Compression - FEED Report No. C7426-REP-00-P-0003 2 Compressor Control Philosophy 2.4 Compressor Operating Scenarios Me Year 1 to Year 4 (Includes Suction Pressure Control) — r c : aa : [asc} -{asc! + fspoea conto (C7426-REP-00-P-00083 Rev O.doe Sheet 4 of 13, Export Pipeline Kandhkot Gas Wellhead Compression - FEED Report No. C7426-REP-00-P-0003 2-Year 5 to Year 10 (No Suction Pressure Control) [speca [Controte W / i eer : + ee Vooalhn i pi | 16) +S oP > .* ; Export ascl-! ‘Jase Pipeline Note: The discharge pressure of the compressors (PIC-1 above) or the discharge pressure of the Dehydration Plant (PIC-2) can be selected as the control basis for the compressors, depending on the client's preference. (07426-REP-00-P-0003 Rev 0.doc ‘Sheet 5 of 13 Kandhkot Gas Wellhead Compression - FEED Report No. 22 23 234 €7426REP-00-P.0003 Rev O.doc ‘Sheet 6 of 13 C7426-REP-00-P-0003 Control Elements Available In order to limit the negative effects of process disturbances it is important to employ ‘as much positive integration within the control loops of a particular control system, and between the separate control systems themselves, as possible. The control elements involves are: - Compressor Individual Suction Pressure Controllers - Compressor Individual anti-surge controllers - Gas Turbine Speed for each 2-stage train = Cold Station Recycle for combined trains Control System Description The following compressor control scheme is elaborated under primary and secondary controls. Primary Control Suction Pressure Control During the first 3 to 4 years of operation of the compression facility, throttling of the suction pressure will be necessary to ensure the compressors will operate within their operating curves, away from surge. Suction pressure control will be an automatic operation however the pressure set-point will need to be selected manually to maximise the suction pressure in order to ensure the most efficient compression operation (The less pressure lost across the throttling valve the better). The pressure controller should act fast enough to allow turn-down and tum-up of the compressors as gas consumption in the export pipeline varies over the course of the day, without significantly affecting the suction pressure, There will be a maximum allowable suction pressure above which the compression system will rip. The reason for this is to limit the pressure relief case resulting from a blocked discharge of the compressors (and hence allow a smaller flaring capacity), whilst still ensuring that it is set high enough to maximise the suction pressure whilst operating the compressor within it's operating envelope. This pressure is 2300 kPag (Refer CAL-00-P-0013). When the flowing pressure at the slug catcher has decreased to a pressure at which the compressor can operate without suction pressure control (somewhere below 2300 kPag), then itis envisaged that the suction pressure control valves on each train be replaced with a fultbore removable spool to minimise unnecessary pressure losses, Kandhkot Gas Wellnead Compression - FEED Report No. C7426-REP-00-P-0003 Discharge Pressure Control ‘The main objective of the control system is to control the pressure of gas in the export pipeline to the consumer. It is unlikely that consumption of gas will be constant and so the compressor system will need to respond to the increased and decreased demand for gas. The two primary control elements which will allow this flexibility in operation are: = Gas Turbine Speed for each 2-stage train = Cold Station recycle for combined trains Note: Although it is not a normal operation, it is possible to operate all three ‘compressor trains in parallel. The control system will be detailed in such a ways that this is made possible. During normal operation it is envisaged that two compressor trains will be operating with a combined throughput near 210 MMscfd (each with two stages of compression). With increased gas consumption in the export pipeline, the pressure transmitter installed in the pipeline (or alternatively the one installed upstream of the DHP), will sense the low pressure. This signal is sent to the Load Sharing Controller (LSC) of each train where the speed of each Gas Turbine is increased incrementally to ensure that each compressor train operates at the same distance from surge as each other. Speed control, in conjunction with suction pressure control (for the first 3 to 4 years of operation), will be able to handle most increases and decreased in gas consumption by maintaining the required pipeline pressure of 700 psia (4725 kPag). When the demand for gas reduces beyond what speed control can adequately cope ith, it will be necessary to recycle gas. The use of the anti-surge controller (ASC) and associated recycle valves to perform this function is to be investigated during detail design. For the purpose of this control scheme description it is assumed that the cold station recycle (as detailed in the FEED study), is installed and operational. The speed controller will be used to control the pressure at a set-point of approximately 4725 kPag in the export pipeline. The same pressure transmitter on the pipeline will be used to operate the cold station recycle, although with a higher set-point (say 4800 kPag). In the case that the consumer demand for gas is decreasing, the speed controller will first reduce the speed in order to maintain the lower set pressure of 4725 kPag. If the demand is still too low such that the reduced speed alone cannot decrease the throughput (and discharge pressure) enough, then the pressure will rise to the cold station recycle set-point and the recycle valve will open as required to maintain this set-point. If the amount of gas being recycled is high on both compressors then it may be considered by operations to stop one compression train completely. When consumer demand increases, the pipeline pressure will begin to drop. Accordingly, the pressure will decrease, causing the cold station recycle valve to close to maintain its set-point of 4800 kPag. If the pressure continues to fall beyond the LSC set-point of 4725 kPag, the compressor speeds will be increased in parallel to increase the pipeline pressure. (67426 REP-00-P-0003 Rev 0.doe Shoot 7 of 13, Kandhkot Gas Wellhead Compression - FEED Report No. C7426-REP-00-P-0003 Load Sharing Control (LSC) The Load Sharing Control System is a control package used to best manage the compressors to operate equidistant from surge. In turn the load-sharing controllers will send a set point to their respective fuel controllers/governors to allow each train to operate at the correct speed to satisfy the above requirement. However, in the event of a process disturbance the master controller will bypass the balancing feature of ‘equalised anti-surge deviation from set point and cause the load sharing controllers to act directly on the capacity control elements of the compressor (speed set point) or through the anti-surge controllers directly on the individual anti-surge recycle valves, in order to return the primary variable (export pipeline discharge pressure) to set point as quickly as possible and with the minimum process disturbance. When the primary process variable is again satisfied, then the load sharing controllers will balance the load via the equal anti-surge deviation from set-point as previously explained. The capacity contro! system (master, load sharing and anti-surge controllers) shall have fallback strategies available to allow operation (at reduced capacity if necessary) in the event a transmitter fails, while warning of the failure. Compressor Individual Anti-Surge Control (ASC) Each compressor stage in each compression train will have its own anti-surge control system to prevent damage of the compressors. Each of these controllers will measure suction and discharge pressure and temperature and will also measure the suction flow rate. These parameters will map the operating point of the individual compressors on their respective operating curves. When a compressor comes too close to its surge limit, the surge valve associated with that machine will open to recycle gas and prevent surge from occurring. The advantage of individual anti-surge controllers on compressors is that the each machine will be able to operate closer to its surge line without recycling when necessary for one compressor stage, but not for the other stage on the same shaft. €7426REP-00-P-0008 Rev O.doe Sheet 8 of 13, Kandhkot Gas Wellhead Compression - FEED Report No. C7426-REP-00-P-0003 2.3.2. Secondary Control The following control objectives are for machine protection purposes: High Discharge Pressure Limiting Control Compressor stage discharge pressure high limiting control is required to protect the compressor stage, train and downstream process from reaching a higher than des operating pressure in the event of a control system failure or blocked discharge. High Suction Pressure Limiting Control There will be a maximum allowable suction pressure above which the associated compression train will trip. The reason for this is to limit the pressure relief case resulting from a blocked discharge of the compressors (and hence allow a smaller flaring capacity), whilst still ensuring that it is set high enough to maximise the suction pressure whilst operating the compressor within i's operating envelope. This pressure is 2300 kPag (Refer CAL-00-P-0013) for the first stage compressor. The requirement and or value for the second stage suction high pressure trip is to be investigated during detailed design (pending vendor input). Low Suction Pressure Limiting Control A low suction pressure trip is associated with each stage on each train of ‘compression. The purpose of these trips is to ensure the compressors (during normal operation) operate with a minimum suction pressure. This is a requirement of the compressor manufacturer. This is to be further investigated during detailed design by the EPCC contractor. High Suction and Discharge Temperature Limiting Control ‘The compressor casings have a maximum temperature limit. A maximum suction and discharge temperature will be supplied to the EPCC contractor by the selected compressor vendor for incorporation of these trips. Note: All shutdown requirements for both the Compression Facility and the associated Utilities are detailed in the Cause and Effects Diagram (DS-00-P-0045 Rev 0). C7426REP-00-P-0008 Rev O.doc Sheet 9 of 13 Kandhkot Gas Wellhead Compression - FEED Report No. 3.4 3.2 (67426 REP-00-P-0003 Rev 0.doe ‘Sheot 10 of 13, €7426-REP-00-P-0003 Us The utilities control systems operate essentially autonomously to the Compressors but are all linked to the CSS (Combined Safety System) for shutdown purposes. ies Control Philosophy The Fuel Gas System The fuel gas system can be fed with gas from three sources: 1) Dehydrated gas from downstream of the DHP (Dehydration Plant) 2) Dehydrated gas from an alternate source such as the export pipeline (for compressor start-up purposes only) 3) Saturated wellhead gas from the slug catcher (for low pressure gas start- up only) For source 1 and 2 stated above, the gas is fed via pressure control to the fuel gas knockout drum (V-5101) at 3000 kPag. If source 3 is used, the Fuel Gas Compressor Package is used to compress the low pressure saturated wellhead gas to the required turbine fuel gas pressure of 3000 kPag (will not be required until reservoir pressure has significantly depleted). ‘The fuel gas passes through one of 2x100% electric heaters and is heated to a margin above the gas’s dew point temperature. Downstream of the fuel gas heaters, the fuel gas is filtered through one of 2x100% filter-coalscers to remove any solids or aerosols. The gas compressor turbines are supplied with fuel gas from the outlet of the filters. A pressure reduction valve reduces the fuel gas pressure for use by the gas engine generators, flare purge gas, blanketing gas and pilot gas. Pressure relief to flare ensures that neither the high pressure or low pressure fuel gas users see too high a pressure during process disruptions (eg. Shutdown of a compression train) ‘A temperature and pressure compensated flowmeter is installed in the Fuel gas System to totalise the consumption of Fuel Gas. Condensate Recover System The Condensate Recovery System consists of two flash vessels, one in the Compression Area and one in the Slug Catcher Area. The liquid flow from the Slug Catcher Flash Vessel (V-5701) is maintained by blanket gas pressure to enable the separated liquid to flow under level control to the existing condensate storage tanks Liquids knocked-out in the various Scrubbers in compressor trains, Inlet Gas Filters and fuel gas system is collected and flashed in the condensate flash vessel (V-5702) at atmospheric pressure. Flash gas is routed to flare while stabilised liquid is pumped Kandhkot Gas Wellhead Compression - FEED Report No. 3.3 3.4 C7A26-REP.00--0003 Rev 0.doe Sheet 11 of 13, C7426-REP-00-P-0003 to the Condensate Storage Tanks. V-5702 operates at Flare Knockout Drum pressure. ‘The Slug Catcher level control system is the only source for the Slug Catcher Flash Vessel (V-5701). The level in the Slug Catcher is controlled by level control valves. A restriction orifice (RO) is installed between the Slug Catcher level control valves and the Slug Catcher Flash Vessel for Phase 1. The purpose of this RO is reduce the possible gas blowby relief case required to be considered for the Slug Catcher Flash Vessel (it has a lower design pressure than the Slug Catcher). This was necessary since the level control valves are designed to enable level control during the late years of gas production from the reservoir when the slug catcher pressure is below 1280 kPag. The resulting large valves mean that an excessive gas blowby flow would be possible in the early years of production if the control valves failed. This RO is to be removed when the slug catcher non-flowing pressure reduces to below 1280 kPag Shutdown valves are provided on all liquid lines in the Condensate Recovery System (including from the liquid sources) to protect the facility from encountering a gas blow- by due to level control failure. The shutdown valves will be Fail Closed and will close when a Low Low level signal is received from the associated vessel. Flare System The control system associated with the flare is straight forward. Alarms and finally a High-High-High level trip in the Flare Knockout Drum will shutdown the compression facility if the level cannot be controlled and maintained at a lower level. The amount of liquid accumulation in the flare knockout drum is expected to be small. Flare Drum Knockout Pumps are provided to transfer any liquid accumulation in the Flare Knockout Drum to the Condensate Flash Vessel. The pumps will not start automatically and the transfer is deemed a manual operation. This is done since liquid accumulation will either be intermittent or a very slow process. ‘A temperature and pressure compensated flowmeter is installed on the flare header (downstream of the Flare Knockout Drum line) to monitor and quantify the amount of flared gases. Purge gas is maintained to avoid ingress of air to the flare system. Pilot gas is provided to the Flare tip Pilots via a PCV from the low pressure fuel gas ‘supply. Compressed Air System Compressed air is used as Instrument air (after dehydrated) and as Plant Air (Wet gas). Dehydrated Instrument air is pressure controlled to the end user at 700 kPag by redundant parallel PCVs downstream of the Instrument Air Receiver. A low pressure alarm and low low pressure trip (facility wide ESD) downstream of the PCVs are provided to ensure the integrity of the compression facility in the case of Instrument air loss. A low pressure alarm is also installed on the Instrument Air Receiver. Plant air is supplied to the end user at Plant Air Receiver pressure. A PCV on the plant air header however will close in the case that the upstream pressure (the Kandhkot Gas Wellhead Compression - FEED Report No. 35 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 C7426-REP-00-P-0003 Rev O.doc ‘Shoot 12 of 13 C7426-REP-00-P-0003 reservoir pressure) decreases to 600 kPag. In this way, the plant air is regulated to ensure that Insturment air is made a priority when the Plant Air or Instrument Air requirements become large. A low pressure alarm is also installed on the Plant Air Receiver. Inert Gas System The Inert Gas pressure control system operates in the same manner as the compressed air system in such that the pressure of nitrogen from the nitrogen receiver is let down to user pressure using two parallel PCVs and the nitrogen for utility consumption is used at the full nitrogen receiver pressure until the receiver falls, to 600 kPag (in which case the PCV will close to conserve nitrogen for seal purposes). Power Generation System The gas engine power generators are fuelled with low pressure fuel gas supplied from the fuel gas system. The control for the generators is by the power generator vendor and will be located in the Electrical Switch Room. Raw Water System The source for raw water is bore water, delivered by submersible bore pumps to the Firewater Storage Tank (T-5503). There are 2x100% Service Water pumps (duty/standby). The duty pump will operate continuously with a minimum recycle back to the Firewater tank to keep the service water line pressurised for immediate use. The service water pumps will stop upon low level in the Firewater Tank to ensure that there remains sufficient water volume for fire-fighting. The service water system is deemed as non-critical. ‘Also, when the level in the Firewater Storage Tank falls to a pre-determined level, the bore water pumps will start automatically to makeup level again. Potable Water System The Potable water system consists of Water Treatment Package Feed Pumps, The Water Treatment Package (a reverse osmosis package) , a potable water storage tank (T-5603) and potable water distribution pumps (2x100%, duty/standby). The distribution pumps will have a minimum recycle to back to the potable water tank to ensure potable water is always available to the end user at the required pressure, when required. The Water Treatment Package (Z-5600) is a vendor supplied package and will operate with its independent control system. Firewater System The firewater system consists of The Firewater Storage Tank (as detailed above), 2x100% Firewater Jockey Pumps (duty/standby) and 2x100% Diesel Firewater Pumps (duty/standby). The duty jockey pump is designed to operate with a minimum. recycle back to the Firewater Storage Tanks to ensure the Firewater Ring-main Kandhkot Gas Wellhead Compression - FEED Report No. 3.10 (07426-REP.00-P-0003 Rev 0.doe Sheet 13 of 13 C7426-REP-00-P-0003 remains charged in case a fire breaks out. When a hydrant is opened or a monitor is used, a jockey pump is unlikely to maintain the required pressure in the Ring-main and a Diesel Firewater pump will start. If the Duty pumps fails to start or one pump can't maintain the pressure alone, the Standby Diesel Firewater pump will start. Chemical Injection System The chemical injection system is designed to supply each compression train with corrosion inhibitor at strategically located injection points. It will be possible to trip the chemical injection pumps for each train separately in accord with a trip of the respective compression train There will also be an injection pump set-up to provide corrosion inhibitor injection to the injection points in compression facility which are common to all trains. This pump will be tripped in the case of an entire compression facility shutdown.

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