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Researcher: Mr. Pirapat Promsombut

Research Advisor:

…………………………………………… Main - advisor

(Mrs. Benchawan Phomsansri)

……………………………………………… Co - advisor
(Miss. Jiraporn Puangpradit)

………………………….. …………………………..………..
((Assoc. Prof. Onanong Ritruechai) (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Issara Kanjug, Ph.D.)
Chairman of School Internship I and II Courses Dean of Faculty of Education
Khon Kaen University Khon Kaen University

All rights reserved by Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University


Research Title: The Effect of Using Storytelling Technique in Developing English Vocabulary
Knowledge at Bannonmuang school students Grade 1

Researchers: Mr. Pirapat Promsombut Researcher

Mrs. Benchawan Phomsansri Major Advisor

Miss. Jiraporn Puangpradit Co-Advisor


Academic Year: 2023

The purpose of this research was to develop grade 1 students’ English vocabulary
Knowledge at Bannonmuang school by using storytelling technique within Inductive teaching
approach. This research used one shot case study model. The sample was 27 grade 1 students in
class 1/1 at Bannonmuang school in first semester, academic years 2023 by using purposive
sampling method. The instrument of research including 4 lesson plans with 4 hours of teaching,
and The English vocabulary test. The data was analyzed by mean (x̅), standard deviation (S.D),
and percentage (%).

The research result showed that 24 students out of 27 passed the criteria which was 70%
of the total test scores should be achieved by individual students and 70% of the population
should pass the set criteria, and the result showed that 88.88% of the population passed the
criteria. The average score of the class was 88.10%. As a result, it was the evidence achieved the
demanded criteria.

In conclusion, the result of this study showed that using the Storytelling technique can
successfully enhance students' English vocabulary knowledge.

Keyword: English vocabulary knowledge, Storytelling technique, Inductive teaching,

Elementary school, EFL learner

Approve by
(Mrs. Benchawan Phomsansri)
Research advisor


The research, the importance of using roleplay activities to enhance students’ vocabulary.
knowledge of grade 7 students at Banonmuang school, is a part of the school internship I and II

I would like to express my special appreciation and thanks to my advisors for giving a lot
of valuable help, support and suggestions that is necessary for the activity and report throughout
the process of conducting research.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my family and TESOL classmates who
always supported me from the beginning.

I would like to give my thanks to my patient for developing this research methodology
and concept. Hope anyone who is reading this article find a good potential to develop their
teaching method.

Mister Pirapat Promsombut


Table of Contents
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................... iv

Chapter 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background and rationale .............................................................................................. 1

1.2 Research questions .......................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Objectives/Purposes of the study.................................................................................... 2

1.4 Scope of the study ............................................................................................................ 2

1.5 Definition of terms ........................................................................................................... 3

1.6 Significance of the study.................................................................................................. 4

Chapter 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 5

Literature Review ...................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 English Vocabulary Knowledge. ..................................................................................... 5

2.2 Storytelling techniques .................................................................................................... 7

2.3 Inductive teaching approach .......................................................................................... 9

2.4 Related research..............................................................................................................11

Chapter 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 16

Research Methodology ............................................................................................................ 16

3.1 Research Design ............................................................................................................. 16

3.2 Population....................................................................................................................... 16

3.3 Research instruments .................................................................................................... 17

3.3.1 Storytelling technique................................................................................................. 17

3.4 Data collection ................................................................................................................ 18

3.5 Data Analysis .................................................................................................................. 19


Chapter 4 ..................................................................................................................................... 20

Result of the research .............................................................................................................. 20

4.1 Test Result ...................................................................................................................... 20

Chapter 5 ..................................................................................................................................... 21

Conclusion and Recommendations ........................................................................................ 21

5.1 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 21

5.2 Discussion ....................................................................................................................... 22

5.3 Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 23

Reference ..................................................................................................................................... 24

Appendices ................................................................................................................................... 27

Appendix A The Name of Experts and Assistants ................................................................ 28

Appendix B Research Instruments ........................................................................................ 33

Appendix C: Instruments’ Verification ................................................................................. 84


Chapter 1
1.1 Background and rationale
“If you can speak English, you can speak to over 1 billion people”. English language is
the language that used by people over 1.35 billion people and consider only 360 million people
that speak English as their first language (Lyons,2017). Also, due to the amount of the English
speaker, everything down to the last, are present to be in English such as the internet website. As
Ani Petrosyan has published the percentage of the numbers of the internet website in 2023,
English language is the most popular language that has been us for over 59% of the internet
website. All of this are the reason and the important of English language and the learner will gain
the benefit from learning it. More than that, in Thai core curriculum stated that foreign language
in this case, English, is an important tool for education, seeking knowledge and creating the
understand in culture which make an foreign language learners have wider vision in their life.

One of the effective ways introduce English language, especially to the growing up kid is
using storytelling technique. From the observation of the researcher, the grade 1 students in
Bannonmuang school tend to lose their concentration while studying which is the reason that
students struggle with receiving and interpret new information because of lacking concentration.
As researcher believe according on various literature review, storytelling techniques may help
students in motivation and developing in this case is English Vocabulary Knowledge, more than
that storytelling techniques could help students to have a good attitude in study English language,
also developing creativity and increasing attention span. This research aims to develop students’
knowledge only in the Understand level in Revised Taxonomy as researcher believe (based on
observation) that the importance of grade 1 students’ study is only to build fundamental
knowledge to be the bridge to the higher knowledge.

1.2 Research questions

How Storytelling techniques affect English Vocabulary Knowledge of Bannonmuang
school students grade 1?

1.3 Objectives/Purposes of the study

To develop English Vocabulary Knowledge of students, grade 1 by using Storytelling
technique, 70% of the students should pass the set criteria which is 70% of the total test scores
should be achieved.

1.4 Scope of the study

1.4.1 Population and Sample
The population was grading 1 student at Bannonmuang school in academic years 2023,
semester 1. The sample was 27 students in class 1/1 in academic years 2023, semester 1 by using
purposive sampling. The reason why researcher chose this class was because through the
observation. The researcher found that class 1/1 tends to lose focus while studying more than
class 1/2 so researchers believe that class 1/1 tends to show the clearer result of how storytelling
technique more than 1/2.

1.4.2 Variables
Independent Variable: Storytelling techniques.

Dependent Variable: Students’ English Vocabulary Knowledge.

1.4.3 Content
Number of
Unit Content Lesson plan Class Period
Unit 3 My family Emotion 1 1
I am (emotion) 2 1
Who is this? 3 1
This is my_____ 4 1
Total 4 lesson plans 4 class periods

1.4.4 Duration
The Academic Year 2023, semester 1

Procedure Duration Note

May July August September October
1. Observing the
2. Selecting the
research topic
3. Conducting the
literature review
4. Creating the
5. Checking research
6. Enhancing the
7. Giving the post-test
8. Analyzing all data

1.5 Definition of terms

-Storytelling technique: It is an inductive approach that includes storytelling into
teaching procedure. The stories that are used in this research were written by researcher which
are include “Responsibility”, “Epilogue”, “Good Neighbor”, and “Emotion”.

-English Vocabulary Knowledge: refers to an ability to identify the meaning of the

vocabulary about emotions through reading and writing.

-Inductive teaching approach: refers to the students’ center instruction that based on
Herbartian approach.

1.6 Significance of the study

The most significant advantages of this research are as follows:

1.6.1 For researcher

The researcher will benefit from this research as one of the resources that provide
information and result on the effectiveness of using the storytelling technique in English class for
further educational research.

1.6.2 For teachers

For teachers, this research will give benefit to teachers in developing students English
listening by implementing storytelling technique into the classroom.

1.6.3 For students

Students will develop their English listening skill through the imagination world which
make acquiring knowledge will be effortless and motivated.

Chapter 2
Literature Review
The review of literature in this chapter presents the relevant theories, principles, articles,
books, research findings and other relevant sources. The review of literature regards the
information about English Vocabulary Knowledge, Element of the good story, Storytelling
techniques and Inductive approach. The contents related to the research are as follows:

2.1 English Vocabulary Knowledge.

2.1.1 Definition and Importance English Vocabulary Knowledge.

2.1.2 Bloom’s Taxonomy (The Revised Taxonomy 2001)

2.1.3 Thai core curriculum

2.2 Storytelling techniques

2.2.1 Storytelling as teaching techniques

2.2.2 What makes a good story?

2.3 Inductive teaching approach

2.3.1 Definition of inductive teaching approaches

2.3.2 Teaching procedures in inductive teaching approaches

2.4 Related research

2.4.1 International research

2.4.2 Local research

2.1 English Vocabulary Knowledge.

2.1.1 Definition and Importance of English Vocabulary Knowledge
In short, as Steven Stahl mentioned in 2005 “Vocabulary knowledge is knowledge; the
knowledge of a word not only implies a definition, but also implies how that word fits into the
world”. Also, vocabulary knowledge is not something that can be learned to master but it needs
to take a lifetime in order to expand this knowledge (Diamond & Gutlohn n.d.). English
Vocabulary Knowledge is needed to comprehend and construct the text or the sentence, and

focusing on it makes a good benefit in developing multiple aspect of language and literacy
(Victoria state government n.d.)

2.1.2 Bloom’s Taxonomy (The Revised Taxonomy 2001)

The origin of Bloom’s Taxonomy started in 1956 in the book Taxonomy of Educational
Objectives by Benjamin Bloom with his coauthor Max Englehart, Edward Furst, Walter Hill, and
David Krath Wohl. Bloom’s Taxonomy became a popular evaluation device among educators.
After that, Bloom’s taxonomy was revised to give learners a clearer instructional goal.

Figure 1. Bloom’s Taxonomy By Ivan Andreev, 2023, Bloom’s Taxonomy: Revised Levels, Verbs
for Objectives [2023] (

The levels of Bloom’ Taxonomy start with Remember stage which mainly about
memorize. In this stage the teacher could ask such a simple question as What is the meaning of
happy. Followed by Understand, this stage learner might be asked to elaborate the concept that
they have remembered. Apply, in this stage learner need to implement their understanding in a
concept for example learner apply their knowledge in vocabulary (emotion) to describe the
feeling they are having. Analyze, in this stage, students need to find the relationship in a concept

that they learned or breakdown a concept. Evaluate, learner need to use their skill to justify and
criticize others for example questions to be asked “Do you consider depression as an emotion?”
Last stage is Create, in this stage learner are expected to create their original work such as writing
a story (Andreev, 2023).

2.1.3 Thai core curriculum

Thai core curriculum mentioned the necessary of learning foreign languages that it was
essential to everyday life such as communication, education, acquiring knowledge, living life and
create understating of cultures. Foreign languages make people to be aware of diversity of
cultures and change perspective of the world.

The objective of Thai core curriculum about foreign language is let the learner acquire a
good attitude in foreign languages, an ability to communicate, seeking knowledge, and acquire
higher level of education. The main content that learner will learn in Thai core curriculum in
foreign languages is include Language for communication, which is the use of foreign language
in listening, expressing emotion, elaborate and discussing information. Language and culture,
which is learning about cultures diversity and relationship between languages and cultures.
Language and relationships with other learning areas, which is focused on linking language
knowledge with other subject areas. Language and relationships with community and the world,
which is implementing foreign languages into the real-world practice both inside and outside the

In conclusion, English language is necessary to learn due to a lot of benefit that learners
will gain such as knowledge in language and understanding diversity of cultures.

2.2 Storytelling techniques

2.2.1 Storytelling as teaching techniques
Storytelling provides the effective way of communication massages to the growing
children in simple comprehension and make young learners find the relation between fairytales
world and real life which help young learners develop problem-solving skills in short, storytelling
as a teaching technique is an effective way for gaining new knowledge. As storytelling brings the
learner into the imagination world while gaining new skills or knowledge, It can simplify the
learning process which makes the learning tend to be more effortless. Storytelling technique has

various benefits such as high motivation, active participant, improving creativity, increased
attention span, and cooperation between the learners (Nathan, n.d.).

2.2.2 What makes a good story?

There was a 8 classic way of making a good story following by:

The Hero's Journey:

One of the most powerful storytelling techniques is the Hero's Journey. This technique involves
taking your audience into the adventure, where they become emotionally involved in the main
character's challenges, growth, and ultimate triumph. By applying this narrative structure to your
presentations, you can keep your audience hooked and connected throughout the journey.

Personal Anecdotes:

Sharing personal anecdotes or experiences adds authenticity and relatability to your presentations.
By infusing your content with real-life stories, you establish a genuine connection with your
audience, making your message more memorable and persuasive.

The Power of Emotion:

Emotion is a fundamental aspect of storytelling. By evoking feelings such as joy, empathy, or

inspiration, you can make your presentations more interesting. Emotional resonance helps your
audience connect with your content on a deeper level, leading to increased engagement and

The Art of Suspense:

Create suspense and intrigue within your presentations to keep your audience eagerly anticipating
what comes next. By introducing questions or revealing information time to time, you maintain
their attention and curiosity throughout the presentation.

Visualization and Imagery:

Painting clear mental images with words enhances the impact of your message. Utilize descriptive
language and imagery to help your audience visualize scenarios and concepts, making your
content more engaging and memorable.

Relatable Characters:

Introduce relatable characters in your storytelling to humanize your content. Whether they are
based on real individuals or representative personas, relatable characters add depth and relevance
to your presentations, fostering a stronger connection with the audience.

The Power of Contrast:

Contrast can be a compelling storytelling tool to highlight key points or demonstrate

transformation. By keeping opposing ideas or situations close to each other, you create a dynamic
narrative that captures your audience's attention and emphasizes the significance of your

A Memorable Closing:

A strong closing leaves a lasting impression on your audience. End your presentation with a
compelling call-to-action, a thought-provoking quote, or a meaningful reflection to reinforce
your message and inspire your listeners to act (Bartlett, 2022).

In short there was a 8 easy way to make the story interesting in story writing which are
The hero’s journey, personal anecdotes, the power of emotion, the art of suspense, visualize and
imagery, relatable characters, the power of contrast, and a memorable of closing.

2.3 Inductive teaching approach

2.3.1 Definition of inductive teaching approaches
The inductive approach is the students center form of instruction which starts by letting
the students gather data and make the hypothesis of the rules by themselves in contrast to the
deductive teaching approach which starts from the rule explanation. Due to this method letting
the students find rules by themselves, they can make a mistake which makes the inductive
approach is not the most time-effective way of teaching. In the long term, this approach is a good
way in developing students cognitive process and analytical skill (Graphy, 2022).

2.3.2 Teaching procedures in inductive teaching approaches

The step of inductive teaching approaches is the implementation of Herbartian approach
into students’ center teaching concept which have the procedure by these following steps (Bordia,


In this first stage, teachers get students ready and excited about the upcoming topic. They
can write the topic on the blackboard, use charts, images, or maps to make it interesting. By
doing this, students can be well-prepared for what they'll learn next. The goal is to spark curiosity
and make their minds curious and motivated to learn. Teachers may also tell a story or do a fun
experiment to make the new information more interesting to students (Bordia,2022).


In this stage the new ideas are presented to the students, they are provoked and being
helped by the teacher to grasp the concept of the idea by finding the relation between the new
concept and their priori knowledge (Bordia,2022). Instead of presenting the topic to the students,
to make it inductively, provide them the material that related to the topic and provoked them to
observe and think about what it is.

-Association and comparison

In this stage, students start to compare new information with their previous knowledge
and find a relation between them (Bordia,2022). In an inductive way, students also start to create
their own hypotheses from the data that they receive.


At this stage, a teacher starts encouraging to ask for conclusions that learners got from
comparing new information to their previous knowledge, in this stage teacher take a role as a
passive observer. This stage aims to make the learning process to be more than perception both
mind and physical, learners will have a deep understanding of the ideas as the students are
actively participating in the comprehension of the concept (Bordia,2022).


This stage is the important stage of this approach. Learners in this step need to implement
their learned knowledge into real life situations. If they cannot implement their learned
knowledge, the knowledge that they gain will be useless, with this implementation method, the
knowledge they gain will stay in their mind as a long-term memory and the concept they got will
become the part of their mind functional level (Bordia,2022).


In this stage, a teacher concludes the content of the entire class, by shooting question to
the learners to check that how well they understand the content or using assignment or others to
evaluate their understanding (Bordia,2022).

In conclusion Inductive approach is based on the Herbartian approach which is consisted

with procedures that include Introduction, Presentation, Association and comparison,
Generalization, and Application.

2.4 Related research

2.4.1 Local research
There are several local research studies that refer to the implementation of storytelling
techniques in teaching.

The first research wrote by Thanakong (2022) name “The use of bilingual folktales to
enhance English vocabulary knowledge of primary 3 students”. The aim of this research is first
to develop bilingual folklores lesion plan to meet the criteria, second is to compare the resul t of
the students’ vocabulary knowledge before and after meeting the folklores lessons plan. A sample
of 12 primary 3 students at Nong Rad Wittaya School in academic year 2020 was, choose by
using purposive sampling. The instrument using pre-test and post-test, 4 lessons plan. The result
of this research shown that the lessons plan that use folklores achieve the lessons plan criteria, in
student’s knowledge, the vocabulary knowledge of the students increase after study in these
lessons plan (post-tests score more than pre-tests score). Also, the researcher also surveyed the
students’ opinions and found that some of the students already heard the folklore, and this makes
the story important to the students and to remember the vocabulary via the picture.

The other research is the study on using E-sop to develop English reading comprehension.
Wrote by Siriwat and Wongyotha (2018). The research aims to study the effect of using E-sop of
Mathayomsuksa 3 students’ reading ability and attitude towards teaching English reading
comprehension using E-sop. The sample is 31 students of Matthayomsuksa 3 at Khamkeannakorn
School, Khonkean province, in the first semester of academic years 2017 by using purposive
selection (one group). Collecting data by using pre-test and post-test design, research instrument
using 10 lessons plan. The result of the research shows that using E-sop in teaching reading

ability found that post-test score is higher than pre-test score. Also, the attitude of the students
towards teaching using E-sop is good.

The last research is written by Praimahaniyom & Kamutthapichai & Panklam (2023). The
research title “Enhancing English Reading for Critical Thinking with Aesop’s Fables for EFL
Learners”. The purpose of this research is aimed to develop English reading for critical thinking
lessons plan using Aesop’s fable to meet 75/75 criteria, the effectiveness of English reading for
critical thinking skill using Aesop’s and the last purpose is to survey the students’ positive opinion
on using Aesop’s fable. The sample is 28 students in 11 grades in Room 2 at the public school in
Kamphaeng Phet Province during the second semester of the academic year 2022 by using
Cluster sampling. The instruments are lesson plans using Aesop’s fable, reading test for critical
thinking skill, and the last is students’ survey. The result of using Aesop’s fable in developing
English reading skill for critical thinking is in conclude post-test is higher than pre-test and the
survey positive attitude survey is good.

In conclusion, from the related local research find the same result in using storytelling
technique which is the result tend to be a positive way and clearly see the development before
and after using storytelling technique.

2.4.2 International research

There are several research that refer to the implementation of storytelling techniques in

Research title name “A storytelling approach to teaching English to EFL Iranian” wrote
by Kalantari and Hashemian in 2015, this research studies the effect of storytelling approach on
improving vocabulary knowledge. by dividing 30 EFL learners between 8-14 years old into two
groups out of 134 population, as a control group and experimental group. In presentation of
experimental group, about the story, they are using PowerPoint to present the visual but before
jumping into the story, they teach students the vocabulary first, learning through the visual and
gesture of the teachers. After that, the researchers provide students with posttests to observe the
students’ improvement. The result of using storytelling reveals that using storytelling approaches
to teach vocabulary in experimental groups is effective. By all the students or participants got a
dramatic increase in vocabulary knowledge compared to the control group. Also, the researchers
discussing that using storytelling method is quite more effective than traditional method in

teaching listening comprehension, also give a good environment of learning and motivating the
learners to participate in the class.

The other research is “storytelling to improve students’ speaking skill”. This research
main purpose is storytelling improve the speaking skill or not, this is research is the classroom
research which is the sample are 23 students in class N of the second semester in Intensive
English Program of Hasyim Asy’ari University (UNHASY) the method of collecting data is by
using the observation and the speaking test. The end of the result showed that there was an
improvement in speaking skill after the implementation of the storytelling. The data can be
concluded that storytelling can improve students’ comprehension, vocabulary, grammar,
pronunciation, and fluency (Zuhriyah, 2017).

The next research has the title name “The effect of aural and visual storytelling on
vocabulary retention of Iranian EFL learners” wrote by Aminafershar and Mojavezi in 2017 said
that EFL leaner face various kind of problem in vocabulary learning. This research is aimed to
examine the effect of implementation of aural and visual storytelling on EFL leaners’ vocabulary
learning from the sample of 50 female EFL learners that randomly assign between two group.
First is control group by using aural storytelling and second group is experiment group by using
visual storytelling. Collecting data by using English vocabulary test which has pre-test and post-
test, the reliability is using Cronbach’s Alpha and ANCOVA, the result shown that experiment
group is make a better result of improvement than the control group both learning and retention
vocabulary. Both researchers also refer to the previous study from Alna in 1999, Ellis in 1997,
and Erikan in 1995 that students can gain benefit from listening to storytelling by allowing
students to modeling language pattern.

The next study is about the attitude of English language in the title “Attitudes of the
Students Studying at Kafkas University Private Primary EFL Classroom towards Storytelling and
Motivation”. By using questionnaire to demine the attitude towards learning English through the
storytelling, by survey 21 students from 4th years of Kafkas University private primary school in
Kars, Turkey. The result of the survey showed that 71.43% of participants enjoyed learning
through storytelling. The participant demonstrate that storytelling can give motivation towards
learning English (Elkılıç & Akça, 2008).

“The effect of using storytelling technique in teaching grammar for EFL classroom (An
Experiment study at STKIP BinaBangsaGetsempena Banda Aceh)” is the title of this research,
this research examines the effect of using storytelling in students’ learning the structure of
grammar compared between group that teach by using storytelling technique and not teaching by
using storytelling. The samples is the EFL students of STKIP BinaBangsaGetsempena Banda
Aceh who studies at Pendidikan Guru SekolahDasar (PGSD) department. 50 participants divide
in two group which are experiment group and control group by using pre-test and post-test as an
instrument. The experiment group is taught by storytelling technique and control group is taught
by using traditional method. The result showed that the experiment group has the better
improvement in grammar learning. In addition, the result of the research could possibly not the
same result when conducted to the other learners that is not EFL learners (Fachrini, n.d.).

The next research is “Using storytelling technique to improve students listening skill
performance-A case study in Indonisia”. Teachers at Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) 3 PSKD
used a two cycled action research approach to improve eighth-grade students' listening skills. The
researcher tested the students before storytelling implementation listening ability and found
36.00% met the success criterion. After implementing the storytelling technique, the number of
students meeting the criterion increased to 40.75%, showing a 4.75% improvement. The second
cycle of the action research showed a 41% improvement compared to the initial listening skill
performance. The teachers observed that storytelling created an engaging learning environment,
making it an effective method for teaching listening skills. Based on these positive outcomes, it is
recommended to use storytelling in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning in Indonesian
contexts, supported by identifying local histories and reinforcing the use of storytelling in school
teaching (Male, 2017).

The last research is “The effect of using digital storytelling on developing active listening
and creative thinking skills”. This study aims to explore how digital storytelling can help third-
grade students in Arabic language classes develop active listening and creative thinking skills,
specifically fluency, flexibility, and originality. The sample includes 200 students, divide d into
two groups which are experiment group and control group. Both groups took two post-tests, the
first is for active listening skills and the second is for creative thinking. The results showed that
storytelling strategy positively influenced the experimental group's fluency which is one of the

three creative thinking skills studied. In discussion of the research, using storytelling technique
can grab the students’ attention and motivate students, more than that, it also provokes the
students to seek for the answer to their own questions (their curious) (Tabieh & Al-Hileh & Afifa
& Abuzagha, 2020).

In conclusion, from the related local research find the same result in using storytelling
technique which is the result tend to be a positive way and clearly see the development before
and after using storytelling technique. More than that, some of the rel ated article show that
showing that learners enjoy learning by using Storytelling technique which is a good sign that
storytelling would show the positive effect especially in small kid.

Chapter 3
Research Methodology
This chapter elucidates how the research study was designed and conducted.

This chapter regards the methodology for conducting research which is as follows:

3.1 Research Design

3.2 Population

3.2.1 Population

3.2.2 Sample

3.2.3 Variable

3.3 Research instruments

3.3.1 Storytelling techniques lesson plan

3.3.2 Vocabulary test

3.3.3. Finding tool quality (IOC)

3.4 Data collection

3.5 Data analysis

3.1 Research Design

The objective of this research is to develop English Vocabulary Knowledge in grade 1
students of Bannonmuang school by using Storytelling approach. The research is one shot case
study (pre-experimental design).

3.2 Population
3.2.1 Population
The population was grading 1 student at Bannonmuang school in academic years 2023,
semester 1.

3.2.2 Sample
The sample was 27 students in class 1/1 in academic years 2023, semester 1 by using
purposive sampling. The reason why the researcher chose this class was because through the
observation of the researcher find that class 1/1 tends to lose focus while studying more than
class 1/2 so researchers believe that class 1/1 tends to show the clearer result of how storytelling
technique more than 1/2.

3.2.3 Variable
Independent Variable: Storytelling technique.

Dependent Variable: Students’ English Vocabulary Knowledge

3.3 Research instruments

3.3.1 Storytelling technique
There are 4 lesson plans which cover 4 class periods. Each lesson plan covers 1 hour in

this research. The lesson plans are related to one unit: Unit 3 My family. All lesson plans are
constructed to develop students’ English Vocabulary Knowledge by using storytelling technique.
3.3.2 Vocabulary test
A learning assessment tool is an English Vocabulary Knowledge test in the form of a
multiple-choice test, The test includes the picture and vocabulary in the lesson learned. The
students will do the test after the units. The test will assess if 70% of the students pass the
criterion of 70% of total score. Students must take the test individually.

3.3.3 Finding tool quality.

The researcher has experts assess the Index of Item Objective Congruence or IOC by
checking each item to determine the relation of the content and suitability for the target group


IOC = The Index of Item Objective Congruence

R = The expert’s score

∑R = The total experts’ score


N = The number of experts

+1 means the item is extremely related to the content.

0 means the item is extremely related to the content.

-1 means the item is not related to the content.

3.4 Data collection

The researcher uses a one-shot case study research design to collect the data.

The researcher observes students' problems.

The researcher chooses the content and the activities that suit
the level of the students.

The researcher constructs the research intrument and the expert

checks the appropriateness.

The reasercher implementing storytelling technqiue into the class

The researcher provides a listeningl test.

The researcher analyzes, discusses, and reports the result and

conclusion of the data collected.

Figure 1 Data collection


3.5 Data Analysis

The data was analyzed after finishing every lesson plan and English Vocabulary

Achievement Test. The data was analyzed using Standard Deviation, Mean and Percentage.

3.5.1 Standard Deviation

√∑(𝑥−𝑥̅ )2
𝑆. 𝐷. = 𝑛−1

S.D. = Standard Deviation of the score from post test

X = The score for academic achievement on English vocabulary

x̅ = Average score

3.5.2 Mean
𝑥̅ =

x̅= Average Score

∑ x = sum of all scores

n = Number of students

3.5.3 Percentage
𝑝=[ × 100]

p = Percentage

f = score

n = Total scores

Chapter 4
Result of the research
This study is the result of improvement of grade 1 students’ English vocabulary
knowledge at Bannonmuang school by using storytelling technique. The population of the study
was 27 students from grade 1/1. The study aimed to improve students’ English vocabulary
knowledge by applying storytelling technique that vocabulary knowledge achievement should
not be less. than 70% of total score and 70% of students should achieve the determined criterion.

4.1 Test Result

A Students’ score Number of the
Number Total students passing
of Score S.D. The The criteria (70%)
Students Average Average Highest Lowest
score (𝑥̅ ) score by score score Passed Failed
27 10 8.81 88.1 1.61 10 4 24 3
Percentage 88.88% 11.11%

Table 4.1 Test Result

According to Table 4.1 Test Result, the average score of the posttest was 8.81 (S.D.= 1.61
of the students after being taught by using Storytelling technique. The number of the students
who passed the determined score was 24 students or 88.88%. On the other hand, there were 9
students or 11.11% who couldn’t reach the determined score. According to the results of the
study show that using Storytelling techniques to develop students’ English Vocabulary
Knowledge affect in a positive way.
In conclusion, the results from the reading comprehension test indicated that the students
most of the student (88.88%) got the higher score than the criteria in the English Vocabulary test
the determined criterion with the condition that at least 70% of the students must reach 70% of
the total score.

Chapter 5
Conclusion and Recommendations

The research studied about the improvement of grade 1 students’ English Vocabulary
Knowledge skill through Storytelling technique at Bannonmuag School. This chapter presents the
conclusion, discussion, and recommendations of this research.

They were explained in detail as follows.

5.1 Conclusion

5.2 Discussion

5.3 Recommendations
5.1 Conclusion

The purpose of this research was to develop English Vocabulary Knowledge of grade 1 students
at Bannonmuag School by using Storytelling technique with the condition that the total number
of students who pass the English reading test by 70 percent of the total scores should not be less
than 70 percent. The design of this research is a one-shot case study under pre-experimental
design. The target group of this study was 23 students from room 1/1 at Bannonmuag School. in
semester 1, academic years 2023. The target group was selected by purposive sampling technique.

The research instruments included 1) Four Storytelling technique lesson plans which
covered 4 hours. 2) A vocabulary post-test. The data was analyzed by using mean, standard
deviation, and percentage.

The result of this research shown that the English Vocabulary Knowledge of grade 1
students at Bannonmuag School has developed by using Storytelling technique. The mean score
of the posttest was higher than the criteria that at least 70% of the students must reach 70% of the
total score which can be consider that using Storytelling technique can affect the students’
English Vocabulary Knowledge in a positive way.

5.2 Discussion

According to the result of this research. The first finding similar research result is from
Thanakong (2022) in the research title “The Use of Bilingual Folklores to Enhance English
Vocabulary Knowledge of Primary 3 Students.”. In conclusion, Thanakong’s research has a
similar result to this research which is the vocabulary knowledge achievement of the students
after the bilingual folklore lessons find that more than 91.83% of the students pass a 70% of the

The other similar research is “A storytelling approach to teaching English to EFL Iranian”
wrote by Kalantari and Hashemian in 2015, this research studies the effect of storytelling
approach on improving vocabulary knowledge. by dividing 30 EFL learners between 8-14 years
old into two groups out of 134 population, as a control group and experimental group. In
presentation of experimental group, about the story, they are using PowerPoint to present the
visual but before jumping into the story, they teach students the vocabulary first, learning through
the visual and gesture of the teachers. After that, the researchers provide students with posttests
to observe the students’ improvement. The result of using storytelling reveals that using
storytelling approaches to teach vocabulary in experimental groups is effective. By all the
students or participants got a dramatic increase in vocabulary knowledge compared to the control
group. Also, the researchers discussing that using storytelling method is quite more effective than
traditional method in teaching listening comprehension, also give a good environment of learning
and motivating the learners to participate in the class.

In conclusion, Storytelling technique has a potential to develop students’ English

Vocabulary Knowledge. Due to a similar result from the research as the researcher mentioned.

5.3 Recommendations

Based on the results and conclusion of the study, the following recommendations were
made as follows.

5.2.1 Recommendations for using this research.

1) The teacher should develop narration ability in order to make the story

2) The t eachers should develop a lesson goal from Understand level to

Apply level if it possible.

5.2.2 Recommendations for further studies

1) Further studies should focus on how EFL learn the language and find
the way to develop Storytelling technique into the nativist language acquisition.

2) Further studies should develop Storytelling technique into grammar

teaching if it is possible.

A.S., A. et al. (2021) ‘The effect of using digital storytelling on developing active listening and
Creative Thinking Skills’, European Journal of Educational Research, 10(1), pp. 13–21.

AminAfshar, M. and Mojavezi, A. (2017) ‘The effect of aural and visual storytelling on vocabulary
retention of Iranian EFL learners’, English Language Teaching, 10(4), p. 92.

Andreev, I. (2023, June 17). Bloom’s Taxonomy. Valamis.

Bartlett, E. (no date) 8 classic storytelling techniques for engaging presentations, Sparkol.
Available at:
presentations (Accessed: 27 July 2023).

Bordia, D. (2023) Herbartian approach - A guide, Blogs on Education Industry. Available at: (Accessed: 27 July 2023).

Diamond, L., & Gutlohn, L. (n.d.). Teaching Vocabulary | Reading Rockets. Reading Rockets.

Elkılıç, G. and Akça, C. (2008) ‘Attitudes of the Students Studying at Kafkas University Private
Primary EFL Classroom towards Storytelling and Motivation’, Journal of Language and
Linguistic Studies, 4(1).

Fachraini, S. (no date) The effect of using storytelling technique in teaching grammar for EFL
classroom :, Getsempena English Education Journal. Available at: (Accessed: 27 July 2023).

How to use active listening skills to coach others (2023) CCL. Available at:
0for%20later. (Accessed: 27 July 2023).

Kalantari, F. and Hashemian, M. (2015) ‘A story-telling approach to teaching English to young

EFL Iranian learners’, English Language Teaching, 9(1), p. 221. doi:10.5539/elt.v9n1p221.

Lyons, D. (2021) How many people speak English, and where is it spoken?, Babbel Magazine.
Available at:
%20language. (Accessed: 27 July 2023).

Male, H. and Pardede, R.I. (1970) Using storytelling technique to improve students’listening skill
performance-A case study in Indonesia, Repositori Universitas Kristen Indonesia. Available
at: (Accessed: 27 July 2023).

Nathan (no date) Storytelling as a teaching tool: Why teach story-based lessons?, Storytelling as
a Teaching Tool: Why Teach Story-based Lessons? Available at:
ly%20and%20effortlessly. (Accessed: 27 July 2023).

Praimahaniyom, T., Kamutthapichai, C. and Panklam, A. (2023) Enhancing English Reading for
Critical Thinking with Aesop’s Fables for EFL Learners, Available at: (Accessed: 27 July 2023).

Siriwa, S and Wongyotha, P. (2018), The study of using E-Sop to develop English reading for

comprehension, Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal. Available at: (Accessed: 27 July 2023).

Thanakong, K. (2022) The Use of Bilingual Folktales to Enhance English Vocabulary Knowledge
of Primary 3 Students, Journal of MCU Nakhondhat. Available at: (Accessed: 27 July 2023).

The Inductive Teaching Method: All You Need To Know (no date) Graphy Blog. Available at:
teaching/#What_is_an_inductive_approach_to_education (Accessed: 27 July 2023).

Vocabulary. (n.d.). Victoria State Government.

Zuhriyah, M. (2017) ‘Storytelling to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill’, English Education:

Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Vol 10(1), pp. 119–134.


Appendix A The Name of Experts and Assistants


Appendix A: The Name of Experts and Assistant

1. Name of Experts

Assoc. Prof. Onanong Ritruechai A English lecturer of Education, Khon Kaen

University, Thailand

Mrs. Natnicha Sansurin A English teacher at Bannonmuang school


Mrs. Kamonchanok Thongchot A English teacher at Bannonmuang school


2. Office letters

Appendix B Research Instruments


Lesson Plan 29

Subject Area: Foreign Language Semester: 1 Academic Year: 2023

Subject: English Grade Level: 1 Time: 60 minutes
School: Bannonmuang School
Unit 3: My Family
Topic: Vocabulary about emotion
Date: 14 September 2023
Instructor: Pirapat Promsombut

1. Learning Standards
Strand 1: Language for Communication Standard
Standard FL1.1: Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard
and read from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper
FL.1.1.1 Act in compliance with orders, requests, and simple instructions heard or
FL1.1.2 Specify the alphabets and the sounds; accurately pronounce and spell
simple words by observing the principles of reading.
Standard FL1.2: Possessing language communication skills for effective
exchange of information; efficient expression of feelings and opinions.
FL 1.2.4 Ask for and give simple information about themselves by following the
models heard.
Strand 2: Language and Culture
Standard FL2.1: Appreciating the relationship between language and culture of
native speakers and ability in using language appropriately.
FL.2.1.3 Participate in language and cultural activities appropriate to their age

2. Concept
This lesson plan is present the new five vocabularies about the emotion by using
the story that made by teacher by using Roblox which aim to make the study more
playful and interesting for students, the focus of this lesson focus on Listening (prociation
from the video) and Speaking (pronunciation from the students) and Reading aspect of
the vocabulary. At the end of this lesson students are able to identify the vocabulary
3. Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson students are able to;
Identify the meaning of the vocabulary (K)
Read and write the vocabulary (P)
Participate in class actively (A)
4. Content
Vocabulary: happy, sad, tired, bored, angry
5. Procedures
Preparation 5 minutes
-The students greet the teacher as usual (Good morning/afternoon teacher).
-The students sing an A-Z song along with the song on the screen.
-The teachers ask if students remember the previous class knowledge, then ask
students which vocabulary they are going to learn specifically.
Presentation 15 minutes
-Introduce the story called “Responsibility” It was a story about a police officer
named Somchai who reject his phone call and the emergency end bad due to his lack of
-While narrating a story, there was some part that included a sentence that
includes the content vocabulary which is presented by following sentence structure “I am
____” for example I am happy, etc.
-Continue this process until the story ends.

Association and comparison 15 minutes

- In this stage, ask students what they observed from the story such as the English
sentence, story, moral of it, etc.
-lead them to the content by asking them what the character feel in the specific
scene that has the content vocabulary.
Generalization 10 minutes
-let the students watch the story again to let them experience the stage of critical
thinking by their own (after the teacher lead them to)
--students can find the meaning of the vocabulary on their own through the story
Application 5 minutes
-This stage asks the students make a facial expression by teacher shouting the
-Correct their facial expression if they understand the concept of the vocabulary
Recapitulation 10 minutes
-Students do the work sheet to summary what they have learned in the class.
-summarize the class, what they have learned, ask for facial expression for the last
time before the class ends.
1. Storytelling video
2. Worksheet

7. Assessment

Learning Methods Tools Criteria


Identify the Check the overall action Observation More than 80% of
meaning of the when teachers ask students students are able to
vocabulary (K) to make a facial understand the concept
expression. or the meaning.

Read and write The correction of students’ Worksheet and 70% of the students can
the vocabulary work on individual exercise book write and draw the
(P) production. picture correctly

Participate in Observation Class behavioral More than 70% of

class actively. observation form students participate in
(A) class

Post-teaching Reflection

Lesson plan: 29 Class: P 1/1

Unit 2: My school things Topic: Emotion Date: 14 September 2023
Instructor: Pirapat Promsombut

The instructor’s reflection

The instruction that applying Roblox into the implementation of storytelling in teaching
is pretty good at catching students’ attention as it intends to be. The content of the lesson is
delivered to the students easily by a visual in the story video. The production of the lesson goes
quite well as developing students’ alphabet and vocabulary knowledge at the same time.


The volume of the video is quite low, so the teacher must narrate what is going on in the
video which destroys the intention that aiming students to analyze the data they got and interpret
to find the meaning of the vocabulary.

Suggestions and Solutions

Pay attention to the mixing sound.


(Mr. Pirapat Promsombut)

14 September 2023

9. Appendices

Video Link:


Answering Evaluation Rubric Name: __________________Class:__________No._________

Answering Evaluation Rubric

Item Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Poor (2) Improve (1)

1 Answer 80% accurate 60-79% 40-59% 20-39% Less than

accurately accurate accurate accurate 20%

Total marks (mark) for Answering Evaluation Rubric: _________

Monitoring form

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

1. Students answer the questions in the

class activities actively.

2. Students participate in class.

Total marks (mark) for Monitoring form: _________


Worksheet Evaluation Rubric Name:__________________Class:__________No._________

Worksheet evaluation rubric Criteria

Criteria Excellent Good Poor

Fill in the blank Students can fill the Students can fill the Students can fill the
by using the given alphabet in the alphabet in the blank alphabet in the
alphabet and blank correctly in correctly in every blank correctly at
identify the every alphabet and alphabet but correctly least 3 question and
meaning of the correctly identify identify the meaning of cannot identify the
vocabulary the meaning of the vocabulary at least meaning of the
through drawing. every vocabulary. 3 vocabularies (3-4). vocabulary.

Total marks (mark) for Worksheet form: _________


Lesson Plan 30

Subject Area: Foreign Language Semester: 1 Academic Year: 2023

Subject: English Grade Level: 1 Time: 60 minutes
School: Bannonmuang School
Unit 3: My Family
Topic: Vocabulary about emotion
Date: 19 September 2023
Instructor: Pirapat Promsombut

1. Learning Standards
Strand 1: Language for Communication Standard
Standard FL1.1: Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard
and read from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper
FL.1.1.1 Act in compliance with orders, requests, and simple instructions heard or
FL1.1.2 Specify the alphabets and the sounds; accurately pronounce and spell
simple words by observing the principles of reading.
Standard FL1.2: Possessing language communication skills for effective
exchange of information; efficient expression of feelings and opinions.
FL 1.2.4 Ask for and give simple information about themselves by following the
models heard.
Strand 2: Language and Culture
Standard FL2.1: Appreciating the relationship between language and culture of
native speakers and ability in using language appropriately.
FL.2.1.3 Participate in language and cultural activities appropriate to their age

2. Concept
This lesson plan focuses on only 3 vocabularies which include the two previous
vocabularies and the new one which is aimed to make students familiar with the new
vocabulary that they just learned, by using storytelling. By using text in the storytelling
process, students will be able to recognize the pattern of the conversation which includes
the vocabulary in the context will make students easy to comprehend the meaning of the
3. Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson students are able to;
Identify the meaning of the vocabulary (K)
Read and write the vocabulary (P)
Participate in class actively (A)
4. Content
Vocabulary: love, scared, angry, sad
5. Procedures
Preparation 5 minutes
-The students greet the teacher as usual (Good morning/afternoon teacher).
-The students sing an A-Z song along with the song on the screen.
-The teachers ask if students remember the previous class knowledge, then ask
students which vocabulary they are going to learn specifically.
Presentation 15 minutes
-Introduce the story called “Epilogue” It was a sequel story about a good demon
called Bobo, finding the fallen angle in the form of the child, Bobo’s goal is to protect
this girl from the others demon and end up with critical injury.
-While narrating a story, there was some part that included a sentence that
includes the content vocabulary which is presented by following sentence structure “I am
____” for example I am happy, etc.
-Continue this process until the story ends.

Association and comparison 15 minutes

- In this stage, ask students what they observed from the story such as the English
sentence, story, moral of it, etc.
-lead them to the content by asking them what the character feels in the specific
scene that has the content vocabulary.
Generalization 10 minutes
-let the students watch the story again to let them experience the stage of critical
thinking by their own (after the teacher lead them to)
--students can find the meaning of the vocabulary on their own through the story
Application 5 minutes
-This stage asks the students to make a facial expression by teacher shouting the
-Correct their facial expression if they understand the concept of the vocabulary
Recapitulation 10 minutes
-Students do the work sheet to summary what they have learned in the class.
-summarize the class, what they have learned, ask for facial expression for the last
time before the class ends.
1. Storytelling video
2. Worksheet

7. Assessment

Learning Methods Tools Criteria


Identify the Check the overall action Observation More than 80% of
meaning of the when teachers ask students students are able to
vocabulary (K) to make a facial understand the concept
expression. or the meaning.

Read and write The correction of students’ Worksheet and 70% of the students can
the vocabulary work on individual exercise book write and draw the
(P) production picture correctly

Participate in Observation Class behavioral More than 70% of

class actively. observation form students participate in
(A) class

Post-teaching Reflection

Lesson plan: 29 Class: P 1/1

Unit 2: My school things Topic: Emotion Date: 19 September 2023
Instructor: Pirapat Promsombut

The instructor’s reflection

The instruction that applying storytelling in teaching is pretty good at catching students’
attention as it intends to be. The content of the lesson is delivered to the students easily by a
visual on the Canva slide. The production of the lesson goes quite well as developing students’
alphabet and vocabulary knowledge at the same time.


The story was quite short, and the amount of new vocabulary was too low. The worksheet
is quite a little bit confusing at first which takes a lot of time to explain.

Suggestions and Solutions

Make a story longer and increase the amount of new vocabulary. Make a worksheet
easier to understand.


(Mr. Pirapat Promsombut)

19 September 2023

9. Appendices

Ansering Evaluation Rubric Name: __________________Class:__________No._________

Answering Evaluation Rubric

Item Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Poor (2) Improve (1)

1 Answer 80% accurate 60-79% 40-59% 20-39% Less than

accurately accurate accurate accurate 20%

Total marks (mark) for Answering Evaluation Rubric: _________

Monitoring form

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

1. Students answer the questions in the

class activities actively.

2. Students participate in class.

Total marks (mark) for Monitoring form: _________


Worksheet Evaluation Rubric Name:__________________Class:__________No._________

Worksheet evaluation rubric Criteria

Criteria Excellent Good Poor

Fill in the blank by Students can Students can Students can

using the given rearrange the rearrange the rearrange the
alphabet to alphabet in the alphabet in the blank alphabet in the
rearrange and blank correctly in correctly in every blank correctly
identify the every alphabet and alphabet but below than 2
meaning of the correctly identify the correctly identify the question and cannot
vocabulary meaning of every meaning of the identify the meaning
through drawing. vocabulary. vocabulary below of the vocabulary.
than 3

Total marks (mark) for Worksheet form: _________


Lesson Plan 32

Subject Area: Foreign Language Semester: 1 Academic Year: 2023

Subject: English Grade Level: 1 Time: 60 minutes
School: Bannonmuang School
Unit 3: My Family
Topic: Vocabulary about emotion
Date: 20 September 2023
Instructor: Pirapat Promsombut

1. Learning Standards
Strand 1: Language for Communication Standard
Standard FL1.1: Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard
and read from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper
FL.1.1.1 Act in compliance with orders, requests, and simple instructions heard or
FL1.1.2 Specify the alphabets and the sounds; accurately pronounce and spell
simple words by observing the principles of reading.
Standard FL1.2: Possessing language communication skills for effective
exchange of information; efficient expression of feelings and opinions.
FL 1.2.4 Ask for and give simple information about themselves by following the
models heard.
Strand 2: Language and Culture
Standard FL2.1: Appreciating the relationship between language and culture of
native speakers and ability in using language appropriately.
FL.2.1.3 Participate in language and cultural activities appropriate to their age

2. Concept
This lesson plan focuses on students recognizing the 5 vocabularies (including a
new one which is annoying) in Reading and Listening focus through storytelling made
by using Roblox and matching the picture worksheet.
3. Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson students are able to;
Identify the meaning of the vocabulary (K)
Read and write the vocabulary (P)
Participate in class actively (A)
4. Content
Vocabulary: annoyed, angry, love, scared
5. Procedures
Preparation 5 minutes
-The students greet the teacher as usual (Good morning/afternoon teacher).
-The students sing an A-Z song along with the song on the screen.
-The teachers ask if students remember the previous class knowledge, then ask
students which vocabulary they are going to learn specifically.
Presentation 15 minutes
-Introduce the story called “Good Neighbor” It was a story about a police officer
named Somchai who reject his phone call and the emergency end bad due to his lack of
-While narrating a story, there was some part that included a sentence that
includes the content vocabulary which is presented by following sentence structure “I am
____” for example I am annoyed, etc (with subtitle).
-Continue this process until the story ends.
Association and comparison 15 minutes
- In this stage, ask students what they observed from the story such as the English
sentence, story, moral of it, etc.
-lead them to the content by asking them what the character feel in the specific
scene that has the content vocabulary.

Generalization 10 minutes
-let the students watch the story again to let them experience the stage of critical
thinking by their own (after the teacher lead them to)
--students can find the meaning of the vocabulary on their own through the story
Application 5 minutes
-This stage asks the students make a facial expression by teacher shouting the
-Correct their facial expression if they understand the concept of the vocabulary
Recapitulation 10 minutes
-Students do the work sheet to summary what they have learned in the class.
-summarize the class, what they have learned, ask for facial expression for the last
time before the class ends.
1. Storytelling video
2. Worksheet

7. Assessment

Learning Methods Tools Criteria


Identify the Check the overall action Observation More than 80% of
meaning of the when teachers ask students students are able to
vocabulary (K) to make a facial understand the concept
expression. or the meaning.

Read and write The correction of students’ Worksheet and 70% of the students can
the vocabulary work on individual exercise book write and draw the
(P) production picture correctly

Participate in Observation Class behavioral More than 70% of

class actively. observation form students participate in
(A) class

8. Teaching Reflection

1) Learning outcome


2) Problems


3) Suggestions and Solutions


9. Appendices

Video Link:


Ansering Evaluation Rubric Name: __________________Class:__________No._________

Answering Evaluation Rubric

Item Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Poor (2) Improve (1)

1 Answer 80% accurate 60-79% 40-59% 20-39% Less than

accurately accurate accurate accurate 20%

Total marks (mark) for Answering Evaluation Rubric: _________

Monitoring form

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

1. Students answer the questions in the

class activities actively.

2. Students participate in class.

Total marks (mark) for Monitoring form: _________


Worksheet Evaluation Rubric Name:__________________Class:__________No._________

Worksheet evaluation rubric Criteria

Criteria Excellent Good Poor

Fill in the blank by Students can fill the Students can fill the Students can fill the
using the given alphabet in the alphabet in the blank alphabet in the
alphabet and blank correctly in correctly in every blank correctly
identify the every alphabet and alphabet but below than 3
meaning of the correctly identify the correctly identify the question and cannot
vocabulary through meaning of every meaning of the identify the meaning
matching the vocabulary. vocabulary below of the vocabulary.
picture. than 4

Total marks (mark) for Worksheet form: _________


Lesson Plan 32

Subject Area: Foreign Language Semester: 1 Academic Year: 2023

Subject: English Grade Level: 1 Time: 60 minutes
School: Bannonmuang School
Unit 3: My Family
Topic: Vocabulary about emotion
Date: 26 September 2023
Instructor: Pirapat Promsombut

1. Learning Standards
Strand 1: Language for Communication Standard
Standard FL1.1: Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard
and read from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper
FL.1.1.1 Act in compliance with orders, requests, and simple instructions heard or
FL1.1.2 Specify the alphabets and the sounds; accurately pronounce and spell
simple words by observing the principles of reading.
Standard FL1.2: Possessing language communication skills for effective
exchange of information; efficient expression of feelings and opinions.
FL 1.2.4 Ask for and give simple information about themselves by following the
models heard.
Strand 2: Language and Culture
Standard FL2.1: Appreciating the relationship between language and culture of
native speakers and ability in using language appropriately.
FL.2.1.3 Participate in language and cultural activities appropriate to their age

2. Concept
This lesson plan focuses on recap the content and students recognizing 10
vocabularies (including two new vocabularies which is “emotion and shy) in Reading
and Listening focus through storytelling made by using Canva and matching the picture
3. Learning Objectives
By the end of the lesson students are able to;
Identify the meaning of the vocabulary by listening (K)
Read and write the vocabulary (P)
Participate in class actively (A)
4. Content
Vocabulary: happy, sad, tired, annoyed, angry, love, scared, bored, shy, emotion
5. Procedures
Preparation 5 minutes
-The students greet the teacher as usual (Good morning/afternoon teacher).
-The students sing an A-Z song along with the song on the screen.
-The teachers ask if students remember the previous class knowledge, then ask
students which vocabulary they are going to learn specifically.
Presentation 15 minutes
-Introduce the story called “Emotion” It was a story about the village with a
various family which is named after the emotion, the character has their characteristic
after their name (happy will act happy) which all of them will come with the sentence “I
am ____” in the dialogue. The story will show the ordinary life of the character being a
room mate such as Happy live with Sad, and the story will show the opposite of each
other and how they live together.
-While narrating a story, there was some part that included a sentence that
includes the content vocabulary which is presented by following sentence structure “I am
____” for example I am annoyed, etc.
-Continue this process until the story ends.

Association and comparison 15 minutes

- In this stage, ask students what they observed from the story such as the English
sentence, story, moral of it, etc.
-lead them to the content by asking them what the character feels in the specific
scene that has the content vocabulary.
Generalization 10 minutes
-let the students watch the story again to let them experience the stage of critical
thinking by their own (after the teacher lead them to)
--students can find the meaning of the vocabulary on their own through the story
Application 5 minutes
-This stage asks the students make a facial expression by teacher shouting the
-Correct their facial expression if they understand the concept of the vocabulary
Recapitulation 10 minutes
-Students do the work sheet to summary what they have learned in the class.
-summarize the class, what they have learned, ask for facial expression for the last
time before the class ends.
1. Storytelling video
2. Worksheet

7. Assessment

Learning Methods Tools Criteria


Identify the Check the overall action Observation More than 80% of
meaning of the when teachers ask students students are able to
vocabulary (K) to make a facial understand the concept
expression. or the meaning.

Read and write The correction of students’ Worksheet and 70% of the students can
the vocabulary work on individual exercise book write and draw the
(P) production picture correctly

Participate in Observation Class behavioral More than 70% of

class actively. observation form students participate in
(A) class

8. Teaching Reflection

1) Learning outcome


2) Problems


3) Suggestions and Solutions


9. Appendices

Answering Evaluation Rubric Name: __________________Class:__________No._________

Answering Evaluation Rubric

Item Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Poor (2) Improve (1)

1 Answer 80% accurate 60-79% 40-59% 20-39% Less than

accurately accurate accurate accurate 20%

Total marks (mark) for Answering Evaluation Rubric: _________

Monitoring form

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

1. Students answer the questions in the

class activities actively.

2. Students participate in class.

Total marks (mark) for Monitoring form: _________


Worksheet Evaluation Rubric Name:__________________Class:__________No._________

Worksheet evaluation rubric Criteria

Criteria Excellent Good Poor

Fill in the blank Students can fill Students can fill the Students can fill the
by using the every vocabulary vocabulary in the blank vocabulary in the
given vocabulary in the blank correctly below 10 but blank correctly below
to identify the correctly and more than 5 than 5 vocabularies
meaning and correctly identify vocabularies. and and correctly identify
identify the every vocabulary correctly identify every every vocabulary in
vocabulary in in the word vocabulary in the word the word search below
word search. search. search below than 10 than 5 vocabularies.
but more than 5

Total marks (mark) for Worksheet form: _________


Appendix C: Instruments’ Verification


Assessment appropriateness of lesson plan 1




Instruction: Please consider whether the lesson plan is appropriate according to the various

components as specified or not. By using ✓ in the level of appropriateness that matches your

idea the most and specifying the additional suggestions that will be useful in this research.

Level of Appropriateness

Item “5” = Very appropriate

Item “4” = Appropriate

Item “3” = Neither

Item “2” = Inappropriate

Item “1” = Very inappropriate


Assessment appropriateness of lesson plan 1




Instruction: Please consider whether the lesson plan is appropriate according to the various

components as specified or not. By using ✓ in the level of appropriateness that matches your

idea the most and specifying the additional suggestions that will be useful in this research.

Level of Appropriateness

Item “5” = Very appropriate

Item “4” = Appropriate

Item “3” = Neither

Item “2” = Inappropriate

Item “1” = Very inappropriate


Assessment appropriateness of lesson plan 1




Instruction: Please consider whether the lesson plan is appropriate according to the various

components as specified or not. By using ✓ in the level of appropriateness that matches your

idea the most and specifying the additional suggestions that will be useful in this research.

Level of Appropriateness

Item “5” = Very appropriate

Item “4” = Appropriate

Item “3” = Neither

Item “2” = Inappropriate

Item “1” = Very inappropriate


Assessment appropriateness of lesson plan 2




Instruction: Please consider whether the lesson plan is appropriate according to the various

components as specified or not. By using ✓ in the level of appropriateness that matches your

idea the most and specifying the additional suggestions that will be useful in this research.

Level of Appropriateness

Item “5” = Very appropriate

Item “4” = Appropriate

Item “3” = Neither

Item “2” = Inappropriate

Item “1” = Very inappropriate


Assessment appropriateness of lesson plan 2




Instruction: Please consider whether the lesson plan is appropriate according to the various

components as specified or not. By using ✓ in the level of appropriateness that matches your

idea the most and specifying the additional suggestions that will be useful in this research.

Level of Appropriateness

Item “5” = Very appropriate

Item “4” = Appropriate

Item “3” = Neither

Item “2” = Inappropriate

Item “1” = Very inappropriate


Assessment appropriateness of lesson plan 2




Instruction: Please consider whether the lesson plan is appropriate according to the various

components as specified or not. By using ✓ in the level of appropriateness that matches your

idea the most and specifying the additional suggestions that will be useful in this research.

Level of Appropriateness

Item “5” = Very appropriate

Item “4” = Appropriate

Item “3” = Neither

Item “2” = Inappropriate

Item “1” = Very inappropriate


Assessment appropriateness of lesson plan 3




Instruction: Please consider whether the lesson plan is appropriate according to the various

components as specified or not. By using ✓ in the level of appropriateness that matches your

idea the most and specifying the additional suggestions that will be useful in this research.

Level of Appropriateness

Item “5” = Very appropriate

Item “4” = Appropriate

Item “3” = Neither

Item “2” = Inappropriate

Item “1” = Very inappropriate


Assessment appropriateness of lesson plan 3




Instruction: Please consider whether the lesson plan is appropriate according to the various

components as specified or not. By using ✓ in the level of appropriateness that matches your

idea the most and specifying the additional suggestions that will be useful in this research.

Level of Appropriateness

Item “5” = Very appropriate

Item “4” = Appropriate

Item “3” = Neither

Item “2” = Inappropriate

Item “1” = Very inappropriate


Assessment appropriateness of lesson plan 3




Instruction: Please consider whether the lesson plan is appropriate according to the various

components as specified or not. By using ✓ in the level of appropriateness that matches your

idea the most and specifying the additional suggestions that will be useful in this research.

Level of Appropriateness

Item “5” = Very appropriate

Item “4” = Appropriate

Item “3” = Neither

Item “2” = Inappropriate

Item “1” = Very inappropriate


Assessment appropriateness of lesson plan 4




Instruction: Please consider whether the lesson plan is appropriate according to the various

components as specified or not. By using ✓ in the level of appropriateness that matches your

idea the most and specifying the additional suggestions that will be useful in this research.

Level of Appropriateness

Item “5” = Very appropriate

Item “4” = Appropriate

Item “3” = Neither

Item “2” = Inappropriate

Item “1” = Very inappropriate


Assessment appropriateness of lesson plan 4




Instruction: Please consider whether the lesson plan is appropriate according to the various

components as specified or not. By using ✓ in the level of appropriateness that matches your

idea the most and specifying the additional suggestions that will be useful in this research.

Level of Appropriateness

Item “5” = Very appropriate

Item “4” = Appropriate

Item “3” = Neither

Item “2” = Inappropriate

Item “1” = Very inappropriate


Assessment appropriateness of lesson plan 4




Instruction: Please consider whether the lesson plan is appropriate according to the various

components as specified or not. By using ✓ in the level of appropriateness that matches your

idea the most and specifying the additional suggestions that will be useful in this research.

Level of Appropriateness

Item “5” = Very appropriate

Item “4” = Appropriate

Item “3” = Neither

Item “2” = Inappropriate

Item “1” = Very inappropriate


The Experts’ Opinion Form about English Vocabulary Knowledge Test Validity

The Experts’ Opinion Form is designed to identify whether the statement used in the English.

vocabulary knowledge test in English for grade 1 students at Bannonmuage School, Khon Kaen,

valid or not.


1) The test included 10 items

2) Tick ✓ in the opinion level you agree with. The opinion level included -1, 0, +1

+1 for You certainly agree that the questions, contents, and the alternatives are appropriate to test.

the English vocabulary achievement for grade 1 students Bannonmuage School.

0 for You are not sure that the questions, contents, and the alternatives are appropriate to test the

English vocabulary achievement for grade 1 students at Bannonmuage School.

-1 for You disagree that the questions, contents, and the alternatives are appropriate to test the

English vocabulary achievement for grade 1 students at Bannonmuage School


The Experts’ Opinion Form about English Vocabulary Knowledge Test Validity

The Experts’ Opinion Form is designed to identify whether the statement used in the English.

vocabulary knowledge test in English for grade 1 students at Bannonmuage School, Khon Kaen,

valid or not.


1) The test included 10 items

2) Tick ✓ in the opinion level you agree with. The opinion level included -1, 0, +1

+1 for You certainly agree that the questions, contents, and the alternatives are appropriate to test.

the English vocabulary achievement for grade 1 students Bannonmuage School.

0 for You are not sure that the questions, contents, and the alternatives are appropriate to test the

English vocabulary achievement for grade 1 students at Bannonmuage School.

-1 for You disagree that the questions, contents, and the alternatives are appropriate to test the

English vocabulary achievement for grade 1 students at Bannonmuage School


The Experts’ Opinion Form about English Vocabulary Knowledge Test Validity

The Experts’ Opinion Form is designed to identify whether the statement used in the English.

vocabulary knowledge test in English for grade 1 students at Bannonmuage School, Khon Kaen,

valid or not.


1) The test included 10 items

2) Tick ✓ in the opinion level you agree with. The opinion level included -1, 0, +1

+1 for You certainly agree that the questions, contents, and the alternatives are appropriate to test.

the English vocabulary achievement for grade 1 students Bannonmuage School.

0 for You are not sure that the questions, contents, and the alternatives are appropriate to test the

English vocabulary achievement for grade 1 students at Bannonmuage School.

-1 for You disagree that the questions, contents, and the alternatives are appropriate to test the

English vocabulary achievement for grade 1 students at Bannonmuage School


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