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Diploma in Engineering (Civil)


ENGG 5051
DATE: 22nd November 2006 DURATION: 3 HOURS

Assessment breakdown: This examination 50% Other 50%

The total mark for this examination is 100


10 minutes reading time will be allowed before commencement of this


This is a closed book examination.

Answer ALL questions.

Supplementary Sheets: to be handed in with answer book

Circular Curve Form
Bowditch Adjustment Form
Vertical curve Form

Silent Non-programmable electronic calculators are permitted.

Start each question on a new page and write on one side of the paper only.

Upon completion of this examination, ensure that on the front page of your answer
book you have ticked the questions that you have completed, and also recorded
your name, subject and subject code.

Before handing in your script, ensure that your name is on the top of any loose
pages, and that all pages are attached and in the correct order.
QUESTION 1 Circular Curves (Total 25 marks)

A circular curve is required to connect two intersecting roads. The curve has a
radius of 125m and deflection angle of 30º 25’ 00”. The bearing of the first tangent
point ‘T1’ from the intersection point ‘I’ is 235º 00’ 20”.The co-ordinates of the
intersection point ‘I’ are 6149.498mN, 3458.789mE. Complete the ‘circular curve’
form. Show all calculations and checks in your answer book.

(a) Calculate the co-ordinates of the two tangent points ‘T1’ and ‘T2’
and the centre of the curve ‘O’. Show all checks. (2 marks)
(b) Calculate the curve length and the long chord length. (2 marks)
(c) The chainage of T1 is 162.149m. Calculate the co-ordinates of
pegs to set-out the curve at a running chainage 20m interval. (18 marks)
(d) Calculate curve setting-out data for a total station established by
resection at 6100.000mN, 3400.000. (3 marks)

QUESTION 2 Resection (Total 25 marks)

SM Northing (m) Easting (m) Observed Angles

A 14690.690 9768.824 A–P–B 124° 23’ 10”
B 16054.686 11231.531 B–P–C 106° 16’ 20”
C 14603.427 14768.062


(a) Calculate the co-ordinates of ‘P’ by the Collin’s Point method. (18 marks)
(b) Show by calculation that ‘P’ is not on the ‘danger circle’. (2 marks)
(c) Calculate the co-ordinates of ‘P’ by the Tienstra method. Undertake
the Tienstra check. (5 marks)

Semester 2, 2006 Examination ENGG 5051 Engineering Surveying Page 2 of 4

QUESTION 3 Traversing (Total 20 marks)

Traverse Horiz. Adjusted Coordinates

Line Length WCB North East
696525.352 289052.482 OIS 1
OIS 1 - IS 1 300.572 073° 57’ 27”
IS 1 - IS 2 777.144 151° 32’ 27”
IS 2 - OIT 5 475.883 150° 50’ 02” 695509.638 289943.601 OIT 5

Mt Eden 1949 Meridional Circuit. Assume the survey is at mean sea level.

(a) Calculate the projection scale factor. (3 marks)

(b) Calculate the projection distances. (4 marks)
(c) Calculate the linear misclosure and the error ratio (RF) and
comment whether this traverse meets with a specification of
1:10,000. (4 marks)
(d) Calculate the final grid co-ordinates of survey marks IS 1 and IS 2
using the Bowditch Adjustment form provided. (9 marks)

QUESTION 4 Intersection (Total 5 marks)

SM Northing (m) Easting (m) Observed Angles

A 13579.58 7546.602 B–A–P 36° 14’ 07”
B 14943.58 9009.309 A–B–P 30° 56’ 53”

Calculate the co-ordinates of survey mark ‘P’ and check your

answer. (5 marks)

Semester 2, 2006 Examination ENGG 5051 Engineering Surveying Page 3 of 4

QUESTION 5 Vertical Curve (Total 20 marks)

The reduced level at the intersection of a rising gradient of 1.75% and a falling
gradient of 1.5% on a proposed road is 100.00m AD. The K-value for the road is 40,
and the through chainage of the intersection point is 528.34m.The vertical curve is
to have equal tangent lengths. Complete the ‘vertical curve’ form. Show all
calculations and checks in your answer book.

(a) Calculate the through (running) chainages of the tangent points of

the vertical curve if the minimum required length is to be used.
(3 marks)
(b) the reduced levels of the tangent points and the reduced levels at
20 metre multiples of through (running) chainage along the curve.
(15 marks)
(c) the position and level of the highest point along the curve (2 marks)

QUESTION 6 .EDM - Zero & Prism Constant (Total 5 marks)

The following horizontal measurements were taken to establish the correct prism
constants. Calculate the correct prism constant setting for each combination and the
true horizontal distances from A to B, B to C and A to C.

(a) Prism Constant = 0.006 mm

Distance A → B = 30.814
Distance A → C = 60.016 (2.5 marks)
Distance B → C = 29.208

(b) Prism Constant = 0.017 mm

Distance A → B = 31.675
Distance A → C = 63.887 (2.5 marks)
Distance B → C = 32.195

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