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CHAPTER II: To neurologists, happiness is the experience of a

STS and The Human Condition flood of hormones released in the brain as a
reward for behavior that prolongs survival.
Life is being improved by technology at a
rapid pace. Happy Hormones
• Known as the “feel good” hormone
• Technology is causing the • It is a neurotransmitter that’s an important part
homogenization of all forms of social of your brain’s reward system
interaction and communication, • It’s associated with pleasurable
regardless of their historical and cultural sensations, along with learning, memory,
origins. mood, sleep, learning, concentration, and body
• Technology is creating a shared horizon movements.
for economic productivity, just as it is Serotonin
allowing for the infinite accumulation of • This hormone and neurotransmitter helps
public wealth. regulate
• Technology is the most visible social your mood as well as your sleep, appetite,
activity of humans as a species, and as digestion, learning ability, and memory.
an activity, it is both cumulative and Oxytocin
linear, regardless of its implications for • Often called the “ love hormone”.
human happiness. • Oxytocin is essential for childbirth,
breastfeeding, and strong parent-child
In this chapter, we will look at various bonding.
conceptions of human flourishing, which refers to • It can also help promote trust, empathy, and
men's "well-being" and "happiness" and bonding in relationships.
suggests positive emotional experiences. Also, • Levels generally increase with physical
the human flourishing in relation to the affection.
advancement of science and technology. Endorphins
Human flourishing in our current societies • These hormones are your body’s natural pain
appears to be dwarfed by difficulties, not only in reliever, which your body produces in response
the developing world, but also in the developed to stress or discomfort.
world. • Levels may also increase when you engage in
reward-producing activities such as sex.
WHAT IS HAPPINES? eating, working out, or having of life is to
maximize happiness, which minimizes misery
In psychology, happiness is a mental or
emotional state of well-being which can be The Hedonistic view of well-being is that
defined by, among others, positive or happiness is the opposite of suffering; the
pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to presence of happiness indicates the absence of
intense joy. pain. Because of this, hedonists believe that the
purpose of life is to maximize happiness, which
To behaviorists, happiness is a cocktail of minimizes misery.
emotions we experience when we do something
good or positive.
Human flourishes and finds meaning in the Philosophy and Science are distinguished
world that he/she builds. Humans may from one another by two criteria:
unconsciously acquire, consume or destroy what
the world has to offer. Verification Theory
• The earliest criterion is Verification Theory. It
• Eudaimonia, a term that combines the holds on to the precept that a discipline is
Greek words for "good" and spirit" to science if it can be confirmed or interpreted in
describe the ideology the event of an alternative hypothesis being
• Eudaimonia defines happiness as the accepted. Theory gives premium on empiricism
pursuitof becoming a better person. taking into account those results which are
• Eudaimonists do this by challenging measurable and experiments which are
themselves intellectually or by engaging in repeatable.
activities that make them spiritually richer
people. This was espoused by the Vienna Circle, group of
scholars who believed that only those which can
Human Flourishing be observed should be regarded as meaningful
thus reject those which cannot be directly
• In ancient Greek society, they believe that accessed as they are deemed meaningless. The
acquiring these will surely bring the idea is that since one already has some sort of
seekers happiness, which in effect allows expectations on what to find, they will interpret
them to partake in the greater notion of events in line with said expectations. Conclusions
what we call the Good. are made immediately
• As time changes, elements that comprise
human flourishing changed. People Falsification Theory
found means to live more comfortably, • As long as an ideology is not proven to be false
explore more places, develop more and can best explain a phenomenon over
products, and make more money. alternative theories, said ideology should be
• Humans of today are expected to accepted. It encourages research in order to
become “man of the world”. determine which among the theories can stand
• Supposed to situate himself in a global the test of falsification and looks for explanation
neighborhood, working side by side before making conclusions.
among institutions and the government to
be able to reach a common goal.
• Competition as a means of survival has KARL POPPER aims at the production of new,
become passé. Coordination is the new falsifiable predictions. Scientific practice is
trend. characterized by its continual effort to test theories
against experience and take revisions based on
Science, Technology and Human Flourishing the outcomes of these tests.

• Every discovery, innovation, and success Science, Methods, and Result

contribute to our pool of human knowledge.
• Technology is a human activity we excel in Science stems from objectivity brought upon by a
because of achieving science (Heidegger). rigid method to claim to reason and empiricism.
• Good is inherently related to the truth.
Steps in Scientific Method: Before the Common Era, the period to be
1) Observe and determine if there are difficult for our ancestors.
unexplained occurrences unfolding
2) Determine the Problem and identify factors • There are little to no written accounts except for
involved several cave drawings and unearthed artifacts
3) Formulate hypothesis that could explain the from various parts of the world that narrate how
said phenomenon their culture came to be.
4) Conduct experiment by setting dependent and • Little capacity for our ancestors to contemplate
independent variables and perceive things outside themselves in a
5) Gather and analyze results more reflective manner.
6) Formulate conclusion and provide
recommendation in case others would want to Our ancestors also found the need to explain
broaden the study things in a way that makes sense to them.
• There are events outside of their control and
Technology as a Way of Revealing attempted to justify things as being a work of a
supernatural being.
Technology has been instrumental in searching • Religion remains to be the strongest
for the good life. People were able to produce contender to science due to its most easily
creations that would make easier, more grasped.
comfortable, and more enriching. Perceive death
as, at the very least, unpleasant and concocted The Human Condition on the common Era
potions to war devil off from their kinsmen. For a long time, humans were content with their
relationship with nature.
The Human Condition Before the common • Extinction of several species—both flora
Era and fauna—due to human activity.
• Humans were quick to find ways to drive off
The early ancestors' primal need to survive other megafaunas threatening a
paved way for the invention of several prospective hunting spot and eventually,
developments. settling grounds.
• Growing population also necessitated
• Homo erectus have been using fire to cook, finding additional resources and
all the while without realizing the laws of overhunting and overfishing common prey,
friction and heat. some of which were endemic to the area.
• Tools from stone and flints marked the era of
the Stone Age and humans began to sharpen Formation of communities caused humans to
stones as one would a knife. expand in territory and people to feed large,
• People discovered minerals and began separate communities hailing from the same
forging metalwork. ancestors and residing in the same large
• Fur clothing and animal skin are primarily community paved way for civilizations.
used for comfort against harsh winds. They People then had a new objective— gather as
begin to cover themselves up out of necessity much products as possible. Turned to wealth as
one of the goals as humans and ultimately as
civilizations and perceived that those who have
many, live comfortably and thus are generally INSTRUMENTAL DEFINITION
happier than those who do not have sufficient
- Technology is a means to an end.
wealth. Thus, they began to hunt, farm, and
produce things prospect of profit.
- Technology is a human activity.

A nuclear community which is initially self- Heidegger’s View on Technology

sufficient must accommodate their growing
• Heidegger stressed that the true can only be
population with depleting resources, leading
pursued through the correct. Simply what is correct
them to be reliant to other communities' produce
leads to what is true. true
which keeps them surviving. In return, these
• In this sense, he envisioned technology as a way
communities must make use of their current
of revealing – a mode of bringing forth
resources twice as much to provide for other
communities’ needs. Products of every kind were • Bringing forth can be understood through the
exchanged. Humanity became more complex. Ancient Greek philosophical concept,
Poiesis, which refers to the act of bringing
THE PRIMARY GOAL WAS NOT MERELY TO something out of concealment.
SURVIVE, BUT TO LIVE THE GOOD LIFE! • The truth is understood through another
Ancient Greek concept of Aletheia, which
Notable Comparison Before and Now is translated as unclosedness,
unconcealedness, disclosure, or truth.
For the Mortality Rate • Technology is a form of poiesis-a way of
Due to technology, lesser women and children revealing that unconceals aletheia or the
die during birth, assuring robust population and truth.
strong workforce. Medical care for premature • In philosophy, techne resembles the term
infants allows them to survive and develop episteme that refer to the human ability
normally, while proper maternal care ensures that to make and perform.Techne also
mothers can fully recover and remain encompasses knowledge and
empowered. understanding.
For the Average Lifespan. • In art, it refers to tangible and intangible
Aside from the reason that people engage less in aspects of life.
combat and are less likely to die in treatable ENFRAMING AS MODERN TECHNOLOGY'S
diseases now as opposed to then. Science can WAY OF REVEALING
prolong lives by enhancing living status and
discovering different remedies to most diseases. Heidegger distinguished the way of revealing of
For the Literacy Rate modern technology by considering it as a process
Access to education provided to more individuals of enframing.
generally creates a more informed public that Enframing, according to Heidegger, is akin to two
could determine a more just society ways:
For the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) • CALCULATIVE THINKING- humans desire to
It is used to determine the value of the country’s put an order to nature to better understand
goods and services produced within the territory and control it.
given a certain time. Higher country income is • MEDITATIVE THINKING- humans allow
brought upon by high productivity, often an nature to reveal itself to them without the use
indicator of presence of technology. of force or violence.
The Good Life -The Hedonists see the end goal of life in
Aristotle and Good life acquiring pleasure. For them life is obtaining and
indulging in pleasure because life is limited. They
Aristotle was the first thinker who dabbled into the believe that pleasure give meaning to their life
complex problematization of the end of life which without thinking of the future.
is the happiness. -The mantra of this school of thought is the
famous, “Eat, drink and merry for tomorrow we
•Plato’s view on reality: will die”.
things in this world are not real and are only
copies of the real in the world of forms. STOICISM
•Aristotle’s view on reality: this world is all • The stoics, exposed the idea that generate
there, and that this world is the only reality; there happiness, one must learn to distance oneself and
is no reality over and above what the senses can be apathetic.
perceive. • The original term apatheia, precisely means to
be indifferent. These group believe that they can
• Change is a process that is inherent in things. do things at their own and believe that happiness
We, along with all other entities in the world start can only be attained by a careful practice of
as actualities. The movement, of course, entails apathy.
change. potentialities and move towards
Materialism • The ultimate basis of happiness for theists is the
• The first materialists were the atomists in communion with God.
Ancient Greece. • The Philippines, as predominantly country, is
•Democritus and Leucippus witness to how people base their life goals on
led a school whose primary belief is that the world beliefs that hinged on some form of supernatural
is made up of and is controlled by the tiny reality called heaven.
indivisible units in the world called atoms.
• Materialism is the belief that everything in the •Humanism espouses the freedom of man to
world, including our thoughts and feelings, is carve his own destiny and to legislate his own
made up of physical stuff, like atoms and laws, free from the shackles of a God that
molecules. monitors and controls.
• Man is literally the captain of his own ship. They
• The only real things are physical things that we see themselves as individuals who are in control of
can touch, see, or measure. themselves and the world outside them.
• Humanist see the world as a natural place and
There's no room for things like spirits, souls, or looking science and reason to make sense of it.
supernatural forces— just the physical stuff.
“I fear the day that technology will surpass our
human interaction. The world will have a
generation of idiots."
- Albert Einstein
2.3 When Technology and Humanity sending faxes. Technology has helped us
Cross improve our communication channels.
Technology With the help of technology, CCTV
• The ever-growing society has made cameras have been developed to
people see technology as some form of safeguard your possessions at home and
necessity. work. Everything was caught on tape,
• Technology comes from the Greek word which makes it easy to identify the thief.
techne and logos which mean art and Our mobile phones and computers have
word. lock mechanisms to protect our data and
other assets.
• Technology means a discourse on arts. • IMPROVED STORAGE
It first appeared in the 17th century It was challenging to keep all those
where the concept was only used to talk paperwork and office stacks safe from
about the arts, specifically applied arts. calamities. However, today even a room's
Concepts like machine and tools were also worth of documents can fit on a single
attached to the word which is the more flash drive. It not only made your data
popular sense of the concept nowadays. more secure and protected, but it also
cleared up a lot of desk space.
Advantages • Medical Care and Services
The healthcare industry and the
• PRODUCTION EXPANSION manufacturing of pharmaceuticals have
The technology allows for multiple-fold been significantly impacted by technology.
increases in production. Workforce effort If it weren't for technology, we would be far
and energy are limited. However, behind where we are now. It improved
production can be multiplied since practically everything associated with
machinery can function at a higher level. hospitals, ambulances, emergency
The machine completes the task with healthcare, medical supply stores, medical
greater accuracy and perfection. The equipment, etc.
products are identical in every way, which
is not conceivable with human labor. Disadvantages
Technology thus contributes to significant • UNEMPLOYMENT
time savings and increased productivity. The unemployment rate has drastically
We can complete important assignments increased as technology has developed.
more quickly. Nowadays, everything is People rely on computers for all their tasks
automated, and technology helps to save as well as for their survival. The ability of a
a lot of time by performing activities that single computer to quickly finish a
humans are unable to perform. substantial amount of work has also
• EASY AND QUICK COMMUNICATION increased unemployment.
As a result of technology, communication • DATA SECURITY
is now easily accessible. With the use of In the present world, some technologically
technology, you can complete many tasks savvy people have become hackers.
with a single click, including placing online Therefore, your data is not at all safe with
orders, making calls, sending emails, and
you. With the help of the latest include advancements that are too
technologies, they may hack your expensive, such as terraforming
computer, bank accounts, office data, and Mars. Another example is the
much more from the comfort of their home. research and production of
• PEOPLE GET DISTRACTED EASILY medicine, especially antibiotics that
People are easily distracted by using are very expensive due to
various gadgets instead of reading antimicrobial resistance.
anything worthwhile. Children, adults, and Ethical Limitations
young people are all active on social - Religious beliefs, customs, and
media, which keeps them from doing their laws are some issues that bring
daily responsibilities. It can be challenging about ethical concerns. Genetic
for today's youth to concentrate on their engineering and cloning are some
education because most of them own a of the recent ethical issues in
phone or laptop. technology.
• ADDICTION Bioethics
Some people are addicted to their daily • The term “bioethics” was coined from
movie- watching, internet gaming, and the Greek word bios- life; ethos -behavior
dating services. Some are addicted to by Fritz Jahr in 1927.
playing online slots, which can have a • It is a new field linking between biology,
variety of negative impacts. Everything, ecology, medicine and human values in
including technology, is bad. order to attain human survival and an
improved quality of life.
Natural constraints, economic • It has addressed the issues on the
restrictions, and ethical limits are the morality abortion, euthanasia, in vitro
three primary categories. A limit might be fertilization, organ transplant, surrogacy
either rigid or soft. It is possible that a limit and the end of life care, the development
describes something that is impossible to of genetic screening and engineering.
breach (a hard limit), but limits can also be
soft limits—limits depending on how Technology has both beneficial and
human society operates and thinks, and negative impacts. Many people use
they may not be limitations in other technology to further their development,
circumstances. while others use it to destroy the
environment and society.
Natural Limits
- Natural limitations are things Humanity
technology cannot physically
accomplish. They are called hard • Humanity is the human race, which
limits because these limits are includes everybody on earth. It is also a
hard to surpass, such as a term for the qualities that make us human,
technology faster than light. such as the capacity to love, to
Economical Limits sympathize, to be creative, and not to be a
- Economic limitations are some of robot or alien.
technology's most common
limitations. Economic limits
• Humanity is from the Latin word
“humanitas” which means “human
nature, kindness”
• Humanity changed due to technological
advancement, in terms of medical and
health care, communication, agriculture,
and education.
• Humanity is advanced, but we are still
vulnerable to both nature and to
themselves as human beings.
• Today is a period where we call it
“technological adolescence.” Human
beings are still delivering technological
advancement and it all depends on how
wisely they will use these “technological
advancements”, to reach into a mature
human being with a reasonable chance of
reaching and enjoy the quality of life until
old age.
2.4 symbiosis. Our abilities and our machines’
HUMAN AND SOCIETY abilities complement one another, allowing
us to pursue goals that neither we nor they
Human life and society almost go could achieve alone.
together. Man is biologically and
psychologically equipped to live in groups, TOOLS
in society. Society has become an Basic technologies to meet a need that we
essential condition for human life to arise cannot achieve with the human body
and to continue. alone.
People create society. Societies are MACHINES
formed of our social groupings at varied More ergonomic and user-friendly ones
levels, from small towns, through that replace some or all human effort,
countries, to broader cultural groupings. requiring only human control.
Society have transformed the human AUTOMATION
person. We begin to learn our culture— The element of human control is replaced
the ways of our society—just after birth. with an algorithm.
That process is called socialization, and
it involves far more than schooling. Our THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY
culture shapes the way we work and play,
and it makes a difference in how we view In April 2000, William Nelson Joy, an
ourselves and others. It affects our American computer scientist and chief
values— what we consider right and scientist of Sun Microsystems, wrote an
wrong. article for Wired magazine entitled “Why
the future doesn’t need us?” In his article,
Joy warned against the rapid rise of new

Kristian Hammond, professor of • He explained that 21st century

computer science at Northwestern technologies: genetics,
University, put it eloquently: nanotechnology, and robotics (GNR)
“As we humanize machines, we stop are becoming very powerful that they can
mechanizing ourselves.” potentially bring about new classes of
In other words, the more effective accidents, threats, and abuses.
machines become at doing repetitive tasks • He particularly cited the ability of
for us, the more we are empowered to nanobots to self-replicate, which could
spend our time and energy on interesting quickly get out of control.
and creative tasks, leading to greater • In the article, he cautioned humans
fulfillment and self- actualization. against overdependence on machines. He
also stated that if machines are given the
As technology progresses, the relationship capacity to decide on their own, it will be
between humans and machines becomes impossible to predict how they might
interdependent and approaches behave in the future. In this case, the fate
of humans would be at the mercy of
Good (1965): Prediction of Artificial Necessity is the mother of invention, all
Intelligence technologies that have emerged and
thrived so far have been invented to meet
“Let an ultra-intelligent machine be defined the needs of society. Nowadays,
as a machine that can far surpass all the technologies and societies are
intellectual activities of any man however inseparable. It is like a cycle, where each
clever. Since the design of machines is one significantly affects the other. As
one of these intellectual activities, an ultra- humans evolve and their needs and wants
intelligent machine could design even change over time, advanced and modern
better machines; there would then technology come to the rescue to fulfill
unquestionably be an ‘intelligence these needs.
explosion,’ and the intelligence of man Business Efficiency
would be left far behind. Thus, the first- Expedited Communication
ultra intelligent machine is the last Advanced Lifestyle
probable than not that, within the
twentieth century, an ultra-intelligent Nick Bostrom (2004): Four Future
machine will be built. Within thirty years, Scenarios for the Humanity and
we will have the technological means to Technology
create superhuman intelligence. Shortly • Extinction Scenario: The world may
thereafter, the human era will be ended!” experience a catastrophe too big to
contain and survive, given our global
interconnectedness and weapons of
Noam Chomsky, an American Professor, mass destruction.
pointed out that the two biggest threats • Recurrent Collapse Scenario: It will
that face humanity are global warming follow a historical pattern alternating
and nuclear war. between prosperity and ruin or
collapse. This was the view of ancient
Nuclear War people. Since we're in prosperity today,
The consequences of such a strike, not to humanity's next cycle will be collapse.
mention an all-out war, would be hellish: • Plateau Scenario: The future of
apart from untold deaths and injuries, birth technology will look a lot like the
defects and ruined soil and crops for present as poor countries catch up with
decades. rich countries and the world reaches a
Global Warming plateau of development. Many people
The long-term effects of icecaps melting, hold this view today.
of fracking, of beaches being eroded, and • Post-humanity (Takeoff) Scenario:
air and water pollution create much more Humanity is readying for takeoff toward
scarcity in an already competitive and a better future, which will be
difficult-to-get-by-in world. indescribably different from the
Post-humanity is a theory/concept that is
of an advance level of technological or
economic development that would involve
a radical change in the human condition,
whether the change was brought by
biological enhancement or other causes.
1. Population bigger than 1 trillion
2. Larger than 500 years life expectancy.
3. Large fraction of the population has
cognitive capacities more than two
standard deviations over the present
human maximum.
4. Near-complete control over the
sensory input, majority of people for most
of the time.
5. Human psychological suffer become
rare occurrence.
The four families of scenarios we have
considered such as extinction, recurrent
collapse, plateau, and post humanity, it
could be controlled by varying the period
over hypothesized occur. A few hundred
years or a few thousand years might
already be plenty time for the scenarios to
have an opportunity to play themselves
out. Yet such an interval is a blip compared
to the lifetime of the universe. Let us
therefore zoom out and consider the
longer-term prospects for humanity.
Lesson 3.1:

Ice Ages on Earth

• Our planet has experienced 5

substantial ice ages. During this time, a
hefty layer of ice smothered our planet
as a giant snowball.
• Earth has sustained 6 major ice ages

1. Pongola Ice Age (2.9 – 2.8 billion years

2. Huron Ice Age (2.4 – 2.1 billion years
3. Cryogenian Ice Age (715 – 547 million
years ago)
4. Andean-Saharian Ice Age (450 – 420
million years ago)
5. Karoo Ice Age (360 – 260 million years
6. Late Cenezoic Ice Age (34 - present)

Climate Change
• It refers to a change in the statistical
distribution of weather patterns when Global Warming
that change lasts for an extended time
(decades to millions of years). • One manifestation of climate change
• The effects of climate change that are is global warming.
now occurring: • Global warming refers to the
- global temperature rise increase in the average temperature
- shrinking ice sheets of the Earth’s near-surface air and
- sea level rise oceans in recent decades and its
- intense heat waves projected continuation.
- water acidification
- severe typhoons
Greenhouse Effect Carbon Dioxide Concentration

•The increase in leads to warming of the •Carbondioxideisresponsiblefor50

surface and lower atmosphere by increasing 60%oftheglobalwarming from the
the greenhouse effect, heat in the earth’s greenhouse gases produced by human
atmosphere. activities.
• Proposed by Swedish chemist Svante • The main source are fossil fuel burning:
Arrhenius in 1896. coal, oil, and natural gas (75%) and land
• Natural phenomena such as clearing and burning (25%).
solar radiation combined with volcanoes • Carbon dioxide is nevertheless the
also produced the greenhouse effect. main driver of the greenhouse effect.
• Significance: the earth would be a Because of this the layer of greenhouse
cold and lifeless planet with an gas is getting thicker, which is in turn the
average surface temperature of -18◦C Earth warmer.


• It contributes to global warming in the

troposphere and deplete the ozone layer
in the stratosphere.
• The main sources are leaking air
conditioners refrigerators, and
evaporation of industrial solvents.

Methane Concentration Methane Concentration

What Causes Climate
• Methane isChange?
produced when • Methane is
anaerobic bacteria break
down organic matter in produced when
• Excessive amount
moistof greenhouse
places that lack anaerobic
gasses cause the climate change. bacteria break
• These areas include swamps
• Greenhouse gasses
and othersuch
natural as:
wetlands, down organic
rice paddies and landfills, matter in moist
intestinal tract of cattle, places that lack
• - H O (water vapor)
sheep, and termites.
2 oxygen.
• - CO2 (carbon dioxide) • These areas include swamps and
other natural wetlands, rice paddies
• - O3 (ozone) and landfills, intestinal tract of cattle,
sheep, and termites.
• - CH4 (methane)
• - N2O (nitrous oxide) Nitrous Oxide Concentration

• - CFC(chlorofluorocarbon) • Nitrous oxide can trap heat in the

troposphere and deplete ozone in the
• It is released from nylon production, 5. Warming at the poles caused ice
burning of biomass and nitrogen fertilizers in sheets and glaciers to melt
xide Concentration soil, livestock wastes. 6. Water in the oceans would expand
and lead to rise in sea level
e can trap 7. Weather extremes are expected to
increase in number and severity
zone in the
8. Drought

from nylon What Humans Can DO?

urning of
nitrogen 1. Get involves – cut fossil fuel use in
oil, livestock half
2. Improve energy efficiency
3. Shift to renewable energy resources
4. Reduce deforestation
Global Warming in the Future 5. Use sustainable agriculture
6. Slow population growth
• According to IPCC (Intergovernmental 7. Remove carbon dioxide from
PanelWarming for Climate in theChange),
Future the earth’s smokestack and vehicle emissions
mean surface temperature will rise 1 – 3.5 8. Plant and tend trees
• According to IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change),
◦the earth’s mean surface temperature will rise 1 – 3.5 ◦C between 9. Practice 3Rs
C between
1990 and 2100. 1990 and 2100. 10. Full implementation of laws

What has been DONE?

• In 1992 Earth summit in Rio de

Janiero a
Global Warming in the Future Convention on Climate Change, in
which developed countries
• The northern hemisphere should warm committed themselves to reducing
more and faster than the southern their emission of co2 and other
hemisphere because the latter has more greenhouse gasses.
heat absorbing ocean than the land and • In December 1997, representatives
because water cools more slowly than land. of 160 nations met in Kyoto, Japan
to negotiate a new treaty to help slow
Some Possible Effects of a Warmed global warming.
World • It is known as the Kyoto Protocol.
1. Changes in food production; reduce • The resulting treaty would require
water supplies developed countries to cut
2. Change in the make up and location greenhouse emissions by the
of many world’s forests average of 0.2% below 1990 levels
3. Can cause massive wildfires between 2008-2012
4. Reduction in biodiversity due to loss
of habitat; destroying the coral reefs
Lesson 3.2: 8. Heat energy – the result of the
ENERGY CRISIS AND ALTERNATIVE movement of tiny particles called
ENERGY RESOURCES atoms, molecules or ions in solids,
liquids and gases.
Energy 9. Biomass energy – contains stored
• In physics, energy is defined as the chemical energy from the sun that is
amount of work that can be performed by produced by plants through
force, whereas power is defined as the rate
at which work is performed. 10. Geothermal energy – heat energy
• Energy can exist in a variety of forms: from the earth—Geo (earth) + thermal
Chemical energy, Nuclear energy , (heat).
Electrical energy, Coal Energy,
Mechanical Energy, Solar Energy, Light
energy, Heat Energy, Biomass Energy, Types of Energy Sources
and Geothermal Energy.
• Renewable energy cannot be
Forms of Energy depleted over time.
• Non-renewable energy deplete
1. Chemical energy – the energy which is over time.
stored in the bonds of chemical compounds
(molecules and atoms). Types of Energy Sources
2. Nuclear energy – energy released from the • Chemical energy
nucleus, the core of atoms, made up of • Nuclear energy
protons and neutrons. This source of energy • Electrical energy
can be produced in two ways: fission – when • Geothermal Energy
nuclei of atoms split into several parts – or • Coal Energy
fusion – when nuclei fuse together. • Mechanical Energy
3. Electrical energy – energy related to • Solar Energy
forces on electrically charged particles and the • Light energy
movement of those particles (often electrons • Heat Energy
in wires). • Biomass Energy
4. Coal energy – the energy stored by plants RENEWABLE ENERGY
that lived hundreds of millions of years ago in • Solar Energy
swampy forests. • Mechanical Energy
5. Mechanical energy – the energy of either • Light energy
an object in motion or the energy that is stored • Heat Energy
in objects by their position. • Geothermal Energy
6. Solar energy – the radiation from the Sun • Biomass Energy
capable of producing heat. NON-RENEWABLE
7. Light energy – a kind of kinetic energy with • Nuclear energy
the ability to make types of light visible to •Chemical energy
human eyes. • Coal Energy
• Electrical energy
Energy Crisis in the Philippines

The Philippines relies heavily on the electricity

and natural gas acquired from the Malampaya
gas field. This reserve is expected to run dry
in 2027, causing an energy crisis.
Lesson 3.3: development progress made over the
GOALS • To limit global warming to
emissions must already be decreasing
The Sustainable Development Goals and need to be cut by almost half by
(SDGs) aim to transform our world. 1.5 ° C above pre- industrial levels,
They are a call to action to end poverty and 2030. But we are drastically off track
inequality, protect the planet, and ensure from this target.
that all people enjoy health, justice and • According to the UNFCCC, global
prosperity. It is critical that no one is left climate finance flows reached an
behind. annual average of $803 billion in
2019–2020, a 12% increase
compared to prior years.

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation &


• Build resilient infrastructure, promote

inclusive and sustainable
industrialization and foster innovation.
• Economic growth, social development
and climate action are heavily
dependent on investments in
infrastructure, sustainable industrial
development and technological
• As of 2022, 95% of the world's
population was within reach of a mobile
broadband network, but some areas
remain underserved.

SDG 13: Climate Action

• Climate change is caused by human

activities and threatens life on earth as
we know it. If left unchecked, climate
change will undo a lot of the

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