Law Enforcement Organization and Administration

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A consciously coordinated social entity, with a relatively identifiable
boundary, that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a
common goal or sets of goals.
A. Organization
B. Administration
C. Police Organization
D. Police Administration
An officer who has the more senior rank/higher in a group or team.
A. Sworn Officer
B. Commanding Officer
C. Superior Officer
D. Ranking Officer
The administrative control and operational supervision over the PNP is
a power of;
B. Congress
D. Mayors
The principle of organization that is adopted when the organization is
too big and men are scattered in different areas of the country.
A. Span of Control
B. Unity of Command
C. Delegation of authority
D. Scalar Principle
A single uninterrupted line of authority – often represented by boxes
and lines of an organizational chart – is run in order by what we call -
A. organizational control
B. administrative control
C. scalar chain
D. span of control
What is the term of office of the four regular and full-time
Commissioners of the NAPOLCOM?
A. 6 years
B. 4 years
C. 5 years
D. 9 years
E. None of these
The placement of subordinate into the position for which their
capabilities best fit them is referred to as
A. Staffing
B. None of these
C. Planning
D. Organizing
E. Directing
What is the principle of organization suggesting that communication
should ordinarily go upward and downward through establish channels
in the hierarchy?

A. Chain of Command
B. Unity of Command
C. Span of Control
D. Delegation of Authority
What article and specific section of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
that provides for the establishment and maintenance of one police
force which shall be national in scope but civilian in character that shall
be administratively controlled and operationally supervised by the
National Police Commission?
A. Art. III, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
B. Art. VI, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
C. Art. XVI, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
D. Art. XVII, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
Decisions from the PLEB involving demotion or dismissal from the
service are appealable to?
a. Court of Appeals
b. National Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
c. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
d. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
When is the operational supervision and control powers conferred to
mayors by the NAPOLCOM is suspended and temporarily given to the
A. 30 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections
B. 60 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections
C. 90 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections
D. 180 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections
An illustration in the form of a chart which represents the
organizational structure. The mechanical means of depicting the
organizational structure.
A.Organizational Chart
B. Organizational Structure
C. Organization
D. PNP Organizational Chart
The fourth man in command of the PNP is the __________.
A. DDG for operation
B. Chief, Directorial Staff
C. DDG for administration
D. Chief, PNP
Formulates plans and policies on the career development of PNP
members; formulates doctrines pertaining to organization,
administration and operations of PNP; and determines training
requirements of the PNP personnel and units and formulates training
programs and directives for the purpose.
A. Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development
B. Directorate for Investigation & Detective Management
C. Directorate for Information and Communication Technology Management
D. Directorate for Plans
The following are the management process except one:
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Leading
D. Coordinating
Maintenance of intended delegation requires that the decisions within
its authority of individual commander should be made by them and not
be referred upward or downward in the organizational structure is
referred to as;
A. principle of delegation by result expected
B. principle of absoluteness of responsibility
C. principle of parity and responsibility
D. authority level principle
A promotion granted to police officers meeting the mandatory
requirements for position.
a. Regular Promotion
b. Promotion by Virtue of Position
c. Special/Meritorious/Spot Promotion
d. Posthumous Promotion
The term Time-in-Grade as criteria for promotion refers to:
A. total length of service in the PNP
B. Over-all length of service in the government
C. over-all length of service in the present rank
D. Length of permanent status in the present rank
Transfer and assignment of personnel as well as the adjustment of
qualification standards; assesses personnel fitness and performance;
and records, processes and administers application of leaves and other
a. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management
b. Directorate for intelligence
c. Directorate for Operations
d. Directorate for Logistics
No person in an organization can do all the tasks necessary for
accomplishing group objective. Also,
A. chain of command
B. command responsibility
C. delegation of authority
D. unity of command
To defend Against external and internal threats To territorial integrity
and sovereignty And promote the welfare of the people in order to
create a secure and stable environment Conducive to national
development Is the mission of
It is charged with assessing and collecting customs revenues, curbing
illicit trade and all forms of customs fraud and facilitating trade through
an efficient and effective customs management system.
A Bureau of customs
B. Bureau of Treasury
C. Bureau of Internal Revenue
D Bureau of Local Government Finance
It is responsible for the administration and enforcement of
immigration, citizenship and alien admission and registration laws in
accordance with the provisions of the Philippine Immigration Act Of
1940. It also plays a role in enforcement of RA 9208, Also known as the
anti trafficking in Person Act of 2003.
A Bureau of customs
B. Bureau of immigration
C. Bureau of Fire Protection
D. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology.
The following organization Is mandated and responsible to perform
maritime search and rescue, maritime law enforcement, maritime
safety, marine Environmental Protection and maritime security?
A. Bureau of customs
B. PNP Maritime group
C. Philippine Navy
D. Philippine Coast Guard
Responsible for the efficient and effective law enforcement of all the
provisions on any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and
essential chemical as provided in RA 9165.


The registered criminologist can perform the competencies under the following sub- Distributio
topics: n

Explain and execute the principles of organization, management, and administration; 7

Compare and distinguish the organization of law enforcement and public safety 6
agencies as provided under E.O. 292 Series of 1987 and other relevant laws
Relate and adapt the powers, functions, and organizational structures of various law 7
enforcement and public safety agencies.
It is an agency of a Includes other
community or government that is agencies under the
responsible for enforcing the executive branch of the
law, maintaining public order, government in charge with
and preventing and detecting the execution or
crime. enforcement of laws.
A group of trained These are
personnel in the field of public organizations and offices of
safety administration engaged the government that
in the achievement of goals and enforces the laws or assist
objectives that promotes the the enforcement of the law as
maintenance of peace and order, mandate by the law.
protection of life and property,
enforcement of the laws and the
prevention of crimes.

Its function is to conduct investigation on the alleged crime

committed by a person, to arrest or detain violator of the penal law or
an ordinance to effect the warrant issued by the court and to assist
the complainant to file a case.
It is the system of rules that a particular country or community
recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and may enforce by the
imposition of penalties.
Means to compel obedience to a law, regulation or command.
A group of person working together for a common goal or objective. A
form of human association for the attainment of goal or objective.
An organizational process concerned with the implementation of
objectives and plans and internal operating efficiency.
Key Terminologies

Sworn Officers – all personnel of the police department who have oath and
who posses the power to arrest.
Superior Officer - one having supervisory responsibilities, either temporarily
or permanently, over officers of lower rank.
Commanding Officer - an officer who is in command of the department, a
bureau, a division, an area, or a district.
Ranking Officer - the officer who has the more senior rank/higher rank in a team
or group.
Length of Service - the period of time that has elapsed since the
oath of office was administered. Previous active services may be
included or added.
On Duty - the period when an officer is actively engaged in the
performance of his duty.
Off Duty - the nature of which the police officer is free from
specific routine duty.
Special Duty - the police service, its nature, which requires that
the officer be excused from the performance of his active regular
Leave of Absence - period, which an officer is excused from active
duty by any valid/acceptable reason, approved by higher authority.
Sick Leave - period which an officer is excused from active duty by
reason of illness or injury.
Suspension - a consequence of an act which temporarily deprives
an officer from the privilege of performing his duties as result of
violating directives or other department regulations.
Department Rules - rules established by department
directors/supervisors to control the conduct of the members of
the police force.
Duty Manual - describes the procedures and defines the duties
of officers assigned to specified post or position.
Order - an instruction given by a ranking officer to a subordinate,
either a. General Order, b. Special, or c. Personal
Report - usually a written communication unless otherwise
specifies to be verbal reports; verbal reports should be confirmed
by written communication.
• It is a form of human association for the attainment of a goal
or objective
• A consciously coordinated social entity with a relatively
identifiable boundary that functions on a relatively continuous
basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals.
A group of trained personnel in the field of public
safety administration engaged in the achievement of goals
and objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace and
order, protection of life and property, enforcement of the laws
and the prevention of crimes
An illustration in the form of a chart which represents the
organizational structure. The mechanical means of depicting
the organizational structure.
A graphic view of the organization’s general structure
of work and work relationships.


1. To understand the command relationships;
2. To better understand roles and position in the organization;
3. As training aid of the personnel.
The systematic arrangement of the relationship of the members,
positions, departments and functions or work of the organization. It is
comprised of functions, relationships, responsibilities and authorities of
individuals within the organization.
A mechanical method indicates the relationships between the
various workers, workgroups, and functions within an organization.

Types of Organizational Structure

Line Organization
Functional Organization
Line and Staff Organization

The straight line organization, often called the individual, military

or departmental type of organization, is the simplest and perhaps the
oldest type; but it is seldom encountered in its channels of authority and
responsibility extends in a direct line from top to bottom within the
structures, authority is definite and absolute.

The functional organization in its pure form is rarely found in

present day organizations, except at or near the top of the very large
Unlike the line type of structure, those establishments organized
on a functional basis violate the prime rule that men perform best
when they have but one superior.
Functional organization is a type of organizational structure that
uses the principle of specialization based on function or role.

The Line and Staff organization is a combination of the line and

functional types.
It combines staff specialist such as the criminalists, the training
officers, the research and development specialists, etc.
Channels of responsibility is to “think and provide expertise” for
the line units.
The line supervisor must remember that he obtains advice
from the staff specialists.
Organizations are either formal or informal. Formal organizations
are highly structured while informal organizations are those without
Every formal organization whether small or large are governed by
the followingminimum cost.

Principle of Unity of Objectives - an organization is effective if it enables

the individuals to contribute to the organization’s objectives.

Principle of Organizational Efficiency – organization structure is

effective if it is structured in such a way to aid the accomplishment of the
organization’s objectives with a
Scalar Principle – shows the vertical hierarchy of the organization which defines an
unbroken chain of units from top to bottom describing explicitly the flow of
authority. The scalar principles are:
a. Line of Authority and Chain of Command - This principle of organization
suggests that communications should ordinarily go upward through
established channels in the hierarchy. Diverting orders, directives, or reports
around a level of command usually has disastrous effects on efficiency of the
b.The Span of Control of a supervisor over personnel or units shall not mean more
than what he can effectively direct and coordinate. In span of control, levels of
authority shall be kept to a minimum.
c. The Delegation of authority shall carry with it a commensurate authority and
the person to whom the authority is delegated shall be held accountable
therefore. It implies that delegation must carry with it appropriate responsibility.
d.The Unity of Command - explains that subordinates should only be under the
control of one superior.
Functional Principle – refers to division of work according to type, place, time
and specialization.

Line and Staff – implies that a system of varied functions arrange into a workable
pattern. The line organization is responsible for the direct accomplishment of
the objectives while the staff is responsible for support, advisory or
facilitative capacity.

Principle of Balance – states that the application of principles must be

balanced to ensure the effectiveness of the structure in meeting organization’s
Principle of Delegation by Results – states that authority delegated should be
adequate to ensure the ability to accomplish expected results.
Principles of Absoluteness of Responsibility – explains that the responsibility of the
subordinates to their superior for performance is absolute and the superior cannot
escape responsibility for the organization on activities performed by their subordinates.

Principle of Parity and Responsibility – explains that responsibility for action cannot
be greater than that implied by the authority delegated nor should it be less.

Authority Level Principle – implies that decisions within the authority of the individual
commander should be made by them and not be returned upward in the organizational

Principle of Flexibility – means that the more flexible the organization, the more it can
fulfill its purpose.
1) UNITY OF COMMAND -dictates that there should only be ONE MAN commanding
the unit to ensure uniformity in the execution of orders.
2) SPAN OF CONTROL - the ability of one man to direct, coordinate, and control
immediate subordinates.
3) DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY -conferring of certain specified authority by a
superior to a subordinate.
4) HIERARCHY OF AUTHORITY -the relationship between superiors and
subordinates .It can be visualized as a ladder, with each rung (or rank) representing a
higher or lower level of authority.
Authority is the right to command and control the behavior of employees
in lower positions within an organizational hierarchy. A hierarchy thus serves as the
framework for the flow of authority downward (and obedience upward) through the
5) SPECIALIZATION -the assignment of particular personnel to particular tasks which
are highly technical and require special skills and training.
6) CHAIN OF COMMAND -the arrangement of officers from top to bottom on the
basis of rank or position and authority.
7) COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY -dictates that immediate commanders shall be
responsible for the effective supervision and control of their personnel and unit .

1. Bureau - the largest organic functional unit within a large
department. It comprises of numbers of divisions.
2. Division - a primary subdivision of a bureau.
3. Section -functional unit within a division that is necessary
for specialization.
4. Unit -functional group within a section; or the smallest
functional group within an organization.

1. Post - a fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for duty,

such as a designated desk or office or an intersection or cross walk from
traffic duty. It is a spot location for general guard duty.
2. Route -a length of streets designated for patrol purposes. It is also
called LINE BEAT.
3. Beat - an area assigned for patrol purposes, whether foot or motorized.
4. Sector - an area containing two or more beats, routes, or post.
5. District-a geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes, usually
with its own station.
6. Area- a section or territorial division of a large city each comprised of
designated districts.
1. It differs from all other organizations because only the police
posses legitimate arrest power and authority within our
society. This responsibility results in police officers performing a
variety of task and meeting the need for services continuously.
2. Public organizations exist within a political environment.
3. It has no profit motive, and it is involved in providing services
as opposed to goods.
4. The existence of bureaucratic governmental rules and
regulations stymies creativity and flexibility.
5. It has limited, inflexible resources.
6. It must answer to its many and diverse citizens
7. It is service-oriented
8. Requires a distinctive management style.
The administration is a systematic process of
administering the management of an organization.
An organizational process concerned with the
implementation of objectives and plans and internal operating
The main function of administration is the formation of
plans, policies, and procedures, setting up of goals and
objectives, enforcing rules and regulations, etc.
Gulick and Urwick - Pioneers of “The Science of Administration”. In this book,
they have described the major functions of administration using the acronym

Planning – working out in broad outline the things that need to be done and the
methods for doing them to accomplish the purpose set for the enterprise. Process
of selecting goals and determining how to achieve them.
Organizing – establishment of the formal structure of authority through which
work subdivisions are arranged, defined, and coordinated for the define
objective. Involves determination and allocation of the men and women as well
as the resource of an organization to achieve pre-determined goals or objectives
of the organization.
Staffing – personnel function of bringing in and out training the
staff and maintaining the staff the favorable conditions of work.
Filling the organization with the right people and right
position. The task of providing competent men to do the job
and choosing the right men for the right job

Directing – task of making decisions and embodying them in

specific and general orders and instructions and serving as
the leader of the enterprise. Overseeing and supervising of
the human resources.
5. Coordinating - the all-important duty of interrelating the various
parts of the work. Manner of integrating the different elements
with in or outside the organization
6. Reporting – is keeping those to whom the executive is
responsible informed as to what is going on, which thus includes
keeping himself and his subordinates informed through records
research and inspection. System of putting what is reported into
records and the manner of classifying documents or notes within the
7. Budgeting – with all that goes of budgeting in the form of fiscal
planning, accounting, and control. The forecasting in detail of the
results of an officially recognized program of operations based on
the highest reasonable expectations of operating efficiency
Management pertains to the utilization of available
resources in an organization to achieve its organizational
Management is defined as an act of managing people and
their work, for achieving a common goal by using the
organization’s resources.
Management brings together 5M’s of the organization,
i.e. Men, Material, Machines, Methods, and Money. It is a result
oriented activity, which focuses on achieving the desired output
The management process involves Planning – Organizing –
Leading – Controlling the use of organizational resources to
achieve high performance results.

1. Planning – is the process of setting performance objectives

and identifying the actions needed to accomplish them.
2. Organizing – is the process of dividing the work to be done
and coordinating results to achieve a desired purpose.
3. Leading – is the process of directing and coordinating the
work efforts of other people to help them accomplish important
4. Controlling – is the process of monitoring performance,
comparing results to objectives and taking corrective action as
Authority – is the right to command and control the behavior of employees in lower
positions within an organizational hierarchy. A particular position within an organization
carries the same regardless of who occupies that position.
It refers to the legitimate right to lead and influence people.
1. Law
2. Tradition
3. Delegation
Responsibility – means that the management shall be held accountable for whatever
result that may arise in the exercise of authority. Thus, responsibility limits the exercise of
one’s authority.
Command Responsibility -is the doctrine that imposes commensurate accountability to
one who is vested with management and leadership functions.

The three primary areas in the development of the classical approach are:


Scientific Management sought to discover the best method of
performing specific task. Based on his studies, Taylor believed that if
workers were taught the best procedures, with pay tied to output, they
would produce the maximum amount of work.

With respect to this philosophy, the role of management changed

abruptly from the earlier use of the “rule of the thumb” to a more
scientific approach, including scientifically selecting, training, and
developing workers, and ensuring that all the work would be done in
accordance with scientific principles, thus scientific management strongly
adhered to the formal organization structure and its rules.
The concept of Bureaucracy is generally associated with the work of
Max Weber, who was the major contributor to modern sociology.

He studied the effect of social change in Europe at the end of the 19th
Century and coined the term BUREAUCRACY to identify the complex
organizations that operated on a rational basis.

Proposes that all business task must be be divided among the
employees. The basis for the division of task should be competencies
and functional specialization.

Weber believed that such an approach was a means of lessening

the cruelty, nepotism, and subjective managerial practices common in
the early stages of the Industrial Revolution. (For example, it was a
standard practice to hire relatives regardless of their competence and to
allow only individuals of aristocratic birth to attain high-level positions within
government and industry)
3. ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT - It emphasizes broad administrative
principles applicable to higher levels with in the organization.

Henri Fayol (1841-1945) – in his most influential work “Industrial and

General Management”, 14 principles of efficient management was

Division of Work - work specialization can increase efficiency with the

same amount of effort.
Authority and Responsibility – authority includes the right to command
and the power to require obedience; one can not have authority without
Discipline – Discipline is necessary for an organization to function
effectively, however, the state of the disciplinary process depends upon
the quality of its leaders.
Unity of Command - employee should receive orders from one superior
Unity of Direction – there should be one manager and one plan for a
group of activities that have the same objective.
Subordination of individual interest to general interest – the
interest of one employee or group of employees should not take
precedence over those of the organization as a whole.
Remuneration of Personnel – compensation should be fair to
both the employee and the employer.
Centralization – the proper amount of centralization depends on
the situation. The objective is to pursue the optimum
utilization of the capabilities of personnel
Scalar Chain – the hierarchy of authority is the order of ranks
from the highest to the lowest levels of the organization.
Besides this vertical communication should also be encourage as
long as the managers is in the chain are kept informed.
Order – materials and human resources should be in the
right place at the right time; individuals should be in jobs or
position that suits them.
Equity – employees should be treated with kindness and
Stability of personnel tenure - an employee needs time to
adjust to a new job and reach a point of satisfactory
performance; high turnover should be avoided.
Initiative – the ability to conceive and execute a plan (through
initiative and freedom) should be encouraged and developed
throughout all levels of the organization.
Espirit de Corps –“union” Unity is strength; Harmony and
teamwork are essential to effective organizations.


The results of Hawthorne experiment contradicted the
traditional views of management emphasized by the classical
theorists and led to the behavioral approach emphasizing
concern for the workers.
The study suggests that when special attention is paid to
employees by management, productivity is likely to increase
regardless of changes in working conditions. This
phenomenon was labeled the “Hawthorne effect”
The Hawthorne effect is when subjects of an
experimental study attempt to change or improve their
behavior simply because it is being evaluated or studied. It
occurs when people behave differently because they know they
are being watched.

In order to be classified as behavioral science, a field must:

Deal with human behavior

Study its subject matter in a scientific manner

The behavioral science approach utilizes scientific` method

as the foundation for testing and developing theories about
human behavior in organizations that can be used to guide and
develop managerial policies and practices.
Contributors to this approach are:


This theory is based on the assumption that there is a hierarchy
of five needs within each individual. The urgency of these needs
varies. These five needs are as follows-
Physiological needs- These are the basic needs of air, water, food, clothing and
shelter. In other words, physiological needs are the needs for basic amenities of life

Safety needs- Safety needs include physical, environmental and emotional safety and
protection. For instance- Job security, financial security, protection from animals,
family security, health security, etc

Social needs- Social needs include the need for love, affection, care, belongingness,
and friendship.

Esteem needs- Esteem needs are of two types: internal esteem needs (self- respect,
confidence, competence, achievement and freedom) and external esteem needs
(recognition, power, status, attention and admiration).

Self-actualization need- This include the urge to become what you are capable of
becoming/what you have the potential to become. It includes the need for growth
and self-contentment. It also includes desire for gaining more knowledge, social-
service, creativity and being aesthetic. The self- actualization needs are never fully
satiable. As an individual grows psychologically, opportunities keep cropping up to
continue growing.
As far as the physiological needs are concerned, the managers
should give employees appropriate salaries to purchase the
basic necessities of life. Breaks and eating opportunities should
be given to employees.

As far as the safety needs are concerned, the managers should

provide the employees job security, safe and hygienic work
environment, and retirement benefits so as to retain them.
As far as social needs are concerned, the management should
encourage teamwork and organize social events.

As far as esteem needs are concerned, the managers can

appreciate and reward employees on accomplishing and
exceeding their targets. The management can give the deserved
employee higher job rank/position in the organization.

As far as self-actualization needs are concerned, the managers

can give the employees challenging jobs in which the employees’
skills and competencies are fully utilized. Moreover, growth
opportunities can be given to them so that they can reach the
Clayton Aldefer has developed the ERG theory which is a modification
of the Maslow’s theory. ERG theory categorizes needs into Existence,
Relatedness and Growth needs.

According to Aldefer:

Existence Needs – are desires for physiological and material well-being

Relatedness Needs – are desires for satisfying interpersonal


Growth Needs – are desires for continued personal growth and


Need for Achievement – the desire to do something better or more

efficiently, to solve problems, or to master complex task.

Need for Affiliation – the desire to establish and maintain friendly and
warm relations with others

Need for Power – the desire to control others, to influence their behavior,
or to be responsible for others.

Theory X assumes that people have little ambition, dislike work, and
must be coerced in order to perform satisfactorily.
Theory Y assumes that people do not inherently dislike work and if
properly rewarded, especially satisfying esteem and self actualization
needs, will perform well on the job.

Theory X works on the idea of punishing people to keep the work going,
while under theory Y, promotions, rewards, and recognition play an
important part.
This is the movement towards quality management. Theorists have incorporated the influences of
the behavioral science and other earlier school of thoughts.

The System Theory - It simply means that all parts of a system are interrelated and interdependent to
form the whole. A system is composed of elements or subsystems that are related and dependent
upon one another. When these subsystems are in interaction with one another, they form a unitary

The Contingency Theory – This approach recognizes that many internal and external environmental
variables affect organizational behavior. In this case, there is no best way for structuring and
managing diverse types of organizations. So the underlying theme of this theory is that it all
depends on a particular situation. The task of managers then is to determine in which situations
and at what times certain methods or techniques are the most effective. In this way, the
approach is more pragmatic although it encompasses relevant concepts of both classical and
behavioral theories.

Theory Z and Quality Management - Important emerging perspectives include Theory Z and Quality
Management, focused on the Japanese management practices. The emergence of Total Quality
Management (TQM) practices – a customer oriented approach and emphasizes on both human
resources and quantitative methods in an attempt to strive towards continuous improvement.
Powers & Functions
• Assist the President in the exercise of general supervision over local
• Advise the President in the promulgation of policies, rules, regulations
and other issuances on the general supervision over local
governments and on public order and safety;
• Establish and prescribe rules, regulations and other issuances
implementing laws on public order and safety, the general supervision
over local governments and the promotion of local autonomy and community
empowerment and monitor compliance thereof;
• Provide assistance towards legislation regarding local governments,
law enforcement and public safety;
• Establish and prescribe plans, policies, programs and
projects to promote peace and order, ensure public safety
and further strengthen the administrative, technical and fiscal
capabilities of local government offices and personnel;
• Formulate plans, policies and programs which will meet
local emergencies arising from natural and man-made
Establish a system of coordination and cooperation among the
citizenry, local executives and the Department, to ensure
effective and efficient delivery of basic services to the
• Organize, train and equip primarily for the performance of
police functions, a police force that is national in scope
and civilian in character.
Department Proper. — The Department Proper shall consist of
the existing staff services as provided for under Executive
Order No. 262 and the following offices:

(a) Office of the Secretary. — The office of the Secretary shall

consist of the Secretary and his immediate staff; and
(b) Office of the Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries. —
The Secretary shall be assisted by two (2) Undersecretaries,
one (1) for local government and the other for peace and
order, at least one (1) of whom must belong to the career
executive service, and three (3) career Assistant Secretaries.
Head of Department. — The head of the Department. — The
head of the Department, hereinafter referred to as the
Secretary, shall also be the ex-officio Chairman of the
National Police Commission and shall be appointed by the
President subject to confirmation of the Commission on
No retired or resigned military officer or police official
may be appointed as Secretary within one (1) year from the
date of his retirement or resignation.
-under RA 6975, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
was in charge with external security while the DILG was in
charge with internal security.
- under RA 8551, the DILG shall be relieved of the primary
responsibility on matters involving suppression of insurgency and
other serious threats to national security. The PNP shall through
information gathering and performance of its ordinary police
functions, support the AFP on matters involving suppression of
Organizational Structure
- an agency attached to the DILG for policy and program
-shall exercise administrative control and operational
supervision over the PNP
-consist of a Chairperson, four (4) regular Commissioners and the Chief of PNP as
ex officio member.
-shall serve a term of office of six (6) years without reappointment or extension.
-three of the regular commissioners shall come from civilian sector who are neither
active nor former members of the police or military.
-from among the three regular commissioners from the civilian sector, the Vice
Chairperson shall be chosen
-the Vice Chairperson shall act as the Executive Officer of the Commission.
-the fourth regular commissioner shall come from the law enforcement sector either
active or retired. Provided, that an active member of a law enforcement agency shall be
considered resigned once appointed.
-at least one (1) of the four regular commissioners shall be a woman.
(a) He or she is a citizen of the Philippines;
(b) A member of the Philippine Bar with at least five (5) years
experience in handling criminal or human rights cases or a holder
of a master's degree but preferably a doctorate degree in public
administration, sociology, criminology, criminal justice, law
enforcement, and other related disciplines; and “
(c) The regular member coming from the law enforcement
sector should have practical experience in law enforcement work
for at least five (5) years while the three (3) other regular
commissioners must have done extensive research work or
projects on law enforcement, criminology or criminal justice
or members of a duly registered non-government organization
involved in the promotion of peace and order."
The four (4) regular and fulltime Commissioners shall be
appointed by the President for a term of six (6) years without re-
appointment or extension."
Section 5. Section 14 of Republic Act No. 6975 is hereby amended to read
as follows:
"SEC. 14. Powers and Functions of the Commission.
– The Commission shall exercise the following powers and functions:
a) Exercise administrative control and operational supervision over the
Philippine National Police which shall mean the power to:
• Develop policies and promulgate a police manual prescribing rules and
regulations for efficient organization, administration, and operation, including
criteria for manpower allocation distribution and deployment, recruitment,
selection, promotion, and retirement of personnel and the conduct of qualifying
entrance and promotional examinations for uniformed members;
• Examine and audit, and thereafter establish the standards for such purposes on
a continuing basis, the performance, activities, and facilities of all police
agencies throughout the country;
• Establish a system of uniform crime reporting;
• Conduct an annual self-report survey and compile statistical
data for the accurate assessment of the crime situation and the
proper evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of all police
units in the country;
• Approve or modify plans and programs on education and
training, logistical requirements, communications, records,
information systems, crime laboratory, crime prevention and
crime reporting;
• Affirm, reverse or modify, through the National Appellate Board,
personnel disciplinary actions involving demotion or dismissal
from the service imposed upon members of the Philippine
National Police by the Chief of the Philippine National Police;
• Exercise appellate jurisdiction through the Regional Appellate
Boards, over administrative cases against policemen and over
decisions on claims for police benefits;
• Prescribe minimum standards for arms, equipment, and uniforms
and, after consultation with the Philippine Heraldry Commission, for
insignia of ranks, awards, and medals of honor. Within ninety (90)
days from the effectivity of this Act, the standards of the uniformed
personnel of the PNP must be revised which should be clearly
distinct from the military and reflective of the civilian character of the
• Issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum in matters pertaining to
the discharge of its own powers and duties, and designate who
among its personnel can issue such processes and administer oaths
in connection therewith;
• Inspect and assess the compliance of the PNP on the established
criteria for manpower allocation, distribution, and deployment and
their impact on the community and the crime situation, and thereafter
formulate appropriate guidelines for maximization of resources and
effective utilization of the PNP personnel;
• Monitor the performance of the local chief executives as deputies of
the Commission; and
• Monitor and investigate police anomalies and irregularities.
b) Advise the President on all matters involving police
functions and administration;

c) Render to the President and to the Congress an annual

report on its activities and accomplishments during the
thirty (30) days after the end of the calendar year, which shall
include an appraisal of the conditions obtaining in the
organization and administration of police agencies in the
municipalities, cities and provinces throughout the country,
and recommendations for appropriate remedial legislation;
d) Recommend to the President, through the Secretary,
within sixty (60) days before the commencement of each
calendar year, a crime prevention program; and

e) Perform such other functions necessary to carry out the

provisions of this Act and as the President may direct."
(a) Commission Proper
(b) Staff Services
(1) The Planning and Research Service
(2) The Legal Affairs Service
(3) The Crime Prevention and Coordination Service
(4) The Personnel and Administrative Service
(5) The Inspection, Monitoring and Investigation Service
(6) The Installations and Logistics Service
(7) The Financial Service

(c) Disciplinary Appellate Boards- NAB and RAB

Planning and Research Service (PRS) provides
technical services to the Commission in areas of overall policy
formulation, strategic and operational planning, management
systems or procedures, evaluation and monitoring of the
Commission’s programs, projects and internal operations; and
conducts thorough research and analysis on social and
economic condition affecting peace and order in the country.

Legal Affairs Service (LAS) provides the Commission

with efficient and effective service as legal counsel of the
Commission; draft or studies contracts affecting the Commission
and submit appropriate recommendations pertaining thereto;
and render legal opinions arising from the administration and
operation of the Philippine National Police and the Commission.
Crime Prevention and Coordination
Service (CPCS) undertakes criminological researches and
studies; formulates a national crime prevention plan; develop a
crime prevention and information program; and provide editorial
direction for all criminology research and crime prevention

Personnel and Administrative

Service (PAS) performs personnel functions for the
Commission; administers the entrance and promotional
examinations for policemen, provides the necessary services
relating to records, correspondence, supplies, property and
equipment, security and general services, and the maintenance
and utilization of facilities; provides services relating to
manpower, career planning and development, personnel
transactions and employee welfare.
Inspection, Monitoring and Investigation
Service (IMIS) conducts continuous inspection and management
audit of personnel, facilities and operations at all levels of
command of the PNP; monitors the implementation of the
Commission’s programs and projects relative to law
enforcement; and monitors and investigates police anomalies
and irregularities.

Installations and Logistics Service (ILS) reviews

the Commission’s plans and programs and formulates
policies and procedures regarding acquisition, inventory,
control, distribution, maintenance and disposal of supplies
and oversees the implementation of programs on
transportation facilities and installations and the procurement
and maintenance of supplies and equipment.
Financial Service (FS) provides the Commission with
staff advice and assistance on budgetary and financial
matters, including the overseeing of the processing and
disbursement of funds pertaining to the scholarship program and
surviving children of deceased and/or permanently incapacitated
PNP personnel.
RA 6040 (August 4, 1969)
Section 9 of this act gave full authority to the then Police
Commission (POLCOM) now National Police Commission
(NAPOLCOM) to give the appropriate examination for officers
and members of the Philippine National Police in lieu of the Civil
Service Commission.

"The Police Commission shall give the appropriate

examinations for officers and members of local police forces,
and the Department of Education, the appropriate examinations
for public school teachers with the assistance of the Civil Service
It is an organization that is national in scope and civilian in character, as provided
by Article XVI, Section 6 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution:
“The state shall establish and maintain one police force which shall be national in scope
and civilian in character…”

- means that the PNP is a nationwide government organization whose jurisdiction covers
the entire breadth of the Philippine archipelago.
- all uniformed and non-uniformed personnel of the PNP are national government
- means that that the PNP is not a part of the military, although it retains some military
attributes such as discipline.
-Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the protection of lives
and properties;
-Maintain peace and order and take all necessary steps to ensure
public safety;
-Investigate and prevent crimes, effect the arrest of criminal
offenders, bring offenders to justice and assist in their
-Exercise the general powers to make arrest, search and
seizure in accordance with the Constitution and pertinent laws;
-Detain an arrested person for a period not beyond what is
prescribed by law, informing the person so detained of all his
rights under the Constitution;
-Issue licenses for the possession of firearms and
explosives in accordance with law;
-Supervise and control the training and operations of
security agencies and issue licenses to operate security
agencies and to security guards and private detectives, for the
purpose of their professions.
The PNP and AFP complement each other on their pursuit
to suppress insurgency, and other serious threats to national
security and in times of national emergency prescribed pursuant
to Section 12 of Republic Act 8551.

Consequently there are also governing relationships

between them as follows:
• The PNP enforces laws and ordinances and performs statutory
functions while the AFP exercises primary responsibility on
matters involving suppression of insurgency and other serious
threats to national security and share each other’s
accomplishments of their respective mission and functions.
• The PNP provides assistance to the AFP in insurgency –
affected areas while the AFP is also responsible for the
integrated territorial defense system.

• The PNP assists the AFP for the dispositive action on arrested,
captured or surrendered insurgent within the prescribed
reglementary period.

• The PNP provides assistance to the AFP in the arrest of

suspected insurgents with standing warrants of arrest, and

• The PNP and the AFP maintain close intelligence coordination

and exchanges

-shall be headed by a Chief who shall be assisted by two (2) deputy

-Deputy Chief for Administration.
-Deputy Chief for Operations.
-the Chief PNP and the two (2) deputy chiefs shall be appointed by the
President .
-no officer who is retirable within six (6) months shall be appointed Chief
-PNP Chief shall be appointed by the President from among the senior
officers down to the rank of Chief Superintendent (PBGEN)
- In times of war or other national emergency declared by CONGRESS, the
President may extend such term of office.

1.The PNP Command Group is headed by the Chief PNP who is

vested with the power to command and direct the PNP. He is also
assisted by two Deputies assigned to the administration of the
PNP and one for operations side.
2.The Chief of the Directorial Staff serves as the Chief
Operations Officer of the PNP. He coordinates, supervises, and
directs the Directorial Staff and the PNP units in the performance
of their respective functions.
3.The Internal Affairs Service (IAS) is headed by a Inspector
General who assists the Chief PNP in ensuring operational
readiness and investigates infractions of the regulations
committed by the members of the PNP.
4. The Human Rights Affairs Office (HRAO) is headed by a
senior police commissioned officer who serves as a manager of
the facility that will supervise the implementation of the
guidelines and policies on human rights laws.
5. The Center for Police Strategy Management (CPSM) serves
as the Central facility of the PNP in coordinating and
integrating all strategy management processes, sustaining its
strategy execution and management, and instilling in the
organization a culture of strategy focus.
6.The Directorial Staff is composed of 16 directorates. Every
Director in each unit has also his defined function in line with his
specialization as follows:
The Directorate for Personnel and Records Management (DPRM). The director
optimizes the utilization of personnel resources both from the PNP- uniformed
and non- uniformed personnel.
The Directorate for Intelligence (DI). The director manages the
gathering/collating of intelligence objectives through effective management of
all intelligence and counter-intelligence activities of the PNP. He also serves as the
linkage of all foreigners with official transactions with the chief PNP.
The Directorate for Operations (DO). The director exercises the command, the
control, the direction, the coordination and the supervision of all activities on PNP
operations such as deployment and employment of personnel.
The Directorate for Logistics (DL). The director administers and manages
material resources needed for the PNP operations.
The Directorate for Plans (DPL). The director plans and programs strategic
PNP operations. He also represents the PNP in the inter-agency and international
affairs on peace and order.
The Directorate for Comptrollership (DC). The director administers and manages
the fiscal financial resources.
The Directorate for Police-Community Relations (DPCR). The
director formulates and implements community –related activities,
programs and projects. He also supervises the PNP Salaam Police
Center to undertake close monitoring, networking and liaisoning
activities with the Muslim communities in addressing terrorism and
lawless violence in their respective areas to guarantee that the
Muslims are not discriminated, oppressed or singled-out.
The Directorate for Investigation and Detective Management (DIDM).
The director coordinates. Controls and supervises all investigation
C). The director formulates policies on matters pertaining to human
resources and doctrine development.
The Directorate for Research and Development (DRD). The
director engages in research and development and does
testing and evaluation of self-reliant projects.
The Directorate for Information and Communications
Technology Management (DICTM). The director integrates and
standardizes all the PNP information systems and resources to
further improve the frontline services.
Five (5) Directorates for Integrated Police Operations
(DIPOs). The Directors of the clustered areas for Integrated
Police Operations, namely: Eastern Mindanao, Western
Mindanao, Visayas, Southern and Northern Luzon are given
the responsibility to direct and to supervise the conduct of
integrated anti-criminality, internal security, counter- terrorism
operations, to promote inter-operability with the Armed
Forces of the Philippines, and to provide a system to promote
regional socio-economic development.
There are 23 National Support Units of the PNP.
Eleven (11) of which are administrative while twelve (12) are
operational in nature.
The eleven Administrative Units are as follows:
• Logistics Support Service (LSS)
• Information Technology Management Service (ITMS)
• Finance Service (FS)
• Health Service (HS)
• Communications and Electronics Service (CES)
• Chaplain Service (CHS)
• Legal Service (LS)
• Headquarters Support Service (HSS)
• Engineering Service( ES)
• Training Service (TS)
• PNP Retirement and Benefits Administration Service (PRBS)
The twelve (12) operational support units and their respective
functions are as follows:
• Maritime Group (MG)
• Intelligence Group (IG)
• Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG)
• Special Action Force (SAF)
• Aviation Security Group (AVEGROUP)
• Highway Patrol Group (HPG)
• Police-Community Relations Group (PCRG)
• Civil Security Group (CSG)
• Crime Laboratory (CL)
• PNP Anti-Kidnapping Group (PNP-AKG)
• PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP- ACG)
Maritime Group (MG). This group is responsible to perform all police functions over
Philippine Territorial waters, lakes, and rivers along coastal areas to include ports
and harbors and small islands for the security and the sustainability development of
the maritime environment.

Intelligence Group (IG). This group serves as the intelligence and counter-
intelligence operating unit of the PNP.

Police Security and Protection Group (PSPG). This group provides security to
government vital installations, government officials, visiting dignitaries and private
individuals authorized to be given protection.

Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG). This group monitors,

investigates, prosecutes all crimes involving economic sabotage, and other crimes of
such magnitude and extent as to indicate their commission by highly placed or
professional criminal syndicates and organizations. It also conducts organized- crime
–control, all major cases involving violations of the revised penal Code, violators of
SPECIAL LAWS assigned to them such as Anti-hijacking, Anti-Carnapping and
Cyber crimes among others and atrocities committed by Communist Party of the
Philippines (CPP)/New People’s Army (NPA)/National Democratic Front (NDF).
Special Action Force (SAF). This group is a mobile strike force or a reaction
unit to augment regional , provincial, municipal and city police force for civil
disturbance control, internal security operations, hostage-taking rescue
operations, search and rescue in times of natural calamities, disasters and
national emergencies and other special police operations such as ant-
hijacking, anti-terrorism, explosives and ordnance disposal. On a special note,
the PNP Air Unit is placed under the supervision of SAF.

Aviation Security Group (AVEGROUP). This group provides security to all

airports throughout the country.

Highway Patrol Group (HPG). This group enforces the traffic laws and
regulations, promote safety along the highways, enhances traffic safety
consciousness through inter- agency cooperation concerning Police Traffic
Safety Engineering, Traffic Safety Education and Traffic Law enforcement
functions and develops reforms in the crime prevention aspect against all
forms of lawlessness committed along National Highway involving the use of
motor vehicles.
Police-Community Relations Group (PCRG). This group undertakes and
orchestrates Police Community Relations program and activities in
partnership with concerned government agencies, the community, and
volunteer organizations in order to prevent crime and attain a safe and
peaceful environment.
Civil Security Group (CSG). This group regulates business operations and
activities of all organized private detectives, watchmen, security
guards/agencies and company guard forces. It also supervises the licensing
and registration of firearms and explosives.
Crime Laboratory (CL). This group provides scientific and technical,
investigative aide and support to the PNP and other investigative agencies.
It also provides crime laboratory examination, evaluation and identification of
physical evidence gathered at the crime scene with primary emphasis on
medical, biological and physical nature.
PNP Anti-Kidnapping Group (PNP-AKG). This Group serves as the
primary unit of the PNP in addressing kidnapping menace in the country and
in handling hostage situations. And
PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP- ACG). This Group is responsible for
the implementation of pertinent laws on cybercrimes and anti-cybercrime
campaigns of the PNP.
For the main PNP operating units, there are seventeen
(17) Police Regional Offices nationwide which correspond to
the Regional subdivisions of the country.
Directly under the Police Regional Offices are seventeen
(17) Regional Public Safety Battalions (RPSB), eighty (80)
Police Provincial Offices which correspond to the number of
Provinces in the country and twenty (20) City Police Offices
(CPOs) in highly urbanized and independent cities , which
are equivalent to a Provincial Police Office.

RATIO) (Sec. 27, RA 6975)

1:500 – nationwide average

1:1000 – minimum police-to-population ratio
Chief – highest position in the PNP, with the rank of PGEN
Deputy Chief for Administration – the second-in command, with the rank of PLTGEN
Deputy Chief for Operations – the third-in-command, with the rank of PLTGEN
Chief Directorial Staff – with the rank of PLTGEN
Head of Directorial Staff – with the rank of PMGEN
NCR Director – with the rank of PMGEN
Regional Director- with the rank of PBGEN
Provincial Director-with the rank of PCOL
NCR District Director - with the rank of PBGEN
Chief of Police – PMAJ
6975, as amended by RA 8551 and RA 9708)
1. A citizen of the Philippines;
2. A person of good moral conduct;
3. Must have passed the psychiatric/psychological, drug and physical
tests to be administered by the PNP or by any NAPOLCOM accredited
government hospital for the purpose of determining physical and mental
4. Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree from a recognized
institution of learning;
5.Must be eligible in accordance with the standards set by the Commission;
6. Must not have been dishonorably discharged from military
employment or dismissed for cause from any civilian position in the
7. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or
crime involving moral turpitude;
8. Must be at least one meter and sixty-two centimeters (1.62 m) in
height for male and one meter and fifty-seven (1.57 m) for female;
Note: RA 11549
1.57 m MALE
1.53 m FEMALE
9. Must weigh not more or less than five kilograms (5kgs) from the
standard weight corresponding to his or her height, age and sex; and
10. For a new applicant, must not be less than twenty-one (21) nor
more than thirty (30) years of age
Pursuant to RA 9708, “…PNP members who are already in the service upon
the effectivity of Republic Act No. 8551 shall be given five (5) years to
obtain the minimum educational qualification preferably in law enforcement
related courses, to be reckoned from the date of the effectivity of this
amendatory Act: Provided, furthermore, That for concerned PNP members
rendering more than fifteen (15) years of service and who have exhibited
exemplary performance as determined by the Commission, shall no
longer be required to comply with the aforementioned minimum educational


PNP member shall undergo a Field Training Program for 12 months

involving actual experience and assignment in PATROL, TRAFFIC, AND
INVESTIGATION as a requirement for permanency of their appointment.

NAPOLCOM shall administer the entrance and promotional examinations

for policemen on the basis of the standards set by the commission.
• The waiver of the height requirement may be granted to those
who belong to the indigenous groups duly certified by the
National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) or by the
National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF).
• The minimum height requirement for applicants who belong
to the indigenous groups shall be 1.52 meters for male and
1.45 meters for female.
Age, Height, Weight, and Educational requirements may be waived only
when the number of qualified applicants FALL BELOW THE MINIMUM ANNUAL
QUOTA. Provided, That an applicant shall NOT BE BELOW 20 NOR OVER 35
Any applicant not meeting the weight requirement shall be given
reasonable time BUT NOT EXCEEDING 6 MONTHS within which to comply with
the said requirement.


Applicants who possess the LEAST DISQUALIFICATION shall take
precedence over those who posses more disqualifications
Any PNP uniformed personnel who are admitted due to waiver of
educational or weight requirements shall be issued a TEMPORARY
PNP member who shall be dismissed under waiver program SHALL BE
ELIGIBLE TO RE-APPLY for appointment to the PNP.
PERSONNEL(Sec. 31, RA 6975)

Police Officer I to Senior Police Officer IV (PAT-PEMS) —

Appointed by the PNP regional director for regional personnel or by
the Chief of the PNP for the national headquarters personnel and
attested by the Civil Service Commission.

Inspector to Superintendent (PLT.-PLTCOL)— Appointed by the

Chief of the PNP, as recommended by their immediate superiors,
attested by the Civil Service Commission;
Senior Superintendent to Deputy Director General. (PCOL. –
PLT. GEN.) — Appointed by the President upon recommendation
of the chief of the PNP, with proper endorsement by the
Chairman of the Civil Service Commission and subject to
confirmation by the Commission on Appointments

Director General. (PGEN.) — Appointed by the President from

among the senior officers down to the rank of chief
superintendent in the service, subject to confirmation by the
Commission on Appointments: Provided, That the Chief of the
PNP shall serve a tour of duty not to exceed four (4) years:
Provided, further, That, in times of war or other national
emergency declared by Congress, the President may extend
such tour of duty.
PERMANENT – If the applicant able to finish the required field
training program for permanency
TEMPORARY – If the applicant passes through the waiver
program as provided in under RA 8551
PROBATIONARY – If the applicant is undergoing FTP
The upgrading of ranks and/or advancement to a
position of leadership. The NAPOLCOM shall establish a
system of promotion which shall be based on : Merit,
Seniority, and Availability of vacant positions)



• Authority of the NAPOLCOM to develop policy on promotion
• Considerable balance between competence and seniority
• Corresponding promotion board for each rank
• No person shall be promoted if less than one year in service
• Rank of Lieutenant and above shall be coursed through the
NAPOLCOM for review and confirmation.

• Exhibited acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry at the risk
of his/her life above and beyond the call of duty (e.g.
overwhelming number and firepower of the enemy)
• Acts of heroism exhibited in the face of am armed enemy or the
conduct of rescue or disaster operations resulting in the LOSS
OF LIFE (Posthumous Promotion)
• Validated by the NAPOLCOM based on established criteria
• Applicable even on personnel with temporary appointment
• Must be transmitted to the NAPOLCOM within 1 year from the
time of the occurrence of the deed.
promotion. It must be supported by the affidavit of two (2)
eyewitnesses to the deed or act cited, if none by a sworn
statement of the immediate supervisor.
Any PNP personnel designated to any key position whose
rank is lower than that which is required for such position shall,
after 6 months of occupying the same, be entitled to a rank
adjustment corresponding to the position.
NOTE: Shall not be reassigned to a position calling for a
higher rank until after 2 years from the date of such rank
Is the process of designating a police officer in a particular
function, duties or responsibilities. Its purpose is to ensure
systematic and effective utilization of all members of the force.

Refers to the selection and designation of an officer to a
critical position of responsibility.
Refers to the retirement or separation from police service of PNP uniformed
personnel pursuant to any of the means mentioned in Section 24 to 29 of RA 8551
and other means as provided in NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2008-

a) Attrition by attainment of Maximum Tenure in Position.

b) Attrition by Relief
c) Attrition by demotion in position or rank
d) Attrition by non-promotion
e) Attrition by other means
a) Attrition by attainment of Maximum Tenure in Position.
Maximum Tenure in Position refers to the maximum cumulative period for a
PNP member to hold a particular position level.
Position Maximum Tenure
Chief Four (4) years
Deputy Chief Four (4) years
Director of the Staff Services Four (4) years
Regional Directors Six (6) years
Provincial/City Directors Nine (9) years
b) Attrition by Relief – A PNP uniformed personnel who has been relieved for just
cause and has not been given an assignment within two (2) years after such relief
shall be retired or separated.
c) Attrition by demotion in position or rank – Any PNP personnel, civilian or
uniformed, who are relieved and assigned to a position lower than what is
established for his or her grade in the PNP staffing pattern and who shall not be
assigned to a position commensurate to his or her grade within EIGHTEEN (18)
MONTHS after such demotion shall be retired or separated.
d) Attrition by non-promotion – Any PNP personnel who has not been promoted
for a continuous period of TEN (10) YEARS shall be retired or separated
e) Attrition by other means - Any PNP member of officer with at least
five (5) years of accumulated active service shall be separated based on any
of the following:
1. inefficiency based on poor performance during the last two (2)
successive annual rating periods;
Poor performance refers to the poor rating in the promulgated PNP
Performance Evaluation Rating System.
2. Inefficiency based on poor performance for three (3) cumulative annual
rating periods;
3. Physical and/or mental incapacity to perform police functions and
4. Failure to pass the required entrance examinations twice and/or
finish the required career course except for justifiable reasons;
5. refusal to take periodic PNP Physical Fitness Test without
justifiable reason.
Physical Fitness Test refers to the method of evaluating the physical
condition of PNP members in terms of stamina, strength, speed and
6. failure to take PNP Physical Fitness Test for four (4) consecutive
periodic tests due to health reasons;
7. failure to pass PNP Physical Fitness Test for Two (2) consecutive
periodic tests or four (4) cumulative periodic tests; or
8. non-compliance with the minimum qualification standards for
the permanency or original appointment.
Any personnel who is dismissed from the PNP pursuant to different
ways mentioned, shall be retired if he or she has rendered at least twenty
(20) years of service and separated if he or she has rendered less than
twenty (20) years of service, unless the personnel is disqualified by law to
receive such benefits.

The separation of the police personnel from the service by reason of
reaching the age of retirement provided by law, or upon completion of
certain number of years in active service. A PNP uniformed personnel shall
retire to the next higher rank for purposes of retirement pay.
a) Compulsory– for officer and non-officer, upon the attainment of age Fifty-Six
(56). Provided, in case of any officer with the rank of CSUPT, Director or Deputy
Director General, the Commission may allow his retention in the service for an
unextendible of one (1) year.
b)Optional – upon accumulation of at least Twenty (20) years of satisfactory
active service.

Monthly retirement pay shall be FIFTY PERCENT (50%) of the base pay in
case of twenty years of active service, increasing by TWO AND ONE-HALF
PERCENT (2.5%) for every year of active service rendered beyond twenty

Governors and Mayors are deputized as representatives of the NAPOLCOM

in their respective territorial jurisdiction.
- power to choose the PNP Provincial Director from a list of 3 eligibles
recommended by the PNP Regional Director.
- oversee the implementation of the provincial public safety plan.
-has the power to choose his CHIEF OF POLICE from a list of five
(5) eligibles recommended by the provincial police director.
-he has the authority to recommend to the provincial director the
transfer, reassignment or detail of PNP members outside of their respective
city or town .
- Authority to recommend from a list of eligibles, the appointment of
new members of the PNP to be assigned in respective cities.
– exercise operational supervision and control over PNP units in
their jurisdiction, except during the 30 days period immediately preceding
and the 30 days following any national, local and barangay elections.
-During the election period, local police forces shall be under the
supervision and control of the COMELEC.
Unless reversed by the President, the NAPOLCOM may,
after consultation with the provincial governor and congressman
concerned, suspend or withdraw the deputation of any local
executives on any of the following grounds:
1. Frequent unauthorized absences;
2. Abuse of authority;
3. Providing material support to criminal elements;
4. Engaging in acts inimical to national security or which negate
the effectiveness of the peace and order campaign.
- means the power to direct, superintend, and oversee the day to day functions of police
investigation of crime, crime prevention activities and traffic control.
- shall also include the power to direct the employment and deployment of units or
elements of the PNP, through the station commander, to ensure public safety and effective
maintenance of peace and order within the locality.

Employment -refers to utilization of units or elements of the PNP for purposes of protection
of lives and properties, enforcement of laws, maintenance of peace and order, prevention of
crimes, arrest of criminal offenders and bringing the offenders to justice and ensuring public
safety, particularly in the suppression of disorders, riots, lawlessness, violence, rebellious
and seditious conspiracy, insurgency, subversion or other related activities.

Deployment - shall mean the orderly and organized physical movement of elements or
units of the PNP within the province, city or municipality for purposes of employment
1. Ascertain the standard policies and procedures
2.Review and analyze the performance affecting the operations
3. Look into the morale, needs and general efficiency
- conducted by the head of subordinate units on a regular

- conducted by the staff for and in behalf of the CHIEF PNP
or superior officers in command of various units or departments.
Embraces administration, training, operation, intelligence,
investigation, morale and discipline as well as the financial
condition of the police organization.

It embraces the community relationship of the organization,
the crime and vice situation of the locality, and the prevailing
public opinion concerning the integrity and reputation of the
In the PNP, the following have the authority to conduct
1. NAPOLCOM or its representatives
2. PNP Chief or his designated representatives
3. PNP Director for Personnel or his representatives
4. PNP Regional Director or his representatives
5. City/Municipal Chief of Police or his representatives
6. Internal Affairs Service (RA 8551)
Citizen Complaints -pertains to any complaint initiated by a
private citizen or his duly authorized representative on account of
an injury, damage or disturbance sustained due to an irregular
or illegal act committed by a member of the PNP.

Breach of Internal Discipline – Any offense committed by a

member of the PNP involving MINOR OFFENSE and affecting
order or discipline within the police organization.

Summary Dismissal Cases – With notice and without notice.

Shall refer to an act or omission not involving moral turpitude
but affecting the internal discipline of the PNP, and shall include but
not be limited to:
-simple misconduct or negligence
-frequent absences or tardiness
-habitual drunkenness
-gambling prohibited by law
1. NEGLECT OF DUTY OR NONFEASANCE – It is the omission or
refusal, without sufficient excuse, to perform an act or duty, which it
was the peace officer’s legal obligation to perform


improper performance of some act which might lawfully done.

3. MISCONDUCT OR MALFEASANCE – It is the doing, either

through ignorance, inattention or malice, of that which the officer
had no legal right to do at all, as where he acts without any
authority whatsoever, or exceeds, ignores or abuses his power.
4. INCOMPETENCE – It is the manifest lack of adequate ability and fitness
for the satisfactory performance of police duties.

5. OPPRESSION – It imports an act of cruelty, severity, unlawful exaction,

domination, or excessive use of authority.

6. DISHONESTY – It is the concealment or distortion of truth on a matter of

fact relevant to one’s office.

7. DISLOYALTY OF THE GOVERNMENT – It consists of abandonment of

renunciation of one’s loyalty to the Government of the Philippines, or
advocating to overthrow the government.

8. VIOLATION OF LAW – this presupposes conviction on court of any crime

or offense penalized under the RPC or any special law or ordinance.
1)CHIEF OF POLICE - where the offense is punishable by withholding of
privileges, restriction to specified limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any
combination thereof, for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days
2) CITY/MUNICIPAL MAYORS - where the offense is punishable by withholding
of privileges, restriction to specified limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary, or
any combination thereof, for a period not less than Sixteen but not exceeding
Thirty (30) Days.
3) PEOPLE’S LAW ENFORCEMENT BOARD (PLEB) -where the offense is
punishable by withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits, suspension
or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period exceeding Thirty
(30) Days, or by Dismissal.

1)CHIEF OF POLICE - may impose the administrative punishment of admonition or reprimand; restriction to
specified limits; withholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or suspension; or any combination of the
foregoing for a period not exceeding Fifteen (15) Days.
2)PROVINCIAL DIRECTORS - may impose the administrative punishment of admonition or reprimand;
restriction to specified limits; withholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or suspension; or any combination
of the foregoing for a period not exceeding Thirty (30) Days.
3)REGIONAL DIRECTORS - may impose the administrative punishment of admonition or reprimand;
restriction to specified limits; withholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or suspension; demotion; or any
combination of the foregoing for a period not exceeding Sixty (60) Days.
4)CHIEF OF THE PNP - shall have the power to impose the disciplinary punishment of dismissal from the
service; suspension or forfeiture of salary; demotion; or any combination of the foregoing for a period not
exceeding One Hundred Eighty (180) Days.
1. When the charge is serious, evidence of guilt is strong
2. When the respondent police officer is a recidivist or has been
repeatedly charged, and there are reasonable grounds to believe
that he is guilty of the charges
3. When the respondent police officer is guilty of a serious offense
involving conduct unbecoming of a police officer.

1. When the PNP Officer goes absence without leave (AWOL) for a
continuous period of 30 days or more.

-formal administrative disciplinary appellate machinery of the National

Police Commission.
-tasked to hear cases on appeal from the different disciplinary authorities
in the PNP


1. Senior Officer of the NAPOLCOM Regional Office –
2. 1 Representative each from the PNP - member (3 years
3. Regional Peace and Order Council- member (3 years)


1. Vice-chairperson and Executive Officer – Chairperson
2. 4 regular Commissioners
1. Decision of the PLEB (demotion or dismissal)
2. Decision of the PNP Regional Director or equivalent
supervisor (Demotion or Dismissal)
3. Decisions of city and municipality mayors within their
respective jurisdiction
4. Disciplinary recommendations of the RIAS were not acted
upon by the PNP regional director or equivalent supervisor
within 30 days from submission by the RIAS, where the
recommended penalty is demotion or dismissal from the
1. Decisions of the Chief, PNP where the penalty imposed is
2. Disciplinary recommendations of the Inspector General, IAS
that were not acted upon by the Chief PNP within 30 days
from the submission by the Inspector General, IAS where the
penalty is Demotion or Dismissal
3. The decision of the Inspector General, IAS affirming the
resolution of the RIAS, dismissing the complaint about lack of
probable cause.
1. Decisions of the SILG in the exercise of its appellate
2. Decisions of the NAPOLCOM en banc as summary dismissal
a body created pursuant to RA 6975.
- one of the disciplinary authorities of the PNP authorized to handle and
investigate citizen’s complaint.
-the central receiving entity for any citizen’s complaint against the PNP
- shall be created by the sangguniang panlungssod/bayan in every city and
municipality as may be necessary.
-there shall be at least one (1) PLEB for every five hundred (500) city or
municipal police personnel.
- membership in the PLEB is a civic duty.
Composed of five (5) members who shall be as follows:
-any member of the sangguniang panlungsod/bayan.
-any barangay chairman of the locality concerned.
-three other members to be chosen by the local peace and order council from among the
members of the community.
-for the three other members, the following conditions must be met:
-one must be a woman
-one must be a lawyer, or a college graduate, or the principal of an elementary school in
the locality
-the CHAIRMAN of the PLEB shall be elected from among its members
The term of office of the members of the PLEB shall be three years from their
assumption of office. They shall be also eligible for reappointments for another two terms
This was established by virtue of RA 8551. It has
investigative and adjudicatory power over the PNP members. It is
a part of the PNP BUT enjoining independence from the PNP.


1. NATIONAL OFFICE – Headed by Inspector General to be
assisted by Deputy Inspector General.
2. AREA (REGIONAL OFFICE) – Headed by Director
3. PROVINCIAL OFFICE – Headed by Superintendent


Under its enabling law (Republic Act No. 8551, Section 39), the
IAS has the power to initiate investigations motu proprio on
cases involving:
• incidents where police personnel discharges a firearm
• incidents where death, serious physical injury, or any violation of
human rights occurred in the conduct of a police operation
• incidents where evidence was compromised, tampered with,
obliterated, or lost while in the custody of police personnel
• incidents where a suspect in the custody of the police was seriously
• incidents where the established rules of engagement have been
In the same section of RA 8551, the IAS shall also:
• pro-actively conduct inspections and audits on PNP personnel
and units
• investigate complaints and gather evidence in support of an
open investigation
• conduct summary hearings on PNP members facing
administrative charges
• submit a periodic report on the assessment, analysis, and
evaluation of the character and behavior of PNP personnel and
units to the Chief PNP and the Commission
• file appropriate criminal cases against PNP members before the
court as evidence warrants and assist in the prosecution of the
• provide assistance to the Office of the Ombudsman in cases
involving the personnel of the PNP
Tasked to provide documents or recommendations
regarding the promotion of the PNP members or the assignment
of the PNP personnel to key positions.
Disciplinary measures recommended by IAS against erring
PNP personnel, once final, cannot be revised, set aside, or
unduly delayed by any disciplinary authority without just cause.
Any disciplining authority who fails to act or who acts with
abuse of discretion on the recommendation of the IAS shall be
made liable for GROSS NEGLECT OF DUTY.
Voluntary subject to a rigorous screening where only those
with at least five years experience in law enforcement and no
derogatory records are allowed to enter.
Aside from allowances allowed by the law, IAS members
are granted occupational specialty pay not exceeding 50% of the
base pay.
Immediate supervisors or superior of the unit’s personnel
being investigated is automatically included in the investigation to
determine lapses in administration and supervision.

Decisions rendered by the provincial inspectors
(PIAS) shall be forwarded to the area internal affairs office (RIAS)
for review within ten (10) working days upon the receipt thereof.
Decisions of the area office (RIAS) may be appealed to the
national office (IAS) through the Office of Inspector General.
Decisions rendered by the National IAS shall be appealed to the
National Appellate Board (NAB) or to the court as may be
• For a new applicant, must not be less than twenty-one (21) nor
more than thirty (30) years of age: Provided, That except for the
last qualification, the above-enumerated qualifications shall be
continuing in character and an absence of any one of them at
any given time shall be a ground for separation or retirement
from the service: Provided, further, That PNP members who are
already in the service upon the effectivity of Republic Act No.
8551 shall be given five (5) years to obtain the minimum
educational qualification preferably in law enforcement
related courses, to be reckoned from the date of the effectivity
of this amendatory Act: Provided, furthermore, That for
concerned PNP members rendering more than fifteen (15)
years of service and who have exhibited exemplary
performance as determined by the Commission, shall no
longer be required to comply with the aforementioned
minimum educational requirement.
SEC. 38. Promotions. - (a) A uniformed member of the PNP shall
not be eligible for promotion to a higher position or rank unless
he or she has successfully passed the corresponding
promotional examination given by the Commission, or the
Bar, or the corresponding board examinations for technical
services and other professions, has satisfactorily completed
the appropriate and accredited course in the PNPA or
equivalent training institutions, and has satisfactorily passed
the required psychiatric/psychological and drug tests.
In addition, the institution of a criminal action or complaint
against a police officer shall not be a bar to
promotion: Provided, however, That upon finding of probable
cause, notwithstanding any challenge that may be raised against
that finding thereafter, the concerned police officer shall be
ineligible for promotion: Provided, further, That if the case
remains unresolved after two (2) years from the
aforementioned determination of probable cause, he or she shall
be considered for promotion. In the event he or she is held
guilty of the crime by final judgment, said promotion shall be
recalled without prejudice to the imposition of the appropriate
penalties under applicable laws, rules and regulations:
Provided, furthermore, That if the complaint filed against the
police officer is for a crime including, but not limited to, a
violation of human rights, punishable by reclusion
perpetua or life imprisonment, and the court has determined
that the evidence of guilt is strong, said police officer shall be
completely ineligible for promotion during the pendency of the
said criminal case.
Legal Basis
• Commonwealth Act No. 1 (December 21, 1935), the National
Defense Act, created the Council of National Defense to advise the
President on all matters pertaining to national defense policy.
• Commonwealth Act No. 430 (May 31, 1939), as implemented by
Executive Order No. 230 (October 31, 1939), created the Department
of National Defense (DND).
• Executive Order No. 94 (October 4, 1947) charged the DND with
the duty of supervising the national defense program of the country.
• Executive Order No. 292 (July 25, 1987), the Administrative Code of
1987, directed the DND to exercise executive supervision over
the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Office of Civil Defense,
the Philippine Veterans Affairs Office, the National Defense
College of the Philippines, and the Government Arsenal.
The Department of National Defense (DND) is tasked to
guard the country against external and internal threats to
national peace and security, and to provide support for social
and economic development.
It exercises executive supervision over the Armed Forces
of the Philippines (AFP), the Government Arsenal (GA), the
Office of Civil Defense (OCD), the Philippine Veterans Affairs
Office (PVAO), and the National Defense College of the
Philippines (NDCP).
The Government Arsenal (GA) designs and manufactures
small arms, mortars, other weapons and ammunition for
these weapons, and other munitions for use of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines.

The National Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP)

prepares and develops potential national defense leaders,
civilian officials of the different branches of the government,
and selected executives from the private sector.
The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) coordinates the activities of
various government agencies and instrumentalities as well as of
private institutions and civic organizations devoted to public welfare.
It supervises, monitors, and evaluates the implementation of disaster
management programs to ensure their effectiveness.

The Philippine Veterans Affairs Office (PVAO) administers

veterans’ benefits, implements programs and projects to enhance
their general welfare, and institutes measures to memorialize their
patriotism and heroism. It oversees the operations and
maintenance of the Veterans Memorial Medical Center and
accredited hospitals nationwide to service the medical needs of
veterans. It also oversees the administration and development of
military shrines.
The Philippine Army (PA) develops, organizes, trains, equips,
supports, and sustains army forces for the conduct of ground
operations to accomplish the AFP mission.

The Philippine Air Force (PAF) organizes, trains, equips and

maintains forces to conduct prompt and sustained air operations
to accomplish the AFP mission.

The Philippine Navy (PN) organizes, trains, deploys, and

maintains forces for the prompt and sustained naval and
maritime operations in support of the United Commands in the
accomplishment of the AFP mission.
Philippine Military Academy (PMA)
• Commonwealth Act No. 1 (December 21, 1935), National
Defense Act, established the Philippine Military Academy (PMA).

Presidential Security Group (PSG)

• General Order No. 212 GHQ, AFP (October 22, 1971) created
the Presidential Security Command (PSC) as a unified
command of the AFP.
• General Order No. 60, GHQ-New Armed Forces of the
Philippines (NAFP) (March 8, 1986) deactivated the PSC and
activated the Presidential Security Group (PSG) as one of the
support units of the NAFP.
-under RA 6975, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
was in charge with external security while the DILG was in
charge with internal security.
- under RA 8551, the DILG shall be relieved of the primary
responsibility on matters involving suppression of insurgency and
other serious threats to national security. The PNP shall through
information gathering and performance of its ordinary police
functions, support the AFP on matters involving suppression of
The PNP and AFP complement each other on their pursuit
to suppress insurgency, and other serious threats to national
security and in times of national emergency prescribed pursuant
to Section 12 of Republic Act 8551.

Consequently there are also governing relationships

between them as follows:
• The PNP enforces laws and ordinances and performs statutory
functions while the AFP exercises primary responsibility on
matters involving suppression of insurgency and other serious
threats to national security and share each other’s
accomplishments of their respective mission and functions.
• The PNP provides assistance to the AFP in insurgency –
affected areas while the AFP is also responsible for the
integrated territorial defense system.

• The PNP assists the AFP for the dispositive action on arrested,
captured or surrendered insurgent within the prescribed
reglementary period.

• The PNP provides assistance to the AFP in the arrest of

suspected insurgents with standing warrants of arrest, and

• The PNP and the AFP maintain close intelligence coordination

and exchanges
The DOJ acts as the principal law agency (EO No. 292)
and legal counsel of the government. It serves as the
government’s prosecution arm and administers the government’s
criminal justice system by investigating crimes, prosecuting
offenders, and overseeing the correctional system.
The Department Proper Constituent Attached agencies (for
offices and services: agencies/units: policy and program
• National coordination):
Prosecution • National Bureau of
Service Investigation • Public Attorney’s Office
• Legal Staff • Bureau of Immigration • Office of the Solicitor
• Office for Competition General
• Bureau of Corrections
• Office of Cybercrime • Office for Alternative
• Board of Pardons and
Dispute Resolution
• Planning and Management Parole
Service • Parole and Probation
• Financial Service Administration Administratively
• Administrative Service • Office of the Government
Corporate Counsel • Presidential Commission
• Technical Staff on Good Government
• Land Registration
• Internal Audit Service Authority
Commonwealth Act No. 181 (November 13, 1936) saw the inception of the National
Bureau of Investigation, originally called Division of Investigation (patterned after the US Federal
Bureau of Investigation)
“An Act Creating a Division of Investigation Under the Department of Justice,
Defining its Powers and Duties, and Appropriating the Necessary Funds Therefor”

Republic Act No. 157 (June 19, 1947) reorganized the Division of Investigation into the
Bureau of Investigation under the Department of Justice (DOJ).
“An Act Creating a Bureau of Investigation, Providing Funds Therefor, and for other

Executive Order No. 94 (October 4, 1949) renamed the Bureau of Investigation to National
Bureau of Investigation which remained attached to DOJ

Executive Order No. 292 (July 25, 1987), the Administrative Code of 1987, provided for the
organization structure and operation of the DOJ and its attached agencies, including the NBI.
RA 10867
An Act Reorganizing and Modernizing the National Bureau of
Investigation (NBI), and Providing Funds Therefor

SECTION 4. Powers and Functions.— The NBI shall have the following powers and functions:
a) Undertake investigation and detection of crimes and offenses enumerated under Section 5 hereof;
(b) Issue subpoena for the appearance of any person for investigation or production of documents,
through its officers from the ranks of Regional Director to Director;
(c) Act as a national clearing house of criminal records and other related information for the benefit of
the government;
(d) Render technical assistance to government agencies and instrumentalities, when so requested;
(e) Extend assistance in cases involving extradition and mutual legal assistance, when requested by the
Department of Justice;
(f) Establish an NBI Academy which shall be responsible for the recruitment, training, and development of all
NBI agents and personnel, among others;
(g) Establish and maintain a Forensic and Scientific Research Center which shall serve as the primary
center for forensic and scientific research in furtherance of scientific knowledge in criminal investigation,
detection, evidence collection and preservation, and provide the necessary training therefor;
(h) Establish and maintain a Cyber Investigation and Assessment Center which shall serve as the nerve
center for computer information technologies, data on cybercrime cases, computer intrusion, threats, and other
related crimes or activities;
(i) Establish and maintain an integrated, comprehensive, and state-of-the-art network of equipment and
facilities to be used by the NBI in its criminal investigation, detection, and evidence gathering, and to
provide the corresponding training in this regard
j) Request the assistance of the Philippine National Police (PNP), Armed Forces of the Philippines, or
any other agency of the government, including government-owned and/or -controlled corporations, in its
anti-crime drive. Such assistance may include the use of the agency’s personnel and facilities upon prior
approval by the head of the agency concerned;
(k) Conduct intelligence operations in furtherance of the foregoing powers and functions;
(l) Enter into any contract or transaction for the acquisition, ownership, possession, administration, lease,
disposition or acceptance of real or personal property in its name, subject to the approval of the Secretary of
(m) Establish a modern NBI Clearance and Identification Center containing all derogatory and criminal
records and civilian identification records, including their identifying marks and characteristics and fingerprint
database, as well as dental records pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1575, entitled “Requiring Practitioners
of Dentistry to Keep Records of Their Patients”;
(n) Maintain, for purposes of investigative and forensic requirements of the NBI, relevant database such as
ballistic records of firearms including, but not limited to, data ownership, possession, and other related
identifying circumstances; and Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) databank; and
(o) Perform such other functions as the President or the Secretary of Justice may assign.
SECTION 5. Jurisdiction.— The NBI shall have primary jurisdiction to undertake investigations in the
following cases:
(a) Human Trafficking cases in all airports in the Philippines;
(b) Extrajudicial/Extra-legal killings committed by the state’s security forces against media
practitioners and activists;
(c) Killings of justices and judges;
(d) Violation of Republic Act No. 10175, otherwise known as the “Cybercrime Prevention Act”;
(e) Cases referred by the Inter-Agency Anti-Graft Coordinating Council (IAGCC);
(f) Violations of the Anti-Dummy Law;
(g) Cases involving threats to security or assaults against the persons of the President, Vice
President, Senate President, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court;
(h) Transnational crimes pursuant to existing international agreements;
(j) Violations of commercial, economic, and financial or white-collar crimes such as, but not limited to,
those punishable under Republic Act No. 8792, otherwise known as “E-Commerce Act of 2000”;
Republic Act No. 8484, otherwise known as “Access Devices Regulations Act of 1998”; Republic Act
No. 8293, otherwise known as “Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines”; Republic Act No. 8799,
otherwise known as “Securities Regulation Code”; Presidential Decree No. 1689, otherwise known as
“Decree Increasing the Penalty for Certain Forms of Estafa”, and other similar penal statutes that may
be enacted by Congress.
SECTION 6. The NBI Director and Other Officials.
The NBI shall be headed by a Director and assisted by two (2) Deputy
Directors, one for Administration and another for Operations, and an
Assistant Director for each of the following seven (7) Services:
Investigation Service, Intelligence Service, Human Resource and
Management Service, Comptroller Service, Forensic and Scientific
Research Service, Legal Service, and Information and Communications
Technology Service.
Old Position From Salary Grade New Position To Salary Grade
Director VI SG 30 Director SG 30
Director V (Assistant Director) SG 29 Deputy Director SG29

Director III (Deputy Director) SG 27 Assistant Director SG 28

Director II (Regional Director) SG 26 Regional Director SG 27

Director I (Assistant Regional Director) SG 25 Assistant Regional SG 26

Investigation Agent VI (Head Agent) SG 25 Head Agent SG 25

Investigation Agent V (Supervising SG 24 Supervising Agent SG 24

Investigation Agent IV (Senior Agent) SG 23 Senior Agent SG 23

Investigation Agent III SG22 Investigation Agent III SG 22

Investigation Agent II SG 20
Investigation Agent I SG 18
Special Investigator V SG 24
Special Investigator IV SG 22
Special Investigator III SG 18
The bureau was given the sole authority to enforce and
administer immigration and foreign nationals registration laws
including the admission, registration, exclusion and deportation and
repatriation of foreign nationals. It also supervises the immigration from
the Philippines of foreign nationals.

1. Acts as the primary enforcement arm of the Department of Justice and

the President of the Philippines in ensuring that all foreigners within
its territorial jurisdiction comply with existing Laws
2. Assists local and international law enforcement agencies in
securing the tranquility of the state against foreigners whose
presence or stay may be deemed threats to national security, public
safety, public morals and public health and;
3. Acts as chief repository of all immigration records pertaining to
entry, temporary sojourn, admission, residence and departure of all
foreigners in the country.
In the discharge of its broad functions, the Bureau through its Board of
Commissioners, exercises administrative and quasi-judicial powers over the:
1. Regulation of the entry (arrival), stay (sojourn), and exit (departure) of
foreign nationals in the country;
2. Monitoring of the entry and exit of Filipino citizens in compliance with
Philippine laws and other legal procedures;
3. Issuance of immigration documents and identification certifications on non-
immigrant, immigrant and special non-immigrant visas;
4. Issuance of special permits in relation to the enforcement of immigration
laws (e.g. Special Work Permit (SWP), Provisional Permit to Work (PPW),
Special Study Permit (SSP), re-entry permits, clearances, etc.);
5. Extension of stay of temporary visitors and implementation of changes of
status as provided by law;
6. Administrative determination of citizenship and related status;
7. Investigation, hearing, decision and execution of orders pertaining to
exclusion, deportation, and repatriation of foreign nationals;
8. Implementation of Hold Departure Orders, Blacklist, Watchlist,
Immigration Lookout Bulletin Orders and Alert List Orders;
9. Cancellation of immigration documents upon violation of immigration laws
and procedures;
10. Investigation, arrests and detention of foreigners in violation of
immigration regulation and other Philippine laws;
11. Accreditation of schools and learning institutions that can officially
accept and enroll foreign students; and
12. Accreditation of law firms, liaison officers, travel agencies and other
individuals and organizations transacting with the Bureau of Immigration
SECTION 1. This Act shall be known as “The Philippine Immigration Act of 1940.”

SEC. 2. A Bureau of Immigration is established under a Commissioner of Immigration, who

shall have two assistants, a First Deputy Commissioner of Immigration and a Second
Deputy Commissioner of Immigration. For administrative purposes, the Bureau of
Immigration shall be under the supervision and control of the Department of Labor or of any
other executive department which the President may subsequently determine
• A law enforcement agency
• Lead agency on the government’s anti-drug campaign
• Responsible for efficient and effective law enforcement of all provisions on any
dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemicals
• Serves as the implementing arm of the Dangerous Drug Board (DDB).
• Responsible for the efficient and effective law enforcement of all the provisions on any
dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical as provided in RA
• Under The Office of the President (Including DDB)
RA 9165
This Act shall be known and cited as the "Comprehensive
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002"

Section 82. Creation of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA). – To

carry out the provisions of this Act, the PDEA, which serves as the
implementing arm of the Board, and shall be responsible for the efficient and
effective law enforcement of all the provisions on any dangerous drug and/or
controlled precursor and essential chemical as provided in this Act.
Headed by Director General with the rank of Undersecretary, appointed
by the President.

The head of the PDEA is assisted by 2 deputies Director General, with

the rank of Assistant Secretary, 1 for Operations and 1 for
Administration, also appointed by the President.
Section 84. Powers and Duties of the PDEA. – The PDEA shall:
(a) Implement or cause the efficient and effective implementation of the national drug
control strategy formulated by the Board thereby carrying out a national drug campaign
program which shall include drug law enforcement, control and prevention campaign with
the assistance of concerned government agencies;
(b) Undertake the enforcement of the provisions of Article II of this Act relative to the
unlawful acts and penalties involving any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and
essential chemical and investigate all violators and other matters involved in the commission
of any crime relative to the use, abuse or trafficking of any dangerous drug and/or controlled
precursor and essential chemical as provided for in this Act and the provisions of
Presidential Decree No. 1619;
(c) Administer oath, issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum relative to the conduct
of investigation involving the violations of this Act;
(d) Arrest and apprehend as well as search all violators and seize or confiscate, the
effects or proceeds of the crimes as provided by law and take custody thereof, for this
purpose the prosecutors and enforcement agents are authorized to possess firearms, in
accordance with existing laws;
(e) Take charge and have custody of all dangerous drugs and/or controlled
precursors and essential chemicals seized, confiscated or surrendered to any national,
provincial or local law enforcement agency, if no longer needed for purposes of evidence in
(f) Establish forensic laboratories in each PNP office in every province and city in order to
facilitate action on seize or confiscated drugs, thereby hastening its destruction without
g) Recommend to the DOJ the forfeiture of properties and other assets of
persons and/or corporations found to be violating the provisions of this Act and in
accordance with the pertinent provisions of the Anti-Money-Laundering Act of 2001;
(h) Prepare for prosecution or cause the filing of appropriate criminal and civil
cases for violation of all laws on dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and
essential chemicals, and other similar controlled substances, and assist, support and
coordinate with other government agencies for the proper and effective prosecution
of the same;
(i) Monitor and if warranted by circumstances, in coordination with the Philippine
Postal Office and the Bureau of Customs, inspect all air cargo packages, parcels
and mails in the central post office, which appear from the package and address
itself to be a possible importation of dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors
and essential chemicals, through on-line or cyber shops via the internet or
(j) Conduct eradication programs to destroy wild or illegal growth of plants
from which dangerous drugs may be extracted;
(k) Initiate and undertake the formation of a nationwide organization which shall
coordinate and supervise all activities against drug abuse in every province,
city, municipality and barangay with the active and direct participation of all such
local government units and nongovernmental organizations, including the citizenry,
subject to the provisions of previously formulated programs of action against
dangerous drugs;
(l) Establish and maintain a national drug intelligence system in cooperation with
law enforcement agencies, other government agencies/offices and local government
units that will assist in its apprehension of big-time drug lords;
(m) Establish and maintain close coordination, cooperation and linkages with
international drug control and administration agencies and organizations, and
implement the applicable provisions of international conventions and agreements
related to dangerous drugs to which the Philippines is a signatory;
(n) Create and maintain an efficient special enforcement unit to conduct an
investigation, file charges and transmit evidence to the proper court, wherein
members of the said unit shall possess suitable and adequate firearms for
their protection in connection with the performance of their duties: Provided, That
no previous special permit for such possession shall be required;
(o) Require all government and private hospitals, clinics, doctors, dentists and
other practitioners to submit a report to it, in coordination with the Board,
about all dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and essential chemicals
which they have attended to for data and information purposes;
(p) Coordinate with the Board for the facilitation of the issuance of necessary
guidelines, rules and regulations for the proper implementation of this Act;
(q) Initiate and undertake a national campaign for drug prevention
and drug control programs, where it may enlist the assistance of any
department, bureau, office, agency or instrumentality of the
government, including government-owned and or –controlled
corporations, in the anti-illegal drugs drive, which may include the use
of their respective personnel, facilities, and resources for a more
resolute detection and investigation of drug-related crimes and
prosecution of the drug traffickers; and
(r) Submit an annual and periodic reports to the Board as may be
required from time to time, and perform such other functions as may
be authorized or required under existing laws and as directed by the
President himself/herself or as recommended by the congressional
committees concerned.
The following is a listing of the Old Rank structure The following is a
rank structure found within the PDEA listing of the New rank structure found
(in ascending order)2015 within the PDEA (in ascending order)
Director VI 2019
Director V Under Secretary
Director III Assistant Secretary
Director II Assistant Director
Director I Regional Director
Investigation Agent VI Assistant Regional Director
Investigation Agent V Head Agent
Investigation Agent IV Supervising Agent
Investigation Agent III Senior Agent
Investigation Agent II
Investigation Agent III
Investigation Agent I
Special Investigator V (Non lawyer or CPA)
Special Investigator IV (Non lawyer or CPA)
Special Investigator III (Non lawyer or CPA)
• The BOC implements an effective revenue collection by preventing and
suppressing smuggling and the entry of prohibited goods. It
supervises and controls the entrance and clearance of vessels and
aircrafts engaged in foreign commerce.
• It also enforces the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines and
all other laws, rules and regulations related to Tariff and Customs
• The Bureau of Customs (BOC) is an attached agency of the
Department of Finance. It is charged with assessing and collecting
customs revenues, curbing illicit trade and all forms of customs fraud,
and facilitating trade through an efficient and effective customs
management system
RA 10863
“An Act Modernizing the Customs and
Tariff Administration”
Sec. 100. Short Title – This act shall be known as the “Customs
Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA)”

Sec. 200. Chief Officials of the Bureau – The Bureau shall be headed by
a Commissioner and shall be assisted by at least 4 but not more than
6 Deputy Commissioners.
The Commissioner shall be appointed by the President of the
The Deputy Commissioners shall also be appointed by the
President and at least majority of whom shall come from the ranks of the
The Enforcement and Security Service
• Customs management is always bound to fail without police
authority. That makes the Customs Police or Enforcement
and Security Services (ESS) just as important as the Customs
Examiners and Appraiser in Customs administration and in
curbing smuggling.
• Formerly named National Customs Police (by virtue of EO no.
• The ESS would be composed of three divisions, namely: the
Customs Police Division (Formerly Harbor Police), Water
Patrol Division and Radio Communications Division.
The NICA was created by virtue of
Executive Order (EO) No. 235 signed on
01 July 1949 by then President Elpidio
P. Quirino in response to the need for a
central entity that will coordinate the
intelligence collection activities of
various government instrumentalities.
Pursuant to this Order, the NICA was
responsible for coordinating all
government activities relative to national
intelligence and preparing national
intelligence estimates on local and
foreign situations for the formulation of
national policies by the President.
The National Intelligence Coordinating Agency, hereinafter
referred to as NICA, is hereby created under the Office of the
President to replace the National Intelligence Security
Authority (NISA), and the Civil Intelligence and Security
Agency (CISA), which are hereby abolished.

The NICA shall be headed by a Director-General who shall be

assisted by a Deputy Director-General. Both officials shall be
appointed by the President and shall hold office at the pleasure of
the President.
The Agency has a six-fold mandate:
• Direct, coordinate and integrate national intelligence activities;
• Take the lead as intelligence collector of the national government,
focusing on the country's strategic intelligence (IS) requirements;
• Prepare intelligence estimate on local and foreign situation for the
formulation of national security policies by the President and the
National Security Council;
• Serve as the focal point for the government's counterintelligence
activities and operation;
• Act as Secretariat to the Anti-Terrorism Council; and,
• Serve as head of the NTF-ELCAC's SAKM Cluster.
The National Security Council shall serve as the lead agency of
the government for coordinating the formulation of policies,
relating to or with implications on the national security.
[ EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 773, January 05, 2009 ]
The Chair of the National Peace and Order Council (NPOC) be
the Secretary of Interior and Local Government (SILG)
To contribute to be strategies of the National Security Council
that would effectively respond to peace and order problems;

To coordinate and monitor peace and order plans;

To provide a forum for inter-disciplinary dialogue and deliberation

of major issues and problems affecting peace and order;

To perform such other duties and functions as the President may



Natural calamities and disasters are the responsibilities of the
National and Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Council (NDRRMC)

The PNP shall act as the first responder in the affected area in order
to provide area security and support in the conduct of search, rescue
and retrieval operations to be spearheaded by the area DRRMCs.
As a matter of policy, human-induced (man-made) critical
incidents are the responsibilities of the National and Local Peace
and Order Council (NPOC)

Response of the PNP:

a) Manage an incident that could be resolved by ordinary police
response without the involvement of the Crisis Management
Committee (CMC);
b) Manage an incident that needs a CMC– directed operation
requiring the implementation of special tasks by one or more of
the urgent services of the Philippine government.
The PNP, being at the forefront of crisis
situations, must play an active role by organizing
its own Critical Incident Management Committee
(CIMC) to support the NPOC and NDRRMC.
As a regulatory agency under the Department of Health, the
Food and Drug Administration, created under Republic Act No. 3720,
series of 1963, as amended by Executive Order 175, series of 1987,
otherwise known as the “Food, Drugs and Devices, and Cosmetics
Act”, and subsequently Republic Act No. 9711 otherwise known as
“The Food and Drug Administration Act of 2009”, is mandated to
ensure the safety, efficacy or quality of health products which include
food, drugs, cosmetics, devices, biologicals, vaccines, in-vitro
diagnostic reagents, radiation-emitting devices or equipment, and
household/urban hazardous substances, including pesticides and
toys, or consumer products that may have an effect on health which
require regulations as determined by the FDA.
The Department is the primary agency responsible for the
conservation, management, development, and proper use of the
country’s environment and natural resources, specifically forest
and grazing lands, mineral resources, including those in
reservation and watershed areas, and lands of the public domain,
as well as the licensing and regulation of all natural resources as
may be provided for by law in order to ensure equitable sharing
of the benefits derived therefrom for the welfare of the present
and future generations of Filipinos.
Designating the Office for Transportation Security (OTS) as the single
authority responsible for the security of the transportation systems of the
country, including but not limited to:
a) CIVIL AVIATION (by ensuring that annex 17 to the convention on
international civil aviation and the national civil aviation security programmed
(NCASP) are implemented);
that the ISPS code is implemented and that a national security program for
sea transport and maritime infrastructure is formulated, developed &
ensuring that a national security program for land transportation, rail system
& infrastructure is formulated, developed and implemented);
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) – enforce tax laws and regulations. It investigates tax evasion cases and arrests
similar violators. BIR is under Department of Finance.
Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) – enforces and regulates manufacture of food and drugs. It investigates and arrest
unscrupulous manufacturers and makers of substandard food and drugs without license or permits. BFAD is under the
Department of Health.
Bureau of Quarantine – an ATTACHED agency under the Department of Health. It is empower to enforce measures to
stop, control and monitor the spread of disease by conducting on all air and seaports across the country.
Land Transportation Office (LTO) – regulates land transportation industry and enforces transportation laws and
Maritime Industry Authority – regulates the maritime and shipping industry. It oversees the sea worthiness of all sea
going vessels.
Optical Media Board (OMB) – formerly known as Videogram Regulatory. The OMB operates against proliferation of fake
and pirated VHS,DVD, VCD, CD tapes.
Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) – operates against pornography films shown on TV
and movie houses.
Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) – operates against illegal logging. It investigates and
prosecutes violators of environmental protection laws.
Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) – regulates banking industry and enforces banking laws. Investigates, arrests and
prosecutes counterfeit currency manufacturers and passers.
Intellectual Property Office – an interagency attached under the Department of Trade and Industry, operates against the
intellectual property and copyright laws. Enforce all laws pertaining to the intellectual property and apprehend/ prosecutes
violators thereof.
A consciously coordinated social entity, with a relatively identifiable
boundary, that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a
common goal or sets of goals.
A. Organization
B. Administration
C. Police Organization
D. Police Administration
An officer who has the more senior rank/higher in a group or team.
A. Sworn Officer
B. Commanding Officer
C. Superior Officer
D. Ranking Officer
The administrative control and operational supervision over the PNP is
a power of;
B. Congress
D. Mayors
The principle of organization that is adopted when the organization is
too big and men are scattered in different areas of the country.
A. Span of Control
B. Unity of Command
C. Delegation of authority
D. Scalar Principle
A single uninterrupted line of authority – often represented by boxes
and lines of an organizational chart – is run in order by what we call -
A. organizational control
B. administrative control
C. scalar chain
D. span of control
What is the term of office of the four regular and full-time
Commissioners of the NAPOLCOM?
A. 6 years
B. 4 years
C. 5 years
D. 9 years
E. None of these
The placement of subordinate into the position for which their
capabilities best fit them is referred to as
A. Staffing
B. None of these
C. Planning
D. Organizing
E. Directing
What is the principle of organization suggesting that communication
should ordinarily go upward and downward through establish channels
in the hierarchy?

A. Chain of Command
B. Unity of Command
C. Span of Control
D. Delegation of Authority
What article and specific section of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
that provides for the establishment and maintenance of one police
force which shall be national in scope but civilian in character that shall
be administratively controlled and operationally supervised by the
National Police Commission?
A. Art. III, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
B. Art. VI, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
C. Art. XVI, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
D. Art. XVII, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
Decisions from the PLEB involving demotion or dismissal from the
service are appealable to?
a. Court of Appeals
b. National Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
c. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
d. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
When is the operational supervision and control powers conferred to
mayors by the NAPOLCOM is suspended and temporarily given to the
A. 30 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections
B. 60 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections
C. 90 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections
D. 180 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections
An illustration in the form of a chart which represents the
organizational structure. The mechanical means of depicting the
organizational structure.
A.Organizational Chart
B. Organizational Structure
C. Organization
D. PNP Organizational Chart
The fourth man in command of the PNP is the __________.
A. DDG for operation
B. Chief, Directorial Staff
C. DDG for administration
D. Chief, PNP
Formulates plans and policies on the career development of PNP
members; formulates doctrines pertaining to organization,
administration and operations of PNP; and determines training
requirements of the PNP personnel and units and formulates training
programs and directives for the purpose.
A. Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development
B. Directorate for Investigation & Detective Management
C. Directorate for Information and Communication Technology Management
D. Directorate for Plans
The following are the management process except one:
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Leading
D. Coordinating
Maintenance of intended delegation requires that the decisions within
its authority of individual commander should be made by them and not
be referred upward or downward in the organizational structure is
referred to as;
A. principle of delegation by result expected
B. principle of absoluteness of responsibility
C. principle of parity and responsibility
D. authority level principle
A promotion granted to police officers meeting the mandatory
requirements for position.
a. Regular Promotion
b. Promotion by Virtue of Position
c. Special/Meritorious/Spot Promotion
d. Posthumous Promotion
The term Time-in-Grade as criteria for promotion refers to:
A. total length of service in the PNP
B. Over-all length of service in the government
C. over-all length of service in the present rank
D. Length of permanent status in the present rank
Transfer and assignment of personnel as well as the adjustment of
qualification standards; assesses personnel fitness and performance;
and records, processes and administers application of leaves and other
a. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management
b. Directorate for intelligence
c. Directorate for Operations
d. Directorate for Logistics
No person in an organization can do all the tasks necessary for
accomplishing group objective. Also,
A. chain of command
B. command responsibility
C. delegation of authority
D. unity of command
To defend Against external and internal threats To territorial integrity
and sovereignty And promote the welfare of the people in order to
create a secure and stable environment Conducive to national
development Is the mission of
It is charged with assessing and collecting customs revenues, curbing
illicit trade and all forms of customs fraud and facilitating trade through
an efficient and effective customs management system.
A Bureau of customs
B. Bureau of Treasury
C. Bureau of Internal Revenue
D Bureau of Local Government Finance
It is responsible for the administration and enforcement of
immigration, citizenship and alien admission and registration laws in
accordance with the provisions of the Philippine Immigration Act Of
1940. It also plays a role in enforcement of RA 9208, Also known as the
anti trafficking in Person Act of 2003.
A Bureau of customs
B. Bureau of immigration
C. Bureau of Fire Protection
D. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology.
The following organization Is mandated and responsible to perform
maritime search and rescue, maritime law enforcement, maritime
safety, marine Environmental Protection and maritime security?
A. Bureau of customs
B. PNP Maritime group
C. Philippine Navy
D. Philippine Coast Guard
Responsible for the efficient and effective law enforcement of all the
provisions on any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and
essential chemical as provided in RA 9165.
- END -



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