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Problems in Speaking English Language during Oral Recitation of

BSED-English I in a Private College

A Concept Paper Presented to

The Faculty of College of Education of

Tañon College, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the

Course Eng 221 Language Research

Jessa V. Allones

Missy H. Esperanza

Emily A. Jabillo

Mary Grace P. Redoblado

Adelaide B. Rico

June 2023

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
1 ii



TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………………. i

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………. ii

LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………... iv


Background of the Study ………………………………………………………...... 1

Setting of the Study ……………………………………………………………….. 3

Conceptual Framework ……………………………………………………………. 3

Statement of the Study …….………………………………………………………. 4

Assumption of the Study ………………………………………………………….. 4

Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………….. 5

Scope and Limitations of the Study ……………………………………....……….. 6

Definition of Terms ………………………………………………………............... 6


Local Literature ………………………………………………………………....… 8

Foreign Literature ……………………………………………................................ 8

Local Studies ……………………………………………………………………... 9

Foreign Studies …………………………………………………………………… 10

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
2 iii

CHAPTER III METHODS AND PROCEDURE ……………..........................

Method of Research ………………………………………………………………. 13

Subjects of the Study ……………………………………………………………… 13

Sampling Technique ………………………………………………………………. 14

Procedure of Data Gathering ……………………………………………………… 14

Ethical Considerations …………………………………………………………….. 15

REFERENCES …………………………………………………………………... 17

APPENDICES …………………………………………………………………….

A. Permission Letter to the College Dean ……………………………………........ 21

B. Permission Letter to the Research Instructor …………………………………... 22

C. Permission Letter to the Assigned Instructor …………………………………... 23

D. Research Informed Consent Form …………………………………………....... 24

E. Checklist Questionnaire …………………………………................................... 25

BIONOTE ………………………………………………………………………… 27

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
3 iv


Table Page

1 Conceptual Model ………………………………………..................…… 3

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Chapter I


Background of the Study

In the globalized world we are living, being capable of communicating in English has

become essential. The more proficient you are, the better you can express yourself stated by David

(2020). In the field of education, the use of English is necessary and frequently utilized in schools

to convey ideas, facts, and messages to others, especially during Oral recitation. Oral Recitation is

an act of having the class recite something significant information orally and an act of students’

reply to a given question as described by Moneva and Cuizon (2020).

Jeff (2019) stated that as he conducted a study of identifying the most difficult basic skill

faced by learners of English in first-year undergraduate classes at UEA, a university in Bukavu,

DR Congo. The researcher found out that in speaking English, students often encountered speaking

problems. Other students admit they understand the teacher’s questions but they are not able to

answer in English. Common problems such as little vocabulary knowledge, mother tongue

interference, mispronunciation of English words, or the use of a wrong word in class. Students

were being afraid of making mistakes and because their classmates could laugh at them, some

students were shy.

Another study conducted by Jaya et al. (2022) at a University in South Sumatera, Indonesia

discusses the speaking abilities and problems encountered by English Major Students The results

showed that 42% of the participants performed well on the speaking test in class whereas 58% did

not. Speaking problems have been classified into three categories: psychological problems (lack

of confidence and worry), social problems (difficulties in finding opportunities to learn English

and comprehension in speaking class), and linguistic-related problems (fluency, grammar,

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

vocabulary, and pronunciation). The reasons for this include a lack of general knowledge, a lack

of speaking practice, a fear of making mistakes, a lack of word usage, a lack of interest and

participation, a lazy attitude toward reading, shyness, a lack of use of dictionaries, anxiousness,

and fear of criticism.

In the Philippines, speaking English is commonly practiced in every school in an effort to

improve students' macro skills, such as speaking. Yet, students are still facing problems as they

expressed their thoughts to everyone. Ryan (2022) stated that the common reasons are, a number

of students struggle with grammar, lack of self-esteem, and become shy because they are afraid of

making mistakes. They are afraid of not being able to communicate correctly because the English

language is used and they are unfamiliar with it. The study conducted at Saint Michael College of

Caraga by Chentez et al. (2019) indicated the main problems for the students in oral recitation

were caused by not frequent usage of English in daily life resulting in nervous feelings when

speaking. As a result, these problems negatively affected the students’ performance.

Unfortunately, the researchers discovered that there are no accessible similar studies in San

Carlos City, Negros Occidental. Therefore, conducting this study is necessary. The researchers

choose this study due to the observation that some students had problems in speaking English

orally in class which made them hinder to respond to the given questions and the researchers want

to minimize that problems through finding suitable solution to develop student’s performance.

The purpose of this study is to determine the Problems in Speaking English language

during Oral Recitation, particularly BSED–English I in a Private College. The results of this study

may serve as the basis to utilize a suitable strategic plan and the researchers will like to propose a

Daily Language Program that consists of four activities such as weekly language, memorization

of vocabulary, English Conversation, and Public Speaking to minimize the problems.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Setting of the Study

This study will be conducted in a Private College in San Carlos City. Founded by the late

Eugenio A. Antonio Jr. in 1952. It is located in Ylagan Street, Azcona St., San Carlos City, Negros

Occidental, 6127. This private college is committed to provide the poor an access to quality

education that would improve their lives and make them realize the poverty is not a hindrance to

success and provide relevant quality Christian education that will equip the learners with life long-

skills for global competitiveness.

Conceptual Framework

Problems in Speaking English Language during

Oral Recitation

BSED – English I Students in a

Private College in San Carlos City

Checklist Questionnaire

Daily Language

Figure 1. The Schematic Diagram of the Framework of the Study

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Problems in Speaking English language during Oral

Recitation, particularly BSED–English I in a private college in San Carlos City. It seeks to answer

the following questions:

1. What are the problems in speaking English language during Oral Recitation of BSED -

English I at Private College in San Carlos City?

2. What are the possible reasons why students have problems in speaking the English

language during Oral Recitation?

3. Based on the findings, what is the suitable strategy or intervention that may be proposed

in a Private College to develop speaking skills and minimize speaking problems?

Assumption of the Study

In conducting this study, it assumes the following:

1. The researchers assume that the participants will provide sufficient information regarding to

what the researchers are currently studying.

2. The researchers assume that the participants will honestly answer the checklist questionnaire

and the records they will provide are true and accurate.

3, The researchers assume that the various documents have included in this study supports the


Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Significance of the Study

This study of the Problems in Speaking English language during Oral Recitation of BSED

– English I in a Private College in San Carlos City will be beneficial to the following recipients:

Dean and Staff of Private College. This study will aware the dean of the Department of

Education and staff about the problems faced by the students and provide essential materials and

strategies that can assist in minimizing the problems of the students during oral recitation.

Teachers. This may give insights to plan and develop a better approach, techniques, and

aids that can help in overcoming the students’ problems in speaking English language during oral


Students. This study will serve as an awareness of the students about the problems in

speaking English language during oral recitation and the results of this study may help them enrich

and improve their speaking skills to avoid problems in speaking English orally.

Parents. The findings of this study will also help the parents to know and understand the

problems encountered by their children in speaking English language during oral recitation. And

provide guidance and support like encouraging and spreading positive motivation in order for the

students to not feel frightened when expressing their opinions during oral recitation.

Future researcher/s. Also, be beneficial because it may give them a piece of information

regarding the problems of speaking English language during Oral Recitation and help them to

expand their knowledge regarding this matter. This study can be also used as a reference to support

their future research title.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will be focus on determining the problems in speaking English language during

oral recitation of BSED-English I in a private college in San Carlos City and the researchers will

use a checklist questionnaire answerable by agree or disagree that will be given only to 15 random

BSED-English I Students in a Private College to determine whether those speaking problems they

encountered may involve a lack of confidence or motivation, fear of making mistakes like

grammatical errors, fear of criticism, perhaps due to shyness or nervousness, or among others and

to know the possible reasons of their problems.

Definition of Terms

To provide a better understanding of the study, the following terms are conceptually and

operationally defined:

English language. Potter and David (2023) conceptually discussed that English language

is widely regarded as the lingua franca of the globe and is used as a primary language in many

different industries, including higher education, international trade, and others. It operationally

refers to an international language that is used and practice by the students for their studies in

delivering their thoughts, ideas, or any information in class.

Problems. Seel (2018) conceptually stated that a problem is generally considered to be a

task, a situation, or a person which is difficult to deal with or control due to complexity and in

transparency. Operationally, refers to the events or situations that occurred during the activity that

are somehow difficult or hinder the students to address and express their opinions thoroughly.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Speaking. As stated in the study conducted by Tambunan (2018), the researcher

conceptually defined speaking as a productive skill where the main point of speaking is to

communicate orally. Operationally, students in school used this skill to create communication and

able to express one’s thought, feelings, ideas, or an information to others.

Oral Recitation. Moneva and Cuizon (2020) conceptually discussed that oral recitation is

an act of having the class recite something significant information orally and an act to students’

reply to a given question. Operationally, it is one of the methods used by the teacher inside the

classroom to train and enhance the speaking ability of each student. Through this, it builds and

strengthens the students’ interest, confidence, and motivation by having them participate along

with the teacher.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Chapter II


This chapter provides a description and review of related literature. This section presents a

review of related studies and research findings that are related to the problems of this study.

Local Literature

More than 90% of college graduates in the Philippines, as reported in the GMA news article

authored by Magsino (2020), are not yet prepared for English-speaking roles. They are able to

speak and express themselves, but they were having problems like lack of proficiency in English,

many of which were caused by their limited knowledge of the English language. Officials from

the labor and education sectors agreed that it is critical to build on Filipinos' proficiency in the

English language in order to solve the aforementioned issue as other nations are also progressing

more quickly than the Philippines.

Unfortunately, the researchers only found one related local piece of literature published

regarding the problems with speaking the English language during oral recitation of the students.

Therefore, there is a dearth of local literature that can support this study and there is a need to

conduct this study to be use as reference for future researchers.

Foreign Literature

A comprehensive study of the literature conducted by Aziz and Kashinathan (2021) in

Malaysia discussed that speaking is a helpful language skill that enables speakers and listeners to

interact orally for the purposes of information transfer, connection building, and sharing. One of

the languages with demand on a global basis for learners at all levels of communication is English.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

However, the speaking abilities of ESL students are constantly seen as complex and difficult,

requiring a lot of work to maintain. The difficulties and problems faced by ESL students speaking

English in Malaysian classrooms from 2014 to 2021 are thoroughly reviewed in this article. The

research demonstrates that ESL students have problems with speaking English in the classroom

for both internal and external reasons. The major problems with ESL learners' speaking skills are

a lack of motivation and self-confidence, anxiety, inhibition, and limited vocabulary knowledge.

Unfortunately, the researchers found that there is a scarcity of foreign literature that can

support this study.

Local Studies

A qualitative research study conducted by Leaño et al. (2019) done in the Philippines and

based on case studies of Indigenous Peoples (IP) students in Echague, Isabela, Philippines, the

findings of the research indicated that Indigenous students had problems using English in class to

communicate their feelings about topic. These speaking problems are the results of their very little

use and exposure of the English language, especially in oral activities. Lacking early exposure to

the English language may cause the weaker intellectual capacity of indigenous learners in

acquiring skills to speak English.

Additionally, limited vocabulary in English affects native speakers’ ability to recognize

words, causing them to mispronounce. Poor or slow processing of information and putting it into

words in English were noted speaking problems of indigenous learners in the case studies.

Separa et al. (2020) also discussed that even though English is considered the second

language in the Philippines, students start to feel shy about themselves for not fully understanding

the question given by their teacher because they only know a few words of English. Explaining

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

their opinions and understanding of the topic becomes a problem. Aside from unfamiliarity with

some words, creating statements that follow grammatical rules becomes problematic, which also

affects their oral activities. Other learners expressed that they also experienced a feeling of having

disorganized thoughts together with the fear of committing mistakes. Furthermore, aside from oral

recitation activity, when given an activity that involves impromptu speaking, these problems also

causes learners have low expectations for their performance. Their preparations for public

speaking begin with the nervousness that causes the mental block.

Foreign Studies

Ekmekçi (2018) discussed how vital oral activities into the curriculum could create

opportunities for students in many ways. It allows them to gain new insights into various issues

and promotes students’ autonomy, team spirit, and creativity. However, despite its advantages,

there are problems behind those opportunities. In Indonesia, there are various studies that stated

problems faced by Indonesian students, and these studies are made by Fitriani (2019) stated that

despite the importance of doing oral, some studies show that students attempted to avoid oral as

they could not present their ideas evidently and efficiently due to their limited English proficiency.

Additionally, the study of Kheryadi and Hilmiyati (2021) also found that lack of confidence to

perform a presentation in English, limited opportunities to practice English, negative self-efficacy,

speaking anxiety, and fear of presenting their ideas to a crowd are other factors.

A study by Habil et al. (2021) in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, found that learners' fears of

making mistakes or being criticized hinder their progress in speaking English since they cause

them to become avoidant. The researcher highlighted problems that learners encounter when

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

learning spoken English as being shyness, anxiety, self-efficacy, hesitation, emotions, and


In another study, Zainurrahman and Sangaji (2019) did qualitative research on 14

university students in Malaysia who were selected at random from a university for a different

study. It was discovered through the use of a performance test graded using a speaking rubric that

the students understand of grammar (linguistic domain) was very poor. The conclusion drawn from

the findings and the data discussed that the students' speaking problems like afraid of grammar

mistakes were brought on by their limited knowledge about grammar. It also showed that

psychological problems like hesitance and low self-esteem had an impact on the students'

performance in the speaking activity.

Another related study by Md and Mahani (2021) conducted a further investigation in this

area at private universities in Bangladesh. The results of this study showed that students experience

several types of psychological problems when attempting to complete speaking activities. Three

psychological problems affect the students: anxiousness, lack of confidence, and fear of looking

foolish. Some students claimed that they lack confidence, and they believe this makes them

nervous. They start sweating and feel like their minds are blank when the teacher asks them to

speak in front of the class. Students also admitted that they tend to put off giving speeches in

speaking classes out of concern that they would look bad and feel embarrass in front of their

classmates. And it is due of their grammar skills, and vocabulary is also subpar. Additionally, a

lack of knowledge on a topic contributes to students’ problems with speaking. Students find it

difficult to engage with others in English beyond one or two phrases because of a lack of resources.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

The studies mentioned above highlighted the various problems faced by foreign and local

students in different countries when speaking English orally in class. Upon examining the

numerous related studies and research findings, the researchers discovered differences. In the

related studies and research findings, problems in speaking English are not just occur during oral

recitation activity but rather also happen, particularly in impromptu speaking, as stated in the study

conducted by Separa et al., while this study is only focusing on determining problems in speaking

English, particularly during oral recitation. On the other hand, the similarities are that the studies

are both seeking to achieve similar objectives, which are to determine the problems that hindered

the students from speaking their thoughts orally and confidently and suggest suitable solutions in

order to minimize problems.

To sum up, all the studies mentioned above are therefore related to the researchers’ study.

It discussed how significant and relevant it is for learners to speak English, a helpful language skill

that enables speakers and listeners to interact orally. It also shows its advantages in speaking the

language during oral recitation, however, despite its advantages, the speaking abilities of students

in the various location mentioned above encountered difficulties and problems when using the

English language orally in class. Those problems include lack of proficiency, linguistic structure,

motivation, self-confidence, anxiety and nervousness, inhibition, limited vocabulary, and grammar

knowledge, fear of criticism, and other problems. And these problems occurred due to both internal

and external reasons, like psychological, linguistic, environmental, social, and other factors.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Chapter III


This chapter explains various methodologies that will be used in gathering data and

analysis which are relevant to the research. The methodologies will include areas such as the

method of research, subjects of the study, sampling technique, procedure of data gathering, and

ethical considerations.

Method of Research

This qualitative study will utilize a descriptive research method. McCombes (2019)

conceptually described descriptive research as a systematic description of a population, situation,

or phenomenon. It is formulated to get information concerning to the current status, and

phenomenon and directed toward determining the nature of the situation, as it exists at the time of

the research. The researchers choose this method to be used in the study as it will provide accuracy

and to appropriately describe the information that may gather from the participants about the

students’ problems in Speaking English Language during Oral Recitation of BSED-English I in a

Private College in San Carlos City.

Subjects of the Study

The participants of the study are the BSED-English I students. The participants will be

randomly selected and the researchers will only choose 15 BSED–English I students in a Private

College to participate in the study. And the researchers choose these participants because the

researchers believe that these students can provide sufficient information regarding to what the

researchers are currently studying.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Sampling Technique

In this research, the researchers will use a simple random sampling technique to determine

the participants who will cooperate for the data-gathering process and to accurately gather the

information needed. Thomas (2022) described a simple random sampling technique as a type of

probability sampling in which the researcher randomly selects a subset of participants from a

population. The researchers see this technique as appropriate as each member of the population

will have an equal probability of being chosen and leave out any bias. The 15 participants from

BSED–English I in a Private College in San Carlos City to participate in this study will be selected

with the use of a lottery method, which means that each member of the population is assigned a

number, after which numbers are selected at random.

Procedure of Data Gathering

Before conducting the study, the researchers will formally write and send a letter to the

School Dean of a Private College and to Research Instructor asking their permission and approval

to gather data from the 15 random participants, specifically these participants are BSED-English I

Students who have knowledge about their Problems in Speaking English Language during Oral


Upon the approval of the College Dean, and Research Instructor, the researchers will set a

specific schedule for gathering data from the said participants in order to avoid inconvenience and

unpreparedness on the part of the participants and as well as their assigned instructor will also be

given research approval for the students to be excused in a few minutes for data gathering process.

Once the questions are distributed and collected, the responses are carefully recorded one by one

and will be tallied and interpreted.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Regarding to the research instrument, the researchers will use a researcher-made checklist

questionnaire answerable by agree or disagree to determine the Problems of BSED–English I

Students in Speaking English Language during their Oral Recitation. Nilima (2022) stated that

Checklist Questionnaire is a simple instrument consisting prepared list of expected items of

performance or attributes, which are checked by the researcher for their presence or absence. The

checklist questionnaire is composed of a total of 15 questions and will be given to 15 random

BSED–English I students in a Private College in San Carlos City. The researcher-made checklist

questionnaire will undergo a validation process to test its validity. It will be presented and tested

by the research expert to ensure its validity and reliability.

Ethical Considerations

Informed consent. The study will be conducted on the BSED-English I students in a

Private College in San Carlos City. Before conducting the data from the participants, the researcher

will secure consent from the participants. The research participants will inform beforehand about

the purpose of this study, their confidentiality and also inform that their participation in the

research, especially during the data-gathering procedure, is voluntary, and should the participants

feel uncomfortable, they can withdraw their participation. All the data that the researchers may

gather from the participants will be disposed after an appropriate amount of time so that the

information cannot be read or reconstructed.

Confidentiality. The participants will assure that the gathered information will be treated

as confidential, and no information regarding the identity of the participants will be published or

released publicly without their permission, to protect their rights and welfare. Likewise, all the

collected data will be appropriately disposed after the study’s publication. And as well as the soft

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

copies of the data will be deleted with no chance of recovery in the future. Therefore, the data will

be collected and held anonymously, and there will be no identifying values that will link the

information to the participants.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental


Aziz, A. A., & Kashinathan, S. (2021). ESL Learners’ Challenges in Speaking English in

Malaysian Classroom. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive

Education and Development, 10(2), 983–991.



Chentez, K. J. R., Felicilda Jr, J. V., Felisilda, A. R., & Tabañag, R. E. (2019). Common Problems

in Oral Communication Skills Among High School Students. SMCC Higher Education

Research Journal (Teacher Education Journal), 1(1), 1-1.

David (2020). The Importance of Learning English.

Ekmekçi, E. (2018). Oral presentations from the eyes of EFL freshman students: A qualitative

study. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12, 265–275.

Fitriani, N. (2019). Communication breakdown among Indonesian EFL learners: Barriers and

strategies. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies, 7(1), 35–41.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Ibna Seraj, P. M., & Habil, H. (2021). A Systematic Overview of Issues for Developing EFL

Learners’ Oral English Communication Skills. Journal of Language and Education, 7 (1),


Jaya, H. P., Petrus, I., & Pitaloka, N. L. (2022). Speaking performance and problems faced by

English major students at a university in South Sumatera. Indonesian EFL Journal, 8(1),



Jeff, C. B. R. (2019). The Most Difficult Basic Skill Faced by Learners of English in First Year

Undergraduate Classes at UEA/Bukavu, DR Congo. Creative Education, 10(2), 464-474.

Kheryadi, K., & Hilmiyati, F. (2021). Identifying difficulties encountered by Indonesian EFL

learners in oral presentation. VELES Voices of English Language Education Society, 5(1),

36–45. 29408/veles.v5i1.2486

Leaño, A. J., Rabi, N. M., & Piragasam, G. A. G. (2019). Speaking difficulties of Philippine

indigenous learners in English Semantics. Southeast Asia Early Childhood Journal, 8(2),


Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Magsino, D. (2020). Pinoys losing edge in English proficiency.


McCombes, S. (2022, October 10). Descriptive Research | Definition, Types, Methods &

Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved May 7, 2023, from

Md, I. & Mahani S. (2021). Students’ low proficiency in spoken English in private universities in

Bangladesh: reasons and remedies.


Moneva, J. C. O., & Cuizon, A. J. P. (2020). Confidence: Before and After Oral Recitations. JOALL

(Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature), 5(1), 94-101.


Nilima, S. (2022, January 29). Designing Research Questionnaire & checklist.

Potter, S. and David (2023, April 25). English language. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Ryan (2022). Why Filipino Students Struggle to Speak English.


Seel, N.M. (2018). Problems: Definition, Types, and Evidence. In: Seel, N.M. (eds) Encyclopedia

of the Sciences of Learning. Springer, Boston, MA.


Separa, L. A. C., Generales, L. J., & Medina, R. J. S. (2020). Situational Speaking Difficulties of

English as Second Language Learners in the Philippines. JATI-Journal of Southeast Asian

Studies, 25(1), 144-167.

Tambunan (2018). The Review of Literature A. Speaking Skills 1) Definition of Speaking Skills.

Thomas, L. (2022, December 05). Simple Random Sampling | Definition, Steps & Examples.

Scribbr. Retrieved May 7, 2023, from


Zainurrahman, Z., & Sangaji, S. (2019). A Study on the University Students’ Speaking Difficulties.

Langua: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Language Education, 2(1), 1-8.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental


May 15, 2023


Dean, College of Education
Tañon College

Dear Ma’am Jocelyn,


The researchers under Group 7 of BSED-English II with the course Language Education
Research of Tañon College are conducting a research paper entitled “Problems in Speaking English
Language during Oral Recitation of BSED-English I in a Private College”. The objective of this
paper is to determine the problems in speaking English language during oral recitation, particularly
BSED–English I in a private college in San Carlos City.

In view of this, we would like to ask permission to administer our checklist questionnaire
to 15 participants from BSED-English I students to gather accurate, reliable, and valid data to
complete the researchers’ paper.

Rest assured that the data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and for the purpose
of the course it serves for. Your positive response will be of great help for the success of this
research study. May this letter of permission merit our research undertakings.

Thank you very much and God bless you more!

Respectfully yours, Approved by:

MISSY H. ESPERANZA Dean, College of Education
Tañon College



Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental


May 15, 2023


College Instructor
English Program Head Designate
Tañon College

Dear Sir Allan,


The researchers under Group 7 of BSED-English II with the course Language Education
Research of Tañon College are conducting a research paper entitled “Problems in Speaking English
Language during Oral Recitation of BSED-English I in a Private College”. The objective of this
paper is to determine the problems in speaking English language during oral recitation, particularly
BSED–English I in a private college in San Carlos City.

In view of this, we would like to ask permission to administer our checklist questionnaire
to 15 participants from BSED-English I students to gather accurate, reliable, and valid data to
complete the researchers’ paper.

Rest assured that the data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and for the purpose
of the course it serves for. Your positive response will be of great help for the success of this
research study. May this letter of permission merit our research undertakings.

Thank you very much and God bless you more!

Respectfully yours, Noted by:

MISSY H. ESPERANZA College Instructor
English Program Head Designate



Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental


May 15, 2023

Dear Ma’am/Sir,
Greetings of Peace and Solidarity!
The researchers of BSED-English II with the course Language Education Research of
Tañon College are conducting a research paper entitled “Problems in Speaking English Language
during Oral Recitation of BSED-English I in a Private College”. The objective of this paper is to
determine the Problems in Speaking English language during Oral Recitation, particularly BSED
– English I in a private college in San Carlos City.

In view of this, we would like to ask permission from you to allow us to administer our
checklist questionnaire to 15 participants from BSED-English I students to gather accurate,
reliable, and valid data to complete the researchers’ paper.

Rest assured that the data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and for the purpose
of the course it serves for. Your positive response will be of great help for the success of this
research study. May this letter of permission merit our research undertakings.

Thank you very much and God bless you more!

Respectfully yours, Approved by:

JESSA V. ALLONES _____________________________





Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental


This study is titled “Problems in Speaking English Language during Oral Recitation of
BSED-English in a Private College”, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Course Eng
221 Language Research presented to the Faculty of College of Education of Tañon College, San
Carlos City, Negros Occidental.

This study is to be conducted by Jessa V. Allones, Missy H. Esperanza, Emily A. Jabillo,
Mary Grace P. Redoblado, and Adelaide Rico, who are currently BSED-English II students at
Tañon College, Inc. with Sir Allan D. Bautista as the research instructor.

Purpose of the Research

The study aims to determine the Problems in Speaking English language during Oral
Recitation, particularly BSED – English I in a private college in San Carlos City. The results of
this study may serve as the basis to utilize a suitable strategic plan and the researchers will like to
propose a Daily Language Program that consists of four activities such as weekly language,
memorization of vocabulary, English Conversation, and Public Speaking that will utilize in a
Private College in San Carlos City to address and minimize the problems.

In the conduct of the study, full confidentiality will be assured. No information that
discloses your identity will be released or published without your specific consent to the disclosure,
only imperatively necessary and will be used for the research study’s purposes only. The materials
that contained the raw information derived from you will be disposed after data processing within
a given period.

Your participation in this study must be voluntary and you have the right to withdraw if
you feel uncomfortable in the process of gathering information from you.

Informed Consent
Given the information above, I have read and understood this consent form. I understand
that I am free to withdraw from my involvement in the study any time I deem it to be necessary or
to seek clarifications for any unclear steps in the research process.

My signature indicates my willingness to participate in the study.

____________________________________________________ _____________
Printed Name and Signature of the Research Participants Date

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental


Name (optional): _______________________________________ Course & Year: ___________

Direction: For each statement in the survey, please put a check (√) in the box on the right side if

you agree or disagree with the problems stated. There are no right or wrong answers. Your answers

will be kept strictly confidential and you will not be identified. We appreciate your help in

evaluating this study.

Agree (indicates that the problem is encountered)

Disagree (indicates that the problem is never encountered)

Questions Agree Disagree

1. I find oral recitation difficult because I have low
2. I feel shy to express my answer using the English
language during oral recitation
3. I am afraid of making some grammatical errors or
utterance errors during oral recitation.
4. I am usually inhibited when trying to speak English
words during oral recitation because I am worried
about making mistakes.
5. I feel worried and afraid of making incorrect
pronunciation when I speak and convey my thoughts
in English.
6. I feel nervous to speak out my opinion and ideas
7. I feel a lack of motivation to speak and express my
answers in English during oral.
8. I have a fear of how other people criticize and react
when I speak the English Language in conveying my
answers orally in class.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

9. I am worried during oral recitation because I am

lacking vocabulary mastery.
10. There are times I cannot give an exact answer
during oral recitation because I do not have any ideas
about the given question.
11. I have speaking problems because of less exposure
to English language.
12. I encountered problems in speaking English orally
because I don’t have general knowledge about the
given question or topic.
13. I have problems because I am not frequently
practicing my speaking English skills.
14. I have problems in speaking English orally
because I feel lazy to memorize or study the coverage.
15. I encountered such problems during oral recitation
in class due to I am not fond into oral recitation.



Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental


Jessa V. Allones is 21 years old and currently resides

in Santa Ana, Barangay Palampas San Carlos City, Negros

Occidental. She's taking a Bachelor of Secondary Education

with a degree of Major in English at Tañon College, Inc. She

finished her high school years at Julio Ledesma National High

School with honors and her senior high school years at the

same school. She was an active student in her past school and

was once a member of a group band that composed original

songs and represented her class. She is also a dancer in the 2018 Pinta Flores Festival 2018,

representing her school, Julio Ledesma National High School.

Missy Esperanza is known for being a jolly and

friendly person. She's 20 years old, turning 21 this coming

December. She's residing at So. Medina Barangay Rizal San

Carlos City Negros Occidental. She attended her Elementary

at Medina Elementary School and is a badminton athlete who

represents her school reaching the area meet. She graduated

from Julio Ledesma National High School during her junior

and Senior High School, with honors. She's now currently

studying at Tañon College, Inc. taking up a Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in English.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Emily Jabillo is from Sitio Lupao, Brgy. Quezon, San

Carlos City, Negros Occidental. A second-year college student

at Tañon College, Inc., taking up a Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in English. She attended her elementary

school at Lagha Elementary School (Main), where she was

first honors and SPG president. In high school, she graduated

from Our Lady of Peace Mission School, Inc., with honors and

finished her Senior High at Quezon National High School.

Mary Grace Redoblado is 21 years old, and she's from

Brgy. Codcod San Carlos City, Negros Occidental. During her

elementary years, she was a consistent honor student at

Natuyay Elementary School. She graduated from secondary

education at Our Lady of the Mountains Mission School as a

high honor student. She was also an inspiring student leader

during her senior high school years. Competed in OLYMPIAD

2018–2019 and won as a second placer. Currently, she is a

second-year college student, studying a Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English at

Tañon College, Inc.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Adelaide B. Rico is currently 20 years of age. She's

residing at Fatima Village, Barangay Rizal, San Carlos City,

Negros Occidental. She finished her Junior High at JLNHS

and was able to reach her goal to be on the list of honors

unexpectedly. During her Senior High School years at Colegio

de Santa Rita, Inc., she was participative in various school

activities such as caroling competition, cooking competition,

and being part of the CSR choir and ended up receiving

awards. At the end of her journey as a senior high student, she finished it with academic excellence.

Now, she’s taking a Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English at Tañon College, Inc.,

and is grateful to be part of the Dean’s Listers. Now, she continues striving and thriving to reach

her dreams and life must go on.

Tañon College
E.A. Antonio Jr. Mem. School
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

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