Hydraulics 5203 2013 s2

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Programme NZ Diploma in Engineering (Civil)

Course DE5203 Hydraulics (Civil)

Date: Tuesday 26th November 2013

Time: 9.00 am

Time Allowed
Three (3) hours plus ten minutes reading time


1 This examination will be held in accordance with institutional examination

2 This is a closed book examination.
3 Use student ID number ONLY for identification.
4 No writing is allowed during reading time.
5 All answers must be on the examination book provided.
6 Show ALL working in calculations.
7 Start each question on a new page and keep all parts of the same question
8 Answer ALL questions.
9 Two Appendices, a formula sheet, Moody diagram and graph paper accompany this
10 Candidates are permitted to use calculators. Electronic storage media is not to be
11 The use of cellular phones is not permitted in the examination room.
12 This exam is 50% of the final course mark


NZIHT Students Only

Student ID Number:

Examination centre:
This examination has eighteen (18) pages including the cover page.
Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

Fluid Properties
Density of water, ρ = 1.00 t / m³
Kinematic Viscosity of water, ʋ = 1.14 x 10 ¯6 m²/ s
Gravitational constant, g = 9.81 m/s²

Moments of Inertia


Reynolds Number Re = y y

1 8 ‐1


2 tan θ H5/2


F = pA

1 1 p pgh

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

Question 1a

(i) A rectangular water reservoir is 5.0m x 2.0m in plan with a base which slopes from
the 2m long wall at one end to the 2m long wall at the other end. The depth at the
deep end is 1.0m greater than the shallow end, and the total hydrostatic force on
the bottom of the tank is 125 kN. Calculate the depth of the water in the tank at the
shallow end.

(5 marks)

(ii) Calculate the force due to water pressure on the 5.0m long side.
(5 marks)

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

(iii) How long will it take to pump the water out, if the outlet pipe is 75 mm Φ, and
the flow velocity is 1.35 m/s
(2 marks)

Question 1b

In August 2005, at the port of Picton, while two concrete trucks, one weighing 21.3 tonnes,
and the other 23.4 tonnes were being loaded onto a 5.8m x 19.0m steel barge weighing 39
tonnes, the 23.4 tonne truck lost traction and slipped sideways, causing the barge to heel,
and both trucks to fall overboard, resulting in two fatalities.

(i) If the expected angle of heel is 9.5˚for the lighter truck on its own, positioned
against one side what is the expected angle of heel for both trucks lined up on the
same side the same distance from the edge as the first truck?
(3 marks)

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

(ii) If the overall cente of gravity of the trucks and the barge was 2.41m above the
underside of the barge and the barge has a flat bottom and vertical sides, calculate
the metacentric height with these two trucks parked side by side on the barge. Use
density of seawater = 1.025 tonnes/m³
(5 marks)

(iii) Sketch the barge in cross section showing the relative position of the centre of
buoyancy, B ; the centre of gravity, G; and the metacentre, M.
(3 marks)

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

Question 1c

(i) The pipes at A, B in Figure 1 are the same, and pipe C has a diameter half the
diameter of pipes A and B. What is the diameter of pipes A and B
(4 marks)

Figure 1

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

Question 1d

A water pipe AB tapers uniformly from 250 mm diameter at A to a smaller diameter at B.

Over the same distance it drops in elevation by 12m. When the flow rate is
4.5m³/ min the pressures in the pipe are 100 kPa at A and 200 kPa at B.
Ignoring pipe friction:

(i) Calculate the diameter at B.

(10 marks)

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

Question 1e

A horizontal water pipe tapers from 400 mm diameter to 250mm diameter in the direction
of flow. The flow rate is 325 l/s and the upstream pressure is 180 kPa. Assume negligible
energy losses and calculate the downstream pressure and the magnitude and direction of
the force on the taper (10 marks).

(Question 1 - Total 47 marks)

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

Question 2a

Two reservoirs are connected by a pipeline which is 125mm diameter for the first 25m and
200mm diameter for the remaining 35m. The entrance (K = 0.5) and
exit ( K = 1.0) are sharp and the change in pipe size is sudden. The flow rate between the
two reservoirs is 60 l/sec and the pipe roughness is 0.3mm for both pipes. There is a ¾
open gate valve, (K = 1.1), 10m from the upper reservoir.

(i) Use the Moody diagram and determine the friction factors, λ, for both pipes.
(5 marks)

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

(ii) Calculate the head loss at each fitting and for each pipe and determine the
difference in water level between the two tanks. If you did not answer part (i) of this
question, use λ = 0.035
(8 marks)

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

(iii) Sketch and dimension the total energy line for the two pipelines and their fittings, as
they carry water from one reservoir to the other. ( 2 marks)

(Question 2 -Total 15 marks)

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

Question 3a

A rectangular 3m wide channel carries 2.5 m³/s and has a Manning’s n of 0.025.

(i) Calculate the critical depth , and critical velocity

(5 marks)

(ii) What slope is necessary to create the flow conditions in part (i).
(4 marks)

(iii) Explain what would happen to the flow characteristics if the discharge increased to
3 m³/s
(2 mark)

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

Question 3b

(i) A 900mm diameter storm water pipe carries a flow of 900 l/s. and its slope is 0.60%.
Use the partial elements graph in Figure 2 to determine the uniform flow depth.
Manning's n for the pipe is 0.015.

Figure 2
(5 marks)

(Question 3 -Total 16 marks)

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

Question 4a

A pump has the flowing characteristics

Discharge ( l/min) 40 60 80 100

Head (m) 55 45 34 21
Efficiency (%) 50 64 53 23

It is used to pump water through a 1.8km long, 40mm diameter PVC pipeline, to a 50m³
reservoir, against a static head of 18m. Draw the system curve and the characteristic
pump curve on the graph paper provided and determine the time it will take to fill the
reservoir from empty. Use λ= 0.02 for PVC pipes (10 marks)

Question 4b

Determine the pump efficiency. What is the cost of power per day if the outflow from the
reservoir is 40m³ per day, and the unit cost of power is 20c/kWhr (4 marks)

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

Question 4c

Demand is expected to increase threefold, and the system will need upgrading to cope
with the new demand. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of adding a new similar
pump in parallel or in series with the existing pump. Are there any other ways to increase
capacity for this system? (4 marks)

(Question 4 -Total 18 marks)

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

Question 5a

A large tank has a 9mm diameter sharp edged orifice (outlet) located 1.9m below its
constant water level. A jet comes out horizontally and starts falling. If the measured
discharge is 20 l/min, what is the discharge coefficient? (4 marks)

(Question 5 -Total 4 marks)

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

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Education and Applied Research Division Engineering and Architectural Division

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