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FREN 1001

Exam preparation checklist for Chapter 2, examen

I. Vocabulary
a. I can spell the vocabulary words in chapter 2
b. I know how to conjugate être, avoir, and regular –er verbs
c. I know different nationalities, how to spell them, and when they change according to
d. I know and can correctly spell the vocabulary from “passe-temps”
e. I know how to spell and to use adverbs correctly
f. I know how to tell time in French

*practice game for vocabulary: With a partner, describe at least two different friends. Say what they
study, their names, where they’re from, and what they do and do not like to do. After you and your partner
have finished with the description, go back and make comparisons. Do certain friends come from the same
town? Do certain people enjoy the same activities? Do they study the same thing? The more detailed and
precise you are with this activity, the more practice you’ll have with the vocabulary and different structures
we’ve examined in these chapters.

Alternatively: choose a general topic from the vocabulary list (les passe-temps, les nationalités, la famille).
If you are working with a study partner, you can give each other words to work with. First, see how many
other vocabulary words you can associate with the word (e.g. frère.). Next, try to write a complete sentence
using the word (e.g. Mon frère est canadien. Il joue au foot et regarde les films. Il ne travaille pas mais il
étudie beaucoup. Il rencontre ses amis à 17h en général). Use Français Interactif to check the spelling and
logic of what you wrote.

II. Grammar
a. I can conjugate être, avoir in the present and know when to use both verbs
b. I can conjugate –er verbs
c. I can write complete sentences about myself using a variety of vocabulary.
d. I can accurately use adverbs to make more complete descriptions of activities
e. I can negate sentences, and know how to use “ne…pas” and “ne… jamais”
f. I can translate from French to English and English to French key phrases and basic
g. I know which form of “quel” to use

* practice game for –er verbs: write out verbs on notecards, and pull one from the stack. In a separate
stack, put various subject pronouns (je, tu, elle, nous, vous, ils etc.). Pull a subject pronoun from the stack
and form a complete, logical sentence with the verb and the subject pronoun. For example, you might pull
“aimer” from the verb pile and “tu” from the subject pronoun pile. You could make a sentence such as “Tu
aimes la musique” Open your book when you are finished to check the conjugation and make sure the
sentence is logical. Be sure to practice negating sentences, too!

III. Culture.
a. I can explain different concepts of friendship in French and American contexts based
on our in-class discussion of the vlog “7 Types of French Friends” and the text “Les
amis” on the PPT (both on CourseDen).
b. I can explain when and where “l’heure officielle” might be used in French based the
“note culturelle” on page 48 in the textbook.

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