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The total mark for this examination is 100


10 minutes reading time will be allowed before commencement of the


This is a closed book examination.

Answer ALL questions.

Programmable and non-programmable electronic calculators are permitted.

Start each question on a new page and write on one side of the paper only.

Upon completion of this examination, ensure that on the front page of your answer
book you have ticked the questions that you have completed, and also recorded
your name, subject and subject code.

Before handing in your script, ensure that your name is on the top of any loose
pages, and that all pages are attached and in the correct order.
QUESTION 1 (Total 20 marks)

(a) What information and detail would be needed for a new set of
subdivisional engineering plans to be used, for Tender purposes,
following Local Authority approval. (8 marks)

(b) There are L.I.NZ. Standard Survey Control Marks which will be
removed by this proposed development. Describe what action you
must take. (2 marks)

(c) Describe what requirements you would include in the engineering

documents to secure an As-Built record of completed engineering
works. (10 marks)

Semester 1, 2007 Examination ENG5056 Engineering Surveying Page 2 of 7

QUESTION 2 (Total 16 marks)

You have to calculate the height to boundary possible clearance of the following in a
remote area.

Calculate the following for a southern boundary (2m + 35°):

(a) Height of chimney using 2 sets of calculations from different set-

ups. (6 marks)

(b) The right-angled distance of the chimney from the boundary. (5 marks)

(c) The height in relation to boundary possible clearance. (5 marks)

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QUESTION 3 (Total 12 marks)

You are set up at A on the excavated floor of a quarry, which is 25 metres below
original ground level in a flat area. Your Height of Instrument is 1.550 metres.

You are required to set out a grid intersection point as follows:-

(a) The bearing and distance from A to B on the plane of the quarry
floor. (3 marks)

(b) The slope distance from Bl (which is vertically above B at original

ground level) from A (not from the theodolite). (3 marks)

(c) The distance and vertical angle from A to set out Bl, allowing for
the 1.550m height of instrument. (The edge of the bank is below
the line of sight. (6 marks)

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QUESTION 4 (Total 20 marks)

You have taken over a site to find out that a basement of an old demolished house
needs backfilling. Calculate the volume in truck measure of clay required to infill the
basement. The solid measure quantity must be increased by 20% to get truck

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QUESTION 5 (Total 20 marks)

(a) (i) When using a laser beam for alignment when laying a small
diameter sewer, what problem can occur when placing the
beam centrally? (1 mark)

(ii) How would you combat this problem? (2 marks)

(b) You have your precise level set up in an area of deep-seated peat.
How do you minimise vibration problems from an adjacent passing
railway train? (2 marks)

(c) When increasing pipe sizes from one side of a manhole to the
other, what must be matched as a minimum between the inlet and
outlet pipes? (2 marks)

(d) When visually checking alignment of a newly-laid stormwater pipe

by looking back up the pipe, where would you look? (2 marks)

(e) When using GPS, what variables will affect accuracy? (2 marks)

(f) (i) What is ground heave? (1 mark)

(ii) How is it dealt with when levelling? (1 mark)

(g) How can 3 individual contour lines merge into one line? (1 mark)

(h) (i) What observation problem is experienced when line-of-sight

just clears hotmix surface on a hot day. (1 mark)

(ii) How is it dealt with? (2 marks)

(i) When installing control benchmarks on a construction site, what

type of level run is used? (1 mark)

(j) (i) When extending a line through a point, describe the

process. (1 mark)

(ii) What errors could result from a single face method? (1 mark)

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QUESTION 6 (Total 12 marks)

You are required to set out a Control Survey for a reinforced concrete
multi-storey strata title residential development in an urban area.

Describe what survey information is needed for:

(a) Setting out the basement (2 marks)

(b) Setting out each floor. (2 marks)

(c) How would you transfer the control survey to each floor to avoid
possible spiral winding (wracking) as the building rises? (2 marks)

(d) What physical problems are possible during construction from:

(i) the structure curing (2 marks)

(ii) during actual concrete pours, and how could this be

avoided? (4 marks)

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