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SHEET: 1 of 5 (plus Traverse Sheet) SEMESTER: 1

The total mark for this examination is 100


10 minutes reading time will be allowed before commencement of the


This is a closed book examination.

Answer ALL questions.

Programmable and non- programmable electronic calculators are permitted.

Start each question on a new page and write on one side of the paper only.

Upon completion of this examination, ensure that on the front page of your answer
book you have ticked the questions that you have completed, and also recorded
your name, subject and subject code.

Before handing in your script, ensure that your name is on the top of any loose
pages, and that all pages are attached and in the correct order.
QUESTION 1 (Total 20 marks)

You are required to produce a topographical survey in an industrial

area for a 2 hectare building site. The client has just purchased the
site to find there is no survey information apart from a guaranteed

Outline the information and physical work to carry out a

topographical survey suitable for design of a factory covering the
whole site, and to be used as part of a Building Resource Consent

QUESTION 2 (Total 20 marks)

Following topsoil stripping, you have cross-sectioned a straight

section of road and superimposed the design on the cross-

(a) Calculate the separate volumes of cut and fill, using the areas as (16 marks)
given below.

(b) Does the balance have to be imported or carted off site? (4 marks)


0 m2 0 0
30 m2 5 0
22 m2 10 0
18 m2 15 0
19 m2 20 5 m2
21 m2 25 3 m2
0 m2 30 0 m2

Semester 1, 2006 Examination ENG5056 Engineering Surveying Page 2 of 5

QUESTION 3 (Total 20 marks)

You are required to set out a new building platform as shown below: -
(Work to 0.001metre.)
Use the Traverse Sheet provided. Attach the completed Sheet to your
Answer Booklet.

The Coordinates of ‘A’ are. N E

2010.000 985.000

(a) Calculate the set-out bearing and distances from I.T. “x’ to
A, B,C and D. (6 marks)

(b) The building is to be of poured concrete in timber formwork.

Co-ordinate 1 metre parallel offset lines outside each wall and
calculate to set out the four intersection points of these lines again
from I.T. “x”. (6 marks)

(c) Show how you would check this setting out. (4 marks)

(d) If the ground around the site is to be chipsealed during

construction, how would you maintain your set-out control? (4 marks)

Semester 1, 2006 Examination ENG5056 Engineering Surveying Page 3 of 5

QUESTION 4 (Total 10 marks)

There are 2 Sanitary Sewer Manholes (A and B ) with invert levels as shown

1. Allow 0.050m Manhole rise / fall for half the manhole width.
2. Allow for a house connection mid – point between manholes
A and B.
3. Diameter of manholes 1.000m.

Calculate the following, showing all checks:

(a) What is the grade of the line? (3 marks)

(b) What is the invert level of the public drain at this house
connection? (2 marks)

(c) What is the invert level of the 100mm dia. house connection at this
point? (Match the soffits of the public drain and the house
connection. ) (2 marks)

(d) There is a 1 in 60 grade of the private ( 100 mm dia) drain for 3m

(to Lot 2) What is the invert level at the end of this line? (2 marks)

(e) If the minimum floor level is 1.2m above the level in (d) above (by
Council By-law), what is the minimum floor height? (Ignore non
lived-in areas such as garages, etc.) (1 mark)

Semester 1, 2006 Examination ENG5056 Engineering Surveying Page 4 of 5

QUESTION 5 (Total 30 marks)

(a) What is the recurring problem with bench-marks in a tunnel under

construction? How do you combat this problem? (2 marks)

(b) If you marked on an excavator arm for depth of sea-floor

excavation from a floating barge, what must you be aware of? How
would you adjust for this? (2 marks)

(c) On a major Construction Site, how many Bench-marks would you

require? Explain your reason for this choice. (3 marks)

(d) You have carried out a full topographic survey and subsequently
discover another mark you want to add . What non-instrument
method can you use to record it? (1 mark)

(e) Compare the merits/disadvantages of using Fibreglass and Steel

Measuring Tapes for setting out Engineering work. (2 marks)

(f) State 3 types of Machine Control Systems for Earthworks. (3 marks)

(g) What is the cause of concern for Survey Control Marks in newly
poured concrete? How is this concern overcome? (2 marks)

(h) When traversing, you have 2 lines of differing lengths, what line
should be the backsight? Explain your answer. (2 marks)

(i) When designing a sewer line what minimum fall from inlet to outlet
should be allowed across the manhole for pipes of the same
diameter? (1 mark)

(j) When joining two different sized pipes across a stormwater

manhole, what height is carried across the manhole, soffit or
invert? (1 mark)

(k) Give an example of when 2 contour lines cross each other. (1 mark)

(l) For accurate survey work, what clearance is needed from objects
near the line of sight and why? (2 marks)

(m) What are the implications of using a ZNL Optical Plummet for
horizontal control in high rise buildings and what would restrict the
accurate transfer of positions vertically? (3 marks)

(n) When set up in peat country, near construction plant, or in a

building under construction, what problems arise and how are
these minimised? (3 marks)

(o) On an “As–Built” Plan for a Local Authority, state different items

needed for G.I.S. Plotting? (2 marks)

Semester 1, 2006 Examination ENG5056 Engineering Surveying Page 5 of 5

Traverse Sheet

Partial Co-ordinates Final Coordinates

Line Length WCB Mark
∆N ∆E North East

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