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Math formula

1) Natural number :- 1,2,3,4,5,6…etc. are called natural number.
2) Whole number :-0,1,2,3,4…etc. are called whole number.
3) Integers :- …..,-4, -3, -2, -1, 0,1,2,3,4,…, etc. are called integers.
4) Fraction :- 2/3, 3/8, 11/5, 102/25 …etc. are called fraction.
5) Rational number :- The number of the form “p/q “ Where p and q are
integers and q≠0 , are called rational numbers. Example:-3/-4, -6/17, -8/-3,
2/5 etc.

Exponents :-
1) 5×5×5×5 = 54 (5 is the base and 4 is the exponent. )
2) (2/3)4 = 2/3×2/3×2/3×2/3
3) (a/b)n = an/bn
4) (a/b)-1 = b/a
5) (a/b)m × (a/b)n = (a/b)m+n
6) (a/b)m ÷ (a/b)n = (a/b)m-n if m>n
7) {(a/b)m}n = (a/b)mn
8) (a/b)0 , a0 = 1
9) (a/b)-n = (b/a)n
10) (a/b × c/d)n = (a/b)n × (c/d)n
11) {(a/b) ÷ (c/d)}n = (a/b)n ÷ (c/d)n

Algebra :-
1) Monomial equation:- 5x , 2xy , -3a2b , -7 etc. are example of monomial.
2) Binomial equation :- (2a+3b), (8-3x), (x2-4xy2) , etc. are example of
3) Trinomial equation :- (a+2b+5c), (x+2y-3z), (x3-y3-z3) , etc. are trinomials.
4) Quadrinomial equation:- (x+y+z-5), (x3 +y3+z3+3xyz), etc. are
5) (a+b)2 = (a2 + b2 +2ab)
6) (a-b)2 = (a2 + b2 - 2ab)
7) √(ab) = ( √a × √b )
8) √(a/b) = ( √a / √b )
9) (a+b)3 = ( a3 + b3 + 3a2b + 3ab2)
10) (a+b)(a-b) = ( a2 – b2 )

Ratio and proportion:-

1) a:b = a/b
2) a:b::c:d = a/b = c/d

1) 35% = 35/100 (Convert percent into fraction) .
2) X% = x/100
3) 35/100 = (35/100) ×100 = 35% (convert fraction into percentage).

Profit or loss :-
1) Cost price is denoted by C.P
2) Selling price is denoted by S.P
3) Gain = ( S.P) - ( C.P) { S.P > C.P }
4) Loss = ( C.P) – ( S.P) { S.P < C.P}
5) Gain% = (gain/CP × 100 )%
6) Loss% = (Loss/CP × 100 )%
7) SP = { (100+gain%) / 100 × CP }
8) SP = { (100-loss%) /100 × CP }
9) CP = { 100/(100+gain%) × SP }
10) CP = { 100/(100-loss%) × SP }
11) Selling price = (market price ) – (discount)

Simple interest:-
1) Principal is denoted by P.
2) Interest is denoted by I.
3) Amount is denoted by A.
4) Rate is denoted by R%.
5) Time is denoted by T.
6) Simple interest Is denoted by SI.
7) SI = (P×R×T)/ 100
8) Amount = n = time

9) Compound interest = (amount) – (principal)

10) Some formula:-👇👇👇

1) Equilateral triangle = A triangle having all sides are equal.
2) Isosceles triangle = A triangle having two sides are equal.
3) Scalene triangle = A triangle having all sides of different length.
4) Acute angle = Angle is less than 900 .
5) Right angle = Angle is 900
6) Obtuse angle = Angle is greater than 900
7) Sum of the all angle of triangle = 1800
8) Pythagoras theorem = (length)2+(breadth)2 = (Hypotenuse)2 {L2+B2 = H2}

1) Area of rectangle = length × breadth
2) Diagonal of rectangle = √(length2 × breadth2 )
3) Perimeter of rectangle = 2(length + breadth)
4) Area of the 4 walls = [2(length + breadth) × height ]
5) Diagonal of the room = √(length2 + breadth2 + height2 )
6) Area of square = (side)2
7) Area of the square = [1/2 × (diagonal)2 ]
8) Diagonal of the square = √2 × side
9) Side of the square = √area
10) Perimeter of the square = (4 × side)
11) Conversion of units :-👇👇
Length Units
1 cm 10 mm
1 dm 10 cm
1m 10 dm
1m 100 cm
1 dam 10 m
1 hm 100 m
1 km 1000 m
1) 1 arc = 100m2
2) 1 hectare = 10000m2
3) Area of parallelogram = (base × height)
4) Area of rhombus = ½ × (product of diagonals)
5) Area of triangle = (1/2 × base × height)
6) Area of equilateral triangle = ( √3/4 × side2)
7) Hero's formula = a, b, C are sides of triangle ABC. Then, S = ½(a+b+C)
then, area of triangle = √{S(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}
8) Area of isosceles triangle = { ½ × b× √(a2 - b2 /4 ) }
9) Circumference of the circle = 2πr (r=radius)
10) Area of circle = πr2
11) Area of trapezium = {1/2 ×(sum of parallel side) × height}
12) Volume of cuboid = ( length × breadth × height)
13) Diagonal of a cuboid = √( l2 + b2 + h2 )
14) Total surface area of a cuboid = 2(lb + bh + lh)
15) Lateral surface area of cuboid = [2 ( l + b) × h ]
16) Volume of cube = (side)3
17) Diagonal of a cube = √3 × side
18) Total surface area of a cube = {6 × (side)2 }
19) Lateral surface area of a cube = { 4 × (side)2 }
20) Volume of the cylinder = ( πr2h )
21) Curved (lateral) surface area of the cylinder = ( 2πrh )
22) Total surface area of the cylinder = ( 2πrh + 2πr2 )

Mean, median, mode:-

1) Mean =

2) Median = if n is odd then median = ½ (n+1)th observation

if n is even then median = ½ {(n/2)th observation + (n/2 +1 )th observation
3) Mode = 3(median) – 2(mean)

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