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Challenges in the Process of the Proposal for Construction Methods and Project
Management Plan

One of the foremost challenges in proposing construction methods and drafting a

project management plan lies in coordinating the efforts of diverse team members.
Also, provide clear communication and objective alignment among team members.
Miscommunication or conflicting objectives can result in delays, mistakes, and

For example, we are a group of four individuals, and we all have our own schedules and
issues to deal with, making it difficult for us to communicate properly at times because
we are also engaged with other subjects/activities. We managed this by admitting
responsibility and acknowledging that each member brings unique experience and
viewpoints to the table, making harnessing this aggregate knowledge a formidable

Next challenge that we encountered is the accuracy of estimating the time required
for each phase of the project, from initial planning and design to construction and
completion. Factors such as unaligned schedules, unavailability of members,
physical and mental health issues, and material availability can impact project
timelines, in making precise forecasting difficult. To mitigate this challenge, we just
focus on each area assigned and responsibly finish all the tasks given to us individually.

The construction method and project plans are often subject on tight deadlines, and
schedules. As delays occurs in the process, we also encountered time
management problems. We overcome this by sticking to our GANNT CHART, as it
allows to identify the critical path—the sequence of tasks that determines the minimum
duration required to complete the project. By highlighting the critical path, we can focus
our attentions on the tasks that directly impact the project timeline. Also it enables us to
tract our schedules and deadlines and also to align our time availability on pending

In conclusion, proposing a construction project and designing a project management

plan is not a simple task as it requires an effective team and time management.
Overcoming obstacles in these areas necessitates strong leadership, effective
communication, and strategic planning. Also using project management tools such as
GANNT CHART and CPM on this proposal is very effective. We were able to overcome
these obstacles and get a better result thanks to our collaborative efforts.

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