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Chapter III


This chapter presents the research methodology which includes research

design used in conducting the study. It also includes the participants’ locale of the

study, data collection, ethical considerations, sampling, instrumentation and data

collection and interpretation.


This study will be using a phenomenological approach. Phenomenological

research applied to online sellers’ strategies, involves exploring the fundamental

essence of consumer experiences and behaviors in the digital marketplace. By

examining users’ perceptions, interactions, and decision-making processes without

bias, online sellers can gain valuable insights to inform their strategic decisions. This

approach helps uncover the universal structures guiding consumer behavior online,

assisting sellers in refining their product offerings, marketing strategies, and overall

user experience for greater success. (Delve & Limpaecher (2022).


The participants of this study will include only 10 online sellers of pre-loved

items in Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City. Their experiences as online

seller who have perception about the marketing strategies on grab, mine, and steal

is the main source of data in this study. They will be interviewed regarding their lived

experiences in this marketing trend.

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted within the community of Barangay Calumpang,

located in General Santos City. It is a highly urbanized city located at the southern

portion of South Cotabato. This barangay is recognized for its diverse population and

active marketplace, making it a great location to study the marketing methods used

by online sellers. The study will concentrate on online sellers who use marketing

strategies such as Grab, Mine, and Steal to sell pre-loved products. Therefore,

Barangay Calumpang in General Santos City is suitable for the local of the study.

Data Collection

The steps utilized in the conduct of this study were the following:

1. Develop an interview guide protocol to structure questions.

2. Validate the protocol with subject matter experts for accuracy.

3. Obtain necessary permissions to conduct interviews ethically.

4. Conduct individual interviews to gather qualitative data.

5. Utilize audio or video recording to capture interviews.

6. Transcribe the recorded data for detailed analysis.

7. Analyze and code the transcribed data for patterns and insights.

8. Generate thematic categories based on the coded data.

9. Reflect on the findings and draw meaningful conclusions from the data.
Interview Technique

This study will use one-on-one interview. The participants will be interviewed

depending on their free schedule. With the participant’s authorization, the overall

interview that will be taken from the participants either audio or video recorded.

Moreover, all the statements agreed upon by the researchers and research

participants in the consent/assent form will be religiously adhered to in the conduct of

the interview.

Ethical Considerations

In conducting this study, it’s crucial to prioritize ethical practices that put

people first. This means seeking informed consent from everyone involved, making

sure they fully understand what’s happening, why, and any potential risks. Privacy

and anonymity are key—never sharing sensitive details that could compromise

someone’s confidentiality. Respect and dignity are non-negotiable, ensuring that

participation is entirely voluntary and that anyone can opt out without consequences.

Our goal is to do more good than harm, both for participants and the wider

community. We’re committed to being fair, transparent, and fully compliant with

ethical guidelines and rules. Engaging with the local community Is vital, respecting

their values and norms every step of the way. By keeping these principles at the

forefront, we’ll conduct our study responsibly and ethically, ensuring the rights and

well-being of everyone involved


The focus is on online sellers of secondhand items in Barangay Calumpang.

A list of potential participants will be compiled from platforms like Grab, Mine, and

Steal, as well as local social media groups. Starting with known sellers and

expanding through referrals, we aim to include a diverse representation of marketing

strategies. We will specifically include sellers actively marketing preloved items

online within Barangay Calumpang and exclude those who do not meet the criteria

or decline participation. Respectful contact will be made with potential participants to

explain the study’s purpose and obtain informed consent before conducting

interviews or surveys, maintaining ethical standards throughout to protect privacy

and autonomy. The collected data will be analyzed to identify common themes and

patterns in online marketing strategies among these sellers, aiming to provide

valuable insights while upholding ethical considerations and ensuring the study’s



In collection of the data about the marketing strategy of online sellers on grab,

mine, and steal of pre loved items, the researchers will use an interview guide in

gathering the data from the participants. Grand tour question and ancillary questions

regarding their lived experiences in marketing strategy on grab, mine, and steal.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

In this study, the researchers will use thematic analysis. It is a method of

analyzing qualitative data. It is usually applied to a set of texts, such as interview or

transcripts. The researchers will closely analyze the data to identify common themes

– topics, ideas and patterns of meaning that come up repeatedly. The researchers
will analyze the answers of the participants in such a way the most important answer

will be considered. Out of these significant statements, a concept will be formed

which lead to the formulation of the themes. These themes will be discussed

thoroughly on the findings of the study.

Map of the Location of the Study
Figure 1. Map of
Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City

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