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Wealth Beyond Reason: Mastering The

Law Of Attraction 2nd Edition Bob

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Wealth Beyond Reason

Your Complete Handbook for Boundless Living


Bob Doyle
© Copyright 2003 Bob Doyle. All rights reserved.

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or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, pho-
tocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission
of the author.

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Praise for Wealth Beyond Reason

"Fantastic! The best book on manifesting wealth I've seen in

decades! Read it and grow rich—beyond reason!"

Dr. Joe Vitale, #1 Best-Selling Author, "Spiritual Marketing"

"For all those who seek the knowledge and techniques to create
what you truly desire in life, this book is a must read. Bob
effectively takes you through the process of creation,
empowering you to take charge of your life. "

Ann Taylor — Inner Healing

"I love this book and can't recommend it strongly enough! The
concepts in it are so incredibly powerful. This is THE book
for anyone who desires to break free of struggle and live a life
of abundance!! Life can be this easy! Wealth Beyond Reason
shows you exactly how.”

Suzie Dawson, Intuitive Coach

iii Wealth Beyond Reason

"Unwrap, open, and be open to the gift that Bob presents in
Wealth Beyond Reason. It is your guide to ‘having’ it all and not
wanting for anything. Be wizard wise and refer to this gift often,
and you will plant the seeds that bring rich harvest ... from the
fertile ground you have tended."

Marelin The Magician — Author of "Merlin's Message"

Wealth Beyond Reason


This book is dedicated to You.

May you prosperously and abundantly share yourself

with the World.

Wealth Beyond Reason


There are so many who in some way contributed to this

book. I wish that I could tell you why each one was so
significant, but that would be another book. So, with no
intention to do any of them injustice, I will simply list their
names here in no particular order, infused with the utmost
gratitude for the role they have played in shaping my Life.

Some of these people helped inspire the content of

this book. Others were there to put me on path and to keep
me there, the value of which is immeasurable.

My wife Krissy, David Cameron, Toby Alexander, Tom

and Penelope Pauley, Marelin Thornton, Kevin Underwood,
Joe Vitale, Roger Lanphear, Suzie Dawson, Jason Mangrum,
Amy Caffrey, everyone who came through my life at the
WishLift event in Raleigh North Carolina June 9, 2001 (and
you know who you are), my children Catharine, Deborah and
Max, Claude Rifat, Jim Jones (not the reverend), Julie and
Rick McKown, Marie Hallock-Sweet, Deb Britt, Lenny Rose,
Ann Taylor, The Transforming Lifestyles Educational Center,
and Chris Stratton, who first told me the Internet existed.

Wealth Beyond Reason vi

Table of Contents

Introduction to the Law of Attraction .........sssssssssssssssssssseccsssssssssessssceesessssees 1

WGI ene eres cee Mean Sn ee eee 9
Partil|-The; Caw. of Attraction 2<.....02...01fiim ea erent ae11
WVErett 1S, WALtN2or ceccsnrece cesseccncszncassnascosnecisanssacaccsae<onsanc.
Whi yeAte We skeptical? os... .cccsscossysscsesss OiOemene ete mney ae 17
SOU ATE ET CLG oo acsc nce acsasenensiennsencsth SRE AO, Sere 21
What do.vouiseallywant?s <¥ athena sees 27
PARTS Howto Doclt 2rit.2.0.tncs.cce a ee eee 33
DeStOnINGAY OULL NC meer ettersetteascstite eee Le eee sh
Step 1— Be Clear on What you Do NOT Want..........ssssssscsseessseessees 36
Step 2 - Know what you DO Want and Write it Down!...............04.. 37
Step 3 — Experience Your Desire Fulfilled.............sssssssscssssessssecesees 39
Sep MeL GOAN AlOW:ttecca treme aetna terrae 43
Giver Antsy OU OnaIRRECEIVE sccctccctncns tects eee tee ctrice 49
Tali GRene eee te cerry ni een ee a ces 53
Partilll —sbechnicaliSupportea:.caeeceneeeetec eee ez ote55
The Most Important Value you can Give.........ssessssesssessesseessueessseen 57
Does God Deserve What He Wants? ...........ssssssecssssssscssecseeesseersteesseen 63
VYOur Desitesvale Already MULICUMecrcsetceretecses teesantscseatecctcazsccstshracrersee 15
HOwatOs em VVcal Ulveree ttre ete tes ccc esse cci cca eetetsmaesscsaoc 79
Whoa ens, tober an MONIC! sateen ee ee tectss cadet ted tectetcnssercsrinsss 85
When Those Around You Do Not Believe ...........:--ssessssessssssteesseeesses 91
Meetiropipralciimmmntcerme tne sec ttectsee elite tctitassccrtcassrnscsesrseeseess97

Vii Wealth Beyond Reason

Attraction:vs:. Creation ecy.t ae epee ee ye csacseteeentes 105
Rasiicsy OunjVibraliontseert
or se ee ee cen, 109
ATESVOUMIECIING OUUICK meee fears att eee ater ee 113
Creatine vith At Gleantolatesnrecteers-n ermmnn cnet trectatec tee 119
Have you ForgottensHow, to Play? tevevcascceeesetancnetee erence 125
How. to. Recognize the: O1QNS;cssce-< cectesnrse. cena es te eed ot 131
Ideas: ares nel gyaacuterc ites th tiscl, «IU een ar cee Ry ee 135
MakesEriends with olitvE go it.int0 atene.sceae eee eee 141
tatheshacesot All the Evidence
tte Aten: 147
ilitterexpenential Meditation... 2 eek etree 155
SON NOW HGALID LOMV- OU Nemesia Mcieins «scar, aeancaan anata tas161
Recommended 1 CSOurCes te ercstketincar a cra acorn sateen aera 163
Contac Simmmemnnmeron mre torr aie oe tein 1 ee ans ts OS 167

Wealth Beyond Reason Vili

Introduction to the Law of Attraction

Do you normally "skip” book introductions?

Please do not do that this time. This introduction sets

you up for the whole book.

This book exists for one purpose: To explain to you as

effectively as possible, exactly what you can do to have
everything in your life that you can possibly imagine. And
since that is such a tall order, I need to be able to explain how to
do that in a way that does not seem “hocus-pocus” or require
you to adopt some kind of “new-age” belief system, because I
would lose a great many of those I am trying to reach if I went
that route.

These principles are something of a “hidden secret”

because although the world's wealthiest individuals have gained
their wealth through the utilization of these principles, they
have not always been consciously aware that they were doing so.
In this book we reveal what all wealthy people have in common,
and how you can easily model their process for attracting wealth
of any level.

The trick here is that to explain how you can literally

manifest (an interesting word that scares off more than its fair
share of people) anything you can imagine — and furthermore to
prove that it is, in fact your duty to do so - I need to get into

1 Wealth Beyond Reason

some very unusual areas of science that are quite foreign to
many people. .

However, you are going to receive one heck of an

education, and unlock your potential in a way that no other
"self-help” book has ever been able to do for you in the past. You
are going to finally learn why other approaches you may have
tried in the past have failed to bring you the results you want.
And actually, the reason is so simple! However, it is not so “easy”
to explain.

I suppose I could be called a "prosperity coach”, although

I do not really feel comfortable with that term. One of the main
reasons being that I have known a lot of "prosperity coaches”
who are still struggling to make ends meets. They "know” the
principles we will be discussing in this book, but have yet to
fully integrate them into their own lives.

When I first discovered these principles in the way that I

am going to present them to you here, I was really struggling
financially. And I, like those prosperity coaches I mentioned
before, was out there "talking the talk” about how you can create
your reality, but this issue of money was still way out of my
control. I believed (and still do) in what I was teaching at the
time in terms of how to go about living your life by design, but
there were some serious missing pieces to the puzzle.

I finally found those pieces, and I turned everything

around in only a couple of months. I am going to show you how
you can do the same.

Wealth Beyond Reason 2

I will share with you that being a "teacher" of these
principles can be tricky business.

On one hand, I have the privilege of sharing what I

believe to be the most exciting principles available for our use as
human beings, because they truly give us access to anything we
want. We are all “wizards in waiting”, and we only need be
awakened to our ability before we can literally wave our magic
wands and experience anything we desire.

The other side of the coin however, is that the

information I am going to share with you can be quite
confronting. Because when it comes down to it, your current
situation — whatever that may be — is a direct result of what
you are feeling, thinking, and believing. Unless you can take
full responsibility for where you are now, you will never fully
have control over where you are going.

Many people do not like to hear that. They feel much

more comfortable pointing at external factors and placing the
blame for their situation outside of themselves. It is just easier
that way. And society has given these people plenty of
ammunition to support whatever beliefs of being limited they
may have.

But if we were really “controlled” by external situations,

it would mean that we really have no freedom to decide our own
destiny. It would mean that our environment was the ultimate
deciding factor as to whether we would succeed or fail. We
would simply be “reacting” our way through life. But do you
honestly believe that we were put here on this planet to simply

3 Wealth Beyond Reason

react to our environment? Oh sure, some people "react” just fine
and are quite successful without any knowledge of the Law of
Attraction whatsoever. Nonetheless, it is the Law of Attraction,
which Iwill describe shortly, that determines their success.

Many people, however, do not do well by living in

"reaction”. They consider themselves victims. They believe they
were dealt a "bad hand”. Or worse, they simply do not believe
they deserve the absolute best that life has to offer. As a result,
they run around in circles in victim mode, perhaps buying
libraries of self-help books, saying to themselves, "I hope THIS
works” not realizing that they have all sorts of self-defeating
conversations running at a subconscious level that will render
even the most effective self-help material totally ineffective.

This book will begin to change all of that for you.

You are deserving of whatever you want. You truly are.

An entire chapter is dedicated to just this principle, and I believe
it to be one of the most important truths you can come to

This book is called "Wealth Beyond Reason” because it is

truly unreasonable just how much wealth you can create using
the Law of Attraction. At first, it may seem that what we talk
about “defies logic’, but in fact, it demonstrates perfect,
scientific fact.

If you have ever seen someone with seemingly unlimited

monetary resources and ever thought "they have so much
money it is ridiculous”, that is precisely the kind of wealth we

Wealth Beyond Reason 4

are talking about helping you develop starting immediately. And
it is so simple, if you /erit be.

I also call this "Wealth Beyond Reason” because it is going

to be your ability to "suspend reason” that allows you to have
success with these principles. Many of us come from very
analytic backgrounds and we have a hard time just blindly
accepting new concepts, particularly if they seem to fly in the
face of everything we have ever learned. Many of you will be
confronted with these kinds of thoughts — and that is okay. It is
people like you for whom this book was specifically written. And
it is all built around this one crucial principle:

The Universal Law of Attraction

Energy Attracts Like Energy

As you begin to understand that everything in creation is

based on a system of Energy - and when you learn some very
basic things about how this Energy behaves - you will begin to
unleash a creative force in your life that will seem miraculous.
We will cover all this in detail!

This book is actually derived from an educational

curriculum, also called "Wealth Beyond Reason”, that we offer on
the Internet. This Internet program allows a large group of
"wealth creators” to share information with one another that
helps us all to integrate these principles more fully into our lives
— because we all see the tremendous value in doing so. And so
shall you, as you read this book!

J Wealth Beyond Reason

While much of the material in this book is drawn from
the online material, I have the opportunity here to expand on
the concepts even further. Still, I invite you to check out the
"Wealth Beyond Reason” educational program at


The reason I tell you about the online program, is because

my life completely changed as a result of reading one of the
books offered with that program.

The book is called "A Happy Pocket Full of Money” by

David Cameron, and it is now the primary textbook in the
"Wealth Beyond Reason” program. The shifts that took place in
my life after reading that book led to the creation of the “Wealth
Beyond Reason” online program. This, in turn, led me and others
involved with the program down an incredible path of growth
and discovery which has culminated in this first book.

The book you hold in your hands now can be thought of

as a “milestone” in my own personal journey. It is an
opportunity to share all that I have learned and experienced
through using these powerful principles, and how your life can
begin to change in a similar way.

Since adopting what you are about to learn into my own

life, I have begun to attract outrageous things that are “beyond
reason”. And only sometimes was money required. The things
that appear in my life without needing any money at all,
continue to amaze me...because any “reasonable” thinker would

Wealth Beyond Reason 6

logically assume that money — and a lot of it — was necessary to
obtain such things.

This is why it is important to understand what wealth

really is, and why the first chapter of this book answers that

Finally, please know that although the truths in this book

are extremely exciting, this is not simply meant to be a "feel
good” collection of material. My intention is to make a
difference for you. But you have to take committed action to
changing your current circumstances...and I will show you how.

fl Wealth Beyond Reason

Wealth Beyond Reason
Warning! Please read carefully!
The information in this book, when acted upon, truly
unleashes powerful forces into your life, the effect of which is
not always predictable, but always for the higher good!

Understand that by purposefully integrating these

principles into your life, you are inviting major change.

If you have purchased this book because you are ready

to make significant changes in your life, this book will help
you do that in a powerful way.

But be warned...

Change Will Occur. Depending on your final goal this

change may appear as though your life is falling apart around
you — and in a way, that is an accurate assessment. But what
you must understand is that if you follow the principles as
outlined in this book, the Life awaiting you on the other side
of this “ clearing away” — and that is what it is — will be more
joyous, prosperous, and perfect than you can possibly imagine
at this moment.

Embrace the change, no matter the form. The

Universe is doing your bidding in the most efficient way

9 Wealth Beyond Reason

Wealth Beyond Reason 10
Part |

The Law of Attraction

It is my sincere belief that an understanding of
how the Law of Attraction works in your life is some of
the most important knowledge you can attain. When
you understand the Law of Attraction, you gain
incredible insight into your own Life, and why it is the
way it is — and further, how to change it however you
would like.

Remember that the Law of Attraction makes it

possible for anyone to live their lives by total design.
Making more money is just one small piece of the
potential here, and is a lot less important than you
think, Really.

Let us begin by getting a thorough understanding

of what wealth really is...

11 Wealth Beyond Reason

Wihatrisevy Garth) pierce tener vs, lee fe rh ee nom ee eae 16
WhysAre Werskeptical) 2 Strate .cctecccesc ct atccsuaccanst occas ieracteeetieceerroeece 17
NOTION SST ed a ee ee ee eet ei, a
Wniatdosvou. teally. Wants er acsts cea teesicnectrere vescetee sencueemeneete an erent ne

Wealth Beyond Reason 12

What is Wealth?
And why do we really want it?

One of the reasons many of us have problems related to

wealth is that we are all hung up about the money. We have
erroneously equated having wealth with having money. One of
the most important distinctions that you can make is that
money is merely a “symbol” of value. But there are many other
types of “value” available to you other than money that can be
exchanged for what you want in your life. Further, as you will
learn, the /ast thing you need to worry about is How you are
going to get money to create the life you want.

Your only job is to know what kind of life you want to

live the most, and to find those things in your life that bring
you the most joy, and keep your attention on those things.
That is really all you have to do. This whole book can be
summed up in that one statement. Know what you want, and
ask for it, then receive it. It is really so simple...and we as
human beings are excellent at complicating it.

You are going to learn to “untangle” some limiting

thought processes by discovering your true power...and it is
awesome, by the way. You will learn a whole new meaning of
the word “possibility”.

At some point you will have this awesome "click”...or

maybe a series of "clicks”...when you really, really get this stuff.
When you suddenly realize that anything you desire in your

13 Wealth Beyond Reason

life can be yours - anything at all - Life becomes an entirely new
experience. Then, you will really know what wealth is.

What you will learn is that “wealth” can be thought of in

a couple of ways.

Monetary wealth will be a “by-product” of living the

ife of your dreams...not the cause of it.

Read that again, because most people believe completely

the opposite. Most people chase wealth so that they can “afford”
the life of their dreams. What they do not see — and,what you.
earn Seth hrough living the life of your dreams, you
Wy: : ne
you neetto LIV)
that some..othe of delive facilitates your" ife™
money_tha lerates the process. It is a "letting go” of How
things will en Fa I devote several sections of this book to
Letting Go, because it really is such a crucial piece of all this.

Why do we really want "wealth"?

comes sham to it, we are looking for a wa

RGR it we Want to live
in a big house on the lake, or own a luxury car, or even just a big
screen TV, that. to e we

Wealth Beyond Reason 14

ou must understand that wea/th is not money.

Wealth is living the life you desire in abundance and

joy (and that can include having a LOT of mone

But wealth is not about holding on to a lot of money.

Because remember (according to your current belief system) that
if you do not give that money to someone in a business
transaction, you will not get the thing you want. You are wanting
money, and wanting to give away money at the same time!

"But I am only giving away the money to get what I

want!” you oo

willsave a lot of time that way, I promise.

I know it can be hard.

So if you currently equate money with wealth, I hope you

will soon find your ideas begin to shift around as to what wealth
really means to you.

In fact I will just warn you now: You will probably

experience a LOT of shifts...and some of them can be very
powerful and/or confronting. Simply decide to embrace these
shifts as part of the growing process.

If something absolutely does not resonate with you, then

you have no obligation to integrate it into your system of beliefs.
I am not trying to change your belief systems or compromise

15 Wealth Beyond Reason

values of any kind. This material should not challenge any kind
of religious faith at all. In fact, I have heard from many people
that these principles have strengthened their faith. This should
be an exciting and joyous experience for you, albeit sometimes

You are about to learn how to create whatever level of

wealth you can imagine - how to "create your reality” on every
level - regardless of your past experience with wealth or alleged
“evidence” that there is something wrong with your life as it
relates to money.

You are about to be set truly free, but I first I want to ask
a question to those of you who are having a hard time accepting
all the things I am telling you...

Wealth Beyond Reason 16

Why Are We Skeptical?
And what is the cost?

I was a skeptic for most of my life. A real “show me the

money” type of person. At the same time, there was so much I
had always wanted to believe! There were many metaphysical
topics that had always interested me, but I could never really
"experience” any of them because of a basic skepticism that
prevented these things from occurring in my life.

And of course, it had therefore always been my

Se RSHEnGS that my skepticism turned out to be aaa

too good to be true.

Bue many people w ruled by the too go

to be i t. And it is all about "being right”. It is so easy
to say that certain philosophies are not true, or that they are
fantasy, because it is so very easy not to experience the truth of
the extraordinary! You simply say it does not exist, es itin ou
es, and it will not!Therefore you have all the proot you need!
And, it hardly matters what kind of evidence to the contrary
might be presented to you.In yourreality — the reality
have attracted by your belie hough ad. feelings - you can
port just about any belief (or disbelief) you have!

But does your skepticism truly serve you?

17 Wealth Beyond Reason

Personally my skepticism was a protection mechanism.
After all, ifI.did not believe anything, 1 could not be
disappointed! I coul always be right!

But at what cost?

What I finally learned after so many years of yearning to

experience new things, was that my active "disbelief" was the
Fe RMN ree I could use all
the logic in the world to "prove my point”. But was I happy? No.
But I was “right”...or so I thought.


The only reason you do not have everything you want

in your life right now is because you are resisting it to some

So you are thinking, “How can that be?” After all, let us
say you really want a new house. You want it badly! How can you
be resisting it?

By wanting it so badly!

First, the word."want”..and more importantly, the feeling

ociated with the wordesuggests an experience of "lack™ You
want It, because you do not have It. Butthereality is that you do
Dave is right in tront of yo OU need to “tune into”i

Wealth Beyond Reason 18

I know that probably sounds very bizarre right now.
Perhaps a little outside your comfort zone of beliefs. 1
understand that, and in fact, it is precisely why this book was
written. I want to demystify all this, so that even the most
skeptical among you can finally get your intellectual arms
around these concepts, and begin to incorporate them into your
life for your own benefit.

Yes, you will probably have to open your mind just a

little. Just do it.

It is completely worth it.

So let us start with the most basic concept you need to

understand at a scientific level...

19 Wealth Beyond Reason

Wealth Beyond Reason 20
You are Energy.
You vibrate and magnetize.

This concept is the key to understanding how these

principles work. You do not necessarily have to understand all
the ins and outs of Energy and Quantum Physics, but a basic
knowledge of how Energy works can definitely help, particularly
if you are of a skeptical nature!_Ener rall, is wh ft
made up of! |
And please keep in mind: This is not a “physics” book,
per se. The intricacies of quantum physics are completely and
utterly mind-boggling to even very intelligent people. We do not,
need to understand n O j
Most of us do not contemplate how transistors and other
electronic components “work”, It is enough for us to know that
they dowork, in order to utilize them.

The Law of Attraction is the same way. It works

regardless of your understanding of it.

ou can look at anything in your Universe and brea

down to its essence, which is Energy.

Your body. Your bed. Your dog. All are just various
"configurations” of Energy.

on Wealth Beyond Reason

You also need to know that Energy vibrates at various
ies» In our human form, we experience things as
“physical” if they fall into a specific range ofrly ae At

To use another example, there are colors in the spectrum

of possible colors that our eyes cannot see, but that can be seen
by a snake. Dogs can hear frequencies of sound (also Energy) that
we cannot hear. Those frequencies simply vibrate at a frequency
that is out of our range.

Now I will stop right here for a moment to address what

might occur as “awkwardness” around the word "vibrate". You
might immediately think of some kind of hippie-speak ("getting
bad vibes”, etc.) and begin to discount what is actually one of the
most scientifically exciting aspects of this whole exploration.

Energy vibrates at_certain Leducwcss which seek out”

Similar.frequencies, Think of a guitar g. You pluck it, it
vibrates, and it creates a certain tone. If there is another string in
it is vicinity that is able to match that vibrational frequency, it
will actually start to vibrate on its own. Tuning forks work the
same way. It is all Energy; the string, the tuning fork, the sound,
and the thought you are thinking right now about this whole
concept. All Energy.

You are Energy, and you vibrate and attract.according toe

our frequency.

Wealth Beyond Reason a2

ceptio ee inter cctations of the ocean o ber a
us . We are literally like radio tuners,
we “pic S i within the range
t vibrate to
which we are tuned!

If this is so, then what controls our vibrations? How do

we “tune the dial” so to speak to match what we want?

Here's an example you can probably relate to:

Have you ever had days that started bad, and got worse?
It is very simply explained by the Law of Attraction.
h “bad”, which causes

your breakfast, hit every red light, get cut off in traffic, ae with
your just goes on and on. Andit is no way a.

eali "bad
vent wron g
to either havea totally different interpretation.¢
he event, or to find something else on which to put your
attention...something that brings you Jo Once you do at, the

23 Wealth Beyond Reason

things will start to appen. re to the extent that you can
amplify the joy you are feeling, things will only get better and
better, rather than worse and worse. It is Law.

You see, the Law of Attraction does not “care”!

There is no "good and bad” to The Law. Those are strictly

our personal judgments, based on our core belief

The Law of Attraction simply responds perfectly to what

you vibrate..The trouble is th a society, we have learned
j ur idea of “reality” is that life is hard, and
that you must work hard for the things that you want. We have
been taught that sometimes having good relationships means
compromising who we really are to “make it work.”

And to the extent that we adopt and integrate those

beliefs, they will be absolutely true for us. They. .becomenstrue.
because all of our “evidence” will support these beliefs. Why?

Because the Law of Attraction will bring you more and

more situations that are in vibrational alignment with your
thoughts, beliefs, and most of all, your feelings.

You can see evidence of the Law of Attraction at work in

your life everywhere you look. In fact, everything you see is
wisas a result of — attracting it Into VOUL EXPEHENce. Energy qm

Wealth Beyond Reason 24

That does not mean you consciously asked fora1 negative
situation to be there. And no ‘
reality with ting” it, Many people who are introduced to
these ideas will argue, "Well, what about all the murder or war
out there that is in my experience? Are you saying I created


However, there is no denying that you have attracted

those vibrations it into your experience. You have allowed them
in. It is not necessarily that you walked around wishing for
murder and war. However, you were also not attracting a
"reality" that was free of murder and war.

"But war is reality, Bob” you insist.

To the extent that you acknowledge it, yes.

Now before you get really frustrated with me, I will invite
you to keep reading. This will all clear up as we go along, and we
have an entire chapter called "Attraction vs. Creation” that will
be of interest to you.

So if you did not ask for a negative experience, how did

you attract it? And ifyou do not like what you have attracted,
how can you attract something else? The answer to those
questions is the key to attaining everything you can possibly
desire in your life, and we have already touched on it a little!

25 Wealth Beyond Reason

e fir si j idi it is that
. You might be surprised to‘learn that those
things you have always thought you wanted your entire life, are
not necessarily your most important desires at all.

So let us figure out...

Wealth Beyond Reason 26

What do you really want?
It is not money. It really is not.

This book is about designing your Life. You cannot do

that if you do not know what you want to design. So a logical
first step is to figure that out.

For some people, this is easy. They can immediately tell

you hundreds of things they want in their lives, and this is great!
But what if you are so accustomed to having things you do not
want in your life, that it is all you know! You have never eyen
a hink of what ecause you are
so.busy..not.w anting all the other things in 1 ies is
i why you do have those things you do ant. They
are getting all your "“magneti ion!

Remember the Law of Attraction: Energy attracts Li

does not attract "good" Energy or “bad” Energy. It
attracts LIKE Energy. Soibalbof youstoes A opaidialalncianl gs
want, then ore of that is what you litera y vibrate! Those
vibrations are real magnets to rations just like it! It is no
wonder that your life seems to be an unending cycle of negative
events! Why would it be anything else? You are not really asking
for anything else!

But you say, "Oh yes I am! I have been asking for
something different for years! I have been asking for more
money as long as I can remember, and | sti// do not have any!"
That is such a common statement, and there is so much about it

27 Wealth Beyond Reason

that needs to be picked apart so that you can see exactly how
making such a statement repels the very thing you want to

Remember that this_i ut being the best “magnet:

you..catebe, Your vibrational frequency determines what you will
attract, and itis, all tied into the emotion you are feeling.

otion is the key}It is a unique Energoy, and it is one

an actual y feel on a physical
level, In essence, you can
feral feel the magnet working.

If, when you “ask” for something, your request is

wrapped in worry, then you are going to attract circumstances
that perpetuate or even grow that feeling of worry.

For example, if you are asking for money from a place of

"Oh, PLEASE!\ need more money, I do not have enough to pay
my bills! If I do not get more money my life will be ruined!”,
then think of what you are vibrating emotionally!

Wealth Beyond Reason 28

And believe me; I know it is not easy to simply eliminate
the worry about money when all external evidence suggests that
in “reality”, there is a problem that needs to be solved.

did not.say it was going to be easy. I did say, however,

hat, issimple And it is. You “simply” have to ask for what
ay that you can osit round i
rather,than negative,
And it is not money you want.

"Oh, yes it is!” I hear you saying. Everyone says that at

first, and generally for a long time. It is not that I do not
understand that you honestly believe you need money. But I also
know that money is not the thing you want to chase.

° eal desire is on the othe de of the mone

Remember that money “iand Of itself, has no value unles we
e al agreement
in that_it does. It is just paper and metal tha
symbolizes value that.can
be exchanged, Tf you are not using
it to
excnange value fo omethine, j imply does noteh q
is just the “potential” for ex true desire
hat you are going to acquire in exc that money!

That could be paid bills, it could be a new home or car, or

it could just be a nice meal out.

We have been taught that money is some kind of

"ultimate prize”, Yet, surely ou ave experienced times in oar
life when you received something wan id no
regui You Nave been given gilts; You have won things,

29 Wealth Beyond Reason

at how much of your life can be
like that, if you will let go of feeling you need money to do

"But I need money to pay the bills, Bob!!" I hear your

brain screaming! And I am not saying that you will not use
ney to pay the bills. lling you is that your focu
‘fons — u aroundthe bills being paid... NOT
oO pay t

This frees the Universe up to deliver your desire (having

the bills paid) in an infinite number of ways. Now, that way
couldbe money! But if you decide ahead of time that “money” is
the one and only way that you are going to have these bills paid,
then you are also very likely to start looking at “logical” ways in
your life through which this money will be delivered.

This even further restricts the manner in which your

ultimate desire could be fulfilled. You will start to look at your
job, a business, the lottery, etc. as potential avenues for this
money to come, licating things reating al
vibrations about the “rules of delive
ANGedtui a

In fact, if_you_"ask” for something, then Lear

e going to get it, you have effective
a ETE are saying, “Never mind, !

Wealth Beyond Reason 30

figure i " And O hy it is
slowly or not | ing to
the process.
and yourEgo are not as sm j So
will speed things up greatly if you will just ut

o how doyou “ask” most effectively?

his is.actually fully covered in the next section, which is

Design Your Life® And the really good news is that “asking”
correctly is intrinsically easy and extremely fun. In fact if it is
not, you are asking incorrectly!

Understanding that it is not money is an important Ifirst step anc

will save you a great deal of time.

, d 1O [

on the lake than thinking about how you are going to finance the
boat, right? It is more enjoyable to think about cooking a great
meal in your dream kitchen than trying to figure out what

31 Wealth Beyond Reason

second job is going to pay for it. Get the picture? Good...because
getting the “picture” is an integral part of thé first step of the
“creation” process.

Now it is time to find out what that process is...

Wealth Beyond Reason 32

How to Do It
You want to know the real kicker to all of this?

Your desires are already fulfilled You are just not

experiencing thei,


While it is a little complex to comprehend,

dersta truly infinite Uni a are
experiencing only of the intinite “realities” out there.

The reason we are experiencing the one that we are, is that

this is the one with which we are currently in vibrational

aOR To experience them, you need to sim

your frequency’, and this section is abou oO do tha.

By the way, we touch more on the idea that your desires are
already fulfilled in the section called "Your Desires are
Already Fulfilled” found in Part Ill, Technical Support.

a3 Wealth Beyond Reason

Designing OUR LCi Neier se ieee 35
Step 1— Be Clear on What you Do NOT Want...........ssesssecseeceeseens 36
Step 2 - Know what you DO Want and Write it Downl...............00 3f
Step 3 — Experience Your Desire Fulfilled..........c...ssssssssecssesseeseeess 39
Step aet Go and AllOW:. st tnctccscetcetesrsarctctesteceeseereemeererste: 43
GivemAndsy lnohall ReCélVesahie.eudisceeeiscanu
enone 49
Gratitiide sents teaser eerie ee 53

Wealth Beyond Reason 34

Designing Your Life
How to ask for exactly what you want...and nothing less!

This is the fun part! At least it is supposed to be! In fact,

iLit is Aahla it pibabry will not work. Taking this process too
seriously will backfire almost every time, and I will get into why
as we go through the process.

There are basically a , This

process is repeated in various ways by different “Law of
Attraction” authors, but the essence is always the same.

which follow. They are the same steps everyone else gives you,
and I have added the benefit of my experience in their

And by the way, as you are starting out in all this, you
have to know that you cannot "skip steps”. You hav o them
ith practice, the steps will flow much more naturall
om one to the
other, and it will not have
to seem_like such a
"process”,,.2 ou_are learning something new, and un-learning
27 e alse information. Jake as long a ou need, You

35 Wealth Beyond Reason

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
assure you that he is very much better, and doing as well as
possible, is quite free from fever, and has kept very well. The ball
does not appear to have touched the ribs, but to have gone round
the muscles of the side. Lord Wellington has continued the pursuit of
the enemy, who has retired in great confusion, and his Lordship was
yesterday at Aldea Seca. Joseph Buonaparte had advanced to
reinforce Marmont, but hearing of his disaster had retired, not before
we had taken one of his Picquets.
I have not yet seen any return of the loss on either side. I believe
ours to be between 3 and 4000 killed and wounded. Poor Le
Marchant, whose son has just left me to return to England, was killed
charging most gallantly at the head of his Brigade, and is a great
loss to the Service (as he was an excellent Officer), and to his
numerous family, who are now without father or mother. I pity them
from my soul. Sir Stapleton Cotton, Genls. Leith, Cole, and Victor
Allen, who are here, are doing very well. Leith’s wound is a severe
one through his arm obliquely, but it has not broken the bone. His
nephew Leith Hay is wounded, not badly, through the leg. The town
is full of wounded Officers, who are mostly doing very well indeed.
Poor Antonio de Lacerda’s son died, and he is himself here
wounded. The son was a remarkably fine gallant lad, and the poor
father is in great affliction.
The Enemy continue their retreat towards Madrid. We calculate
their total loss at 15,000. We have 2 Generals, 2 Eagles, 2
Standards, 19 guns, and upwards of 6000 prisoners, and from the
appearance of the field of battle, I should suppose they had left 1500
to 2000 dead on the field besides what they lost after they retired
from their last position, and in the subsequent pursuit, in which they
have been followed up very close, and compleatly routed whenever
our advance has been able to come up with their rear-guard.
Marmont, Bonnet, Clauzel, Thomier, are said to be badly wounded,
besides Carrière and Gravier wounded and taken. The latter, I
believe, is dead since.
Owing to the Army having advanced and the few means of
transport, many of the wounded, particularly of the French, have
suffered horribly, for, three days after, I saw a great many still lying,
who had received no assistance or were likely to till next day, and
had lain scorching in the sun without a drop of water or the least
shade. It was a most dreadful sight. These are the horrid miseries of
war. No person who has not witnessed them can possibly form any
idea of what they are. Humanity shudders at the very idea, and we
turn with detestation and disgust to the sole author of such miseries.
What punishment can be sufficient for him! Many of the poor
wretches have crawled to this. Many made crutches of the barrels of
the firelocks and their shoes. Cruel and villainous as they are
themselves, and even were during the action to our people, one
cannot help feeling for them and longing to be able to assist them.
But our own people have suffered almost as much, and they are our
first care.
I am very well and have quite recovered the fatigue we went
through for several days, but I am most happy that the Marshal is
doing so well. During the action I escaped quite providentially, as I
have a shot through my holster and two on my sword scabbard, but
as long as they keep at that distance I shall be very well satisfied.
I think we shall remain here quietly for some weeks. Indeed I do
not think Ld. Wn. can pursue them much further, as they are moving
back upon their reinforcements, and have the strong passes of
Guadalajara in their rear, and, besides that, our troops must have
some rest, having been so much harassed lately.
What may be the consequences of this splendid victory it is not
easy to say. They must be very great, for we have never gained a
more decisive or more compleat one, or followed it up so rapidly. I
think it must bring Soult up from the South and raise the siege of
Cadiz. Marmont’s Army is quite crippled for a time, having lost all its
baggage and so many guns and men. They were joined by about
1500 Cavalry and some guns the Evening of the Action, which were
beat next day.
Young Cowell is here unwell, but not wounded, and is getting well
fast. I shall take care of him. The Guards were scarcely engaged and
have lost few men and no Officer that I have heard of. My friend
Jackson is quite well. Pray, if any Officer should be coming to the
Army, send me 2 lb. of good black Tea. It will be a great treat. Yrs.,
Wm. Warre.
Molloy was taken for a minute by the French Cavalry, but got off. I
am very anxious to hear if you have done anything about the
appointment I mentioned to the Cape. This action has confirmed my
opinion that we may be shot at all day and exert ourselves as much
as we please, [but according to the] proverb, “It is a bad thing to be
second fiddles to a second fiddle.”

Extract from Letter to Sister

Salamanca, Aug. 29th, 1812.
While you were amusing yourself with quizzing your brother Wm.
and abusing him for not being in love with Honour and Glory, I was
straining my arms to reach one little leaf of the laurel tree, which, to a
fanciful imagination, is considered a sort of introduction to those
gentlemen. Lo! while you and ... were trembling at the rolling of the
thunderstorm, and ... thinking of Honour and Glory, I was amused by
an equally loud though less innocent storm from about 70 pieces of
cannon, of which 50 belonged to the adverse gods who fulminated
us for 7 hours, as hard as they could, and with malice prepense, but
with very little effect except the effect of the sublime, of which there
was a good deal, for I think it combined so much of beauty and
grandeur and Awe that certainly Edmund Burke would have classed
it with the sublime. As for Beauty, ça va sans dire. You cannot think
how beautiful it is to be cannonaded all day, being very tired and
hungry, and at 5 p.m. instead of setting to to eat a good dinner, to set
to to give the French a good beating in a very strong position, which,
however, is the best part of the whole divertissement, and though Ld.
Welln. naturally got all the Laurels, it was a most glorious business,
and would almost put even me in conceit with Honor and Glory....
Since then we have been very peaceably settled here, and the
Marshal recovering very fast from the delightful effects of Honor and
Glory. I rather expect in a few days we shall leave this for Lisbon by
Oporto. It will be an exceedingly interesting journey as, not being
able yet to ride, he goes in a carriage as far as San Joaô da
Pesqueira (vide the map), and from thence down the Douro, which is
beautiful, to Oporto, and from thence in some ship of war to Lisbon.
The only thing I am sorry for is not seeing Segovia or Madrid.

Extract from Letter to Sister.

(?) Salamanca, Sept. 2nd, 1812.
We leave this to-morrow morning for Porto on our way to Lisbon.
We go down the Douro, which at this time of year is quite beautiful,
and I think altogether this jaunt promises to be very pleasant, and, if
the sea voyage agrees with me, and that the Marshal remains any
time at Lisbon, you must not be astonished if I pay you a visit for
three weeks or a month, but this is a great secret yet. Say nothing
about it to anybody, till I see how things are, when we arrive at
Lisbon, as everything must depend upon that. The Marshal and
myself are again upon excellent terms. We have great battles
sometimes, but they never last very long....
Of Public news I have not a word to send you. The enemy have
evacuated Zamora, and are preparing to retire again on any motion
of Lord Wellington’s towards Burgos.
Of the six divisions which formerly composed that Army of
Portugal (Marmont’s) it has now only 3 Divns. commanded by Foy,
Maucune, and Clausel. The latter commands ad interim, till Bonnet
recovers from his wounds. Marmont has asked for leave to return to
France for the recovery of his health. His wounds are of a very bad
nature. The whole army is of about 15,000 men (out of 42,000) and
about 1700 Cavalry, and do not seem at all inclined to fight against
English honour and glory again. King Joseph is at Valencia. Lord
William [Bentinck] at Madrid, but some of our Divisions have moved
towards the Douro to drive the enemy further back. They will retire, I
am sure, as soon as these seem to advance in earnest. We are in
hourly expectation of hearing that the enemy have raised the siege
of Cadiz and have abandoned Andalusia. Everything seemed to
indicate their intention of doing so. And we have a proclamation of
Soult’s, in which he avows it, and endeavours to console the
Spaniards for his absence, and promises to return as soon as he
can, good natured soul!
I have just seen the garrison of Guadalaxara marched in. About
800 men, a great part renegade Spaniards, and in most miserable
plight, as their better countrymen have plundered them of everything,
and I don’t pity them. I hate a traitor worse than a Frenchman. There
is a General with them and some field Officers, etc., etc.
Transcriber’s Note: Map is clickable for a larger version




Abrantes, 41, 77, 79, 89, 213

Abrantes, Marquez de, 38
Acland, his brigade at Ramsgate, 1;
at Porto Novo, 18;
at the battle of Vimiero, 31
Adaja river, 275, 281, 282
Adam, Captain, of H.M.S. Resistance, 2;
his appearance, 3
Adamson, Mr, 16
Agueda, 117, 148, 246, 248;
bridges across the, 134, 136;
crossing the, 258
Alaejos, 274, 285
Alba de Tormes, defeat at, 45
Alberca, 158
Albuera, 268;
battle of, 179, 186
Albuquerque, 257
Albuquerque, Duke of, 58;
at Cadiz, 109
Alcobaça, 18
Aldea Nueva, 263
Aldea Nueva de Figueroa, 271
Aldea Rubia, 264
Aldea Seca, 292
Alemtejo, insurrection in, 18;
frontier of, 116
Alfaiates, 140, 248, 252
Algardon, fords of, 143
Algarve brigade, 61, 97
Alhandra, 172
Allen, Captain, wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of
Talavera, 69
Allen, Maj.-gen. Victor, wounded at the battle of Salamanca,
290, 293
Almaraz, 69, 70;
bridge over the, destroyed, 220;
victory at, 254;
number of killed and wounded, 255
Almeida, 41, 137, 246, 248;
siege of, 103, 117, 155, 179, 218;
journey to, 139-141;
surrender of, 162, 166;
escape of the French, 179
Almendralejo, 232
Alorna, Marquez d’, 149, 166
Alumeda, 142, 143, 146, 148
Alva de Tormes, 286
Alvez, Pedro, 54, 55, 60, 82, 93
Amarante, attack on, 61
Amazon, the, 55, 59
America, invasion of the Spanish colonies in, 1
Amoral, Captain Julio Cæsar d’, killed at the siege of Badajos,
Ancede, 62
Andalusia, 22, 251, 298;
invasion of, 103, 109
Anderson, Lieut., wounded at the battle of Talavera, 69
Anstruther, his brigade at Harwich, 1;
at Porto Novo, 18
Aragon, 223
Archer, Mrs William, 23
Archibald, W., 34
Archidiacono, 263
Arçobispo, bridge of, 69, 70, 71, 255
Aremberg, Prince d’, at Lisbon, 210
Arenschild, Captain, at Coimbra, 56
Arilez, Colonel d’, 154
Army, new regulations for the, 64
Arouca, 102, 107
Arroio del Molino, prisoners taken at, 210
Astorga, 272;
fall of, 103, 123;
fort at, besieged, 282
Asturias, the, 223, 266, 268
Atalaya, 157
Austria, peace with France, 45, 96, 103
Avanilla, 46
Avelans da Ribeira, 158
Azara river, 141, 142

Badajos, 22, 89;

French advance on, 110;
siege of, 178, 179, 219, 229, 231-241;
raised, 179, 185;
number of killed and wounded, 219, 233, 234, 237, 243,
capture of, 241-247;
in a state of defence, 251
Baird, Sir David, at Corunna, 43;
at Mayorga, 43;
loss of his arm at the battle of Corunna, 50
Balgonie, Lord, 197
Ball, a charity, 13, 15
Ballasteros, defeated in the Sierra Morena, 120;
enters Seville, 248;
advance to, 251
Baltic, the, 2
Baños, pass of, 71, 75
Barceiros, Captain, killed at the siege of Badajos, 239
Barcelona, 41
Barcilha, 147
Barcinha, 79
Barclay, Lieut.-col., wounded at the battle of Coa, 154
Barfleur, H.M.S., 44
Barretto, Major, of artillery, his treachery, 166, 167
Bath, 52
Bayonne, 110
Beira, the, 116
Bejar mountains, 260
Belem, 169
Bell, John, 127
Benevente, 203
Benito, John, 55, 63, 256
Bentinck, Lord William, at Madrid, 298
Bernardo, Frè, 121
Beresford, Marshal, 19;
at the battle of Corunna, 44;
at Plymouth, 44;
appointed commander-in-chief of the Portuguese army, 44;
retreat towards Salvaterra, 72;
his discipline of the Portuguese army, 78, 89, 100, 128;
at Torres Novas, 97;
treatment by both Governments, 100;
tour of the Northern Province, 102;
reception at Oporto, 106;
characteristics, 106;
at Arouca, 107;
Vizeu, 119;
knighted, 169;
recaptures Campo Mayor and Olivença, 178;
lays siege to Badajos, 178, 179, 219, 231;
at Albuera, 179;
effect on his health of the siege of Badajos, 180;
improved health, 190, 196;
approbation of his country, 190;
at Lisbon, 192;
Cintra, 195;
title of Count of Francozo, 201;
attack of low fever, 206, 210, 213;
wounded at the battle of Salamanca, 221, 284, 285, 288,
at Nava del Rey, 274;
La Seca, 275
Bertie, Mr, 277
Bessières, detachments from, 179
Bettrão, Frè Bernardo, 29, 39
Blake, General, defeated at Grenada, 204
Bodmin, 177
Bonnet, in the Asturias, 266, 268;
wounded at the battle of Salamanca, 293
Borde, de la, 18
Bouverie, Captain, of the Medusa, 181
Bowes, General, at the battle of Vimiero, 31;
wounded at the siege of Badajos, 243, 246;
killed at the siege of Salamanca, 267
Braave, the, 182
Bradford, Captain, killed at the battle of Roliça, 24
Braga, 60
Braganza, 121, 157
Brennier, General, taken prisoner at the battle of Vimiero, 27,
his escape from the siege of Almeida, 179
Brest fleet, escape from, 54
Bron, General, 210
Brown, Colonel, 25
Brown, Major, 89
Brown, H., 123
Brown, John, 216
Bucellas, 172
Buenos Ayres, 28
Buonaparte, King Joseph. See Joseph
Burgh, Captain, 168
Burgos, 272;
defeat at, 43
Burrard, Sir Harry, 17;
his action after the battle of Vimiero, 19
Bussaco, 104;
number of killed at, 170
Butler, James, 55

Cabeça, Vellozo, 286

Caçeres, 232, 257;
attack on, 117
Cadiz, 2, 6, 109;
siege of, 103, 109, 295, 298
Calbaraza de Ariba, 286
Calvert, General, 5
Campbell, Augustus, 156
Campbell, John, 114, 164, 228
Campbell, Robert, at the siege of Badajos, 241
Campbell, W., 144
Campbell, Lieut.-col., 116
Campo Mayor, 180, 186;
recaptured, 178;
reconnaissance on, 188
Canizal, 285
Carpio, 142
Carrera, General, 143
Carrière, wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of
Salamanca, 293
Carvalhos or Carvalhal, 155
Casal Eschin, 171
Castanhos, General, his army, 22, 23;
march on Madrid, 22;
character, 186
Castello Branco, 73, 75, 77, 79, 140, 249
Castille, 69, 71, 76, 220
Castillejos de Morisco, 262
Castlereagh, Lord, 229
Castrejon, 285
Castrello, 285
Castrillo, 271
Castro, Principe al, 38
Catalonia, 187
Catano, St, Fort of, 269
Caxias, 195
Celorico, 120, 124, 131, 134
Cercal, 18
Charlot, General, taken prisoner at the battle of Vimiero, 27
Chasse au Sanglier, 252
Chaves, 57
Christopher’s Fort, St, 232, 239, 243
Christoval de la Cuesta, St, 262
Cintra, Convention of, 19;
result, 36;
climate, 195
Ciudad Rodrigo, 110, 123, 246, 248;
siege of, 58, 120, 133, 134, 136, 148, 179, 196, 198, 222-
taken, 103, 218, 223;
march on, 127;
explosions at, 137;
defence, 151;
number of killed and wounded at, 224
Clare, Lord, at Lisbon, 201;
Cintra, 204
Clauzel, wounded at the battle of Salamanca, 293;
in command, 297
Clinton, his attack on the Forts at Salamanca, 262
Coa, the, 139, 140, 246, 248;
battle of, 103, 154;
number of killed and wounded at, 154;
allied army withdraws to, 179
Coimbra, 40, 77, 89, 115, 213, 222;
advance on, 173
Colborne, Colonel, wounded at the taking of Ciudad Rodrigo,
Cole, General, wounded at the battle of Salamanca, 290, 293
Coleman, Brig.-general, his death and funeral, 217
Colquhoun, Sir George, killed at the siege of Salamanca, 267
Colville, General, at the siege of Badajos, 242;
wounded, 243, 246
Commons, House of, result of debates in, 118
Conception, Fort, 141, 143
Condado de Niebla, 232
Connell, Lieut., killed at the siege of Badajos, 237
Conqueror, the, 54
Cordova, supplies from, 160
Coria, 70, 72
Cork, 2, 5
Corn, Indian, price of, 137
Corunna, 43;
retreat on, 44;
battle of, 44, 50;
number of killed and wounded, 54
Cotton, Captain, 148
Cotton, Sir C., his victory in the Mediterranean, 187
Cotton, Sir Stapleton, wounded at the battle of Salamanca, 290,
Cove, 8
Covilhao, 249
Cowell, 228, 233;
his illness, 295
Cox, General, Governor of Almeida, 140;
besieged, 159;
forced to surrender, 166
Crawford, General, 14;
on board H.M.S. Resistance, 7;
in command at Niza, 80
Crawfurd, General, at the battle of the Coa, 103;
at Gallegos, 139, 141;
wounded at the taking of Ciudad Rodrigo, 224
Crawfurd, Robert, killed at the taking of Ciudad Rodrigo, 218
Creagh, Captain, killed at the battle of Coa, 154
Croft, Fred., 59
Croft, Jack, his kindness to W. Warre, 169;
at Sobral, 174
Croft, John, 108, 111
Cuesta, General, 53, 58, 61;
his bad order of battle, 62;
at the battle of Talavera, abandons the wounded, 69, 74;
removed, 74
Currie, Major, 255
Custine, 65, 101
Cuthbert, Captain, killed at the siege of Badajos, 234

D’Aeth, appointed Acting Commander of the Eclipse, 34

Dalrymple, Sir Hew, in command of the force, 17, 19
Dance, Colonel, at the battle of Talavera, 69
Dawson, Lieut. R., killed at the battle of Roliça, 24
Dawson, 225;
at the siege of Badajos, 243
Day, The, newspaper, 190
De Febre, Colonel, 123
Delaney, Colonel, 89, 93
Delaware, Lord, at Lisbon, 201;
Cintra, 204
Digby, Captain, 181
Diligent, gun-brig, 56
Dobbs, killed at the taking of Ciudad Rodrigo, 225
Doidga, Count, 149
Domingos, Dr, 198, 212
Donegal, the, 29
Douglas, Captain, at the siege of Badajos, 241
Douglas, Colonel, 52
Douro river, 89, 140, 220, 258, 259, 271, 274, 275, 280, 284,
296, 297, 298
Drake, Captain, wounded at the battle of Talavera, 69
Drouet, expedition against, 240;
retires from Villa Franca, 272
Duckworth, Sir John, 54
Dundas, Sir David, 89, 93, 126
Dundas, Captain, wounded at the siege of Badajos, 239
Dupont, capitulates, 22
Dutch, wounded in the Guelderland, 16

Earthquake at Lisbon, 92
Eastley End, 156
Eclipse, the, 34
El Bodon, action of, 179
Elder, Lieut.-col., 143;
at the battle of Coa, 154
Elliot, Major, his treatise on the defence of Portugal, 171
Ellis, Captain, of the Spitfire, 181
Elvas, 41, 89, 111, 185, 186, 219, 226
Ençina, 286
Enxara dos Cavaleiros, 171
Erfurth, Treaty of, 43
Espanha, Don Carlos d’, 262;
at Pollos, 275
Esperança, Convent of the, 113
Espino, Val d’, 136
Espinosa, defeat at, 43
Espiritu, St, 120, 258
Estrella mountain, 131
Estremadura, 223
Ewart, 225;
wounded at the battle of Vimiero, 27;
at the siege of Badajos, 240
Exeter, 177

Falmouth, 104, 175, 177

Fane, General, 14;
on board H.M.S. Resistance, 7;
at the battle of Talavera, 70
Farmer, 235
Ferguson, General, 14;
embarks at Portsmouth, 2;
his characteristics, 11;
at the battle of Vimiero, 26, 31;
gallantry and judgment, 33;
return to England, 36;
at Lisbon, 273;
at the battle of Salamanca, 292
Ferguson, Mrs, 59
Fermoy, 10
Fernesen, 133
Figueira, 17, 21
Finisterre, Cape, 54
Fiorenzo, the, 182
Fitzgerald, Mr, at Cintra, 204
Fletcher, Lieut.-col., wounded at the siege of Badajos, 234
Flushing, expedition to, 105
Foncastin, 280
Forjas, his characteristics, 207
Formidable, 133
Fornos d’Algodres, 120, 123, 131
Foy, in command of the French army, 297
France, peace with Austria, 45, 103;
reinforcements from, 199
Francisco, Fort of St, taken, 57
Francozo, 136
Frankland, wounded at the battle of Talavera, 69
Frederick, Sir J., 169
Freixedas, 140, 156, 166
Frejenal, 232

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