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Reflective Journal week 1

Tittle: Student cannot listen or talk properly during class.

Focused Issues
In my first week teach Year 1 student, I found that, there’s two student
always like to do their own work and do not listen to class. The student like
to run in class suddenly and even touch other friend’s item without asking
the permission. When they want go to toilet, they won’t ask but just stand in
front of teacher and waiting for toilet. This eventually make teacher feel
disturb in class and want to find the way to help them. According to the
preschool’s teacher, this situation had been started since they came to
preschool two years ago. This has been an ongoing issue, and I find myself
struggling to find ways to help this student.

Focused Issued Analysis

The attitude displayed by the students involved is causing me to investigate
the problem I am facing with the students. Some of the questions that come
to mind are:
• Are the students not interested in the subject I am teaching?
• Why are they behaving this way?
• What can I do to help these students?
• How they behave during others teacher class?
• Is that some problem come from their family?

From the initial survey I conducted through interviews with teachers and
other classmates, I was able to identify several factors that contributed to
this problem, namely:
• These students are from the weaker group
• maybe got disabilities
• got speech delay problem
Based on the observations, these students face problems due to
environmental factors, which are more related to the environment at home.
These students are always face to the handphone and television. At the
end of these items, the students are not willing to talk and communicate
during class. They choose to keep silent or play in their own “world”.

Literature Review
Speech delay is a common developmental disorder that affects many
children worldwide. Research suggests that the prevalence of speech delay
ranges from 2% to 19% in children under the age of six (Zhang et al.,
Inclusive education practices that focus on providing a supportive and
accepting environment for children with speech delay can also be
beneficial. Teachers can use a variety of strategies, such as visual aids and
interactive activities, to help children with speech delay participate in the
classroom (Lloyd et al., 2017).

To change the problem and attitudes of the students so that they do not
make noise, I have made several suggestions that can be used to
overcome the problem of students making noise in the classroom. Some of
my suggestions are:
 I need to constantly observe the condition of these students.
 Teach them with simple construction, so they can understand and try
to follow the class.
 Use the instruction card to help the student ( toilet, drinking or sleepy)
,to know the students better.
 Place the student near to front.

Resolution Time frame

I will try to solve this problem from 22 March 2023 till 22 April 2023.
Follow-up Action
I began by reviewing my expectations for behavior and listening skills in
class. I then tried to engage the student in conversation to understand what
might be causing this behavior. I learned that the student has been
struggling with distractions in class and has difficulty focusing.
Reflecting on this experience, I realized that I need to adjust my
teaching style to better suit this student's needs. I need to find ways to
reduce distractions and make sure the student feels engaged and
supported in the classroom. I also need to be patient and understanding,
recognizing that this student may need extra help and support.
Moving forward, I plan to try different strategies, such as using visual
aids and incorporating more interactive activities, to help this student
engage and focus in class. I will also communicate with the student's
parents and collaborate with other teachers to find ways to support this
student's learning.

Overall, this experience has reminded me of the importance of being
flexible and adaptable in my teaching approach, and to always strive to
support each student's unique learning needs.

Lloyd, L., MacDonald, J., & Lord, C. (2017). Motor and language
development: A synthesis of ideas and findings. In J. B. Benson (Ed.),
Advances in Child Development and Behavior (Vol. 53, pp. 45-64).
Academic Press.

Zhang, Y., Li, J., & Liu, J. (2019). Epidemiological investigation of speech
development in children aged 0-6 years in Beijing, China. BMC Pediatrics,
19(1), 1-7.

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