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Table of Contents
Case study summary:...............................................................................................................................3
Stakeholder analysis:...............................................................................................................................4
Strategies to manage and engage stakeholders:...................................................................................5
Project Organisation Structure:................................................................................................................7
Professional Responsibilities and Ethical Issues:..................................................................................11
Professional Responsibilities:............................................................................................................11
Ethical Issues:....................................................................................................................................12
Reference list:........................................................................................................................................15


The stakeholder analysis is based on the Samsung Galaxy Fold project. The key stakeholders
in the project include the company itself, Samsung Electronics, the suppliers, the customers,
and the competitors. The project was challenged along its progress from design flaws to
having to face competition. The strategies to have the stakeholders more engaged revolve
around clear communication plans and encouraging feedback responses from stakeholders.
The project organization structure is outlined by the specific roles and responsibilities leading
to the project’s success. Communication and documentation are highlighted for the project to
progress smoothly. The professional responsibilities of the project include stakeholder
communication, risk management and regular software updates. Finally, the project faced
some ethical issues like inadequate testing phases and no clear communication with
customers. However, in the end Samsung managed to take some corrective actions to ensure
the success of the project.

Case study summary:

The Samsung Galaxy Fold was supposed to revolutionize the design of smartphones. It was a
hand-held device that combined the looks of a phone and tablet, and the most important
feature was that it could be folded in half. Although this sounded promising, the device would
face severe criticism just days after the launch. Reviewers were quick to point out the flaws
of the device that cost about $2,000 (NewSarawakTribune, 2019).

Those who got their hands on the smartphone early would experience issues like
malfunctioning screens, unsynchronized displays from the two halves of the display when
scrolling, and a faulty hinge mechanism (Bohn, 2019).

Hence upon facing such a rough start, Samsung decided to recall the devices so that they
could fix the issues.

Stakeholder analysis:

The key stakeholders in the project were:

1. Samsung Electronics:

Samsung hoped that it would be the first company to introduce a foldable smartphone in the
mobile market. The company believed that it was an untapped market and wanted to be the
first to target those customers. The tech giant was already producing the best display
technology however, upon the malfunctioning of some devices in the hands of reviewers, the
company had to postpone the launch of the smartphone. Further to this, the company had to
refund customers who pre-ordered the phone (Amadeo, 2019).

The CEO of Samsung electronics revealed that the product was embarrassing for the
company as the project was rushed. However, upon identifying the issues with the device, the
company was doing thorough testing to get the project back on track (Amadeo, 2019).

2. Competitors:

The company was not expecting to face competition when they first introduced the concept of
folding phones which is why the company had to quickly release a product to the public
whenever Huawei announced their own version of a folding phone. The Huawei Mate X had
the same concept except for a larger screen and a more innovative design. Samsung therefore
did not intend to take the second place after years of research and financial resources invested
in the project (Amadeo, 2019).

3. Suppliers:

There were many part manufacturers that approached Samsung upon their introduction of the
folding phone concept. Since the device was unprecedented, parts manufacturers saw this as
an opportunity for profit maximization. AU Flex, among many, wanted to be the hinge
supplier to the company (Matei, 2021).

4. Customers:

The Galaxy Fold was a new concept mobile device and would offer a unique user experience
by fusing the best characteristics of smartphones and tablets. These features included a novel
folding user experience, a flexible camera, and superior performance. Samsung and its

partners collaborated to develop a completely new user experience that would revolutionize
how consumers use their mobile devices and fully utilized the folding form of its main
screens and cover. Consequently, the gadget was believed to provide consumers with
additional opportunities (Samsung Newsroom Malaysia, 2019).

Strategies to manage and engage stakeholders:

1. Communication plan:

It would be beneficial to the project to implement clear communication plans between the
stakeholders. It makes it easier to convey information to the teams involved depending on
their level of influence in the project (Gowland, 2023).

By making a customised communication strategy for every stakeholder group it becomes

much easier to convey information to stakeholders. Having tailored communication channels
for each stakeholder, can help simplify the information being conveyed and more specific at
the same time. For example, instead the traditional meetings, the company can send a detailed
email to suppliers providing information about the components that are needed (Gowland,

Moreover, the communication plan can help to determine the complexity of the language to
be used. For example, when communicating with the designing team, the company can use
more technical terms to work towards the objectives (Gowland, 2023).

2. Updates and feedback:

As the project progresses the project should be updating the stakeholders on how the project
is evolving and what are the forthcoming milestones (Gowland, 2023). In doing so, the
stakeholders’ interest remains captivated in the project. They can in turn provide some input
on how to tackle the next step of the project and help resolve issues.

For example, Samsung did not expect to face competition for the Galaxy Fold. The company
then decided on its own to rush the product to be the first one on the market without
consulting the stakeholders who in turn could feel that they are not valued. It later turned out
to be the wrong approach as the phones had to be recalled.

Project Organisation Structure:

By following this Project Organisation Structure, the project can be managed and carried out
successfully by accomplishing all deadlines and maintain communication between everyone:

1. Project Goals, Scope and Objectives:

 Goal: To improve the functionality, stability and usability of the Samsung

Galaxy Fold.

 Scope: To focus on customisation, increase performance options, and focus on


 Objectives: Manage performance, update software, or even re-build the whole


2. Project Team:

The project team will mainly consist of these following people:

A. Project Manager:

 He will be managing the whole project that is prepare planning, during

execution and also monitoring.
 He will also facilitate communications between team and clients.
 He has to make sure that the project is meeting the budget proposed
and that the timeline is respected.

B. Software Developer:

 Responsible for the update of the software to the latest version.

 Carry-out performance optimisations to ensure best practices of

 Look for customisations and implement as per project manager’s

C. Quality Assurance Tester:

 He is the one that do the test of the updated version to look for bugs,
glitches, and performance issues.
 He also creates and executes test cases to ensure the functionality and
stability of the product.
 He will provide feedback to software developer for improvements.

D. Technical Support Specialist:

 He provides his technical assistance throughout the project.

 He is also available to resolve any issues that may happen during the
software updates and customisations.
 He also offers guidance on hardware limitations and compatibility

E. Hardware Engineer:

 Assessing and addressing any hardware problems in order to increase

the longevity of the mobile phone.
 Look for upgrade in order to enhance user experience.

F. UI/UX Designer:

 He will create user interfaces and experiences specifically for the

Samsung Galaxy Fold.
 He works together with software developer on the design features.

(Kashyap 2024)

3. Roles and Responsibilities:

Roles Responsibilities
 Create project plan and deadlines
 Deliver tasks to respective team members
Project Manager  Track progress and address issues
 Establish communication between clients
and teams
 Update software on the devices
 Works along with QA to resolve issues
 Puts performance improvements into
Software Developer
 Customises gadget settings and
functionalities as desired.
 Prepare test cases
 Carry-out tests and identify bugs or
performance issues
Quality Assurance Tester  Provide feedback to Software Developer
for improvements
 Validates bug fixes and assures software
 Provides guideline and assistance
 Fixing hardware and software problems
Technical Support Specialist
 Provides strategies for resolving technical
 Identifies and resolves hardware faults to
increase device durability.
 Investigates prospective hardware
Hardware Engineer upgrades and adjustments.
 Collaborate with software developers to
ensure that hardware and software are

 Creates intuitive user interfaces that are

suited to the Samsung Galaxy Fold.
 Ensures uniformity and usability across
UX/UI Designer many software applications.
 Works with software developers to
establish design standards.

(Rabuzin 2024)

4. Communication and Reporting Protocols:

 Regular Team Meetings: Each week or biweekly meetings to review progress, resolve
concerns, and plan next actions.
 Progress Reports: Each member should provide their regular progress to the project
manager, alongside with completed tasks, issues faced and upcoming milestones.
 Stakeholder Updates: The project manager should be the one communicating daily
with the stakeholders, updating them with milestones, project status, and changes in
project scope or timeline.
 Issue Tracking: Use a project management tool or system to track and prioritise
concerns, ensuring that they are resolved in a timely way.

(Jamie Birt 2023)

5. Project Management Process:

 Initiation: Define project goals, objectives and scope. Identify project

members and provide communication protocols.

 Planning: Provide detailed project plan, including timelines, milestones,

budget and resources allocation.

 Execution: Implement software upgrades, performance improvements, and

customizations that comply with the project strategy.

 Monitoring and Controlling: Observe project progress, track key performance

indicators, and handle any concerns or deviations from the original plan.

 Closure: Finish software changes, run final tests, and create project
documentation. Communicate project conclusion to stakeholder

(Kiss Flow 2023)

Professional Responsibilities and Ethical Issues:

Below are three professional responsibilities and three Ethical Issues that may have happened
during the project “Samsung Galaxy Fold” and how to address them:

Professional Responsibilities:

1. Stakeholder Communication:

It is important for the project manager to maintain communication with clients, team
members, and other stakeholders to effectively manage expectations, resolve issues,
and provide project updates.

How to address them?

The team's goals, status update meetings, progress reports, mailing progress, and
progress will all be shared by the project manager, who will also facilitate
communication within the team. They also notify relevant parties of upcoming or past
milestones, issues, and other developments. Building trust between the parties will
require clear and efficient communication.

2. Risk Management:


A project manager should be able to identify possible hazards that could affect the
project's progress, evaluate such risks, and actively look for workable solutions to
lessen their negative consequences.

How to address them?

Project managers are responsible for detecting potential risk factors at the project
beginning phase. These variables can include things like hardware limits, software

compatibility concerns, or delays in resource allocation. After doing a risk assessment,
the project manager will determine the potential impact of the risks on the project and
implement solutions to minimise their impact. Maintaining constant contact and close
observation are necessary to guarantee that hazards are promptly addressed,
protecting the project from unfavourable outcomes.

3. Software update and customisation:


The software developer is the one responsible for this particular job, that is for
implementing performance features, update the device’s software, and customising it
for specific purposes.

How to address them?

To fulfil this duty, the software developer must become knowledgeable about the
latest updates that can be applied to the Samsung model. They must take great care to
ensure compatibility and stability when implementing these changes. The developer
must investigate customisation choices in light of the project's specifications and

(Rabuzin 2024)

Ethical Issues:

1. Improper testing:

Samsung released a product in the market without conducting proper testing of the
Galaxy Fold. As a result, the company overlooked an issue regarding the proper use of
the screen.

The CEO of Samsung revealed that proper testing of the devices was only being done
after the launch of the device in the market as users would encounter problems with
the smartphone (Amadeo, 2019).

The company should have done the proper testing and used quality control tools well
in advance before the release of the phone.

2. No clear communication:

The Galaxy Fold faced a setback whereby the screen was failing right out of the box
because users would peel off what they thought was only a screen protector on the
screen but was rather a crucial component for its proper functioning (Bohn, 2019).

The company should have included a user guide emphasizing the dos and don’ts of
the device for the end users. The Galaxy Fold was the first of its kind when Samsung
launched the product. As a result, the company only assumed that customers would
already know how to use the product.

3. Beta tests:

The first generation of the Galaxy Fold had a hefty price of $1,980 yet can only be
considered as a testing phase for the product. The device performance would only
provide data to Samsung for them to learn how they can future models (Savov, 2019).

Samsung could have only introduced the prototype of the device to the market at first
without trying to generate revenue from the phone at first. Upon review from
customers, the company could have fixed the issues that the Galaxy Fold originally
had then release a truly premium product.


In conducting the stakeholder analysis, we have seen the various factors that are related to it,
namely their interests, and their level of influence in the project. By collaborating with them,
our aim was to provide them our expertise and knowledge to satisfy their objectives and
requirements. Concerning the project organisation structure, we have developed a plan in
order to meet the project’s goals, scope, objectives, clear responsibilities and roles. By doing
this, we have been able to mitigate risks deliver value to our stakeholders while taking care of
transparency and accountability.

Reference list:

Amadeo, R. (2019). Samsung CEO calls Galaxy Fold launch failure “embarrassing”.

Bohn, D. (2019) My Samsung Galaxy Fold screen broke after just a day.

Bohn, D. (2019) Samsung Galaxy Fold review: broken dream.

Gowland, M. (2023) How to engage stakeholders: 7 successful strategies.

Matei, M. (2021) Suppliers are competing over the most critical component of Samsung’s


NewSarawakTribune (2019) Samsung postpones Galaxy Fold launch – Is it really that bad a


Samsung Newsroom Malaysia (2019) Galaxy Fold Will Be Available For Pre-Order in

Malaysia Starting 9th October 2019.

Savov, V. (2019) The Galaxy Fold makes no sense as a consumer device yet.

Kashyap, S. (2024a, March 20). 13 key roles and responsibilities of a skilled project
manager. ProofHub.

Rabuzin, V. (2024, February 27). Project roles and responsibilities in a team explained.
Plaky Learn.

7 essential channels of communication in the workplace | (n.d.).

KnowledgeHut. (2019, February 27). Communication Channels: Project Management

tutorial. Knowledgehut.

Guardian News and Media. (n.d.). Samsung Galaxy Fold 5g | guardian advertising case
studies. The Guardian.

From concept to creation: Designing the galaxy fold. – Samsung Global Newsroom. (n.d.).

Kissflow. (2023, April 15). 5 Phases of Project Management Process | Kissflow Projects.


Project Manager

QA Tester Support


UI/UX Designer

Project Organisation Structure


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